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Dark Shadows (2012)
It was an even more gay version of twilight.
7 June 2012
I really don't want to be that person but yea it was bad.(warning spoilers) Depp was a good actor through the whole movie as always but the movie was so corny. While watching I was thinking "is this supposed to be funny or serious." The movie was so silly but they wanted to make it serious. This man of the name Collins is turned into a vampire after he leaves witch ex girlfriend and so she ends up killing his new girlfriend. She turns the town people against him and they lock him in a box. He gets out in the 70s and goes home where he helps what small Collins family is left but making them rich again. You find out that his witch ex girlfriend is still in the town and making millions. While Collins is with the family he meets their governess that happens to look like his girlfriend that was killed by the witch. Later is the story Collins denies that witch bitch again and she turns the town against in and they lock him in a box. Until he loves her she will keep doing this to him.A boy from the Collins family let him out. He gets put and he shows the town people that she is a witch, then randomly you find out that the Collins family daughter was a werewolf the whole time, what the hell? Before the witch is defeated he tells Collins that the governess that he fell in love with is about to kill herself by walking off a cliff, just like his girlfriend at the beginning of the movie. Collins stopped her just in time but then she was like "I will get old and you will be young." She jumps off the cliff and Collins jumps to save her and bites her just in time to make her a vampire like him.

So now the bad part. 1.There was no real good relationship between characters. 2.Their teenage daughter was randomly a werewolf. With no notice it was like Wtf when did this happen? I did not see the show, if she was like that in the show, cool but not everyone who is seeing the movie will see the show. 3. It was to corny. 4.No one noticed that the witch was a witch even though she never got old and in her office she had portraits of herself through the years that I guess everyone thinks it is her ancestors but they all look exactly the same, that never happens. 5.there is a random ghost that is never really explained. 6. It was Tim Burton's twilight. There was a love triangle and a girl was human that wanted to be a vampire so she will not get old and she dies and gets turned to a vampire just in time. 7.The fake blood was really bad. When there was blood on Collins face it would not smear but water would splash on his face, or he would wipe his face. Also other blood you saw looked like reddish Orange pudding. 8. It was boring.

Really just wait to see it when it comes on TV.
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Nothing Wrong with this movie.
19 April 2012
(May be spoilers) I have never given a movie 10/10 but this one wins as one of my favorite movies. Daniel Radcliffe is amazing in this, even though the whole time I was screaming "HARRY YOUR WAND!!!.......oh wait" but I still loved it.

I really was on the edge of my seat. A few times I did jump but after a while I got used to it. It was intense, you knew something scary was going go happen but the exact moment you did not know. So you would be ready for something scary and BAM! Something pops out or whatever and you would still skip a heart beat. I also love how it was not a killer just running and killing there was a story that was rather interesting. I think scary movies are so much better when there is a back story to why someone is killing. Some people found it boring, maybe they did not get it or they are the people that want blood and gore. If you are one of those people this movie may not be for you. The movie is about a man named Arthur Kipps who is kinda depressed about his wife dying in child birth. He has a son that is a toddler now. Kipps is going to spend time with his son but he has one last job to do before he can. Kipps has to go to a house of a woman that has died to settle the estate, he does not bring his son with him. He arrives in the town that is very creepy and everyone seems to be depressed and colorless. Everyone warms him not to go to the house for random reasons(they don't tell him why, which I find stupid) he goes anyway and while looking through papers he hear noises and he find a room in the house that is locked but there is noise coming from inside.

Kipps befriends a rich man that lives in the town named Daily. No one will take Kipps to this house but Daily takes him there and back. Kipps stays over night and finds out more and more. He still hears noises coming from this room, he sees the woman in black, he sees children standing in the yard at night. In the marsh outside the house he sees a boy rise from the muddy water next to a cross and he walks to the house. The strange boy tries to open the door but when Kipps opens the door no one is there he walks out looks around when coming back into the house mud foot prints are on the ground.

Every night Kipps would see this woman. He soon finds out that when ever someone sees her a child dies. The woman in black kills the children or she makes them kill themselves.(Idk why they did not just move out the town or tell Kipps the story of what will happen.) Every time a child dies the woman in black is there. The people in the town do not want Kipps to go back, he does. Kipps finds out that the woman in black had a son that was taken from her by her sister. She was also crazy but her son died and no one looked for the body so the woman black haunted and killed children because her son was taken and died and not given a respected grave. Both Kipps and daily go to find the dead body of the boy and lay him to rest with his mother. We think all is good but at the end (Warningw spoiler) Kipps son arrived in the town, he is going to leave with his son that night. We see the woman in black. Kipps son walks off onto the train tracks, train was coming. Kipps jumps to save him but they both are hit by the train. We see Kipps and his son walk off into the light to Kipps dead wife. Then we see the woman in black by the train tracks.

I love this movie! It is a must see. The only problem, people did not tell Kipps about how kids die when someone sees the woman in black and the people did not move out of the town. It would have saved lives. Still its intense and heart pounding. SEE THIS MOVIE!!!!!
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Assassin's Creed: Revelations (2011 Video Game)
Good but no revelations.
12 April 2012
I love the assassins creed series. It's beautiful, fun, addictive and different. The story line is different for the usual shoot and run type of feel. So when revelations was coming out if was extremely exciting but I ended up being disappointed. I don't know if it was just me but the story line was out of no where. They explain it but in the beginning I was asking myself "why the hell is ezio here." The story line was also a little hard to follow. I also found myself asking "what the hell is going on how are these people." It felt random.

Also some things I found pointless. Getting more assassins. We really never used them and if we did it was the ones that the game gave you for the cut scenes. You would have gotten two new assassins but when you used them you had like 10. There was only like 4 assassins there anyway. So why get assassins if they are going to give them to me. Also in the game you meet a prince that you befriend in the game. You have to visit him a few times but the weird thing is his house is all restricted area with guard so while going to start a memory you would have to get there and try not to be attacked. Also I'm this game like in AC brotherhood you buy shops to increase you income. I have no problem with this but in AC revelations its so hard to find places. They are not near each other and they are just hard to find. When I needed something I had to play hide n seek with the shops. Also they added this weird thing they added that random people will come up and stab you. You can stop them but you need to be quick. The only problem with this is it happens at the most annoying times. Like when you are chasing someone or tailing someone and you can't be detected. I play this game on xbox and on the other games Y was the button to lock onto a Target well in this game they changed it and it does not always work.

The most annoying thing was you do all this work the whole game and you don't find out anything. There is no revelation, the information we game was we already knew cuz it was it was obvious. I thought it would wrap up a lot of things. Well nope. You would think there will be a big revel at the end but desmond just wakes up and says "I know what to do" I found myself asking "what was the point of it, if there was no revelation." So I wonder what will they do in the next game since it features a new ansestor. If desmond knows what to do then y is there a new ansetor. Also there was no real big fight at the end. You kill all the targets with one stab of the blade kinda if boring. I love the series I loved playing the games because the story line is not like others. This game is a lot like brotherhood just in a different place. The thing I loved was it wrapped up ezios story. They best part of the game, ezio falls in love with an Italian woman. That I feel like was the main point, to wrap up ezios story so the bakers don't feel cheated.

The multi player is also fun, some glitches but its not the normal easy to do,shoot and run game, you have to think a little bit. I give this an 7/10. Because it was good but not as good as I thought Still a fine game and I would say get it but not to get any new info but to wrap up a ezio and to play the multi player.
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Criminal Minds (2005– )
love it, but not realistic
12 April 2012
I love the show, you know so much about the characters. You feel for them if they are hurt or upset which it good. The stories are good like why the killer is killing. But like all shows like this its unrealistic. I know a lot about criminal justice and the FBI, I have gone to a youth academy that shows teenagers what its like to be in the FBI and they tell you how much shows like this are not real. I've studied and read much about profilers and one thing is clear they are not like they are in the show. Profilers don't use guns and they don't do all the hardcore things like raid houses. They do help police but they don't really do the tactile things they do in the show, but they are trained to. Also the cases are solves very quickly, I know its an hour show but they could make the episodes over a longer spand of time. Also the team members come up with answers out of the blue. They will randomly think of something and it happens to be right. I love this show but its a lot of action that is not what its really like. But the action does keep people watching. If you know a lot about the FBI and know what they do it will annoy you a bit but I still think the show is good and entertaining
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its okay.
12 April 2012
It was a book first and I read them all. This movie is better then twilight but not as good as harry potter. It was not exactly like the books but its hard to make it just like the books. Most people that I am seeing that are writing reviews on this movie have not read the book so they don't understand why so many people love it. They thought the whole movie was weird, like why make kids fight to the death. It's explained so read the book. In this movie things were not right there in black and white some people did not get that as well, you have to think a little bit why things happened they way they did just because its not directly said does not make it bad. The one thing that bothered me was it just did not show how gruesome it really was. The games are bloodthirsty, sick, psychotic. Did not show that as I thought it would. It did not to be rated R but it just needed to show how the kids suffer in the games. A few things were changed that did not bother me minor things. It was not the best it could be but when you read the book you will understand that they can't do everything exactly like the book. Also Gale was not talked about enough. Gayle would always call katniss, katnip. He liked her and you knew it. Gale plays and important part later in the story so why they cut him out, Idk. The movie was boring at the beginning, like the book but it is showing you who katniss is. Before you see the movie read the books otherwise you will not understand the point of the book. You would think the book is okay because of the movie which is wrong. READ THE BOOK THEN SEE THE MOVIE.
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Beastly (2011)
it made me sick
12 April 2012
It was nothing like the book. I know it can't be exact but this was not even close.

1.Kyle was suppose to be a beast like with fur, claws that kinda of thing. The guy did not even look to bad. People that live near me look like that. 2.Kendra was suppose to be fat with a hooked nose like a witch. When she would turn Kyle into the beast she would be beautiful. There was no real difference. 3.They really did not go into kyles life before he turned ugly. He was so much more of a jerk which was better for the story. 4.It never went into the internet. In the book Kyle uses the internet to find girls. He would also use it to look at his old life. Kyle also went into a chat room almost every day. 5. It only touched on the fact that no one like Kyle. Kyle went to see his old girlfriend but she saw him and rejected him. They never said how everyone in the school really hated him and didn't miss him. 6. Did not really show how lonely Kyle was. Kyle in the book was moody depressed and angry. In the movie he was a bratty teenager. 7. He had 2 years to find love not 1. show the year it was two rose petals from when he tried to give his girlfriend the

rose. 9.Roses did not play any part in the story. They were talked about all the time. 10.The greenhouse was made before the girl came to live with Kyle. Kyle fell in love with roses and he made the greenhouse for himself not the girl. 11. The way the girl came to live with him was wrong. Her father broke into kyles green house looking for drug money. Kylw scared the man and promised to give him his daughter to spare his own life. 12. There was no mirror. Kendra gave Kyle a mirror so he could watch people and if he needed to talk to Kendra. When he needed Kendra he would use the mirror not go find her in the city. 13.After Kyle was changed Kendra played no part in the story. Which is the opposite from the book. 14. The girl was suppose to be like nerdy looking and not so pretty

I know everything can't be right but they missed details that would have made it better. I think they just took the book and made it into something that people don't need a brain to figure out. It could have been great but now is ruined.
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