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Self Serving Egofest
4 June 2023
The mechanics of it is interesting to me. Unfortunately, it is marred by repetitious commentary, Ant muggin for the camera and irritating personal insights. It is a 12 episode ego fest. Those of us who love to work on cars don't care about his discussion with his wife over the single seater. We don't care about what tea he likes etc. It just seems like he or someone said this guy is so interesting we'll do a lot of deep moment stuff. So glad he left Wheeler Dealers- he is just one of those guys that thinks he is engrossing but he isn't. Sorry just too Hollywood. The absolute reason I do what I do? Spare me man.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
My favorite show ever
11 September 2021
Can't really tell you why but this is my all time favorite show. Maybe it is because it has real drama and real comedy and both seem to be effortless. I am not British even though I spend half a year there. I am not a fan of "football" at all. However every Friday I cannot wait until I get home to watch it- So i don't I watch it first thing on Friday- I change my entire work, exercise, morning routine so like a little kid I can scurry to my man cave and watch this show. Episode 8 has a moment in it that sort of encapsulates what I love about the show. I am first and foremost a Marine and now am an executive at a big silicon valley company- long hand for I am not some sopping wet guy that gets emotional. However episode 8 season 2 that moment brought a tear to my eye. Best scene in a tv show- Period

Our world seems to be coming apart sometimes- Do yourself a favor and see a show where people are funny, sad, real, capable, not over the top. No violence, no nastiness, people you think are awful are at some point redeemed because even when we have someone awful in our life we want to be kind and see them redeemed.

Anyhow, take a load off your feet, sit back and enjoy. And FFS thank the people who make this show so great. I promise you'll root for them.
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SEAL Team (2017–2024)
Soap Opera with Guns
6 June 2021
The show has some good spots they definitely have good tactical advisors and they have good weapons handling but man the drama os way too much. The petty squabbling and whining is not interesting it isn't real and doesn't add to the story line. It just doesn't work this way. I was with a high op tempo team for 16 years and I'd have never stayed on a team with so many people who seek drama and create strife. Down range you aren't whining, you aren't second guessing. The leader of the team is unfit for purpose most of the time and makes leaders look like a bunch of weak spastics that toss their lame ego around to the detriment of the mission.

Get rid of the soap opera garbage, show the discipline and sacrifice of those that work the problem and make things happen. And get the old man with the moobs off the show he is irritating and in the real world he'd get his mouth smacked. There is no such thing as someone who's personality overshadows the mission.

So disappointed in this show. This latest season is awful. When you are on task you don't sit around having deep conversations and crying. To do a fairly good job with the tactics and then wreck it with touchy feely mess is ridiculous. And btw why did someone on the show suddenly develop a much thicker southern accent? And no not Sonny. Such a ridiculous show.
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Deep State (2018–2019)
Good Story Plot Rubbish Plot
4 April 2021
Really good intrigue shows the intelligence cycle pretty good but the over all plot is tired and dull as well as untrue. I know people want to believe this is how and why wars go forward but it isn't. It is a Hollywood fantasy that gives people protagonist and antagonist they are ideal. I'd love to critically point out the plot holes and overall why it isn't like this in the spy world but I'd have to give stuff away and no one reads those reviews. And people who have never been involved in the intel process already have their mind made up.

Agencies don't murder ordinary people to reach a goal. My entire adult life has been stopping bad guys ine way or another and most people in that world are like me. We have morals, ethics, compassion. We don't blindly do things. Someone needs to do a story about how there are bad humans out there. Rabid dogs that need to be put down. You don't need to purposefully harm civilians. It serves no purpose nor would these people do that. Every single person I have served with has been a patriot, every Brit, US, European, African, Muslim, etc that I have worked with is good people. I know Muslims have done more for the US, UK,EU than any flag waving nationalist. They care deeply about their countries and people and are willing to do the necessary. If a real movie came out 90% would be meetings with lawyers of a given agency running their mouths and giving ridiculous analysis.

Little known fact- it was lawyers that paved the way for chemical weapons to be used in Ww1.

As far as story telling goes iti is good. Good weapons handling, good action. Fun and intriguing but a fantasy for the most part. .
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Kind of Made me Feel Old
29 October 2020
Years ago as a teen I watched Ali G and then from that came Borat. I would howl with laughter and I was really looking forward to this- I just got back from London last night due to work and was bummed I didn't have time to watch it right when it came out. I had planned to watch it with my fiancee in London because I was excited to see her reaction, she is a equity partner in a law firm there and oddly enough is probably the funniest person I know. She'd had never seen Borat but knew a bit about Ali G and as a London born and bred lady she likes Ali G. Anyhow that never happened it would have been good to get her opinion.

It made me feel old because as much as I loved Sacha when I was a young teen I watched this expected to howl with laughter but it all felt so tired and old. sort of like Abbott ad Castello but a bit too try hard. I don't want to get in to revealing detail but ultimately it is the same predictable stuff we laugh at when we are 13, 14, 15 because it seemed edgy or grown up or something back then now it is just kind of like a episode of the Jackass movies with a script. Same kind of goofy humor.

Anyhow, didn't see to be fun or different or edgy just seemed a bit lazy because they know stoners and teens will often laugh at fart jokes. So now I feel almost like a grown up and soon I'll be telling kids to get out of my yard. I know Cohen can do better he is brilliant and this seems repetitive. I bet it does big numbers though! So I can't be one of those people who say it wasn't funny because I don't get to decide what is funny or not. To me it wasn't funny and mostly because it is so much like the first one same cringe moment stuff.

Anyhow, I hope you enjoy it and aren't like me, where you watch it and it just reminded you of more simple times when a fart jokes would make you laugh. Growing up and becoming an adult has those moments - when you realize you can't go back. Come on Mr Cohen grow with us and do some stuff that is smart like we know you can do. Doesn't have to be like Woody Allen smart- just not another version of the 3 stooges.
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Marcella (2016–2021)
Compelling but Very Unrealistic in Many Ways
12 October 2020
I have had the privilege of working with and training law enforcement around the world to include Metropolitan Police/New Scotland Yard and the series does a disservice to them. The portrayal of their process, procedures, bickering, etc. just isn't very realistic. In many way Met is one of the finest police orgs in the world and there is no way she'd be tolerated and there is no way some of the things she and others do would be tolerated. Yes, squads/teams do bicker and there are personality conflicts but not the way they portray it.

Anyhow, it is a good show lots of twists and turns and it is compelling but not at all a real procedural drama. I know it is only a show but I do think it is important to accurately portray the details and then if you want you can use some license on the personalities like they did with Marcella.
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American MC (2017– )
Not Even Close to MC Life and Just a Bunch of Whining RUBs
6 April 2020
I am stuck here in WFH mode during this COVID19 thing and a brother who knows me said hey man, I know you like to be mad all the time, so check this show out and let me know how it works for you. Boy was he right. Honest to God, were I involved in this project I'd hire the best attorneys and demand they blur out my face in every scene. Tom Baker is honestly one of the most disagreeable people I have seen on TV and if there was a man in the group they'd have smashed him in his mouth and left him on the side of the road. He also sort of personifies the kind of scumbag who should not be allowed to carry a sidearm. He is unsafe, treats it like a 10 yr old that just found pops gun and is not mature enough to be around a loaded weapon. just an awful spectacle...
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Homeland (2011–2020)
Good drama highly unrealistic
9 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Enough with the whole psychotic thing. No way is an officer of the agency a known nutter. It was ok as a plot point but it is just too much now. The show has high drama and some semblance of realism but overall they are treating us like morons to buy in to 70% of what they show us. Renegades, rebels, off book bad arses aren't stomping around laying waste to protocol and procedure. Everything has a method and process and by adhering to it you can develop the freedom to focus the picture and get stuff done. Without it you just bang up against locked doors. There are so many incredible people and patriots sacrificing a lot to get stuff done and there is zero need to have a wackbag stumbling around making so many mistakes just because they have prescient vision or whatever she has. Put the show to be it is ridiculous. I gave it a 5 for being well shot and entertaining but it is too far from reality.
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Top Gear: Episode #27.1 (2019)
Season 27, Episode 1
Why are they so far off the mark?
3 December 2019
The beauty of the Clarkson era was they came across as goofy but smart car folks who at least seemed to be close. This new crew is way off that- The come across and low rent blokes trying to act like even lower rent lads. More like chavs with zero entertainment value. The horsing around seems forced and fake. As a Top Gear and car enthusiast who always managed to learn a bit from the show I didn't get anything good out of this episode.

If BBC can't manage to find 3 likeable real men then shut it down. A cricketer, a lame game show host and occasionally successful race car driver are a far cry from people who should be on a car show. It just all comes across as really fake and really lame. So much potential with this show and unfortunately it is so much potential lost.
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The only thing worse than this movie are the pretentious reviewers
7 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Just an awful movie- there is nothing to gue in cheek or good about. The only thing worse are the fools giving it a 5 or better that try to act like they get it and we are all just too stupid to get it. The worst of this bunch are the people who act as though you need to know the director's prior work to "get it". If his other movies are even 100% better tuan he still doesn't deserve to be given the task of directing a movie.

The reviews of people who give it above a 5 simply because it has a great cast are almost as bad as those who give it high marks because this Jerry fool has a bad hairdo and is incapable of making a good movie.

I am positive that people who gave this a 5 or above are insufferable people who are the kind of people the rest of us avoid at a party or event.
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I Don't Get It
7 September 2019
I feel like I am missing the joke here. Not one line was delivered with any attempt at acting and most of the dialogue sounds like they are just reading it as badly as possible off he script. I don't get it we have seen these people act before and some of them are generally pretty good but in this movie they are worse than a high school drama club.

Why did they waste all of these poor lil megabytes of data and why did all of these actors (some substantially famous) agree to do this movie? Is it an attempt to show that people will watch a movie no matter how little effort was put in to it?

This could possibly be the worst movie ever made and the actors seem to acting ironically as though they are embarrassed to be part of it and are purposefully acting very badly so that folks think- oh it is just a lark they did it purposefully.

Anyhow can someone tell me what the joke is of this awful movie?
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Flawed and ridiculous
23 June 2019
This is a guy who complains about being poor while placing himself in a career that is fairly meritocracy based and complains that he is broke. The bits of his act they show demonstrate to me that he needs a new career. In my opinion, he isn't funny and that must be a shared opinion because he isn't successful at it. So he struggles but isn't choosing a path that he could be successful in. Like many people he complains about the rich and the unfairness of it all- He further maintains that those of us who do make good money don't interact with the poor essentially because we don't care. I am not in the top 1% according to his measurements I am closer to 1.5% maybe 2% at 250k per year salary and not including stock options and other parts of benefits package. If I include bonuses etc then yes 1%. I'm not exceptionally bright or highly educated (BS degree) but I found a field I excel at and love. I don't interact much with the poor because I work about 60 hours a week and travel a lot. Today is Sunday, I got home from meetings in Europe late last night. I'll work some today and start my full week on Monday. If you include flight time, etc. more like 80-85 hours a week.

Chris' logic fails because many of us who make great money work long hours, we do the time and put out the effort both in the workplace and while in school. Nothing is less effective at making the inequality argument than someone who goofed off in school, goofs off in life or who works a job they are not good at and then complains about how some make more money. Chris' skillset in the corporate world is probably fairly low level but he could start at an entry job and work his way up- it happens- we started a guy (minority) awhile back at reception he proved very early on that he was exceptional- some of us pushed for him to get moved over to our office ops team and 3 yrs later he runs that group for our offices globally. He is finishing his degree (which we gladly subsidize) and if he stays on his chosen path to be a lawyer he'll do well for himself. It can be done and I have seen it happen 10-15 times in last 20 yrs.

Anyhow, Chris' job is merit based if he fails that is on him. If he comes in to my world he will be viewed as can he raise the bar on a team? Can he add value? Is his 6-7 figure salary worth it because of the value he adds? Can we replace him by placing and ad on Craig's List or do we need to spend big bucks on a recruiting effort?

Sorry Chris but reality is this- you have to make yourself valuable no one else can do that for you, you cannot just say it isn't fair let's make it artificially fair. Anyhow, this is just another version of the tired old trope of some folks be making more money than me and I don't think it is right that they make more money. And they should have to give me some of their money to lift me up because me lifting myself up is hard work. Improve your act, stop whining, make yourself a valuable commodity. You can improve your own lot in life because very rarely is someone else going to do it for you.
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So Far: "Black Mirror Season 5" (2019)
Season 2, Episode 12
OMG so bad
6 June 2019
Did they just give up? did the people behind the franchise just decide that they were going to coast through Season 5? Just absolutely horrible. The only episode even remotely compelling was the Smithereens and it just seemed to be a bad attempt at a common theme against social media.

I can't even be bothered to give a lengthy reason why it was horrible just that after the first 4 seasons this was a disappointment.
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Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
Such high hopes but
5 June 2018
The thing that drives me nuts about both walking dead series are the two ridiculously bad stunt guys that coordinate their gunfights. I just watched the latest FTWD and while I like it more than the other now I am almost done. The gunfight was so bad.

Directors/Producers- I live in Nor Cal for many years I was a US mMarine in a high op tempo unit. I am bery well trained. After I left USMC I work for another agency. Now I investigate cybercrime terrorism finance organized crime etc for a global corporation. I train law enforcement and other agencies around the world.

I will take a month off work, drive down, pay my own way I will train your actors for free. Simple things to at least make it look like they have brains. I get they are not MARSOC or Marine Raiders but if you use firearms like they do- even without training you learn some proficiency. Seriously it is super corny and pathetic the way they do things.
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Bill Nye Saves the World (2017–2018)
Cringing, SMH, Ridiculous
3 June 2018
Is this show for kids, teens, adults? There are some pretty weird comic bits all of them just pathetic. It seems like Bill Nye is trying too hard to be cool and not imparting information. He needs to drastically tirm down the corny and stupid comic bits. Others have pointed out the propaganda and I guess it depends on whether you agree with the point of view.

I try to be respectful of the beliefs of others. I don't mind people challenging it but being unnecessarily ugly is not good. Example, he is talking about transpermia and makes a verbal and physical comment about Noah's ark. He essentially laughs at the idea of Christianity then proceeds to push out a theory that is no more provable than what the Christians believe. Anyhow, that bit is distracting and unnecessary.

The comedy is really bad and the constant audience laugh tracks is just fake and should be left with the 70s variety shows.

The sad thing is I think they do all of this stuff because we are either too stupid to pay attention to science or we need that to keep our attention. Neither is true- I think if you are watching the show they are probably genuinely curious and don't need the garbage.
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
Waste of time
28 May 2018
As many others have stated there are a ton of holes in this movie and they each take you right out of the movie. You then lose 5 minutes wondering why you are still watching this junk and more than a few what were they thinking moments. There are more than a few tired tropes that seal the deal and make it ridiculous.

Anyhow, I am not going to waste more time giving and indepth review especially with so many coming before me to warn others not to see it of if you do see it lower your expectations.

Like the movie MOTHER I use this movie to gauge whether or not I will get along with someone- Before asking someone's name I now ask have you seen Mother or Annihilation and did you like either? If they say yes or even hesitate- I turn away and they are dead to me. If they say no or smack me or tear at my clothes I am relatively sure that they'll be a great person. The more severe the reaction the better the chances- p

In short, I am disgusted by this movie and all who participated should be prohibited from wasting our time again. Hollywood pls do not EVER let this kind of movie happen again-

Ps it is impossible to spoil this movie it does it all on its own- shameful
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Mother! (2017)
Just So Bad
14 May 2018
I had the misfortune of not knowing what this movie was about before I saw it. I was surfing for a movie to watch I came across it and it sounded like a horror flick. The joke is on me- the horror part was due to it being so bad.

I get it- those of who wonder how someone like Al Gore who's carbon footprint equals a small failed Soviet state is able to waddle his way around the world preaching are horrible people. However, I did love the environment until I saw this movie. Now the ice caps can't possibly melt fast enough for me. Any topic responsible for a movie like this is evil.

After the movie I did some research. Polar bears were seen weeping the week this movie was released. They were so distraught that 100s of them forgot to eat and many of those died. Whole species of animals drew straws to see who would kill themselves off so they could be labeled as extinct. FACT. Think of that- a movie so bad that millions of animals and insects etc got together and tried to make their species extinct.

This movie was more pretentious then the board of the SF Museum of Modern Art. At what felt like hour 16 of this movie I started praying for an asteroid to finish us off. And I don't even like asteroids.

The acting was horrible, the idea that they were setting us all up for this big OMG moment was pathetic. I am currently looking for an attorney to represent me in a lawsuit against every one that did not warn me about this movie- So, if you saw this movie before me, rated it about a 4 and did not do everything humanly possible to warn me that is was horrible then I will be seeing you in court!

Good Day Sir or Ma'am! I said, Good Day!!!!
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Terminal (I) (2018)
I REALLY Liked This Movie
14 May 2018
My movie needs are simple. I want to be entertained. that is it. I don't need any fancy references or nods to previous movies or directors etc. I don't need to be informed or moved or left speechless.

The best part of this movie is it makes it very easy to suspend belief. So you don't have to watch it and suddenly think oh man that wouldn't happen or gee that was wrong. It is highly stylized, the dialogue is great and there is a definite rhythm to it. The acting is great some of the back and forth between actors is actually very witty and very solid. It has twists and turns- none of them earth shattering but great nonetheless.

I think every actor in it was great- I cannot for the life of me figure out why everyone hates it so much. My best guess is that pretentious people either thought it was going to be one thing and it wasn't so they are upset or pretentious people expected it to be more artsy like some of those noir type films can be.

Reading the reviews before I watch it I sort of knew it would be good. I think at a certain point people who I disagree with made it clear they didn't like it so in a sort of the enemy of my enemy thing- The bad reviews seemed like folks who expect too much of a simple small movie or tried to take this movie way too seriously and those who liked it seemed to simply take it as a piece of entertainment.

My wife and I watched it on a Sunday night after dinner curled up on the couch and felt like it sounded good, so we'll ignore the bad reviews and buy it on Xbox 1. I am really glad we did. The movie isn't going to change your life, it isn't going to be one of those life altering movies This movie was great and it did the one thing we wanted on a lazy Sunday night... It entertained us.

My God the people who hated this movie are the same type of people who loved La La Land and Mother- I will almost always enjoy a movie they hate- I watched two movies this past week- Black Panther and Terminal. Black Panther was applauded as being incredible- I thought it was just ok and I just can't get anymore involved with it than saying it was just ok.

So if you are looking for something a bit different than what has come out the last few years and can enjoy something for what it is- simple entertainment the give it a shot you'll probably also really like it.

In short, only people that hate fluffy puppies- don't like this movie.
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Orange Is the New Black (2013–2019)
I just don't get it-
5 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The show isn't funny- it is sad and depressing and unimaginative and pushes lazy stereotypes but it most certainly is not funny. I am not some social warrior angry about stereotypes because I happen to think making fun of a time honored stereotypes if they are done right. I wasn't even remotely surprised when they revealed crazy eyes parents- I thought yep why not? It is lazy.

Russian cook is lazy Redneck methhead come to Jesus is lazy Wigga with cornrows LAZY Sadistic porn-stache guard SUPER lazy Sensitive guard uggghhh

I love dark comedy this isn't dark it is just a show that a bunch of yuppies watch and think yeah man I know the deal.

You know who doesn't think the show is good? People who have had hardship don't like the show. People who have had family or friends in prison and know this show is to prison what Saved By the Bell is to public school.

Sorry but if you think this show is anything beyond a show you watch in the summer when nothing else is on then you don't know good TV.
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Free Fire (2016)
I loved this movie
13 July 2017
I suspect that many people won't like this movie but I thought it was one of the best I have seen in a long time. It starts out with some amazing dialogue and some very funny and unique lines. It changes pace several times, throws in some twists and turns and as it gets darker the comedy starts to give way to human nature and reality of being shot and shot at in a close in situation.

As some of us know getting shot at and shot is not funny at all but there is some dark humor that goes with that realm. If you took a civilian and put them amongst Marines in a fire fight they'd have a hard time understanding many of the comments being made. I felt like this movie while it dealt with a different subject matter did in fact capture that dark humor.

Anyhow, it was different it isn't like anything I have seen before and it was refreshing to see that there was no cut and dry villain no stand out good guy either.
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Catastrophe (2015–2019)
It is so good-
30 May 2017
I am WAY outside the demographic for this show- read Grouchy mean man that deals with horrible people around the world that do horrible things to good people- I have my wife and family that makes me happy and now this show. My wife says I look like "a skinny version of Rob with the personality of Clint Eastwood in any one of his angry movies".

Anyhow, the idea that I love this show, is this > < close to being earth shattering in a way that could affect all of your lives (collectively devastating) I love the banter and writing, I love how everything is smooth and flows so well. I love that that the supporting cast is so bleepin amazing. Seriously when was the last time that you actually cared about any of the supporting cast- with this show they are all so very good- even the babysitter.

The brother and Chris etc etc all very talented all compelling and all funny. One mark of a good comedy for me is if I don't laugh- As in the script and actors are so tight that i don't want to risk missing something.

My only complaint is 6 episodes per year at 24 minutes?? Really?

Anyhow, check it out you'll love it.
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Designated Survivor (2016–2019)
Nothing New Here and Bad Acting to Boot
18 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
ABC has merely created another propaganda how that merely rehashes the same old tired tropes. So much so that you cannot ignore the heavy handed way they do it in a review unless you are blind. Republicans/conservatives are evil, greedy people that want to put guns in the hands of babies so that they can grow up and be movie theater, school, mall shooters. All of us that served in war or as Federal Agents or both are potentially broken men slash time bombs.

Why don't these shows ever show broken violent female soldiers with this new type of battlefield they are no longer far from the action. So the message is they can serve with us but don't show them as broken ultra violent vets? Got it

The problem I have is even though I agree in principle with many of the liberal ideals as a Republican I get to the same point on choice, and gay marriage for different reasons. The GOP is the party of Lincoln and Reagan we great width and depth we can say woman's right to choose may not be our cup of tea but leave religion out of it and leave government out and mind your own business. Pro choice I just get there a different way. But these shows never talk about that we are just hateful men that want to abuse your womb... ugggh lazy writing if you ask me.

The background check part really angered me. They mention tough gun control laws in the beginning of the debate and how they can count on those Congressmen/women but they stop short of pointing out that many/most or maybe even all strict gun control states have the highest gun crime. The president's wife on the day of the vote mentions school and theater shootings but doesn't mention Chicago and how we are losing so much potential there with the murder of hundreds of innocent Black men and women. Why does the left and its propaganda writers ALWAYS leave that out?

You know why because it proves background checks don't make a difference when the toughest gun laws in the nation have ZERO benefit there. I won't go so far as to say also because the Dems love to use a certain group. If you can do some unbiased math there- well like I said do the math.

OK Kiefer Sutherland I respected his dad as an actor. Kiefer has the flattest least compelling delivery of any actor out there. He might be a nice guy but the oh shucks I am just a mild mannered HUD secretary act is painful- but then suddenly he is slamming his fist on tables... Seems kind of dual personality to me.

Did I just see the President say if you vote and lose your seat I'll give you a job? Isn't that illegal?

Anyhow, just a lazy show more bent on propaganda then providing good entertainment. At some point I hope the people of this country can look beyond party and say- Look my views on guns or abortion are X or Y I don't need a poorly written and acted drama to show me what I believe in. And I am offended that they would presume that I am so weak that a sort of compelling show can convince me of something. Because in this country we shouldn't have Reich minister propagandist shilling for a party.

Unfortunately, that won't happen the far left and far right are way too wrapped up in their cult- So now couch potatoes get to watch lazy writing and bad acting and as a bonus get taught how to think- Yea USA :(
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Sympathy for the Devil?
27 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary reminds me of one reason I am opposed to get rid of the death penalty. Many death penalty opponents say- why kill them why not just lock them up forever as they often do here in California. One of the answers is illustrated in this documentary- We see more and more people putting a sympathetic skew on the idea of solitary confinement and super-max type settings. which is what this show seemed to do.

It carefully shows us how these guys are in so much pain at the thought of being locked up, it shows multiple murderers tearfully recounting their time in prison or showing us how they now realize that their actions were stupid and that if they had just considered the potential future of time in prison things would have gone differently/better for them.

We hear from veterans who tell us how hard life has been for them yet we never hear about the brutal murders they carried out.

We hear from a young gangbanger how he was only 14 when he took a life and he gives us an emotional speech about being locked up forever. If you are not careful while watching this you can get sucked in by these people who aren't coming across as monsters and that is exactly what they are monsters.

Unless I missed it they never came out and said OMG this is horrible thing to do to people but they are far more sympathetic than they need to be with this type of person.

In short, this is a documentary from the same kind of person that is anti death penalty an who will tell us this type of sentencing is much better. and that may sound great until you realize these people are slowly trying to convince us that this too is inhumane.

And while this was not about administrative segregation or solitary confinement- Personally, I don't care if they are in solitary 23 hours a day and that they slowly lose their minds. Good, who cares?

If you are the type of person who doesn't care about the path of destruction these animals left behind. If you are the kind of person who for some bizarre reason feels like these condemned men deserve a better life than you'll love this program. You see a sympathetic portrayal of people who have taken a loved one away from their family, they have killed someone who will leave a massive hole in the lives of those who cared about them.

You won't hear the there side of the story. You won't hear how in the grand scheme of things these guys have it pretty good. Ask a young teenage girl if she'd rather be kidnapped, brutally raped and tortured before being murdered if she would choose that or choose being locked up in a relatively safe and comfortable environment. Ask the parents of that girl which route they'd choose. I bet not 1 of them chooses death over a chill life in prison getting education, food, TVs, housing etc.

So yeah death penalty is a tough topic- the only reservation I have about it is that we don't seem to always have a just system. But I sure don't have any sympathy for these animals who wreck lives of others. I gave this a 3 out of 10 on the merits of editing and direction etc. Technically not a bad film but in content I found it grossly offensive. Just another far left leaning propaganda flick.
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Six (2017–2018)
Some Good Some Bad
19 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Adding spoiler due to the family discussion and some of the team dynamics not sure if really are spoilers.

Pretty good show as far as weapon handling not a lot of mistakes which is something that typically drives me nuts in shows like this- It is a cheap and easy way to bring realism but when you see people muzzle sweeping each other or other noob mistakes.

The whole family thing I guess is a good way to add dimension but they always go for the stereotypical one nightmare relationship, one amazing relationship, one that is good but the dad is stressed because he isn't there for the family. It is the last one that bugs me. Military wives generally fall in to two categories very supportive and what we consider a valuable asset and the slag that is creating constant issues and is what we consider a consistent detriment to the org. Those wives don't last long and unfortunately can create a significant problem.

A wife that gives you the whole you are never here thing is in the latter category. Those of us in high op tempo units know we are never around and our families do too but it is simply an on off switch- if she is giving you constant hassle well she is the off switch and a problem and again- they aren't around very much.

Also, while I recognize the team and dets within the SEAL community have a more relaxed discipline than we do they went a bit over board here. Members of a high op tempo org do not sit around constantly questioning and griping or talking about the leadership behind their backs. That is poison and is every bit as dangerous as a 30 caliber round to the brain housing group. It may happen on some smaller level but nothing like it does here. The hippy dude or whatever would be a dangerous person to have on a team. The constant doubting and griping is a major disqualifier. He is a whiner and whiners need not apply that is a lack of discipline.

To be clear I am not saying it is always puppy dogs and puffy clouds but it is never and should never be second guessing and questioning. Instant obedience to orders anything less is dangerous. You may for example say- OK my boss told me to take that objective in a certain way but you may adapt as the situation dictates. You don't not stand around saying hey this is BS man that is a long way to run and I don't think you thought this through and besides they are just humans too. You execute your order 100% then after you successfully conclude the evolution when things are over with you may discuss in the after action/debrief but you never do it during or before unless you have a substantial tactical reason.

Bob is in a bad mood lately is not a substantial tactical reason. Anyhow, entertaining- I enjoyed it but it does have a good deal of Hollywood factor.

Adding Season 2 is much different and I think the Director or someone has gotten in the way of their advisors- it is almost unwatchable now. They just did a dynamic entry on a safe house and they went from good representstion to the worst I have seen in awhile. These shows fascinate me as someone who has as a Marine in a high op tempo unit I just wish they'd get it right with the tactics it is so easy to avoid the mistakes.
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Patriot (2015–2018)
So so very good
9 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely loved this! Not sure if the writers or advisors were officers but this is absolutely so much more realistic then any of the super blockbuster budget flicks. Things go wrong and they go wrong all the time (all facets of life) it isn't about funky gear and cool.stuff it is about adapting improvising and overcoming mistakes and sometimes incompetent staffing or briefs, etc. I felt like at times it was almost a tongue in cheek love story aimed at a VERYweird world/profession. It was quirky and fun. Dead pan and dark but also to me at least very special. The best representation of the Ridiculous problems is the social security number. My wife and I howled at that.

Ultimately I haven't finished it yet but I'd love to sit with the writer/creator and have a beer or many and talk.story. I think he'd get it or he has an uncanny ability to imagine.things most people.don't know.about and get it right. There are no super warriors and spooks just hard working dedicated people and this in a very dark way NAILED IT.

Loved it truly...
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