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Warrior Nun (2020–2022)
Unlikable characters
7 August 2020
Very frustrating to watch, when the hero's are unlikable, and always fighting against each other.....
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SWJ's just don't understand
4 September 2019
What more can I say, SWJ are dumb, filled with white privilege, masked their own racism as being woke progressive.

Long live the comedy style of Dave!!!!

Just go back to your safe place, with your kale smoothy and vegan non-offensive lifestyle.....
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Move along nothing to see here
25 August 2019
It's much ado about nothing.....for the love of Darwin, don't watch this "film" and save an 1h and a half of your lives you'll never get back...
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GLOW: Desert Pollen (2019)
Season 3, Episode 3
From Glow to drama without wrestling
13 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Three episodes in and no wrestling in the episodes so far and just focus on the drama on a Soap Opera level....i'm starting to loose my attention in the series. But that just me, just miss the craziness of GLOW we had the last two seasons :-)
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Daaaaamn that was fun!!!!!
22 June 2019
I haven't laugh a lot with 2019 movies until I watched this film, I don't recall smiling and laughing from start to finish and the end credit scene! Where it leads to a larger world to play in-it may be best to end it on a high note, but would love to see a follow up with HDD3! I would score it higher, but there wasn't a lot of blood and kills, however the comedy, silly twists and amazing character development made it worth watching.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
#SAD! Much Ado About Nothing....
20 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There is so much that can be said about this finally that did not make any sense at all. Why Danni didn't have any guards in the throne room? Why Gray Worm and the gang just didn't murder hobo John, or the Dragon didn't kill John, or John flip the coin and become the mad king to save himself-still may have died, but at least he would have some something....

So in the end, it was sad and much ado about nothing.... #Justice4Danni!
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Game of Thrones: The Bells (2019)
Season 8, Episode 5
Looks like D&D took Pages from Rian Johnson in how to kill a franchise....
14 May 2019
At first I was pretty excited that D&D were going to be part of the new Star Wars saga, now it looks like they are taking pointers from Rian Johnson on how to kill a franchise by subverting your expectations all the time rather the tell a good story.

What they did to Danni, was absolutely shameful what they did to her character and the Journey she was on to be a liberator then "suddenly" become the "mad queen." Why are people not taking about John Snow, he had a chance to save the kingdom, but become the new Ned Stark--and May face a similar fate by the shows end.... this sucks this whole season sucks
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The Orville: The Road Not Taken (2019)
Season 2, Episode 14
Last Episode: M'eh and mooooooore relationships
28 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So, the season finally (maybe series finally, no word on season 3 being approved), is about how Mercer's failed marriage to Kelly saved the universe. Without that relationship, Mercer's career would have no drive, ambition nor being a starship captain, co- dependency on Kelly is his prim motive to succeed.

What could have been a good episode, turned into fixing and restoring the timeline that alt-Kelly created when she didn't go on a second date or fall in love and ultimately divorce Mercer.

Well I know this will get a bunch of thumbs down, so what's the point. I hoped to watch an episode this season where it isn't about someone horrible failed or lonely relationship which sums up seasons 2 of the Orville....
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This is Star Trek!
19 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I don't give out very many 10's, this Eps deserves it!


Discovery, the crew and Michael must jump 900 years into the future to stop Control from taking and distorting most life in the universe. So the Enterprise and Discovery must make time for Michael to jump through time and space while being attack by Control with section 31 specialized ships.


Next season will be 900 years into the future! Why Michael was never explained in the current timeline.

Action, this Eps was jam packed with space action on a cinematic level, I hope to see it on the big was that epic.

Spock, Spock, Spock and Spock!!! That ending, the closing words, the bridge of the Enterprises and the next adventure the crew will be going on! Also, his last moments with Michael was pretty emotional too!

Pick and the admiral final moments, before sacrificing herself to save the crew and the ship (Enterprise)

The battle with Control on Disco, and it's Ultimate distraction in the spore drive!!!

Michaels Space jump, I wish it lasted longer-hope there will be an extended cut of this episode. To capture its epicness!

Best Surprise

The Klingons come to save the day!! I sort of like how Michael was responsible to start the Klingon Wars at the start of season 1 and also the reason to unite the Klingon and the Federation for a moment at the end of Season 2.

Was the end a teaser for the Star Trek Adventure with Pike, Spock and Number 1-and continue with the Enterprise!! GOD I HOPE SO!!!!!

Michaels And Discovery last moments while heading into the future.....that was beautifully shot!!!


For 1h&5m, I wanted more damn it MORE!!!

Light rehashing of season 2, with Michaels jump through space in time!! The visuals were great, but I guess the part was still needed.

God I cannot wait for more Star Trek Content, and for Season 3!!!!!!
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Mandy (I) (2018)
People Just don't Understand....Surreal Revenge Films...
30 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In a world where everything needs to be explained to people, it is very refreshing to watch a movie that needs no explanation, or long expositions to tell the audience what's happening and how it will be resolved. This film Mandy comes along, let you experience this film and doesn't have to sooon feed its audience that this is a surreal revenge film. Take some time and watch a David Lynch, Darren Aronofsky or Alejandro Jodorowsky film, understanding surreal films are not the most popular film, but it is better then a one star!

Think of this as John Wick as a Surreal film.

All you have to know, man loves women, woman loves man. Crazy Cult guy lust after women, summons demons to get the women. Crazy cult guy and his followers drug women so he can have sex with her. She laughs at him, even be drugged up, she sees through his BS. Crazy cult guy gets angry and burns her alive, while the mad is tied up in barb-wire and stabbed at his side. Thinking the man was dead, the man goes on a Journey to advantage the woman's untimely death.... not hard to follow, but I guess that was too hard to figure out.

This was an aweome, visually crafted and great acting by the one and only CAGE!!! A must watch for other surreal film fans!!!
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The Orville: Lasting Impressions (2019)
Season 2, Episode 11
The Love Orville Returns!!!
25 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Seth maybe talented, but becoming a one trick pony with exploring the empty romantic lives of his characters in the Orville.

The Doctor falls in love with a robot, and need a simulator to quinch her physical needs...very healthy!

The lonely navagator, so far his best relationship is with a made up hologram of a dead person.

The engineer, talks about all of his conquest and nothing on the screen.

The Head of security, became attracted to a moklan, how ends up being put to death (or something bad) for being attracted to women over men.

The Moklan couples, cannot stand eachother and trying to get out of the relationship.

Number One, wants a relationship with out being in a relationship.

Captain, still in love with number one, found a girl friend to distract himself, just to findout he was sleeping with the enemy....

Yes this is the mighty crew of the Love Orville!! Where exploring relationships over space has a dying / passionate fan base crying themselves to sleep after each episode.

Best line: "she didn't say Wireless Technology Factory, and just used WTF." That was a the best line in the whole show...

Then John was able to get the phone to work, Gordon saw her picture, and he was smitten with a dead women. Uses the " simulator" to bring her to "life" and start up a relationship with her. Finds out she has a boyfriend, delete him, which changes her into somthing Gordon didn't like, had to bring back to boyfriend to "preserve" her ideal this isn't creepy or unhealthy relationship....I guess this speaks to the Orville fan base because their relationships are not real and unable to connect with real people, but a fantasy version of what they perceive as human contact....
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Star Trek: Discovery: Project Daedalus (2019)
Season 2, Episode 9
A Prelude To The Red Angel
15 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This Episode just about brought everything on the emotional spectrum....

Seeds are being planted, is this the Prime Timeline, we know it's not the Kelvin timeline, but Spock made a quick reference in last weeks eps about the foreseeable feature about the unknown entity is about to purge life forms throughout the galaxy in "This Timeline."

As Discovery in her crew goes to confront Section 31, we learn the system starfleet uses to communicate actions and plans with high ranking officers is out and believes Section 31 is behind it. It is soon revileved the commanding officers have been eleimnated from Section 31 by an grown A.I. force that Discovery allowed to enter into her system to learn over 200,000 years of knowledge (a few eps back "An Obol for Charon." Back in Ep Light and Shadow, Pike and Tyler encountered a modified star fleet prob from 500 years in the future in a time wrap, before the prob was destroyed it dowloaded itself into Lieutenant Commander Airiam, and discovered in this ep, the dying sphere in the An Obol for Charon was growing inside the logs of in Star Fleet-and ready to go full SkyNet, and used the time warp to help create itself / let it out of its "data prison" and eat Star Feelt from the inside out!!!

Pros: Sadly the fairwell of Lieutenant Commander Airiam, once she realized-she was no longer in control of herself, she had to die-she couldn't kill herself, Michael unable to space her-right before we learn some new truth about the red angel and the AI threat Commander Nhan spaced Airiam.

Spock and Michael conflict with each other and planting seeds why Michael has never been referenced as part of Spock's family-in the prime timeline. They do argue / fight like brothers and sisters do, and both seem to hold a good grage against eachother.

Entering the minefield, and finding a way through it!

Paul and Spock's interaction very brief and insightful! Paul helping Spock why the red angle appeared and choose him, and Spock helping Paul with his relationsship with Hugh. Not a lot of words, just a few direct ones, super cool!!

As always Pike, the grounding force to make the crew work!!!!

Con: Tilly, Noooooooooooooooooooo, trying to save Airiam with downloaded broke whatever tension that was being built between Michael and Airiam, when Airiam was asking Michael to kill her before it was too late.

Speculation: Michael fate is the Red Angle, chose Spoke to help save the future, and ultimately removed herself and memories of her to save her family and Galaxy (sort of the reversed in how we were introduce to her by almost destroying star fleet and her family)....forever locked in time and space and not being remembered.....
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Star Trek: Discovery: If Memory Serves (2019)
Season 2, Episode 8
Feed Me More!!!!
8 March 2019
Congratulations, Star Trek FANS are getting Season 3!!!!

My Goodness what a hell of a Eps!!! Normally I would make a overly long post, and the plots, twists and turns-then go into the pros and cons. I am not feeling too well, and don't have the time to post that. I am very happy with tonight's eps, and excited we are getting season 3!!! Time to goto Funky Town with this DISCO!!!
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Star Trek: Discovery: Light and Shadows (2019)
Season 2, Episode 7
HOLY S*** B***S!!! This Eps was Awesome!!!
1 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This Is My Star Trek!

Plot line One: the crew of investigating a time anomaly In search of the red angle, and chaos ensues!!!

Plot Line Two: Captain Pike allows Michael to go home to Vulcan and help find Spock.

Plot Line 1.1: DISCO couldn't get close enough to the time anomaly without effecting the ship so Pike and Ash, use a shuttlecraft to get close enough to launch a probe but gets sucked into a timewave.

Plot Line 2.1: Michael meets up with mom (Amanda) and dad (Sarek), *plot twist* mom has been hiding Spock in a cave that protects him from a psychic link.

Plot Line 1.2: Pike and Ash finds a way to work with each other and runs into the probe they launch, *plot twist* the probe is now 500 years old and been Modified by "someone or somethkng" to steal data...

Plot Line 2.2: Spock's mind has been fractured, no one can heal him, Sarek convince Michael and Amanda that 31 can help him.

Plot line 1.3: Saru directes Tilly to work with Paul because he now has tardigrade DNA that can protect him and navigate the time anomaly. Can they Save Pike and Ash!?

Plot Line 3: Section 31, Philippa and Leland-Who has the best interest for Spock and recovery?! Leland promises Michael they'll do everything they can to bring Spock back. Once Michael was convinced Leland and section 31 wants to see Spock back....*plot twist* Philippa tells Michael, Leland and section 31 was going to aggressively extract Spock's memories and could leave him unrepairable. Who to trust indeed!?

PROS: Philippa, is the perfect anti-hero, cannot trust her but you want to love her at the same time!!! Such wickedness, so much awesome wickedness!!

Tilly's Time Puns, come on you know they were good!

The Action, science-fiction, drama and humor, this is episode had it all and able to contain it within 40 mins-that's impressive!

Time traveling probe, sort of matrixee, but still a fun addition to the show.

Oh Don't get me started about the ending, and the trailer for next week episode!!! That was epic!!

CON: The Episode was only 40 mins, and wish it was longer-tho it was lean and fast, still wanted more damn it!!

Thought Sarek speech to save Spock was too short and not convincing enough to change the minds of Amanda and Michael to take Spock to section 31-how was he convinced that 31 was there to help Spock!!?

Spock puzzle was a little too easy to figure out, but I guess you have to be mad as a Hatter to follow the clues.

I wanted more Space time anomaly, I was hooked man and I don't think they gave us enough of it!!!

Anyways, love what I am watching-and cannot want to watch part two of the Orville tonight, we know Isaac is going to pull a Data and figure out a way to disconnect the IA from the network and shutting them down before they can destroy earth...just saying....
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The Orville: Deflectors (2019)
Season 2, Episode 7
The Love Orville!!!
16 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
As the great saga of one hit writers that wants to explore personal relationships between shipmate, AI and random Aliens, people are asking-when will space be explored!? Hope next week, be fun to see more then the over Orville drifting in space to help remind audience-this is syfy, but wait there are more relationships to explore!!!

The 3 and a half love stories!

Love Story Line One: Grayson calls it off with her boyfriend

Love Story Line Two: Bortus deals with his past boyfriend, and findout why they couldn't workout!!

Love Story Line Three: (plot twist, forbidden love) Bortus old boyfriend loves women and attracted to Keyali

Love Story Line Four: now that Grayson boyfriend is out of the picture, can their be hope that she'll get back with Mercer!!!!???

Oh yeah, then there is this silly throw away non Love plot line about the Moclans working on the Orville to improve its shields dtrying to improve their shields, and celebrate it with cupcakes!!!!

Pros! Random Moclan (Locar), who had a past relationship with Bortus, admits he loves women to Keyali, ask to keep it a Secret because it would bring shame upon him if he comes out in public! Bortus partner (Klyden) outs Locar, because he somehow figured it out by "reasons," over dinner hearing Locar does not have a child yet!!! This puts further strain on Bortus relationship with Klyden. Locar could have run and hide-but decided to face his judgment back on his home world, so his family would not live with the shame.

Con: What's the point of Grayson having a boyfriend or needing to know she had one-outside of ep 1 season 2 show, having Mercer using ships resources to spy on them!? So the show starts off with them two talking and he really want to take a vacation with her, Grayson is a workaholic and chose her career over random boyfriend (shocker!!!).

Bortus and klyden relationship, it is a strain on the show-can the self-righteous zealot Klyden change or keep grinding Bortus into a pillar of salt.....

Keyali, quickly falls for Locar. The self-righteous speeches about Moclans culture, even knowing the shame it would bring to Locar if Moclans find out he prefers women over men.

Locar fake death and try to push it in Klyden....maybe Locar knows Bortus is unhappy with his partner and thought this was the best way to free him from Klyden.

Random boyfriend comes to terms that he lost Grayson, tells he he is leaving the ship for another job.

Keyali tells Malloy and LaMarr it's obvious Grayson still love Mercer, leaving fan boys and girls thinking-OH BOY, THEY ARE GETTING BACK TOGETHER!!!

Oh yeah, the syfy part of the story!!!

What was the point of the shield experiment, I guess that was resolved over victory cupcakes!!
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15 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Triggering thumbs down, because I gave it 8 stars....

Impressive Star Trek Eps, drama, tension, exploring new places and boldly going no man has been before....


Section 31 & Georgiou, proving to be the Dark Knight of the DISCO universe.

The Spore universes and Tilly story line pays off, by bringing Stamest & Culber back findout if Culber is really back, back!

Missed Opportunity

Ash Tyler and Stamest confrontation


Tho they couldn't go deeper with the relationship of distressed between, Pike and Leland, it took a commanding officer to tell them to calm down-so I hope they'll explore it more throughout the season.

The Search for Spock theme continues, sounds like he may be out of his Vulcan mind again, and I guess that something we will just have to discover!!!
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Star Trek: Discovery: An Obol for Charon (2019)
Season 2, Episode 4
This Episode was Awesome!
9 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Time to trigger thumbs down, because someone has the audacity to openly admit to enjoy DISCO!


Drama-to kill Saru or not to Kill Saru!!

Best line: Saru asking the crew, "do any of you know more then one language!!??" (Guilty of that myself)

Getting high on mushrooms, Tilly going down a literal mushroom hole!

Tower of Babel moment

Paul and Jett banter in the spore room

Tully's head gets drilled, and

Not Love Boat in Space!


Wish they did more between tilly and spore connection-they are pushing hard and fast about it, so I hope there will be a pay off with it in the end.

Wish they did more with the sphere, but only so much time to write everything in.

Wish they did more the Number 1, and hope she is back for MORE!!!

In some ways-season two is becoming Search for Spock (not like the awesome move), just thinking about it and having a little the end do they really need Spock this season...I hope there is a grand payout for it...
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Star Trek: Discovery: Point of Light (2019)
Season 2, Episode 3
what can I say I love Star Trek and enjoy this episode
2 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is to trigger thumbs down, because someone enjoyed DISCO... PROS!! Section 31 Klingon Power Stuggle, and for the fancy fans-Klingons with Hair!!! (Thumbs down Triggers) Supposed Spock murder 3 doctor plots Leaning why our protagonistcan be cold with her reactions, with her adopted mother's upbringing. CON: could have done a better job with Tillies training and parasite possession story line. Episodes need to be longer!!!!!
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The Orville: A Happy Refrain (2019)
Season 2, Episode 6
I enjoyed the limited commercials
2 February 2019
Well soap opera in least the commercails were okay...
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Polar (I) (2019)
Everything Was There to be a AWESOME Film....buuuut
27 January 2019
The Director and Editor were not ready for this project....when the film was working it was aweome, however, when it wasn't working the film fell flat on its face. I think the strongest parts of the show happeneds during the second half, but that first half...yikes!!! Normally I love b action movies like this, but it doesn't mean I hate it, just think under a stonger Director and Editor, it would have been brilliant!!!
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The Orville: Ja'loja (2018)
Season 2, Episode 1
So-So Soap Opera in Space...
31 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Soooo, the episode is about watching a crew member peeing, catching the doctors son drinking, the captain using the ships resources to spy on his Ex because she has a new boyfriend, the security officer sucks at daring, and the navigator cruising on a new crew memeber of the week. You are smart enough to figuring out how it ends...
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Hellraiser: Judgment (2018 Video)
Just make it stop, give it to real writer and director
27 December 2018
Please for the love of the fans, release the rights to a real writer, director and producers who loves the horror movies....this is just ridiculous....
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Vice (I) (2018)
Great Concelpt, Badly Executed
27 December 2018
The Actors were ready, the director got their shots in, the writers had something solid, and the editor of the film was all over the place where I didn't know how to feel about the film when it was over. I think with a stronger edit, it would have been the film we saw in the trailer...didn't hate it, nor did I love it, more of a Meh experience. The Actors deserve a better edit, for this film.
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It's not even it's so bad it's good...
30 November 2018
They were close in making a it is so bad it's good kind of horror movie, and they failed at that. It looked like they started off with an idea of the protagonist dealing with trauma and fighting addiction, then desided to throw in a story about a possessed girl for-reasons. But the two ideas didn't mash up very well and end up with a mess and not a so good it's kinda good mess at that. #sad #whythisfilmwasmade
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House of Cards: Chapter 66 (2018)
Season 6, Episode 1
Not As Strong without A Counterbalance
6 November 2018
Without the a counterbalance for Claire, the show is not the same nor have the chemistry like the other seasons had. This season is shadow, with moments of brilliance, but not enough to be a homerun.
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