
38 Reviews
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Peninsula (2020)
Fails to live up to its predecessor
26 September 2020
Was a little wary heading into this one as Train to Busan is one of the best movies I've seen over the past decade and maybe one of the best I've ever seen. Still, was excited when the opening credits began and we were off on another adventure. The film does a great job of keeping the action and excitement coming, but everything is watered down compared to the first film. The character development is weaker, as is the plot. You're not able to fully connect with the characters the way you were in Train to Busan. Don't get me wrong. There are a few moments in Peninsula that will tug at your heartstrings, but they feel formulaic and forced here, where they just seemed a natural part of the original's story. Still, two hours well spent.
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So frustrating.
24 May 2020
SO many plot holes in this one and characters making idiotic decisions. A family dynamic and a strange backstory to make is care (maybe) about the villians? Willis and Murray do the best they can but this movie be is so B it makes Lifetime movies look like Oscar bait. And can we talk about the constant tying up, get loose or untie, get tied up again? Does the writer have a rope fetish? Will watch anything with Bruce Willis in it, but this was tough at times.
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Breakthrough (2019)
Good movie. Recommend for believers and non-believers alike.
21 July 2019
This movie was a pleasant surprise. Ending up watching it on a whim with my sister who loves any movie based on a true story. And, yes, while the film is very heavy-handed with the religious propaganda, it's understandable given the film's circumstances. Truly a very emotionally gripping story led by a truly outstanding performance by Chrissy Metz. Seriously, she carries the film and acts her butt off. The rest of the surprisingly all-star cast play their role well. Would definitely recommend for believers and non-believers alike.
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Brightburn (2019)
What if Superman was evil?
8 July 2019
Being born and raised a diehard Superman fan, this trailer piqued my interest. It's a worn premise: What if Superman was evil instead of good? The answered has intrigued storytellers, comic writers, and moviegoers for years. And I feel that this movie answers it well. The best part of the film is that it doesn't shy away from the gruesome violence and gore that would ensue when one with these powers decided to use them for evil. Each member of the main family plays their role well, their internal conflict over the happenings constantly evident on their faces. Also, a great job of setting up an ending you expect and then delivering a shocking finale. Wouldn't mind seeing more into this alternate universe.
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Destroyer (2018)
Twisty, but zzzz.
8 July 2019
The story and twists were decent and Kidman gives it her all, but this was a very slow and plodding film.
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Good movie.
7 July 2019
Typical 80s cheese but a good movie with a star cast and a great message.
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Rocketman (I) (2019)
Good, but felt a little rushed.
6 July 2019
Not really sure where I sit with this one. A gripping tale of one of music's biggest icons. While Egerton shines as the glorious John, all the surrounding characters seemed to be simple generic caricatures of staples from this kind of stories. And the story blazes by, many of the acts with little explanation of motives. It follows the basic by the numbers of the musical biopic, never really seeming to let the weight of one single action hit with the viewer before moving onto the next tragic act. While the characters and story seemed to ring a bit formulaic and hollow, Egerton's performance is able to carry the gravitas. And the music, oh the music. John's catalog is beautifully strewn throughout the film in all its glory, though Taron's vocals struggle in parts and he is outsung by his supporting cast at points. And in the end, the conclusion and resolution come, yet once again seemingly easily and out of nowhere as had the conflict earlier in the film. A great story of a great artist that just seemed to miss on a few points for me. Did I enjoy the movie? Yes. It just seemed like a cliff notes version of what could have been a deeper and more compelling story.
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Aquaman (2018)
Made Aquaman cool, but not without its flaws.
30 June 2019
To be honest, I've never viewed Aquaman as a major character in the DC Universe. He was always that weird cousin that everybody just kinda puts up with and halfheartedly oohs and aahs when he tells a dolphin to pull a rope. So, firstly, props to Jason Momoa for bringing the grit and toughness to this superhero. He makes Aquaman cool, if for the first time ever. Also, the movie is beautiful. The fight scenes are well shot and the CGI makes every land a picturesque landscape of color and flash. Also, Amber Heard is absolutely gorgeous in this movie. Her red hair and outfits pop every time she's on the screen. The story, however, is kind of all over the place. How do they stop pollution? Isn't it a bad thing to let someone die? What are these people's motives? The film feels like its a bit too long as well. Did I enjoy the experience of the movie? Yes. Would I watch it again like I would other current superhero films? No. Still, great job making Aquaman a cool and valuable character again in the DC Universe.
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Shazam! (2019)
An actual fun DC movie.
29 June 2019
It goes without saying that most modern DC Universe movies tend to be on the dark and very serious side. So, this was a nice turn. Once the villain is introduced in typical DC dark fashion, the movie tilts to the lightness of youth and the chicanery that can ensue. So many light-hearted fun moments throughout. Zachary Levi is brilliant as the quick-quipping hero and embraces his child alter ego with ease. While the gaining understanding of powers and defeat of the villian seemed a little simplistic to me, overall it was just a fun, enjoyable film. The time flew by. It had laughs. It had heart. The cast had amazing charisma and chemistry. (Though the incredibly charismatic Cooper Andrews is kinda wasted in his supporting role.) While I think Batman and Superman need the gravitas, the light tone fit perfectly here. Great job by DC and a hope that they are making changes for the future thread of films in this universe.
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The best storyline in the X-men canon, and they crapped all over it.
23 June 2019
Don't know where to start with this. If you're going to dig up the greatest story in the X-men canon, you need to bring it. And this film brought nothing. It all felt so hollow. The characters didn't ring true. The story didn't ring true. It was all over the place with many nonsensical choices throughout. I was so excited for my favorite storyline and was disappointed more than I can put into words. This political and social propaganda piece missed the mark by miles.
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Toy Story 4 (2019)
A beautifully well done addition to the Toy Story saga.
23 June 2019
You always worry when they dig up old property to make a new film. Will they do it justice? Will they be true to the original? Is there really a need for another movie? Toy Story answers all these questions with a resounding YES! The original toys, along with some new additions, are brought back for a new adventure that hits all the notes that you love about the series. The laughs are there, as are the tears. A beautiful new chapter is added to the toys' saga as is the beautiful underlying lessons and morals of the story. Truly well done.
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Cute and funny, but no real substance.
16 June 2019
While I like Pokemon, I've never been a collector of cards or watcher of the cartoons. Still, the characters are cute and I like the idea of the competitive fights. From the trailer, the movie looked funny and cute, so I wanted to see it. And that's basically what you get from the film. Ryan Reynolds is funny and charming as the title character. The Pokemon are cute and the CGI is well done. Yet, underneath the surface, the plot is nearly nonexistent and the acting is subpar at best. So, is it worth watching? Yes. It's cute and funny. You'll laugh and be visually entertained. But once it's over, you realize you really gained nothing from the time spent watching.
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Allison Williams commands this great little thriller.
1 June 2019
Watched this trailer a few times, and just from that, I wasn't sure if I wanted to see this movie. But I decided to take a leap of faith and watch it. Firstly, Allison Williams is incredible. Visually captivating, she commands every scene she's in and pulls you into each one. Beautifully paced, the film grabs you early on and doesn't let you go. The sexual encounter/musical performance scene early on is truly art and beautifully done. Everything is graphic and visceral, not allowing you the opportunity to alleviate the pressure of the gore and violence, nor the underlying messages of the film. Filled with enough twists to keep you guessing until the bloody end, I think this was one of Netflix's best efforts to date.
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A Vigilante (2018)
Olivia Wilde is brilliant in this raw tale of domestic violence.
27 May 2019
Olivia Wilde is brilliant in this raw and unapologetically in your face story of domestic violence. Love how the plot not only progresses but the movie never shies away from the horror that these men, women, and children face on a daily basis. Grips from the opening scene, builds and doesn't let up until the final act. A film that proves you don't need a big budget or a big name studio to produce a quality film with a message.
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Great wrestling movie.
26 May 2019
Been looking forward to this one and I wasn't disappointed. Granted, I have to say I'm a bit biased as a wrestling diehard. But, this movie is great. Paige and her family are full, detailed characters. You can relate from the onset. Sure, the story is a bit corny and many details and events are glossed over, but it's a story about family and the dream of being a professional wrestler. It fits perfectly with the subject matter. Like wrestling, we don't need all the deep details. You just tell a great story and get the audience to feel something. Which is what this movie does. Is it the next Best Picture Oscar winner? No. But it truly is a glorious tale of the importance of family and never giving up on your dreams.
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Us (II) (2019)
Enthralling movie that promotes discussion
25 May 2019
Having only seen the trailer and done all I could to avoid spoilers. I wasn't sure what to expect with this film. The only thing I knew was that being a Peele film, I knew it would make me think and would be deeper than the average horror flick. The suspense and action are taut throughout and keeps you enwrapped. Little pieces of the plot are paced beautifully throughout and the performances are on point. You're left with questions well past the final reveal and the movie's message promotes inner thought. Any movie that can keep you enthralled from the opening scene to the final one and also promotes discussion is a win-win in my books. May have to rewatch this just to take in more of the messages throughout.
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Pet Sematary (2019)
Good if you don't know the source material or original film.
19 May 2019
The keys to a good remake are to not forget the original or the source material, update the story, and hold true to the values of the predecessors. While this remake captures the basic outline of King's novel and the original movie, it also makes several changes. Firstly, it adds several twists to the original plot line, which are excusable to keep viewers guessing and to separate the movie from the original. What frustrates, however, is that the filmmakers added so much. These additions skewed the very deep and visceral meanings and themes of King's book and the original movie. Rather than being a horror-filled contemplation on the complexity of loss and grief, it settled on jump scares, gore, and the creepiness of violent kids and animals. The characters are skeletal at best with no real depth or development in the film. In 2019, when you try to remake things, they have to be great. While this was a decent film if you ignore the book and the previous film, this effort fell far short of anything near great.
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This was surprisingly good. Thank you Netflix and Zac Efron.
12 May 2019
This wasn't something that was on my list to watch, but my wife is a fan of anything Ted Bundy, so I obliged. From the moment the film begins, you are immediately engulfed in the amazingly twisted love story of Bundy and Liz. The movie is incredibly paced and enthralling. Efron is his normal charismatic self, but surprisingly gripping and believable in the serial killer role. He beautifully parallels the real life man he portrays. The film also does a great job of splicing in actual police photos and TV footage, leading to the gripping final act. To say the least, I was pleasantly surprised.
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Escape Room (I) (2019)
A fun little thriller, though formulaic.
13 April 2019
I've always been enchanted by the idea of escape rooms. Always wanted to do one, just never had the chance. Ironically enough, this movie only enhanced my desire to do one. A very likeable and familiar cast serves their purpose through the twist and turns of a thriller that follows the now formulaic nature of the genre. Everyone gets a mysterious invite, enticed by money, and chaos ensues. Film flies by with a great mix of mystery, suspense, and action. An enjoyable time. Got to try one of these rooms soon.
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Great movie, even to a Spiderman purist.
23 March 2019
I've always been a purist. I enjoy the classic comics and their stories the most. Just how I was raised and what I grew up with. I know of the Morales storyline, just never gave it much credence. So, I was a little hesitant heading into this movie to say the least. That all aside, this little flick was a lot of fun. A fun, though not original, story leads all the various Spider characters together in a fun ride through Marvel lore. Was also very pleased with the adult overtones to the story while keeping it an animation movie for kids, which so many new cartoon movies do so well these days. In the end, while I may still believe that Peter Parker is the Spiderman, I now have a better understanding and appreciation of Morales and the other variations of Spiderman and their place in the Marvel Universe. Well done, Sony. And, of course, RIP Stan Lee. You will be missed.
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Another big actor Netflix dud.
18 March 2019
From the opening scene, you get the statement the movie is going to make, which is fine. The continuation of that point is a drum beaten too long that slows down an otherwise decent concept for a thriller. The insipid drivel that holds the story together is boring and annoying, and while I get that's the point, it doesn't help the viewer enjoy the scenes. Gyllenhaal does what he can with his hollow character, but his costars and the verbose dialogue do nothing to help him. In the end, it's a good horror movie concept done in by pretentious storytelling. And while it helps relay the film's message, it makes much of what could have been so good insufferable.
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Fails as a horror movie, but still a good twisty tale of love and loss.
17 March 2019
After the first Happy Death Day, didn't really seem like there was a need for a sequel, but Hollywood had other ideas. Firstly, the trailer for this movie is very misleading, one of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to films. This, unlike the original, is not a horror movie. Also, much of the logic used to explain this sequel is a convoluted mess. But the film is still a fun ride. Jessica Rothe carries this film with her undeniable charisma, talent, and heart. Where a lesser actress would have been lost amongst all the plot holes, Rothe shines. You can't help but love her and care about her character's plight. So, as a horror movie, this fails, but stands as a twisty tale of love and loss.
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Into the Dark: Treehouse (2019)
Season 1, Episode 6
Another Ho-hum Hulu Horror.
10 March 2019
Film struggled to find its center to start and was really all over the place. By the time you figure out what is going on, it's over. A good message tries to save this movie, but it still is a forgettable blip in the series.
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Into the Dark: Down (2019)
Season 1, Episode 5
Love or hate Valentine's Day, Hulu has a good, quick little thriller for you.
10 March 2019
Hulu's Into the Dark series has had some hits and some misses, so you never really know what to expect heading in. This one starts off strong and is a good little thrilling yarn from start to finish. Great use of two attractive, moderately well-known actors to lead this one gives a sense of the viewer knows these characters and can become engrossed in their story. (Also helps that I love the beautiful Natalie Martinez from her Under the Dome days.) While the second half of the film is cliche and has been done many times before, it's done pretty well. Clocking in at just over 80 minutes, it's a quick little thrill ride that is better than it should be.
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Fun (yet muddled) film with a good message.
9 March 2019
Like its obvious cousin I Feel Pretty, Isn't It Romantic has a message to give its audience. From the opening scene, you know what that message is and where this story is going. And that's the point. While some of the jokes don't quite land and the movie seems to run just a bit longer in spots than necessary, Rebel Wilson does her usual comedic best to carry the film. A final twist plainly smacks the viewer with the moral of the film and finally concludes predictably. While muddled in spots, love the message of the film and had some fun.
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