
16 Reviews
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Best Sellers (2021)
Beautiful Movie, Aubrey and Michael is the pairing that we didn't know we needed!
7 January 2024
This movie was a slow burn, and worth the watch. Aubrey Plaza was very different in this role. She normally plays deadpan roles, but here she displayed great acting chops with sentiment, she was fierce, and dramatic.

Michael Caine is great as usual, but Aubrey surprised me and i was impressed at how well these two played off each other. It was the pairing that we didn't know we needed.

It's a shame that this movie was released when the covid pandemic happened. Because of the timing of the release, the movie only made $366,332 at the box office. This movie deserves to be watched. I hope it finds a cult following.

What a beautiful movie to add to Michael Caines legacy and i really hope more studios give Aubrey more leading roles. Her star is bursting bright and i'm excited to see where her career goes in the future.
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How I Met Your Father (2022–2023)
The shows isnt bad, i like it overall
25 February 2023
So the first couple of episodes i was like meh, but i like to stick with things to see where they go. The storyline and characters eventually grew on me. All of the characters im fine with except the british dude. Im sorry but he is too over the top he just doesn't fit in the show, but everyone else in the show has pretty good chemistry once the storyline builds. You have to get through at least the first six episodes to get into it. This is never going to be as good as the original show but its still lovable and its good fun watching it.

To be fair the show is more like a 7 than a 10 but because people are unfairly giving it a 1 im giving it a 10 to restore some balance. If you give it a chance it will grow on you and its a good fun show to get away from everything on tv that is so serious now. When i get off work i want to laugh not watch a dystopian show that will depress me. We need more tv shows like this one.
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The Boys (2019– )
This is what a show should be with people with super powers
5 December 2021
This show is every bit of the 10 stars it deserves. It is definitely a fresh take on superheroes. This is what a show should be with people with super powers.
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Season 2 was Great, 1st season was Meh
5 December 2021
Season 2 was so great that it made up for the meh season 1. To understand whats happening in season 2 tho, you have to watch season 1, because it wont make sense if you dont, but i promise you if you stick through season 1 and get to season 2 it will make you see the potential this show had. Season 2 was so good they honestly should have had a season 3 and continued the story. I wanted to see what happened with the CRM storyline. Hopefully they continue it in another spinoff.
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Batwoman (2019–2022)
Batwoman Became Good In Season 2 and Greater in Season 3 with Javicia Leslie
5 July 2021
I loved season 2, the new actress Javicia Leslie who replaced ruby rose was a great choice. I like her acting better compared to ruby rose wooden performance, and Javicia actually looks like she can take a punch. I think people should give the show another shot. Season 1 sucked but i promise you season 2 is good with the new batoman and season 3 is EVEN GREATER.
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Black Lightning (2018–2021)
Once you get past the first six episodes, the show gets good.
16 March 2021
I won't lie i tried this show one time before and couldn't get past the first four episodes. My dad said he enjoyed this show and once he said that i decided to give it a second try off the strength of his word because i normally like the same shows he likes. The first six episodes i didnt care for but once i made it past those first six episodes , the show got better, and the second season improved a lot and i really got into the storyline and for me , the show became really good and relatable to me. So what i will tell you is, the first half of the first season is slow and typical but once u get past it and actually give the show a chance, you will enjoy it. Im watching the third season right now and its so good.the benefit for me is because i went three years without watching the show, three seasons built up to where I'm able to binge watch on Netflix. I can see this show being hard to watch if you had to wait every week but now that first three seasons are on Netflix if you haven't seen it it can be easy to binge once you get into the show
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Great show , i hope it gets picked up by another network
25 February 2021
This was surprisingly good. Like other reviewers mentioned, i truly believe if this was picked up by netflix and with a bigger budget, it would be a hit. It was filmed very well to say the episodes were short and all of the actors and actresses did a great job. Hope someone picks this up for a season 2
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this is a solid show
12 August 2020
This is a solid show, there is 14 episodes and roughly each episode is 9 minutes long. I would like to see a season 2. The only thing i wish is that the network quibi need to make an app version for firestick. This can only be watched on the phone and i think this show is really good but fear people wont see it because quibi limits u to only watching on phone. The only way i was able to watch on tv was i fortunately had a chromecast, and i was able to stream it from my phone to tv. If Quibi wants more people to watch they need to make a desktop app for computers, an app for nvidia shield, firestick, and apple tv. Far as the show it was great storytelling. If you like shows like humans, then you will like this one.
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People are so hard to impress
30 November 2016
I know everyone is entitled to their opinion but damn, really 1 star on this movie. This movie did not deserve one star. Its hard to impress people. I do basic video editing and i really have a genuine appreciation for the people who work on video editing and effects. The people worked on dr strange really did something special with the visuals and i find it amazing what they created. Some of the people giving this movie 1 star i would like to see them create these visuals or take up video editing and special effects and see how easy it is to create this stuff. Even if you don't like the story i think just off visuals this movie at least deserved a 6. Its sad, to be in an artform like this because everyone is a critic and desensitized. Some movies i go to learn something from, some i go to because i want a good story, and some i go to for pure eye candy and fun. This movie is an eye candy movie. Yes there are other super hero movies with better stories but before going into doctor strange, i went for the visuals to see what they can do based on visuals i seen in the comics and to me they achieved the fantasy reality. I had pure fun watching this and im sorry i didn't see it in 3d because this is one of those types of movies you have to see in 3d. Sorry to the people who worked hard on this film. Its just not right that people gave it a 1 star. Its a 10 for me on visuals so im giving it a 10
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ARQ (2016)
This movie was dope, clever, and one of the best movies i seen in a long time
17 September 2016
To say this was a Netflix movie, it was very good. Hollywood should take a chapter from the book of this movie and make more interesting films like this one. The story involves a time loop of an event that keeps repeating with a bad situation, and with each loop more of the story builds up where they are trying to figure out how to change the outcome. The concept is an excellent idea and kudos to the cast and the director. I think the acting was very good for the story line. It kept me interested the whole time and i would say this is definitely worth a watch. I really hope they make a second movie for this. This was a 10 on the direction of the film for me.
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Why Zach Synder Needs a Co director (Spoiler Alert) and the Pros and Cons of Batman vs Superman
27 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A lot of people say Zach Synder should be fired from directing the batman vs superman movie and the upcoming future DC movies. I don't believe that.

No other director could have made this movie look straight out of comic books like the way Zach did and that is why he should still be a director for the DC comic movies. But.....he needs help on telling the story and that is why Warner Brothers should have hired two directors.

Zach is great at creating action sequences, set designs, and picking the right costumes but he is NOT good at telling the story. This is where a second director could come in handy for having the responsibility of creating the storyline.

What Zach did that met my Expectations: 1. The movie showed the consequence of superman and zod's fight from the "man of steel". This served as a valid motivation for Batman wanting to fight Superman.

2. The live action fight sequence between batman and superman was just as epic as the fight in the DC Animated movie - Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 (2013).

3. The fight sequence between superman and doomsday looked just as good as the fight in the DC animated movie Superman: Doomsday (2007).

4. Ben Affleck is the best overall batman. He embodied Bruce Wayne and has the best fight scenes i have ever seen from any of the batman movies so far.

5. They get right to the point in showing that Lois Lane and Superman are in a relationship instead of making it long and drawn out for them to get together like they did in the 1980 superman movies 6. Superman is killed. Some people will be upset with this part, but it was done in the comics. Kudos to Zach for having the balls to actually kill superman in the movie. In the end however you can tell superman will be back because they show the dirt rise above his coffin indicating he may be alive.

With that being said, the direction of the story is where Zach fell flat and below is a list of items where a second director to work alongside of Zach could have improved the story: 1. The Batman vs Superman movie did not explain why Lex Luthor hated superman in this movie.

2. Jesse Eisenberg was incorrectly cast for the part of Lex Luthor and Zach missed the mark in realizing that Jesse would have been perfect in acting the part of the Riddler in a future batman movie. During the movie, Jesse sounded and walked like the Riddler.

3. Batmans parents being shot was a waste of movie time. This sequence should not have done as we all know how batman's parents died. If that scene was cut, more screen time could have been created and used to explain why Lex Luthor hated batman.

4. Superman agrees to meet with the senator to discuss the casualties that occurred in a scene where he rescued Lois Lane. There are people that clearly hate superman for the lives lost and buildings destroyed in the fight between him and zod. The movie shows people doubt superman's character. After superman dies from the doomsday fight, a funeral is given for him and magically the public changes their opinion of him. I think they rushed the public changing opinion and could have thought of something more creative.

5. Despite liking gal gadot as wonder woman, i believe she and several scenes in the movie should have been used as an after credit scene once the movie ended. Wonder Woman's character was forced into this movie because a video of her and separate videos for each of the members of the justice league were found by batman from Lex Luthors lab. Wonder woman should not have been used in the doomsday fight sequence even tho she did look cool in it.

The flash has a scene in the movie where he briefly appears to batman showing superman turning evil in the future because Lois died. I think this scene would have been better if it was slightly changed and put as a post credit after the movie ended.

The scenes i mentioned for point 5, should have been used for after credits once the movie ended in the following manner: Batman finds the pictures of the justice league on lex luthor's computer. Just as batman finds the justice league pictures, the flash appears to him showing dark seid with his back to the camera so we cant see how dark seid looks and an evil superman appears with red eyes(5 seconds), then a very short 40 second sequence where wonder woman leads the charge of the other justice league members fighting evil superman and some of them get wounded from superman's eye lasers and punches leaving uncertainty if the wounded justice league members die at superman's hand because the scene cuts off. If that would have been created as a post credit, so much hype would have been created for the upcoming wonder woman and justice league movie

Maybe this movie doesn't deserve a 10 and more of an 8 but I give this movie a high rating because overall i enjoyed it, it accomplished to me what the title of the movie is, and the things i mentioned that could have been fixed do not take away from the fact its still a good movie. Everyone is entitled to a opinion but its sad that some people are giving this movie a one when it does not deserve a one and you can tell zach put a lot of heart into making this movie have the comic book feel and the actors did a great job.
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Gods of Egypt (2016)
Visually Stunning, on Par with Avatar
24 February 2016
Saw this movie at an advanced screening and i would definitely have paid to see this movie. The movie in short is about two brothers (gods) who want to be ruler of Egypt and fight each other for power. I didn't give to much away as this is one of those movies you really need to see. There is a lot of cgi and some people may not like that. However i feel that the cgi was so beautifully done like the way avatar was that it transports you to another world, which is what movies are supposed to do. To see this in 3d was just breathtaking. The pyramids and architecture was just so monumental and larger than life. The fight scenes were extremely well done. I think the actors did good for the type of movie it is. it easily looks like they spent 250 mil to make it . I give this movie a 10 and i look forward to it coming on Blu-ray.
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Go see it, better than 90 percent of the garbage out there
17 February 2016
Saw this movie at an advance screening and Eddie the Eagle was awesome.

The movie did not disappoint at all.

Great insight into the story of Eddie Edwards and the sport of ski jumping.

Very dangerous sport but very beautiful to look at.

The movie had a lot of heart and humor.

Will look forward to this movie making its way on Blu-ray.

I would gladly pay to add it to my collection.

Great visuals as well.

I wish the movie gets the praise it deserves as it really is better than a lot of the trash coming thru movie theaters now.
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Furious 6 (2013)
Nice Tie in To the other fast and furious movies
7 July 2013
First off let me say i can't in good conscience give this movie a 10 because there is one scene in the movie they could have did a bit better. I will not spoil it for others, go see it and decide for yourself. However, I still give the movie a good review because it met my expectations: Good Action Flick, It gives you more insight on the character Hans and I felt it tied up some of the past fast and furious films together. The other fast and furious films now make more sense as an extended story after watching this latest one. The ending of the movie definitely set the franchise up for more films and I hope they continue to do good on building the storyline. Now to the critics, It is very terrible that i have read some reviews and see some people say i would give the movie a 6 but to balance the reviews that are higher than they should be I'm going to give it a 1. That is the most retarded crap i ever heard and it is those people that are making the review system faulty. Rate the movie based on how you really feel about it. You are not helping anyone make an educated decision on taking a chance to go and see the film. I feel its an eight because they built more on the storyline compared to the past fast and furious films and i also felt there was good chemistry between the actors and I really enjoyed it. Yes the movie has some faults but overall it is an enjoyable film.
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Man of Steel (2013)
Super Fantastic
22 June 2013
This movie was excellent, give it a chance it is worth watching. This is a totally different take on superman and its refreshing. People have to understand this is about the golden age superman and not the campy silver age superman in the donner films. The donner films will remain classic but you can't compare these two films because its too different times and its a different interpretation of the story of superman. I really hope Zack Snyder decides to do a different villain in the next superman such as doomsday or brianiac. No One has attempted doomsday on the big Screen. Doomsday was only in the TV show smallville which did it no justice and in the animated Doomsday movie. I think lex luthor has been overdone. If they decide to do a lex luthor in the next film then it really needs to be legendary like what heath ledger did for the joker. Anyways go see it, enjoy it, and don't over analyze the movie like the critics are doing. I think the movie graphics are top notch and the battle scenes kind of remind me of metal gear rising. The actress who played Faora did a phenomenal job on those fight scenes. I also hope that christopher nolan continues to play a part in the shape of the future sequels to man of steel. Great movie
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The Tall Man (2012)
Great Thought Provoking, Not what you would expect, this is not a horror movie.
21 October 2012
i really don't write reviews a lot but i felt i would give this movie a boost on positive ratings because it deserves better than a 6. At minimum it deserves 7.5, but for me i give it a 10. I liked the direction of the movie, scenery, and the storyline. Movies nowadays are so predictable but this one isn't at all. i think the director was clever in the way they made it. It makes you think about the world we live in and i like movies like this that make you think. This movie i totally could not predict it and i usually figure a movie out within 30 minutes of watching it but not this one. You have to watch it all the way thru. The movie has a major twist towards the last 40 minutes of the movie. The way it was kinda marketed i was expecting a horror movie and i decided to watch it just because i couldn't find nothing else and it turned out to be a good little gem. I could see how it could make someone mad if they are expecting a horror movie but this movie is more of a thriller/drama that starts off with what looks like it would be a horror element. They only used the horror element initially to pull you into the movie to pay attention to the story. As you progress thru the movie you realize its has a much deeper storyline. Anyway I say give the movie a chance, this definitely goes down as one of the movies i like enough to add to my collection and i recommend it.
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