
48 Reviews
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A snoozer
29 February 2024
Actually dosing off a couple tines its so boring. No story to speak of, no imagination, no dialogs.. its not funny, not engaging.

The CGI is below average for this scale of a movie.

Not much more to say about it, the effort and energy to rate this in detail should be saved.

I say this though in fairness, its in pretty good company with the recent releases of most blockbuster type comic adaptions.

The amount of idiotic scripts and writing that is pumped out produced with insane amounts of money is seriously disturbing.

Spend some money on dialogs, original story telling any some sort of actual humor. Or not... just make it engaging.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
One of the best shows on any platform
16 June 2023
Not every show is for everyone and often the best ones arent. However watching this for 3 seasons now, its one of my personal favorites. The writing, the hillarious takes, but overall the positiv humanity that shines through it all. Its quirky, its intelligent and its non cynical...which made it so refreshing in the first place. Its a show that belives in the good of people, even in difficult moments, without being cheesy or corny. Its a delicate balance that at most of the times is struck beautifully.

I get it, it touches on subjects not everone is comfterbale with and no its not really a show about football. Its about people and how they deal with life, brotherhood, family and standing up for each other. ...whatever it is, the show does it always in respectful and thoughtful ways.

Ted Lasso is a refreshing take against bitterness in todays world. Keep an open mind and you will find yourself laughing out loud, stirred by great writing.
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Entertaining but unimaginative
11 April 2023
The story and substance of the movie is pretty shallow and not very interesting. The good old good vs evil with little nuance to it. Lots of shooting and blowing up stuff, wrapped in an environmental friendly jacket. Also the dialogs are not much to be excited about. The scenario is pretty much a copy of the first installment. In some ways it actually got much worst as this movie really mostly looks like a costume play of AI characters. I mean if no one would tell you that the base are real actors, you wouldn't know.

The positive part is probably that the execution is still a Cameron movie, so it's visually mind blowing and cutting edge... is it enough though to elevate it over any other popcorn movie? Not sure, you kinda got what you thought you would.. not more, not less.
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The Voice (2011– )
Too much diversity... not enough Voice
23 November 2022
Love the Voice, but this latest installment has a noticeable lack of talent in favor of everything else that ultimately does not matter.

Great example of a concept of equal outcome that falls on its face.

Half of the finalists in the live show have no business to be there.

I watch the show for the music, the talent and the fun between the artists.

Just feels a bit flat this time around.

I hope the show sticks around and attracts more amazing talents and keeps its focus on talents first.

Saying all this i think team Legend is killing it and has the best singers by a mile.

I wonder how all of this works without Blake. He will be missed.

UPDATE: The last round was absolutely rediculous and shows again the greates talents cant break through becasue of prejudice. The top 4 talents had to battle it out to stay in the competition, while some mediocre country singers were voted through. I love Blake, its by no means his fault...however the majority of people who vote have really no interest to vote for the best singers. In my opinion, the judges should have far more say. Its boring to watch a popularity contest, where the best singers cant win...but America will never change i guess. Not the greatest country on earth indeed.

It reminds me of Adam Lambert who ended up 2. To an absolute nobody at Amercian Idol, just because he was a somewhat controversial individual in many peoples eyes... maybe it was good for him though, beccause he ended up to be the leadsinger of one of the best bands of all time. It would be funny it wasnt scary and tragic as well.
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Loved the movie.... But
6 November 2022
Maybe it needs to be made abundantly clear that this mostly is a fictional drama with little historical value. The Dahomey by most accounts, were as much profiting and furthering the african slave trade as some of the European nations did.

However, the entertainment value of the movie is certainly there and its well acted and produced. So while i'm excited to have watched an action drama with african background, i'm also a bit disappointed about the loose interpretation of the historical background.

An enjoyable movie, but it should not be seen as a history lesson and be watched with a grain of salt.

Entertainment value: 7 Historical value: 3.
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From Scratch (2022)
23 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Netflix is not particularly known for quality but rather quantity.

This limited series though is an absolute homerun.

Just beautiful in its humanity and EQ.

The closest comparison that comes to mind is this is us.

Hankerchief next to your tv control is a must though.

Its about love, family, cross cultural relationships, what home means, grief... about life in short.

It's written beautifully and meaningful. The production quality and acting is outstanding.

The wish is that more productions would take such deep care of the material at hand, so that we all can feel time well spent watching something on Netflix.

While its a drama for sure, its not a soap opera that lives from cheap mean backstabbing. There is a refreshing lack of cynical elements in favor of keen observations what it means to be human.
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Love the actors, production was overdone
17 October 2022
The biggest issue with this lighthearted comedy for me was the constant overstyling and the fictional locations. Some of it was maybe in Bali, but then many of the locations are not in Bali or just made unrecognizable and looked completely unrealistic.. like a movie you would have made in the 1960s. I thought that was not necessary, as Bali as it is, is gorgeous enough and could have served for the movie easily.

Other then that it was an old style comedy that is pretty entertaining.

Clooney and Roberts have great chemistry and carried most of the movie.

For 2022 its a great movie, as we have to many dark and woke productions.

Good fun.
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Not funny...actually pretty bad
28 September 2022
In agreement with some other comments: The movie tries to be funny, but its not. To write a funny script takes a lot of skills, something thats been badly missing in the last couple years. Studios and writers have lost their mojo and their sense of humour. Most likely because everyone is afraid of getting in trouble, but thats what good commedy get in trouble and laugh about it.

Guardians of the Galaxy actually made a pretty good job of it.

Lets face it: Love the actors, but the movie is terrible. Marvel is slowly but surely going down the toilet. At least they used to be they are just bad B movies with oversized production budgets and idot writers, controlled by scared idiot studios.
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Nice surprise
26 July 2022
Didn't see this coming, but this was one of the best Marvel movies yet.

It was funny, suspenseful, entertaining and actually surprisingly well written.

The acting was decent, the story intriguing.

I also liked the choreography especially of the early fight scenes.

Actually not much to complain. Its a movie that leaves you in good spirits and it just feels like a perfect summer blockbuster.

Good fun!
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Black Bird (2022)
17 July 2022
Could have given it a 10, but its only 3 parts so far. Taron Egerton is elite. The story is gripping, as others said it definitely has the vibe of Mindhunter, which is one of the best series anywhere on streaming. Egerton plays with such intensity that makes it hard not to feel to be right there with him in it. A fine actor at its peak. But it would be a mistake to just leave all the credit with him. Generally the acting is fantastic. Apple + is establishing itself more and more as the leading streaming service with first class original content. Maybe it does not pump out the volume Netflix does, bit it also has not such a high amount of really stupid brainless content.

This is a series that is primed to get Egerton another emmy or actors award.
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Oh boy its bad...
25 June 2022
Lets clarify: Of course all Marvel movies have great production and usually established actors and actresses, BUT.... After seeing a couple dozens now, the writing is just taking a nose dive, especially in this one.

There is not one memorable line or a joke or something in this movie. Its even emotionally dull and boring. You know pretty much what will happen form the start. The writing is lazy at best and for a 200 million dollar poduction or whatever it was its actually scandolously bad. I'm surprised the actors are not bored out of their minds with these kinda stupid dialogs.

The good you would ask? Spectactular CGI... and i mean really award winning type of stuff. The rest...belongs where your toilet is.

Its the same thing boiled up over and over like your last bad of green tea.
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The Lincoln Lawyer (2022– )
Good entertaining Lawyer drama with atrow back feel
17 May 2022
I loved the show. Its time well spent, enough suspense, twists and entertainment there. I think i would have given it even eight, but there were a few things that did not work well for me. One was the casting, writing and eventual acting of the courtroom counterpart of the Lincoln Lawyer. Somewhat he came across a bit phony.

I thought the last two parts were unnecessairy and did add nothing to the story. So to me it fell a bit off a cliff in part 9 and 10.

Other then that, great entertainment.
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Its ok only
17 March 2022
I guess the biggest issue is that the story just gets a bit old.

Its certainly well acted and produced, but it just does not add anything new. Same formula as always with some subtle changes.

That not only goes for the story but also the production.

Its entertaining, but definitely overrated. If you want to see a great superhero movie with a new approach , go and see the new Batman.
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Love it
24 February 2022
Yes its a story from another century, but i loved the acting and the beautiful cinematography. Every scene was like a picture you could frame. I can understand that in a time when everything is fast cut and sprinkled with impossible and endless action this movie may cone across a bit like an ancient relique and slowish. The quality though is undeniable.

We just watched it in the cinema and loved it.
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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
Stylistic great, good acting, not much of a story
3 February 2022
Unfortunately the show is only mildly entertaining and also has nothing profound to add.

People are mostly stupid and self centered... nothing new to that.

What i liked is that it has an unusual stylistic almost awkward feel to it.

In that sense its interesting enough to get you through... other then that not much to it.

Its mediocre at best.
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Overall disappointing
23 December 2021
Daniel Craig was great, but the plot and overall movie not as good as his others bond participations and often it felt uninspired and too scared to actually make a movie rather then to tick all the boxes.

The role of the 007 successor felt forced and largely she was not necessary for the story.

Its these type of token roles to black women or other groups of minority that do more harm then good to everyone in my opinion.

Not every movie or every story needs to have a representation of everyone and everything.

Its the deathnail of good stories and movie making.

Overall its still a Bond though and there are definitely good moments, but for Daniel C farewell i had just higher expectations.
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Jungle Cruise (2021)
2 extra points for just being entertaining
1 August 2021
It's almost impossible to see a solid production anymore coming from America. Everything is either overly dramatic or PC corrected the life out of anything that was remotely a story.

This movie is probably only a 5,but I gave it a 7 because it deserves extra applaud for just wanting to entertain. No propaganda, no political nonsense. That was incredibly refreshing. Maybe not all hope it lost. If Hollywood now could start investing again in good writing and original stories then maybe we get some decent movie making again.
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Sloppy and profane. A let down.
7 July 2021
First one was cool and funny.... this one hardly made me smile. Just too dumb and predictable. Zero imagination. Great cast though.
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Tenet (2020)
Intellectual exercise
25 June 2021
The issue i have with this movie that 90% of the people watching it can't really following the ins and outs of the timeline and understand the narrative.

Its an intellectual play with moving timelines and to be honest it ultimately just makes for a movie that is not enjoyable.

Nohlan is trying really hard to show everyone how smart he is in manipulating time, but ultimately he looses the interest of the viewer.

If you need explanations and multiple viewings to be able to follow the narrative...that makes it a badly directed movie and does not make you a genius.

I applaud the creative effort, but i find the execution of it a fail.
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The Misfits (2021)
The real Misfits are the writers and the director
11 June 2021
What a lot down. Great locations, decent production and wonderful cast.

However this has been some of the most idiotic directing and use of dialogs i have seen.. probably ever.

You cant give it a 1 because the cast is just too great.

Here is what i do not understand not just with this movie but others which gave bad writing or unploshed scripts. You spend 50 million or more on a movie and you cant invest in a flawless script and good writing? This movie is so close to being a great and yet such a colossal miss.
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Big Shot (2021–2022)
Nice little show, but terrible main actor
22 May 2021
The show is kinda entertaining , but the main lead is terrible. Some of the worst acting you will ever see.
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Real and Inspiring
4 April 2021
Great documentary that captures the story of one of the best chefs in Asia.

Maybe i'm not objective as i live in Singapore, but i was glued to the screen to soak it all in.
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The Bold Type (2017–2021)
Goes downhill after two seasons
4 April 2021
Thus is a tricky one for me, because i really like the characters and the show. The first two seasons had a good feel and witty attitude to it while raising awareness to important topics.

It was entertaining, addictive and stimulating.

Unfortunately in their quest to do the recent social developments even more justice the show as a whole has suffered tremendously.

Its a common theme in many recent productions. You want to be always political and social correct and expect to make good, entertaining and engaging tv.

More often then not though, the stories become awkward, the dialogs seem forced and the overall feel is gone.

I also did not enjoy the added senseless and sudden drama to the characters storylines.

It just seems like a different show suddenly.

I would give an 8 out of 10 for the first two seasons. Then maybe a 5 to 6.

I understand the changes, but sometimes we prefer a coherent and fun series to a political correct product of brainwashing... what a surprise!
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Just Mercy (2019)
Fantastic actors delivering important material
27 March 2021
Its no surprise that the acting is sublime. Just look at the names.

Its refreshing to see a movie that actually delivers an important message and does so in a compelling way.

Highly recommended and another movie that inspires to look up the real life source material.
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Bridgerton (2020– )
Just silly
27 March 2021
There is plenty material that is perfect for colorblind casting. This is not one of them.

The production is beautiful and so are the actors, but meh!

It just more idiotic writing and essentially a huge bowl of nothing.
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