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The Magic of Cinema is at Work Here
2 March 2024
Villeneuve is an utter genius. This film is absolutely remarkable in so many ways. The visuals are drenched in excellence, and It makes the experience magical.

For an almost three hour movie you do feel the length at moments, but it is all necessary to tell the story properly. A story which can seem so impossible to pull from Herbert's book, but yet is done masterfully.

The cast is excellent with the exception of one being a miscast. I love Christopher Walken but it was hard to not internally laugh at his iconic voice during the film.

Hans Zimmer of course delivers again, though part one's score had stronger moments.

Dune Part one and Part two is no doubt the science fiction grand epic of the 2020's.
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Narcissism and All Its Horror
2 February 2024
Narcissism, twists, terror, and an ignorant lover are some of the elements that make up this wild real life horror story. Some of the post operation footage with the patients truly is disturbing and heartbreaking. It makes you wonder how people can get away with such things, and how no one seemingly requires any validity of "breakthrough" methods and practices.

This documentary series could have been another couple episodes, going into the doctor's past and uncovering more there, as well as looking at the medical institute in Sweden.

A thoroughly entertaining documentary, and the title lets you know who the main characters are here. Whether you agree or not with highlighting the doctor's girlfriend/fiancé, she does offer some interesting insight and makes for a good narrative.
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A lot of Questions Unanswered
24 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The documentary is broken into three parts that perfectly set up the different sides of this case. The dramatization is well done by not acting out full scenes, rather it gives you just enough to have a sense of context. The story itself is wild and honestly leaves a lot of questions unanswered. (SPOILERS)

Did the FBI agent have anything to do with the situation since he was involved with the ex fiancé? Why would the police chief turn on the female victim so irrationally? I guess he was convinced the case was a hoax? If that's the case then talk about being completely unqualified for that job. The biggest question, and I think there is an answer for; Was Muller, the abuser working alone when kidnapping Denise? Or was there a whole criminal operation going on? The truth most likely is that he was working alone. The documentary shows that he feels guilt and compassion towards his victims. With Denise he set it up to where his assault would be easier for him to do. He explains that he "has" to have sex with her and record it for "collateral", and that he will be gentle. It's his twisted sense of compassion, but it's a situation where she is not being assaulted all of a sudden, unlike the woman in Palo Alto. In the interview the Palo Alto victim said he ended up not sexually assaulting her because he felt bad when she was begging and pleading. So Muller setup a fake criminal operation and explained this all to Denise to lead her to believe that he didn't want to harm her, but that he had to. In this, he can commit the atrocious act on Denise while at the same time diverting blame to his "crime partners."

This story will make you think for a while, and one gripe I have about the documentary is that it doesn't attempt to answer some of the questions listed above, whether there is evidence or not. Speculation does have value, especially from experts in the field, like a police chief or detective. Even having on a psychologist examining Muller's behavior could have really fleshed out more of the story and added some nuance.
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The Iron Claw (2023)
Good Movies Are Still Being Made
30 December 2023
For 2023 it's nice to see a film in theater that is high caliber. The Iron Claw hits on many different levels and tells a story with conviction and care.

The acting was convincing and the size of Zac Efron is flat out impressive (regardless if supplements were involved). In terms of drama, Efron is subtle mostly, but really shines in the final scene of the movie.

The pace is just about perfect. There is no meandering or long drawn out sequences that make you want to check the time. There are a few jumps in years but you don't get confused how much time has passed, keeping the audience engaged and not figuring out timelines.

The movie is based on a true story and has a lot of tragic moments, but there is also hope which helps balance the tone. The Iron Claw is a good movie and I'm sure will be up for an Oscar or two. It's also nice to watch a movie in this day and age that doesn't have any political undertones that it's trying to convey to the audience, just pure storytelling.
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Wrestlers (2023– )
The Nitty Gritty of Third Tier Wrestling
17 September 2023
Oh this is a great series. A struggling C class wrestling organization, a couple of investors shaking things up, unique stories of wrestlers lives, will they make it? Let's find out.

Pro wrestling is all about narrative and entertainment, which is exactly what this series is. You don't have to be a wrestling fan to see what makes these people tick. It makes sense, it's fun, it's theater. These people are thespians, but where they lack in acting skills they make up for in physical imagination.

The docu-series is 7 episodes that is a countdown to their version of "Wrestlemania" called "The Big One," and the point is to get the organization to be profitable or at least break even, if not the investors will pull out.

These people live in their own worlds and it's fun to visit for a little while. A series well worth watching.
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Very Stylish & Very Empty
3 April 2023
This is a classic case of style over substance. The settings and cinematography were pleasing to the eye, and the fight scenes were choreographed better than 90% of the other action flicks out there. The problem is I never cared about what was going on, who was dying, and how it was all gonna turn out for Baba Yaga.

John definitely killed more men then words he said. It was mostly grunts and a couple of classic Keanu lines like "I have to get back," monotone half sentences. But I suppose that is part of his charm. The point is the dialogue was terrible.

I understand it's not an emotional drama so dialogue and plot are not at the top of the list, but could we not have gotten some decent story telling? It's just fight scene to fight scene. Oh well, John Wick is a fun time at the theater with your buddies and a couple of drinks, but be prepared to endure 3 hours of one big fight scene.
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Elvis (2022)
Was the director high on coke?
25 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
With the given material, this should be a home run of a movie. Instead it's a complete mess.

30 minutes in and I was still waiting for the movie to start. It came off as a giant introduction with nonstop narration from the colonel. I am curious how many cut scenes there are, it felt like a thousand.

The acting was on par with a soap opera, but I don't blame the actors for that. There was absolutely no chance for the characters to be fleshed out in scenes. Instead it's cut to this, cut to that, now cut back to this over here.

The music itself was overall underwhelming. Elvis's intro song was suppose to capture a moment and it just didn't land. Then you have modern music interwoven that completely sucks you out of the experience. And let's not forget "I Can't Help Falling In Love With You" is played while Elvis is with his future wife, but it's not even sung by him.

Austin Butler is the one redeeming quality in this movie. He is quite literally amazing, and it is the saddest waste of talent I've ever seen.
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Andor (2022– )
Haven't been this excited since Rouge One
26 October 2022
Wow what a quality series. This is a serious Star Wars. When someone dies there is weight to it. Decisions have consequences and this show portrays that well.

The strongest element of this series is the use of the empire. Small time guys who are loyal to the cause. On one hand you root against the empire because they are authoritarian elitist, but on the other hand when their men die the officers take that to heart and so it humanizes them. The dynamic is important in making the villain more than just a one dimensional Marvel villain (with the exception of Thanos).

The cast is excellent, especially the empire characters. Kyle Soller doesn't waste any screen time.

Yes it's a slow burn and I realize that annoys people, but I am an adult and enjoy a show that builds upon itself rather than using as many tropes as possible to keep you excited.
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Weak villains, weak writing, just weak.
29 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Little Princess Leia somehow outruns bounty hunters and a Jedi, it's laughable to watch. I can't tell if Reva is a bad actor or the writing just makes her look bad. The grand inquisitor is the only interesting villain, but hey let's just kill him off immediately right? I give it 5 because it's not all bad, but the bad parts are cringey. Stay tuned folks and let's hope it gets better.
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A Movie For Children
19 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It took me a while to get around to watching No Way Home. There was so much hype, and people were declaring 'the hype is real.'

I feel alone on an island thinking this movie is terrible. I get that people were psyched about all the old Spider-Man characters coming together for a big super fun time, but that does not cover up for how nonsensical everything is in this film. (Spoilers incoming)

First the good. This will be a short segment. The idea to bring all the characters from the previous Spider-Man movies together through the multiverse is an awesome concept. The execution however was lazily conceived.

The two constant problems in the movie are the cringey dialogue and the incomprehensible decision making. The movie starts with Peter Parker's identity being revealed. Now if your identity is revealed where is the last place you want to go? The answer is your house. It appears no one told the writers this because that is where Parker goes. Also, Parker ask's Strange to put a spell on the world so his friends can go to MIT? How is that his rationale? Yes it gives purpose for the rest of the film but it's a lazy story telling way to get there. Why would Dr. Strange agree at all to that. He is a freaking wizard.

There is not a single line of dialogue that is intelligent. It's all cliches, lines that have been in previous movies, or just pop culture language with no substance. Towards the end I was cringing at the back and forth between characters, especially when Goblin says "I'm something of a scientist myself." Yes we know that when you said it 20 years ago. (I loathe fan service.) There were a couple jokes that landed but overall I was laughing at parts that weren't supposed to be funny, like when all the Peter Parkers were in the lab with their goggles and test-tubes finding cures for the villains in less than 5 minutes. Again, lazy writing.

This is a movie for children who have no concept of reality or care about a well thought out story. (End rant.)
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The Batman (2022)
A Good Time at the Theatre
12 March 2022
Was another Batman necessary? Maybe and maybe not. Regardless, this was a unique direction to take the beloved comic book hero.

Coming in at a lengthy three hours, the movie was half an hour too long. A little more editing was needed to take off the scenes that dragged. The first hour and a half was exciting and enjoyable to watch. The city, the corruption, the despair, all very effective.

The cinematography was brilliant. The score was subtle when it needed to be and in your face just at the right moments. The story is compelling and the noire worked well. Acting was mostly fine. The Riddler was slightly disappointing. Paul Dano is a wonderful actor but it seemed like he was playing a character here rather then being one. In other terms The Riddler was overdone, over played, like ohhhh I'm a crazy psychopath ooooooo.

Overall a great addition to the DC discography, excited to see what comes next.
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Mandy (I) (2018)
Revenge, blood, synthetic rock, and neon lights. Oh and of course Nic Cage.
27 January 2022
If you watched the trailer then you have essentially seen the movie. It's a basic revenge premise that I thought would be wrapped up in complexities, given this is an art-house film. Not the case. The most important thing the director seems to care about is lighting, not telling a story.

Mandy takes it's time building up to the crux of the film. Once it gets there the last hour moves pretty quick. Nic Cage is a 'chaotic good' character out to extinguish the evil that wronged him. He does shine in a few scenes, and he makes you laugh in some others. The cult serves its purpose but there is nothing unique about them. The demon biker gang was very underwhelming. It was a big part of my interest in the film and they do nothing.

Overall there is not much nuance here. There is some blood splatter, light trickery, and a lot of fade to black transitions. It's a good time but the only memorable thing is the music.
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Babel (I) (2006)
A Tragedy Masterpiece
7 January 2022
I am captivated by every second of this film. There are no wasted scenes here. Its best to avoid the word masterpiece but this is a movie worth pinning it on.

There are four different stories going on here that are all connected. It comes down to decisions that are made from the characters and the ripple effect of those decisions. Each story is carefully constructed; the dialogue, character development, the arc, plot, pacing, all superb. No clunkiness, no boredom, no eye rolling moments. It was down to earth.

The score generates the atmosphere. The guitar piece gave a beautifully tragic tone. The ambiance piece when the Japanese girl is on the subway, surreal and immersive. The greatest piece is the last 5 minutes with the string instruments and piano. Masterclass.

The cast is superb. They all show the struggle and tension of the characters. The biggest surprise is how tame Brad Pitt is. No overacting, none of his charm, just a broken man. Quite impressive.

This is a tragedy done perfectly. The director took everything seriously. Even in the darkness of the film the end does give some non-tragic resolution for a few characters. The balance is perfect.
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Pearl Harbor (2001)
Worth Watching
29 December 2021
There are a lot of weak moments in this movie that can suck you out of the experience. It's not a totally immersive war film like Saving Private Ryan. There's cliches and tropes that make you want to roll your eyes.

There are also great scenes like when the Japanese bombers began the assault. The billowing smoke and special effects are great. The accuracy is not terribly important because it's a movie folks. Their gonna get a lot wrong.

The main issue with the whole thing is the tying of war drama with romantic drama, and that Michael Bay is in charge of the whole thing. He cannot help but put his blue shimmering light in every freaking scene of every movie he has ever made. Despite all this it is a movie you can watch all the way through. It's fun, as in not to be taken too seriously.
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The Alpinist (2021)
I thought Alex Honnold was insane.
11 December 2021
This is a story of a climber only known to those that participate in the sport. He is a man with nerves of steel and does climbs that are more intense than Alex Honnold. His name is Eric Andre Leclrec. He does a solo on site, meaning he's never done the climb before, and he does it solo. It is a very gripping scene and I found myself holding my breath. The story is a story absolutely worth telling. I would recommend this to anyone. Gives you an idea of what life is about and what adventure is worth and isn't worth.
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Troy (2004)
A Worthy Epic
7 December 2021
It seems Hollywood does great when it comes to big budget war movies. This film checks a lot of boxes. Cast is great, score is superb, plot and pacing, yes and yes.

The choreography in the fight scene with Hector and Achilles is amazing. I have seen this movie probably about five times now and that scene is still stylish and heart throbbing after all these years. And the shameful manner which Hector is then treated while Achilles looks at his family; movie gold.

A highly watchable film that does not lull even with its over 2-1/2 our runtime.
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I need to know if it's in his head or not
4 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Everything seemed to be as a matter of fact until the police car blew up from the pistol. Even Bateman looked surprised. Then he is just shooting everyone, including the hotel clerk. After Bateman goes through the rotating doors and back into the hotel the clerk is there again, not shot. Maybe some is in his head and some isn't. I don't mind an open ended resolution but this ending makes me feel a little psychotic.

It feels weird calling this a comedy. Patrick Bateman is a hilarious character and the business card scene is masterclass. The problem is the vicious violence intermixed makes the film uneven.

Overall I would recommend this movie to anyone who wants to watch Christian Bale put on an A plus performance. American Psycho is very stylish and not some standard humdrum Hollywood picture. It stands the test of time to this day and will for the years to come.
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Has substance.
4 December 2021
Normally reality shows are anything but. This series definitely has some real moments, especially between Colton and his Christian friends, along with his pastor in the following scene. The guy still seems unsure of himself and it's weird that he is putting these intimate moments on display. But it is interesting nonetheless.
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Dune (2021)
Inspiring, Exciting, the Reason for Cinema
20 November 2021
First let me say I have never read any of the Dune books, nor have I watched any previous interpretations of Dune. I walked into the theater ready to be told a great epic sci-fi story.

The dialogue is good, especially the early scene between father and son. World building and technology made me feel like a kid again. The Sardaukar scene is etched in my head. "We are Sardaukar; the emperor's blades." Cinematography was exceptional. The score was good, but not Zimmer's best.

My only gripe is that the movie felt like one big introduction for the sequels. It didn't feel like it's own movie. For this chapter and as a stand alone movie I give it a 9. It is the sci-fi epic of the year I was hoping for but not the sci-fi epic of the decade, not yet anyway.
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Red Notice (2021)
What did we all expect, I mean really.
20 November 2021
It's National Treasure, no wait it's James Bond, no wait it's Indiana Jones. I think they did it on purpose, since at one point Ryan Reynolds character literally whistles the Indiana theme.

The movie was kinda funny but a lot of tropes. Everything just works out some how. Since The Rock was one of the stars I figured it would be very so so.
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Good Time (2017)
Chaotic Indie crime movie
24 September 2021
Independent movies are great because of the vibe they tend to have. Good Time is no exception. This movie opens with a dialogue between a mentally handicapped person (Connie's brother) and what appears to be his psychiatrist. The scene is thoughtful and actually moving, then Connie (Pattinson) comes in and the chaos begins.

The camera work is personal when it comes to the characters, very in their face. There are a few unique shots that bring a surreal aspect to the film, such as a chase with Pattinson's character being filmed from the apartment balcony.

The music is a bit annoying at times because of its chaotic tone, but I suppose that it's intentional considering the plot.

Overall it felt like a day in the life of a petty, sloppy, at times clever criminal who is improvising every one of his next moves. Pattinson is great, and we will watch his career with great interest. Anyone who loves a good indie film I recommend checking this one out.
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Unknown (I) (2011)
I've Been Had
15 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First the good. Through the whole movie I could not figure out what was going on. So from the very beginning I was engaged and trying to piece the puzzle together. The twist at the end is okay but I'll have more to say about that in a minute.

Alright now the critique. We are living in the era of Liam Neeson playing the same character over and over again. There is a running joke that his latest role in any movie is just another 'Taken' role. It would appear in this one we finally get a break from the guy with a certain set of skills. Well it turns out this movie is Taken but we just didn't know it until the end, and apparently neither did Liam Neeson's character. Half way in the movie I'm thinking, okay we finally got something different here, then when we found out he's a trained assassin and now I'm thinking, son of a b!$&!, It's Taken 7. Will Liam ever escape this role? I doubt it considering he has done a more recent movie called 'The Marksman' where he is an x-marine with a particular set of skills.

I give it a 6 because the majority of the movie I was dialed in and interested. Special effects were poor and overused, music was the same, and the fact that this plot went the assassin route with corporations trying to steal the latest greatest innovation in corn, developed by a scientist worth billions of dollars was almost over the top. I was waiting for the President of the U. S to be involved somehow. The budget for Unknown was 80% used to get Liam Neeson, just like the previous 6 Taken movies.
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Bully McGuire
7 July 2021
It's more fun to watch after the initial letdown. At release it was awkward to watch Toby be a bad boy but now it's funny and makes the film as a whole quite enjoyable. All these years later, Toby McGuire is still Spider-Man.
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The end of this movie...
15 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This trilogy has been a fun cute high school rom com. The third installment is the lesser of the three. The scene that stuck out the most, surprisingly is in the diner with Peter and his dad. It was simple, yet moving. This may not be appropriate in terms of reviewing a movie but I just gotta say, the movie is not a happy ending. They're not gonna make it. Coast to coast, formidable years completely separate, been dating for less than a year, and afterwards what? Is Peter gonna move to NY, play catch up with their relationship, and find a job? If it's true to the books then there you go but I don't see it. This is also fiction so I guess it doesn't matter. My point is that the ending is saying happily ever after but I am not convinced it is.
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
Great show but a little too soul crushing.
29 January 2021
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Breaking Bad is a binge worthy show. You get tied to characters, the crime operations are interesting to watch play out and Walter's arc is very solid. The only thing is that the tragedy is never ending. The characters that get killed and the lack of redemption crushes the spirit. At the end of it I am wandering...does any good come from this? Or is everyone's lives just in shambles?
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