
23 Reviews
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SEAL Team VI (2008)
Special Ops Are Real
2 May 2013
Much can be said about this movie. One gentlemen from England really ripped this movie. I'd like to know if he's served as has Prince William and Prince Harry. If he's served has he served in the SAS Britains version of Special Operations.

In this country we have Seal Team Six, Army Rangers, Delta Force, Green Berets or Special Forces, the 82nd Air Borne, and Marine Recon. So when someone criticizes this elements they better have their facts straight.

With regards to the specifics of this movie most seal teams are comprised of 12 individuals and are led by a Leutenant not a Master Chief Petty Officer. Each seal team member can usually perform more than one task; that is his own and the one above him and the below him in case one goes down. I'm sure budget constraints prevented a full team from being fielded. Also, why Admiral Timmons was a Vice Admiral (3 stars) and not a full Admiral (4 stars) was a mystery to me. However the movie was very enjoyable. I recommend it for all even though like many war movies the language is rough.
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I'm a Vietnam Vet
24 April 2013
I must agree with the reviewer from Texas. Vietnam was a misunderstood and very unpopular war. I'm also retired Air Force and I volunteered for Vietnam. I arrived in Vietnam 7 December 1965. One month after the events of the Is Drang Valley. Why this war was unpopular can be debated. Needles to say it was the first war fought from the Whit House and not the commanders in the field.

It's only now with the declaration of Vietnam Recognition Day established this year we are beginning to earn the respect we should've received when we returned home from Vietnam. It was not our fault it was an unpopular war. Vietnam was the first war where reporters and the TV camera was right there to show the horror and the liberal side of the war, not actually what was happening. The truth of the matter war is hell--it's not pretty. It's ugly and people die. This movie We Were Soldiers portrays a very accurate look at warfare in all it's horror and ugliness.
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Close to The Book
18 April 2013
This movie and Starship Troopers followed the book very closely. However in the book Rico's parents were killed in the first movie. In the book Rico's father lived and joined the mobile infantry to help fight the bugs. The term see you on the bounce in marauder is used throughout the book. I know certain reviewers were very critical about the script and the actors and stated they just scraped off them off the street. Some questioned why others from the original movie were not in marauder. Well dizzy got killed off, Zim was doing highlander and Carmen Ibanez was a bond girl playing Dr. Christmas Jones with Pierce Brosnan.

The actors in marauder are professional and the script was more than adequate. Some people were turned off by the religious aspect of the movie. But how else can you explain Anoke's relationship with the bugs and the brain bug from planet p.
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Pre-revolutionary Wary
21 March 2013
This movie was excellent with a strong cast and definite Heros and bad guys. There was love, betrayal, hatred, deceit, distrust and loyalty. The time period was 1757 and just 9 years later we declared our Independence and 1787 defeated England at Yorktown. A follow on to this movie would be April Morning where a young boy not quite 16 enlists in the town militia to stand with is father (Tommy Lee Jones) who is killed the first day on the Boston common. He spends the rest of the day hiding and firing at the Redcoats. Another movie that follows on to this one is The Patriot starring Mel Gibson. This takes place in South Carolina and concludes with the surrender of Cornwallace at Yorktown. For all practical purposes that was the end of the war but it went on for two more years until the English finally signed surrender documents in New York and we became a nation of 13 states in 1789.

The music in Last of the Mohican was beautiful and intoxicating. It also played a significant part in the movie. One will thoroughly enjoy this movie. For most of the movie Cora Monroe was the stronger of the two sisters. However, at the end, Alice Monroe exercised great courage and threw herself off the cliff rather than allow Mauga the pleasure of killing her.
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Red Dawn (1984)
This Could Happen
15 March 2013
Red Dawn may be a fantasy but unless you head is stuck in the sand the events leading up to the invasion of the USA could actually happen. It did at Pearl Harbor and the Aleutians in WWII. It also occurred 9/11/2001. So to discount the events portrayed in Red Dawn as some Hollywood Fantasy is one thought but Hollywood could also be portraying events that could take place and give us food for thought. Red Dawn is actually a strong movie with a well written script and a strong cast. Patrick Dempsey and Jennifer Grey later teamed together in the movie Dirty Dancing. Powers Boothe added a strong cast member and although an adult did not replace Jed as leader of the Wolverines. The Wolverines were the ones that were the thorn in the side of KGB and Russian soldiers. As Lea Thompson so vividly points out at the end of the movie she never saw the brothers again but came often to partisan rock where children put the names of their comrades who had died so this nation would not die in vain.
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The Musketeer (2001)
One For All And All For One
9 March 2013
Some folks may'have not appreciated the version of the the Musketeers as it didn't have Michael York as d'Atagan or Fay Dunaway as M'Lady or other actors of renown. However, the intrigue centered around the palace at Versalles. In this case case though the queen was in love with Bukingham and she had taken one of her pearls from her necklace to give to Buckingham as a sign of her love. Cardinal Ricileu played by Charleton Heston learned of this and tried to have the queen implicated. That was that movie.

This movie was just as entertaining. It may not have had the big name stars but the Palace of Versallies was the center of the intrigue. The plot was different but the action was nonstop. d'Atagan proved to be the better swordsman and musketeer. So cut some some slack and enjoy a film for it's own merits not some preconceived ones.
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Not Bad but Not Worse
19 January 2013
Mr. Mike Boyd is way off Base. The lead star Patrick Muldudoon is a professional actor and takes his art seriously. He did star in Starship Trooper as Xander and again did a great job.

Many folks don't appreciate the effort that actors go through to prepare for the roles they are to play. With regards to this movie the script was adequate as was the editing and the directing. To enjoy this movie you must be willing to be willing to fantasize and be less critical. Otherwise you won't see the forest because of the trees.

In this movie Patrick Muldoon plays a take charge kind of guy. His company owns the worlds largest oil tanker and it's captured by pirates. In that process a storm arises and the tanker sinks and sets up a global disaster. Sinbad immediately goes to the site to assess but because of a severe hurricane crashes and ends up on the same island as members of the crew and pirates. Tus begins his seven trials.
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Shark Night (2011)
If You Want a Shark Movie Try Jaws or Jaws 2
9 January 2013
I'm amazed at the complete ignorance of some people that want to tear Shsrk Night 3D apart. The opening credits clearly state there is a director for anamatronics. So what's the big deal over fake sharks. If you subscribe to Netflix and stream it you get more info and one thing it clearly points out that the lake is crystal clear but all underwater shots were shot with a green filter to give it a murky look. As far as the script and the direction it was adequate. The editing was excellent. You knew what was happening at each situation whether on the wave rider, on the Dennis Crims boat, with Nick and the Sheriff or Sara and Dennis. So before you get to critical become aware of your facts.
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Incas and Mayans
22 December 2012
Kings of The Sun was more than about one actor Yule Brynner, although he did a terrific job, this movie was about a people a culture that history had proved existed. There are evidence of a culture on the Yucutan Pennisusula. We also know there is evidence of an ancient empire high in the Andies where temples and learned people existed. We also know throughout all of the United States great Indian nations thrived. There is even existences of great mounds of dirt that had been raised up as if for defense. Alas many of those have been knocked down and plowed under for planting grain.

One thing implied by this movie was seeing saguaro cactus. That cactus only grows in one place, southern Arizona. Hollywood sure takes liberties to set mood but miss the boat. Black Chiefs tribe were more than likely Commanche as this group of Mayans landed in southern Texas.

Continuing on with great Indian Nations Chief Pontiac established a great Federation which included most of the Eastern seaboard. It was highly organized and the various nations and tribes had commerce freely between one another.

Kings of The Sun portrayed Mayan human sacrifice as a noble thing. The person being sacrificed was being a messenger to take the message of the nation to the Gods that crops would grow, water flow and whatever else the nation needed to remain strong. However, in Mel Gibson's Apocolypto the Mayans placed no such dignity upon such sacrifices. They raided weaker villages for slaves. The women they sold into slavery and the men they sacrificed.

There are two Indian Nations that fought the Ubitrd States to a standstill: the Apache Nation in the west and the Seminoles in Florida. However, with the surrender of Gerinomo the Apache Nation finally were placed on reservations.

As can be seen by this movie there's more than good acting, directing, editing and costuming. American history was being portrayed.
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More War Movies
19 December 2012
Besides Blackhawk Down and Saving Private Ryan there's also Pearl Harbor, Tora Tora, Tora, 30 Seconds Over Tokyo, The Longest Day, Patton, band of Brothers, A Little Walk In The Sun, Where Eagles Dare, The Dirty Dozen, The Flying Tigers, Tears of The Sun, and Heartbreak Ridge to name a few.

Except for Tears of The Sun and HeartbreakRidge all the above mentioned are WWII movies. There are other movies dealing with our civil war such as Gettysburg and Glory and our Revolutionsry War such as The Patriot, April Morning, My Brothers War, and Shennandoah.

Blackhawk Down, however, is contemporary and most of us can relate to that. Evan still we Americans are slow to remember. During the attack on Pearl Harbor over 3,000 Americans were killed and today over 1100 men lie entombed in the Battleship Arizona. On 9/11 between the two trade towers, the Pentagon and shanks field in Pennsylvania a little over 3,000 Americans were killed.

While Blackhawk Down is a great movie and part of American history and culture so was Pearl Harbor and 9/11. But what have we Americans learned from them?
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The Rookie (1990)
Eastwood Can Act and Direct
12 December 2012
Clint Eastwood is in a class by himself. There are not many actors that can act and direct. This movie, The Rookie, is a classical example of Clint's ability to act and direct. Whether its a western or more urban such as Dirty Harry in San Frsncisco or Wes Boc in New Orleans or a Texas Ranger in A Perfect Day chasing after a hardened criminal, Kevin Costner, who's kidnapped a 7 year old boy whose mother is a Jehovah's Witness.

To attack the script and the directing and using those as a means to ridicule Mr. Eastwood as an actor and a director is wrongheaded thinking. Clint Eastwood is an American Icon. By deriding Clint Esstwood one is attacking a shining example of hard work and dedication to ones work--in this case acting.

One should view this movie for the entertainment value that the actors involved brought to us. The one actor who really struggled through this movie was Raul Julie who was struggling with his liver disease. Actors are professional and enjoy bringing us there trade for our enjoyment.
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Pearl Harbor (2001)
Pearl Harbor Jolted Us Awake
11 December 2012
We Americans are slow to remember and slow to awaken to just causes and that is what this movie Pearl Harbor attempts to do. Forget the love triangle and whether or not the guns used were historically accurate. This was a movie to make Americans aware that we can be attacked and our life's are not as secure as we would have ourselves believe.

I'm not here to criticize the writing or the direction of the movie. It was what it was. There are other movies that focus on the attack and love triangle. Tora-Tora-Tora for one which presented the attack from both the Japanese and the American viewpoints.

As far as the raid on Tokyo 30 Seconds Over Tokyo is an excellent movie that depicts that raid with Spencer Tracy playing the role of Dolittle.

When all is said and done a little over 3,000 people were killed at the attack of Pearl Harbor. We fast forward to our time; on 9/11 between the two towers of the trade center, the Pentagon, and Shanks Field in Pennsylvania a little of 3,000 people were killed. I experienced 9/11. What amazes me is how soon we Americans forget when Americans have given there lives that we can remain free and secure. Pearl Harbor was and is a great movie.
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Become A Citizen
4 December 2012
What a great movie. Paul Verhoven for the most part holds true to the book. I'm not going to point out the differences because you can get the book and read for yourself. But what we have is a young man Johnny Rico (Casper Van Dien) making up his own mind contrary to what his parents want, primarily his father, to join the military and become a citizen. However he must graduate from school. He has four main friends Carmen (Denise Richards), Dizzy Florez (Dina Meyers) and Carl Jenkins (Neil Patrick Harris). While friends they each have their own unique talents and interest. All four enlist in the military or the Federation. Rico and Flores to the Mobil Infantry, Carmen to the Fleet Academy and Carl to Military Intelligence.

They each go off to their respective training elements to gain the knowledge and skills they will each need to succeed. Rico becomes a Squad Leader but during a live fire exercise one of his squad members is killed. The end result he receives disciplinary punishment. He receives 10 lashes. Which makes no sense to me in a society so educated can fly to the stars and communicate anywhere with no time delay they use lashing as a form of punishment.

In the meantime Carmen is on her spaceship. She has just made a course correction which is more efficient. Some individuals feel this was a mistake on her part because it put her ship in direct line with the asteroid that eventually struck earth and destroyed Buenos Aires. That's just nonsense how was Carmen to know that was to occur. When it did occur, in my opinion she responded coolly and confidently. Her actions saved most of the ship and preserved her shipmates. Naturally her Captain should compliment her. Most pilots will tell you that flying is hours of boredom punctuated by moments of stark terror.

Eventually the Federation realizes the mistake of landing directly Klandanthu the Sky Marshall resigns and a new one is appointed with a different plan. While on Klandanthu Rico was severally wounded and was listed as KIA ( killed in action). When he was actually placed in a rehab tank so the wound is leg could be repaired. When he gets out Ace Levy, Dizzy and Rico are assigned to the Roughnecks. Sort of equivalent to Army Rangers or Marine Recon.

It's while in this group that Rico is first promoted Corporal, then to Sergeant and eventually Lieutenant. It is at that rank that he rescues Carmen and is responsible for capturing a brain bug. The bug responsible for controlling all the other bugs. I'm not about to get into the mind of Heinlein and state what the bugs represented. The book is great read and the movie is a great movie. Make of each what you want. The movie is out on DVD and if you subscribe to Netflix and stream it you can get the movie that way as well.
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Steel Dawn (1987)
Swazey Is A Great Actor
29 November 2012
Why is so much made about Patrick Swazey He is a very good actor. In Steel Dawn he was very good in defending the rights of innocent people. In Red Dawn not only did he save his town but a nation. In Dirty Dancing he eliminated stereo types and prejudice. So what more more can be asked of a professional actor. Like most actors of his ilk he researches his role and setting of the movie.

Steel Dawn is about passion, fighting against tyranny, overcoming prejudice and gaining trust. Swazey clearly shows that the type of fighting displayed in this movie and dancing are closely related. As a result playing the role of the Nomad was a natural.
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Faces In The Crowd
21 November 2012
A very good movie. Tense, thrilling and sensational. Script and directing was good. Some folks felt that Milla Jovoich can't act. It's beyond me why some people want to beat up on some actors so bad. That's like saying John Wayne or Clint Eastwood can't perform or are one dimensional. Come on folks actors are professionals and put their time into it as they know their job is to entertain us.

In the case of this movie the rare disease that Anna suffered, Milla Jovoich would've spent time learning about it and how people cope with it. After all she was one of the Executive Producers of this movie. She is serious about her business and the roles she takes on. Faces in the Crowd is no exception.
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Dracula 3000 (2004)
Vampires Again
8 November 2012
Some folks really downgraded this movie and the two main stars, Casper Van Dien and Elelnia Eliniak by stating their careers were over because of this movie. Come on folks these two are professional actors and know how to act. This movie was not as horrible as some would have us believe nor did their careers end. Just because one did not like the movie is no reason to slam dunk the actors. The movie was actually quite good because of the two main stars It's quite conceivable for a character named Van Helsing not to know at one time in earths ancient culture he had a relative who was a vampire killer.

As far as the script it was okay, the cinematography was good as far as one can be from being inside a spacecraft. The vampires exhibited great strength and stealth. They were tall dark and handsome or beautiful and tempting. In the end all the vampires were slain at the expense of most of the crew. To see which vampire remains and which crew members remain and how the movie ends which the movie. I subscribe to Netflix and have it streamed to my iPad2. I'm sure it's out on DVD. Get it and enjoy
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Delightful Time
25 October 2012
This is a wonderful show with an outstanding cast. The movie is based on the play Aaron Slick From Punkin Crick, a delightful play. When I was in Jr. High School we put this play on in our church and I played the part of Aaron Slick. So.i was quite naturally drawn to this title on Netflix.

This was the time period when musicals were popular but somehow this movie missed the mainstream even with such a power house lineup that included Robert Merrill, Dinah Shore and Edy Williams. One cannot go wrong by spending time with this movie. It is a great family movie! So grab the kids pop some corn and snuggle up and enjoy some fine entertainment. I had a blast as a kid participating in the play as Aaron Slick.
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Crazy Ants
12 October 2012
This movie is not as bad as some reviewers have made it out to be. Professional actors are paid to act and many do that by studying roles and even going so far as to participate in the role if possible. Sometimes it may take a few days, weeks or months. To criticize that effort is just not right. If one does not like a movie because of its genre then so state it.

Empire of the ants is plausible. It takes thousands of ants to keep the hive going and feed the queen so that the drones can mate with the queen ant so she can lay her eggs producing more worker ants and drone ants. As far as growing to huge size a leap of movie faith must be made. All the rest is very plausible. Ants communicate by way of pheromones so the can recognize one another and the trail back to the nest. It's also an excepted fact that ants can carry many times their own weight. As far as spraying a mist on the other ants it is simply the pheromone which the queen ant gives off so she can control the other ants in the nest.

This movie allegorically uses the humans as ants as they provide the sugar which they need to keep the queen ant fed. The.humans return to receive the queens pheromone spray so she may keep them under control. Well our four heros discover what is going on and devise a way to destroy the ants and flee for freedom. A good movie, wheel worth the time to watch.
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American Warships (2012 Video)
Great Show of A Great Battle Wagon
9 October 2012
Some individuals have not looked upon this movie very favorably for many reasons. However, I'm retired military and can relate favorably to much of what was depicted in this movie. Having electrical circuits, electronics, and all things run by computer chips can be destroyed by EMP or electronic magnetic pulse unless they are hardened. It is also true that a nuclear air blast will usually do the trick. One reason the USS Iowa was able to still function was it was a WWII ship and did not have a nuclear engine and didn't have to rely on electronic circuitry to fire it's guns, although it initially did have it but didn't need it operate its guns.

Some folks got turned off by the science fiction part of it. But it was presented naturally and puzzled the crew, the National Military Control Center and the President. If there was any fault that center was only manned by a Lt Gen, the Secretary of Defense but no one else. You would usually have 4 star generals of the Army, Air Force, Marces and a Fleet Admiral as well the Secretary of Defense, and the National Security Adviser.

Regardless the acting was very good, except for the Admiral that was aboard. I felt that actor was a little over the top worrying too much that the Iowa was a museum and a warship. The movie was great and well worth time to watch.
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Galaxis (1995)
Terminal Force
14 September 2012
Once again we had a reviewer who was criticizing a movie but was not a critic. This movie was entertaining and centered on a civilization that required a crystal to maintain order and peace for its people. The story opens with its people under attack by an evil empire led by Kyla who wants to posses the crystal. Tarkin leads the peaceful people with his sister Ladera. The Septarians are forced in to an underground bunker to preserve the crystal. HoweverKyla breaks breaks through kills Tarkin steals the crystal and flees. However, Ladera arrives before her brother passes on and he let's her know there is another crystal on Earth. The story shifts to Earth. The script while simple is easy to follow. Jed is the young man on Earthnthat discovers the crystal while in Peru. He had borrowed money from corrupt kingpin and at this time had no resources to pay Victor back. Appearing on Earth for the crystal are Ladera and Kyla. What follows is process of the local police, Jed, Ladera and Kyla trying to obtain the crystal. The action is great, the effects are okay and the acting is great. These are professional actors performing in a sci fi movie. Many of the earthlings are dumbfounded at first and act the part very well. The two aliens Ladera and Kyla perform their roles with aplomb as well. All in all a very entertaining sci fi movie.
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Belly of the Beast (2003 Video)
Segall still has it.
13 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Steven Segall may be older and put on weight but he still has what it takes. The gentlemen from jells kitchen is not a critic and should leave that roll to those who are. However, he certainly has the right to express what he fells but to rake Segall over the coals the way did was not justified. It's one thing to not like the movie it's another thing to go after the actor. These folks are not show offs but take their jobs seriously. Many spend months researching the rolls they are to play going so far as to actually get hands on experience if able. And while your out at it get verb conjugation right. This movie was very good. Was it one of the best that Segall has done, no, but was not the worse. Who cares if he had a stand in on some of the fight scenes. Not everyone can be an Angelina Jolee or a Jackie Chan so lay off the guy. I saw nothing wrong with the script or the dialog. The photography was beautiful and showed the beauty of Thailand and its people.
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Agora (2009)
Great Historical Review
30 June 2012
Movie plot consisted of Pagans, Jewsat , Christians, and Romans who had converted to Christians. All living in Alexandria, Egypt at 379 AD. The main crux was the beliefs of the Pagans which the Christians felt were centered with the Lady Hypatia whom the believed was a witch because of her teachings. They further felt these beliefs were housed in the library at Alexandria, a seat of great learning but not according to the learning of the Christians. The complaint against the Jews was that they had murdered their Christ and hung Him on the Cross. The Jews countered saying the Christians wouldn't even exist if hadn't been for Jesus because he had been a Jew too. After the Bishop of Alexandria died and a new Bishop appointed the seeds were set for the storming of the library. As they did so I couldn't help think I was witnessing the precursor of Krstal Nacht and Nazi Germany. At least the early stages of the dark ages. As the movie progresses Lady Hypatia continues to teach her theories about the stars and how the Sun is the center of our solar system. She questioned what caused the change in seasons and contually espoused that the earth moved and did not stand still. She was eventually commanded to convert and be baptized a Christian or suffer the consequences. In this case she was stoned and the two men who loved her the Prefect of Alexandria and Davis, both Christians and who had sat in on her seminars in earlier and happier times could not save her. With Lady Hypatia's death her works and teachings were lost. It wasn't until the 18th century that the movement of the stars and the earth around the sun was again discovered and plotted.
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Robin Hood (1991)
Outstanding movie
16 June 2012
I've seen this movie, the Kevin Costner movie and the Russell Crowe movie. They each have their good points but of the three the Costner movie was by far the worst. I'd rate it a 4/10. The Russell Crowe movie clearly pointed out that King Richard never returned from the crusades. I rate the Russell Crowe movie a 7/10. The Patrick Bergin movie is by far more historically accurate. For this time period was a struggle between Normans who came from Normandy and Saxons who came from Saxony (Germany). Both of these countries of course were influenced by Viking heritage. Norman and Saxons were also influenced by the Celts who we were steadily pushed westward by Roman expansion. So as can be seen there was much influence present at the time of this movie. At the time of this movie England consisted of Wales, England and Scotland. Further this movie also clearly noted that King Richard never returned from the crusades and that Prince John urssuuped the crown and became King John and signed the Magna Charta.
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