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27 April 2024
The better of John Hughes directed movies. Planes, trains and automobiles gives us two men during the Thanksgiving week to work together to get themselves home. The comedy is done right. It was rated R for a 1 minute scene. It should have been Pg-13 though. It does tug at the heart. It has some very wild moments. I would say it is one if Candy's better films. Martin was great here like he was in Roxanne. Most likely you will appreciate the humor. Especially the car rental scene. We all have been here with customer service at some point. Many of Hughes actors appear in brief scenes from she's having a baby to ferris buellers day off. It's a great Thanksgiving movie. Enjoy it!
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Ladies and Gentlemen, Sam Kinison!
27 April 2024
Back to School has one memorable scene. The late, the great, Mr. Sam Kinison. His PG-13 rant which was priceless. Today, this movie would be R. You can't show breasts and have multiple fwords in a PG-13 film today. The movie is about a father who is wealthy decides to attend his sons college. He learns, he loves and he comes in contact with the best professor a college could be so lucky to get, Mr. Kinison. Notice during Sam's rant some tried to keep from busting out laughing. That's a great comedian! The rest of the movie is fair, Sam had a brief scene. It is a decent comedy. It's not too stupid. Ut iscwell made. I recommend it more for Sam's brief but very funny scene.
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Similar to pretty in pink
27 April 2024
Some kind of wonderful is not a bad movie. It was made into sixteen candles and pretty in pink the years before. The difference is the crush does not get the girl unlike the tomboy girl here in some kind of wonderful. Two films films are PG-13. Pretty in pink has to fwords plus a blow me to some kind of wonderful one f bomb.

Pretty in pink isn't any better. The best one is sixteen candles. That's PG with one f word plus topless female nudity. They all are geared for teens. I recommend Sixteen candles. John Hughes made several teen movies. They all have something to say. Breakfast Club and Planes, trains and automobiles are his R rated ones. Watch them all.
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It's not the jokes
26 April 2024
Napoleon dynamite is a unique movie. Sure, the humor is different. It's an underdog movie. Highschool to the PG world. Loyalty among friends is a blessing. Napoleon is that type of a person. Here we have an individual that reminds me of the old 60s cartoons. He is living in his own universe and we are a part of that. It's a wonderful life for the next group of young adults to be a part of. Trust me when I say that this is an above average film. Hate it, love it, its far better than others that try to be like it. Highschool might be closer to movies like fast times at ridgemont high. Napoleon dynamite is an escape from the graphic language, sex and drugs that plague our society. Watch it with a PG mind.
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Rockula (1990)
It's a so, so musical.
20 April 2024
Rockula is a musical there's no doubt about it. It's not completely stupid. Dean has actually made this movie tolerable. He did an R movie called Bad Dreams before this. This movie is by far better than that is not saying much. Vampires, Ham bones , peg legs and lots of songs. It is about a Vampire who is under a curse with his lost love. Thomas Dolby is blast as the bad guy. He sells coffins on the side. His video has to be seen to be believed. Death park, economy coffins, he definitely is going somewhere.

Dean on the other hand has to resolve the curse or he loses the girl forever. Again, lots of songs, some are catchy. The ending with the king is the best out of all of them. This movie is PG-13. Really, there's no reason for it. A few Profanities, and innuendos. Watch it. Sing along, make fun of it. It is there for entertainment.
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Flesh Gordon (1974)
15 April 2024
Hate it or love it they definitely put effort into this movie. The stop motion itself is worth a positive review. The most complete version is NC-17 stuff. It is meant to entertain adults. It's meant to be silly. It is not Gone with the wind. The movie if you don't know is an adult version of flash gordon. You have a sex ray sent to titillate earth. Flesh has to stop it. You have creatures shaped like penises. There's dr. Wang. We have NC-17 orgies, decent special effects and the monster who likes bare breasts and various other weird characters too.

It is not meant to be taken serious. Do you really need an outstanding script to make a sex movie? Maybe for a NC-17 james bond flick but not a soft core porno like this. I give it a recommendation because it has to be seen to be believed.
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The Warriors (1979)
Why don't you just tie a mattress to your back?
12 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Warriors are a well made film. According to statistics NYC in 1979 had around 1800 murderers. Yeah, the Warriors might not be a Citizen Kane or Raiders of the Lost Ark. It is what it sets out to be. It's meant to entertain us. It does just that. The plot is simple. A murder, a frame up, and everyone wants blood because the victim was from the president of the largest gang. Our friends are framed and are expected to fight their way back home which is like 20 plus miles away on foot.

They originally didn't know that they were being sought after for the murder. The original leader is beaten to death or close to it. The second one in charge is now the warlord. He must try and get them back safely to coney island. Now, the movie does have issues but it isn't really that big of a deal. Out running a gang in a bus wasn't a big deal or throwing a knife into a wrist when the guy has a gun. Look at the bigger picture. It's action. It keeps you watching. It's well made, acted, and 90 minutes goes by rather quickly. I recommend watching the Warriors.
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Yeah f$%Kem! Rip his nuts off!
12 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
She's right, let's get some beers ! Let's go get him@ Come on! Right now!

There are some funny moments.

Sadly, there are not many. Moving violations throws alot of jokes out there. As a kid I didn't get the period one until I got older. This movie was PG-13 in 1985. It easily still could have gotten a PG. Now, as I said, it does have some fun to it. Cult fans will appreciate the obsessed fan of violence in films.

I liked the old lady when she drank and had a potty mouth. They all were OK. It was a john murray vehicle. He did OK for being in a PG-13 world. The best parts of the movie are few and far between. I only say watch it with a date. It's not like if you make out during the movie you'll miss anything important. Good luck if you decide to accept to watch it.
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Prey (I) (2022)
Why not make a predator movie where tge creature wins?
21 March 2024
Let's face it. Prey isn't a good movie. You just can't have humans several hundred years ago fight a creature that supposedly has evolved into a killing machine. This creature should have an IQ of something like that of the krell from forbidden planet. Come on, man. This creature probably has been to every freaking planet with life, porked every female species of humanoids known to them and somehow you are lead to believe that our ancestors were intelligent enough to kill it with their survival skills?

I don't buy it. I'd buy more into it that the creature wins and mates with her to leave some kind of weird offspring of his. Why must aliens always loose? Watch it at your discretion. I recommend Alien or The thing over this garbage anyday.
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Bloody Trail (1972)
It's a nice bed.
20 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Bloody trail has a low rating but it really is a movie seen to be believed. The movie is based after the Civil War. It does have a few f words , nudity and violence. The main character wanders around the south, he porks some guys wife, gets into a fight on a moving train, and meets a slave who apparently is part of an African tribe but this is America. The reason why I'm recommending this is because you have to see this movie to believe it.

If you notice one of the bandits from the train was in a few dirty harry movies my favorite scene is when he's pumping on the woman from the farm decided that he hears the train decided to leave her , all the while her dumbass old man took off to smoke tobacco with a neighbor. Crazy.
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Se7en (1995)
Actually 8 deadly sins. The eight sin was putting ketchup on eggs.
20 March 2024
Seven is well made. The first-time I found out about checking material out at a library and government having a list of what you read shocked me. I never really gave it thought until this movie. Seven is a serious film. The killer uses morality to justify his lust for murder. Too bad he didn't read up on the 10 commandments. The movie does has some draw backs, it isn't a movie you can take the kids to see. Brad Pitt was ok. Morgan freeman was the real star. I always enjoy his films. The killer played by Kevin spacey did decent job. He was better in American beauty. I recommend seven. I still can't remember all the seven deadly sins. So, I came up with another sin. Please don't put ketchup on your eggs! Enjoy seven.
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I'll let you go, if you buy me a delicious $5 cheese pizza with no sauce.
20 March 2024
No country for old men is a really good movie. The villan was super evil, he showed little mercy. His final kill was something. His victim failed to understand that he was the human version of the terminator. The movie is well paced, it has very little serious profanity for a Restricted film. It is violent at times, the cohen Brothers made a really good movie. It's about greed, why you shouldn't be greedy and being too greedy will put you and your loved ones in an early grave. The only thing I really didn't like was the ending. I thought it really didn't fit but I don't make movies. I just watch them. Watch the movie. It's still pretty good.
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Cheers (1982–1993)
Norm! How's it hanging, Norm? It sucks Sammy! They never offered me my own spin-off!
20 March 2024
Cheers is a show like no other From babies yelling out, Norm to jokes after jokes mixed in with more jokes. Norm is my favorite character. His witty come backs always makes me smile. I think everyone who attends bars has similar characters here. It's based in Boston but really could have been in Angola, indiana and still would have had the same witty show without the skyscrapers and large population. Cheers relies on the writers and it shows. It isn't sloppily put together. It has alot of humor. My favorite episode is when Sam is at meeting for people with sex addiction and he asks the woman if she'd like to go for Chinese. I couldn't believe my ears. I highly recommend Cheers!
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Half pint, Nellie olsen wants to be your bff!
20 March 2024
Little house on the prairie is an outstanding show. It went on too long like all tv shows but most episodes are above average. It's like watching our ancestors through a time tunnel. You can see through their eyes what life was like on a PG rated level. This show has adult themes to it but nothing beyond the old M rating of 1968. Most of the episodes have good moral messages. There's comedy and drama here, sometimes mixed together. Bunny is probably my favorite episode. It has both comedy and drama. This show is about strong families like the Waltons. I recommend it on rainy days, blizzards, and if you have a tornado proof cellar. Enjoy it!
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Strange but passable
18 March 2024
This movie came with a pack of 50 movies. I watched it. Watched it again and again. I finally seen it enough times to pass it. The print I saw was grainy. It wasn't high definition. However, the material in this movie is so weird. Glowing eyes, a creature that can become you. Telly savalis was miscast. They should have found someone more convincing as a Russian. The rest of the movie needs to be seen to be believed. It's not a great movie but good enough. Take a date. Tell them let's watch a movie as old as the one who's writing this review. Watch it in the dark. Don't mock it, study it, and see if you liked it l. I did enough to write a positive review.
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No time for the old in out luv!
18 March 2024
My favorite Kubrick movie of all time. Who cares about the symbolism. A clockwork orange is an example on how to tell a story.

Tell it well, shock us, make us think about what we just had seen on screen and do it with out over doing it. You can hate this movie, like this movie or love this movie. It's your choice. Society has run amok, government has a solution. People either can accept their solution or find a new government. You really can't feel sympathetic for Alex. He was a vicious criminal. Their solution on him was unique at that. I did read the book. Kubrick ended where the author kept going. I liked Kubricks ending better. I didn't understand why Alex would change.

This movie is an A. I highly recommend you watch it, watch it again and watch it a third time before you make a judgment.
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PG-13 material slapped with a Restricted rating
18 March 2024
This movie has too many problems to be recommended. It's like watching a horror movie where the villan is too damn intelligent until the hero comes from the sky. I'm not going to talk much about it here. I recommend you look for older films like the Good Son. That movie has the same mpaa rating and another movie that should have been given a PG-13. New directors need to put in witty dialogue if you are going to put in cliché after cliche. Here's an idea. Make a surf movie where the villan before he starts to off someone say something like, surfs up, or gnarly, Or your tides up! At least find a way to be creative. Good luck if you decide to watch marsh kings daughter. You might like it. I didn't think it was good at all.
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Poor Things (2023)
Hardly softcore porn
18 March 2024
Poor things is neither a good movie or a bad movie. It's a C average.

I read comments how sex offenders will love this movie to its an amazing movie. This movie isn't any of those. Cuties apparently is what sex offenders look at. Poor Things movie just shows images to push a movie closer to adults only.

Which is my next thing. Since NC-17 isnt really needed why not allow PG-13 films to have more content that fits this rating. Breakfast Club, planes trains and automobiles, even Lost in Translation are not R movies. Look at films like Kinsey, infinity pool, and a multitude of others that show, pictures of penetration, throats slit and I remember another film that shows a woman giving an actual a bj in xray image form. Restricted movies today are the NC-17 movies of the 90s and beyond. Poor Things reminded me of a whole slew of older films that shocked. Andy warhols bad, dracula, Frankenstein, heavy traffic, fritz the cat , even 70s pornos. Behind the green door, the devil in miss jones and Debbie does dallas. Poor things is a C movie. Trust your friend. It's visually stunning but not great. Good luck with it.
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Have Gun - Will Travel: The Savages (1963)
Season 6, Episode 27
A very strange episode
10 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Savages is a different experience. The young woman doesn't like to wear shoes wants to be a child forever, her father wants revenge, a sculptor just wants to be left alone.. 30 minutes goes by quickly. The blonde is the most interesting part of the episode. She sings a French song, walking around barefoot, and it's so surreal. She is supposed to be in couple more episodes of this show. I can't wait to see her again. Have Gun Will Travel is actually a very good show. I recommend it. There's alot of humor, knowledge and humanity coming from it. So, if you are bored take a chance and you might enjoy this old show from the 50s and 60s.
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Iron Warrior (1987)
Don't let your parents catching you watch this PG-13 flick
10 March 2024
Quite a bit of breasts and a bush shot for a kids movie. I'm recommending it for those that can see why the MPAA is a travesty. PG-13 exists because you can't rate everything R. Nudity should be allowed in PG-13. Especially topless nudity. PG-13 movies today ate too watered down. Iron warrior, although a rip off of every sword and sorcery movie is getting recommended by me. I'm sick of PG-13 movies today. They can't be Beast Master, Sheena, Iron Warrior because they all had breasts or bush. They were not rated R. Children survived seeing this material. Children today have far more problems with violence than seeing nipples or public hair. I think seeing nudity is far less of a concern than seeing people getting hacked or shot to death. Long live the 80s! Long live the old PG and PG-13 films!
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4 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Thus is a very strange movie. It has a dwarf, scientist, caveman? , some great looking women and it isn't for children. The dwarf is a pervert. He molested a corpse. There is enough nudity to think that maybe the MPAA needs a vacation on exactly what is considered R material. This movie isn't bad by a long shot. It definitely takes a different frame of mind to see that it is an interesting movie. It's not a true horror movie. It's more of a drama or black comedy. I know it is a foreign movie. The English dubbing is the best part of the movie. The dwarf character alone should have gotten an Oscar for his role. It takes a lot to play a role most wouldn't want. I recommend this one!
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Trancers (1984)
Dry hair is for squids.
1 March 2024
Pay no attention to the low reviews. Trancers got a PG-13 rating and got away with 5 f words. It is edited to 76 minutes and it goes fast. Jingle bells by the buttheads is pretty bad ass! I wish it was available on YouTube to listen to. Who cares if the movie copies from others. All movies do. Some just do it well. This happens to be one. It's short, it's quite profane for a kids movie. It has some violence too. Watch it with a friend, relative, loved one. It's by far better than all the sequels that followed it. They all are rated R too. I recommend Trancers. I don't recommend the sequels. They just are not like this one.
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Cinderella (1977)
The only one you really ever need to see
24 February 2024
Cheryl Smith rest in peace. You made this movie far more enjoyable than all the other cinderella movies combined. I'm watching a more family friendly one. It's decent but not the one I really wanted to see. Let's get one thing here. Hollywood had made a snooze fest full of fairy tale flicks. Here's one that wasn't made for an Oscar but it should have won best picture in 1977. Ms. Smith took a role, even if it was not meant to be taken serious and did an above average job. She did, admit it. Actresses don't like doing nudity and many can't sing. She did it all. It's just too bad she fell into the wrong path. I think she could have made a fine actress. She died too young from having too many skeletons in her closet. I recommend it. Don't watch it with a date. She might not like this mature fairy tale for adults.
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Armageddon (1998)
A perfect date flick
22 February 2024
Armageddon isn't boring. They cram alot in just over two hours here. It doesn't have to be believable either. It's a date movie. Perfect for spending time with someone you love. Pay no attention to the low reviews. Armageddon is a guilty pleasure flick. It's a family movie. It's like Crocodile dundee. It's PG-13. It has violence, profanity and sexual material that isn't considered R material. Everyone in this movie did an acceptable job. This isn't Gone with the wind. It's an action flick. It's meant for family viewing. So, buy some popcorn, call up your date. Say, hey let's watch this flick that came out in the late 90's. My good friend from IMDB said it's a decent movie for a date night.
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I hope......
19 February 2024
One of the best movies about real friendship. Those that think it's overrated should watch movies like silence of the lambs. This movie is a well above average made male bonding movie. It's just as good as stand by me. It's wayyy better than now and then. Get busy living or get busy dying. Humans don't have alot of time on their side when it comes to enjoying life. This is what friendship is for. They help us through difficult times. I highly recommend this movie. Don't pay attention to the reviews about it being overrated. It's about friendship, nothing more. Trust me. Shawshank redemption is a good movie.
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