
16 Reviews
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Really well done
3 December 2022
If you haven't seen the original 2008 Swedish film version of "Let the Right One In", set in the suburbs in the 80s, definitely check it out. The tv series has actually been a really good adaptation of it. The series is set in urban present day. They have picked some excellent actors for these rolls. Especially as they largely focus around the 6 main characters. With the extra screen time you have a more detailed story line, so we're given a really good back story. All the classic vampire tropes are there: burn in sunlight, faster and stronger, must feed on blood- with a twist, only human blood, and only if fresh within an hour. They've had the sense to leave out the silver crosses, garlic and the other 'superstitions' as the vampirism is being blamed on a virus. EXCEPT, 'having to be invited in', which makes no sense. No reason a virus would cause you to instantly start dying if you aren't invited over someone's threshold. Ignoring that, the storyline is great. Prepare to be massively grossed out, tear-up a little, and definitely want to jump out of your skin!
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The Patient (2022)
Wanted to love it
12 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am a huge Steve Carell fan, and quite like Domnall Gleason, who is usually in something romantic or funny. Gleason is trying to play a serial killer in the show, and it's just hard to believe him as this character. They could have cast endless alternative actors that would have been more suitable. The acting is still good. The problem is both the incredibly short weekly episodes, coupled with the unnecessarily slow story lines, which have dragged this out episode after episode. There is a whole orthodox vs traditional Jew aspect to each episode, which really just seems like filler. I get the writers are trying to show Carell's coping mechanisms, and his regrets with an estranged son and fatally ill wife that recently passed, once he has been taken and imprisoned by his patient. It took EIGHT episodes for the story to really go anywhere and become intriguing and suspenseful. The writers seemed to accomplish more in that one episode than they did in the previous seven. I hope the writers really go for it in the final two episodes, otherwise I'm putting this in the 'big disappointment' category.
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Sprung (2022– )
Another excellent comedy from Greg Garcia
25 September 2022
For anyone who had the delight of watching Raising Hope and My Name is Earl, you know that Sprung would likely be comedy gold. It does not disappoint. The show is hilarious, clever and the cast is really great. Dillahunt and Plimpton are reunited and still have all the comedy chemistry they did in Raising Hope. The show also subtly touches on real life issues that have happened since the pandemic began, such as a Congresswoman insider trading as the rest of the nation suffered (this character based on Kelly Loeffler, prior GA Rep). You can tell Garcia has put a lot in to the creation and writing of this show. I am looking forward to another season!
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Miracle Workers (2019–2023)
Totally unique and hilarious
10 July 2022
I actually really enjoyed this show. You can't go wrong with Steve Buscemi in a leading role, he's comedy gold. Who knew Daniel Radcliffe was so funny? The whole cast has been great, with some really superb cameos. Even better, each season is completely unique with its own storyline. Season 1 is a modern storyline, and one that hasn't been done before to my knowledge. Season 2 is the Dark Ages, which personally, I thought was brilliant. Buscemi takes a secondary role, but can still steal the show. Whoever the genius was that got Weezer to do the intro song, thank you. They should push for them to do every intro! Season 3 is the Oregon Trail, so you can imagine the moronic, outrageous and ludicrous moments. It's really worth the watch, truly a real 'feel good' kind of series.
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Wolf Like Me (2022– )
Original take on the werewolf genre
24 January 2022
A truly original take on the typical werewolf movie. It's a very enjoyable twisted romantic comedy. There is great chemistry between the leading stars, and the family dynamic is darkly charming. Can't wait to see the next series!
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Dexter: New Blood (2021–2022)
A slow start, but the old Dexter is back
29 November 2021
I couldn't wait for this Dexter sequel. I must have watched all 8 seasons of Dexter multiple times, so I had high hopes. After the first 3 episodes I was left wondering if things would ever ramp up, but by episode 4 the story really begins. The fact that they've set this in a small town makes it far more difficult to portray the habits of the old Dexter as they once did under the bustle of a city like Miami. It's a different kind of Dexter, but potentially a great one.

The negatives: Dexter opening theme. The original intro music and video are iconic, and for some reason there was literally zero effort put into it this time. I love that they have included Deb, because, let's face it, she is as likeable as Dexter. But the way they've done it pretty much consists of her randomly popping up and screaming at Dexter. Dexter's lack of chemistry with any of the actors is odd. He had such great connection with his fellow forensic/police friends. And there's his job, we have pretty much zero exposure to his once intriguing scientific skills, and have replaced that with an everyday, boring sales job. But, the addition of an important character may just be the saving grace of this sequel, and then I'll be left hoping for the series to continue! For all our sakes, let's hope that's the case.
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Insiders (2021–2022)
Of course it's not a real reality show!
23 October 2021
I'm really surprised people are questioning whether these are actors or real people. The 'host' is Detective Alicia Sierra from the absolutely incredible, and not to be missed, Money Heist. Go watch that, it has a rating of more than 8 and these are characters you will love (and hate)!
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Clarice (2021)
It's no Silence of the Lambs
5 July 2021
I wanted to love this series, but after watching all of it (and I definitely was rooting for it to get better), it just had none of the appeal of the original film. First off, Jodie Foster is going to be hard to follow up, but I think they could have cast that role better. I do like who they chose for supporting cast. And let's face it, when you have Oscar winning actors like Anthony Hopkins, it's just hard to cast the same amazing personalities for a tv series.

I saw the original SOL in the theatre, and there was so much emotional and psychological tension, it just made the film the award winner it is. This is where the tv series is lacking. There seems to be meandering side stories that have little point to the broader story, it moves really slowly and the psychological thrill isn't there. You can tell they've tried to use similar cinematography as the series Hannibal, but again the entire show is visually dull and lifeless. On that note, go watch the tv series Hannibal, it has all the appeal of the original film: stunning visuals, totally original storylines and acting that gives you that emotional thrill you'd expect from such an incredible and original character.

Also check out Red Dragon, it's not quite as good as SOL, but is a thrill ride nonetheless.
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Psychological delight
30 January 2021
I am somewhat partial to the acting skills of Washington and Leto having watched them on screen since the 90s. But there's a reason why they, and Malek, have all won Academy Awards, they're amazing actors. They've managed to take a somewhat slow psychological murder mystery and make it relatively interesting. The film's script is a pretty bog standard cop flick, and it is slow without actually achieving a lot. Leto in particular has the best lines and manages to make his character creepy, but you also can't stop laughing at/with him. Fantastic acting, lame ending.
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Call Me Kat (2021–2023)
The former star of Blossom on a poorly written show
13 January 2021
Terrible writing and having two of the main characters as geriatrics who hang out with Mayim, is just weird. Mayim is portrayed as a stereotypical spinster, middle-ager who has a lot of cats. People who are saying 'her first stating role on tv', please look up a show called Blossom, which was wildly popular back in the day. Mayim is a good actress, the show just has poor writing, the stories are a yawn fest.
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Utopia (2020)
Watch if you haven't seen the original
26 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't seen the British version, that seems to be the source of all the negative reviews. This is dark, funny and definitely violent, just like you'd expect anti-heroes to be. The main subject matter around the greed of humanity and the destruction of our planet is very apt at this point in time. Throw in a pandemic and they REALLY went with the moment. Or perhaps it was just awkwardly timed for release during a pandemic. There's a great cast, including John Cusack and Rainn Wilson. Wilson's role is somewhat reminiscent of his character in "Superhero", but with a brilliant and disillusioned scientist mixed in. What can you say about John Cusack, he's a fantastic actor and doesn't disappoint in this series. All around great cast, weird, dark and incredibly entertaining. I look forward to season 2!
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This is not Penny Dreadful
17 May 2020
If you came here looking for the grim, supernatural awesomeness of the original Penny Dreadful, then keep on moving. I don't know why this wasn't just sold as some 1950s gangster series. The cast is amazing, great visuals and acting, but there is almost nothing supernatural about this! Which was kind of the entire point of Penny Dreadful. Aside from some dramatic walk-ons in a gorgeous leather gown from Dormer, and some odd side characters she somehow also needs to play, the supernatural aspect is completely missing. There is SO much that could have been done with the story. Disappointed because I was a huge fan of the original PD!
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Queer as Folk (2000–2005)
Watch the original UK version first!
15 November 2019
It's always a delight to find a show about the LGBTQ community. But trust me, watch the original UK Queer as Folk first. Aidan Gillen (Game of Thrones 'Little Finger') is the main character aka 'Brian' in the US version. Gillen of course brings world class acting, cheekiness & is incredibly sexy back in 1998. The cast just comes across as so much more believable and just a joy to watch the relationships and struggles with one another.
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A glimpse of a future dystopian nightmare
27 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If you know anything about politics, you know that Trump could get re-elected (god help us all), the US could be idiots and launch a nuke at their latest hate campaign, and god knows where we go from there. The show has great characters, well acted, well written, touching on a number of social issues we could be facing in the near future.
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The Handmaid's Tale: Night (2019)
Season 3, Episode 1
This show just gets better and better
5 June 2019
The season 3 opener is almost like a season finale. It's a feast of truly stunning cinematography, mind blowing soundtrack, beautifully written script & cast that takes you on an emotional roller coaster, they're that good. Possibly one of the best HMT episodes to date!
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Fist Fight (2017)
Very simple minded, but absolutely worth watching for the fight!
2 October 2018
Of course this film isn't Oscar material. It's quite simple, rude & silly. The story line isn't exactly a complicated enigma. However, if nothing else, it is absolutely worth watching just to see Charlie Day and Ice Cube fight one another. If you like watching goofy, uncomplicated films, just to have a good laugh, then I definitely recommend this. You will absolutely be in stitches
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