
22 Reviews
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Never Forget. Never Again
5 May 2024
This was not an easy watch FOR ME. My paternal great grandparents were from Bohemia (now Slovakia previously Czechoslovakia during WW II) - they left during the 1918 pogroms. My maternal grandmother and her sister were put on an English Kindertransport ship to England (from German) after Kristallnacht in late 1938.

Lale, was what we were taught, a Kapo or Sonderkommando (you will need to watch the series to understand) I was finally able to watch this, as an adult with the necessary compassion, empathy, understanding and possibly even *forgiveness* that the Jewish people had "only 2 choices, the bad one or the worse one".

I do think they missed an opportunity to show just how bad conditions were in the camps, particularly given that Lale and Gita were in Birkenau for (I think) almost 3 years and we didn't see the brutal winters and oppressive summers or the starvation

The story is an *easy watching* Holocaust movie - an oxymoron if ever there was such a thing. It is primarily a love story with a smidgeon of brutality and depravity by the SS & Nazi's thrown in to give us a miniscule idea of life in the camps

Nonetheless, it is an important series to watch given the current rise of anti-semitism that is prevalent in the world today. It is a beautiful story filled with tenderness, love and hope

Harvey Keitel was outstanding. His performance as Lale (senior) had me sobbing. I will definitely re-watch this and even if you are not Jewish, not interested in WW II, not a fan of love stories - this is still an absolute must-watch. It is the kind of story that reminds us of the power of love and that we must never give up hope.
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Utterly Magnificent
2 April 2024
I'd like to start my review by saying I'm not a Sci Fi fan, I don't "get" the genre. But this... Well, this (Dune 1 and 2) completely and utterly shattered that notion.

The cinematography, visuals, soundscapes and music are just so incredible, so far ahead of its time, so magnificent - my brain literally couldn't cope.

I'm actually grateful that dialogue was kept to a minimum because there is just so much to take in and absorb, that dealing with bloated dialogue would have ruined it completely for me.

Instead this film relies on iconic scenes, memorable, heart wrenching sounds, majestic visuals (that leave your jaw dropping) and landscapes that have you thinking "this cant be real"

I watched it on IMAX but am going back a 2nd time to watch on normal screen in the cinema and have already pre-ordered on Apple TV. Because this was, for me, a once in a lifetime cinematic experience.
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The Gentlemen (2024)
Utterly Bonkers but Hillariously Funny
13 March 2024
One of the things I loved most about this series is how brilliantly Guy Ritchie captures the eccentricities and completely bonkers world of the British Aristocracy. It's genius lies, not only in a masterful script, brilliant cast and outstanding performances, but in the fact that this could very, very much be a true story

I would not be in the slighted bit surprised to learn how some of these toffs are keeping the family seat in the family and maintaining the upkeep of these (sometimes centuries old) piles - resorting to illegal, morally corrupt and ethically questionable business practices

A rollicking good laugh if you're willing to temporarily suspend disbelief and allow yourself to believe that there is a very real possibility some of this is quite possibly based on many versions of actual events.
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Overblown Vanity Project
10 February 2024
I had hoped we were getting something like Band of Brothers. Boy was I mistaken. Besides the fact that each episode so far (I've watched 4 episodes now) just seems to be a daily list of the daylight flight mission that the American pilots are flying followed by 45 agonising minutes of these poor Yanks getting shot at and generally getting the s*** beaten out of them every day.

My biggest gripe is that there is absolutely zero character building? Where are the wartime friendships and camaraderie from Band of Brothers? Oh, and not to mention that a large percentage of the lead characters (playing the Yanks) are British, Australian and Irish (not unlike Band of Brothers (Damian Lewis is British)

Lack of any kind of plot, story, a character to root for, a visible enemy to despise) MOTA has descended into a complete snooze fest. I won't be continuing with the series.
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Beckham (2023)
Heartwarming, Feel Good, Endearing
16 October 2023
I was too young to remember the absolute inhumane treatment of David after the 1998 WC, the burning effigy, the chants and taunts, the hundreds of paparazzi chasing them. 75 000 people chanting at Posh

Yet, through it all, this is a couple who have suffered through the worst humanity can do. And they are still completely in love with each other. They have great relationships with their children and family. They're humble, down-to-earth, grounded.

I was completely, but most pleasantly, caught off guard with this delightful docuseries. Even if you aren't into football (soccer) or know nothing about The Spice Girls, I'd still highly recommend watching this.
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Citadel (2023– )
Zero Chemistry. Laughable Accent. Weak Script. Snooze fest
20 May 2023
I'm now on my 3rd attempt at trying to watch this but I cannot bring myself to get past 20mins into S03.

1. Scottish Richard Madden with a truly hilarious and extremely bad American accent

2. ZERO, and I mean absolutely no chemistry whatsoever between Priyanka Chopra Jonah's & Richard Madden. They are both utterly wooden. Both pretty to look act but neither can act for all the money in the world

3. The plot. I keep nodding off then having to get up and make a coffee. So much potential, so many holes. Weak script delivered by 2 completely hopeless actors. I prefer them both in photos and definitely not in some kind of romance - when they share zero on-screen chemistry.
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Archetypes (2022 Podcast Series)
Accolades should have gone to Producer/s and Crew
2 April 2023
It's a pity that a woman with a currently very visible profile who certainly can talk the talk chose to leave almost everything about Archetypes to an admittedly amazing Producer (who quit) and a slew of writers, researchers and other production crew.

The podcast came across, at least to me, as if Ms Markle has been carrying around her own personal *burn book* and used this platform to run through a litany and a lifetime of personal vendettas and imagined slights. Once again, we have Ms Markle performing in the role she shines best in - "The Victim"

Perpetually wronged, victimized, shamed and in her own words "fed to the wolves"

I long for Ms Markle to find peace, contentment and happiness but it appears that her chosen path in this one life is to be the eternal victim in the imaginarium that is "her truth" NEVER the truth.
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Is this going to be an annual thing
8 December 2022
2021, the year the deeply traumatised victims of every kind of *crime/s* against humanity got to tell the entire world "their truth" - straight from the horse's mouth as it was. Except it wasn't, because heaven help us, here we are in 2022 with another "tell all" but this time - we have Harry and Meghan telling us "their truth" ... yet again. Except, this year's "truth" is vastly different to last year's truth and this time there is no shocked Oprah, just some paid for stock imagery and stock footage woven together to tell us how much they have been hounded. Is this to be the new annual Christmas tradition. God I hope not. I don't want to see 60 year old Meghan, sorry HRH The Duchess of Sussex, still droning on about a soap commercial she wrote as a pre-teen, that changed the lives of women everywhere or how she didn't know how to curtsy and, oh boy this is a corker, had to Google the words to the national anthem all by herself.
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Yellowstone (2018– )
The Greatest Family Drama of my Generation
14 November 2022
I was born after the likes of Dallas and Dynasty. I admit I wasn't too sure what I was getting into when I started watching this. I thought it was about a family of cowboys - not exactly a popular subject matter where I'm from. But boy was I so wrong. This is a sweeping generational family drama thatI think anyone from the Australian Outback, Scotland, Europe, South America can in some way relate to. Ok, the magnificent Montana mountains and the landscapes are absolutely magnificent and they could just run that for 45 minutes and I'd be happy. But Yellowstone is so much more than just exquisite landscapes. The stories, the plotting and scheming - I am completely enthralled.
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I thought this was a "Hollywood Blockbuster"
2 November 2022
Historical inaccuracies aside. I believe those have been adequately addressed through the media. I thought I was in for an A lister Hollywood Blockbuster, when this is really a cheap and nasty C grade, straight to streaming movie. The cinematography is just so bad. Costumes were ok. Story was incredibly weak and filled with holes. The (bad) accents were a real hoot. I actually feel so embarrassed for Viola Davis - considering she calls this her "Magnus Opus" but that's her hill to metaphorically die on. I found everything about this film terribly cringey but I'm sure it will appeal to the YASS KWEEN crowd.
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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
I *Got* it. Ignore the Naysayers
28 October 2022
I thoroughly enjoyed this. I don't get all the hate. I felt compelled to write a review, although I'm not a prolific reviewer or a sufficiently eloquent film writer, because I hope I can negate some of the negative PR. Olivia Wilde has outdone herself. This is absolutely not what I expected going into this movie. I genuinely didn't see *that* plot twist but in hindsight, I think it was exquisitely depicted. Florence Pugh, Harry Sales & Gemma Chan really shone for me. Labatique's cinematography is, naturally, nothing short of brilliant. I drooled over the art department: production & set design and of course, wardrobe department - all of which added significantly to this multi dimensional thriller. I'll definitely watch it agin: the 1st time was a rollercoaster ride, the 2nd time I'll watch it will to be to appreciate the many subtle nuances and easter eggs I missed.
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Dopesick (2021)
Absolutely devastating, gut wrenching masterpiece
27 January 2022
This will be short and succinct. I felt equal parts horror and devastation that this drug was allowed to destroy so many lives. I had no idea of the destruction it caused. Masterfully told. A week after watching it, I am still reeling.
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Lupin (2021– )
Gorgeous, slick, smart and hugely entertaining
26 January 2021
One of the best things to come out of Netflix this year. I didn't even mind watching it with English subtitles. The plot was tight. The casting brilliant. The action outstanding. I sincerely hope S2 is already in production
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Convoluted Mess
26 December 2020
Shockingly bad. There is not one good thing to write about this, except the young girl at the beginning who plays a young Diana. The screenwriting, direction, acting was all just so bad, I have 2nd hand embarrassment. It's one thing to suspend disbelief but to abandon it completely and make a movie that looks and feels like a 3 year old let loose in a candy store is possible. I feel so embarrassed for everyone involved in this film
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On the Rocks (2020)
Sophia Coppola Should Rather Be a Fashion Photographer
27 October 2020
She makes pretty, bordering on twee, visuals and that is the full extent of her range. She completely lacks any Directing capabilities. No matter what film of hers you watch - it's the same old schtick, so if you've seen one of her films, you really have seen them all. No substance to her films at all. Maybe she might make a better Cinematographer or a Fashion Photographer, as she certainly has a great eye but not a Writer or Director. I had hoped that with time, On The Rocks would show us a Director who has evolved, grown, matured. Alas not, no plot, no character development, no arc. Bill Murray is the only decent thing about this film - so he gets the 1 star I'm giving this film.
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The Vampire Diaries (2009–2017)
2020 Binge Marathon
30 August 2020
I never got into The Vampire Diaries, not sure why as I LOVED The Originals, especially Klaus. I'm currently on S01E07 and finding the story a bit slow and the chemistry between Stefan and Elena is absolutely ZERO. Maybe I was expecting a Bella Swan and Edward Cullen romance. However there are 8 seasons to get through, so for now, ½ way through S01 - it is only 4/10 for me. I'm happy to revise my review and rating once I've watched all 8 seasons
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Locke & Key (2020–2022)
Desperately Wanted To Like This... BUT
23 July 2020
Such a great premise, but so frustrating watching episode after episode flooded with lazy writing and characters making stupid mistakes, along the lines of a group of people stranded in a horror movie deciding to split up in the middle of the night, kind of stupid. Incredibly frustrating watching so many instances of "What are you thinking?" Lazy, sloppy writing. Deserved a more "fleshed out" script. Should have been good. Deserved to be better, but ultimately left me so frustrated, I don't even think a complete re-write with an entirely different set of writers could make me go through this level of stupid again
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Should be called just "Dreadful"
31 May 2020
After having watched E8, I've revised my previous 2 star rating to 1 star and that 1 star is reserved solely for the costume design. Good grief, I wasn't expecting 1. ANYTHING remotely close to the original Penny Dreadful. 2. I wasn't expecting so many convoluted plot threads - none of which show any sign of tying up to become one cohesive story. This show is all over the place. It has bits of every great TV show you've enjoyed over the years, but regrettably, shmangles them. Acting is so cringey and cheesy. Natalie Dormer, I loved you as Margarey Tyrell, I like you as an Actress. In one TV series, you've destroyed your career. This is not Orphan Black and you most definitely don't have Tatiana Maslany's adeptness or range at managing multiple personalities and accents. If you're not already invested, give this one a hard pass. It's an incredibly frustrating watch.
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Blood & Water (2020– )
24 May 2020
I couldn't make it through E2. The acting and "character development" - or rather lack thereof, was so cringeworthy, I had 2nd hand embarrassment for the cast. I realise that as a locally made production, budget was obviously quite tight, and it shows, oh boy does it show, in every single department. A pity, because this production had some top notch crew working on it. But it seems perhaps the money was not going into cast or crew. A measly 1/10
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Bloodshot (2020)
Good Escapist High Action Fun
26 March 2020
This movie wasn't made to win any awards, it is pure escapism fun, no more, no less. I am not a Fast & Furious or Vin Diesel fan. I watched it because I was interested to see how The Director would interpret this, as this is his 1st feature and he is a VFX specialist. The VFX do NOT disappoint. They are beautiful and seamless. Sam Heughan, Eiza Gonzalez and Guy Pierce carried this film. I think fans of Fast & Furious and Vin Diesel will enjoy this. Having said that, I''m a middle aged woman and I still got had a great time watching with my teenage kids
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Wu Assassins (2019)
Skip and rather watch Warrior instead
24 August 2019
Given the choice of two Asian martial arts tv series. Warrior beats Wu Assassins, Warrior wins hands down. Plot, cast, fight scenes, fight choreography, production design. Everything. So disappointed in this as it had some of my favourite characters from Into The Badlands (which was a 9/10 for me) Hard pass
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Please ignore all the negative reviews
21 February 2018
I, for one, thoroughly enjoyed the 1st episode and am very much looking forward to the rest of the series. Granted I am watching this purely for entertainment value, not historical accuracy, so yes a fair amount of artistic licence is to be expected. I don't have to think too hard about the plot or character development, it is my weekly escape from reality. The wardrobe, art department and set design are gorgeous, this is a visual feast for the eyes.
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