
36 Reviews
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The Tenant (1976)
this movie is true
2 September 2019
Out here the housing authority uses toxic gas to kill people. its a death cult just like you see in the movie. they go thru the database to find victims who have no families to care about them. then toxics go into their apts. that is odorless. or a maintenance man enters their apt. with a key and gives an insulin injection to kill them. all this to install gangs to sell drugs. the movie is true down to the tiniest detail. i know - i lived it.
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i love this movie
18 July 2019
Normally i am not a western fan but this movie was exceptional. broderick, lloyd bridges, barbara hale etc. so many great actors i like. all i can say is its what movies are all about.
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top ten greatest movie
22 April 2019
Tony richardson surely proved he was great. greater than great. this movie is perfect. everything comes together and that is rare. he must have suffered over the implications of the movie. jealousy + pissing people off in high places. thats what great movies do. citizen kane, kafka etc.
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The Wild One (1953)
undeniably great
3 April 2019
Alot of people need to see this is a love story and all the other stuff was just scenery. The only reason they stayed in that town was love. The music started a trend of crime jazz which exploded throughout tv. The music alone is 10 stars. But there are two soundtracks which make it doubly great. i really like the guy from new york who had some good lines. its a fun movie.
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gato barbieri
1 April 2019
I have not seen the movie. but i recorded the credits music off the tv of gato barbieri. i think they were trying to copy last tango. barbieri created two really nice songs check them out.
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Dominoes (1990)
cannot be beat
9 March 2019
A beautiful editing job and great appropriate music selection. this video really hit home during Summertime and Incident At Neshabur then hammered it home with CSNY doing Ohio. I've seen it 50x but it always has some new facet to surprise me. John Lawrence Re pulled out all the stops.
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Juggernaut (1936)
nEeD a NeW pRiNt
3 December 2018
The print in general use is so chopped up that it causes disenchantment. not saying its a great movie but its alot better than charlie chan. I like most of the people involved ...
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Rome Express (1932)
hard to find
25 September 2018
Hollywood has some kind of grudge against ROME EXPRESS. a great picture in which all the actors perform well. Cedric Hardwicke was a standout as a cheapy trying to present himself as a philanthropist. the press agent was perfectly annoying and donald calthrop was exceptional as the art thief. I know there is an american version on VCI dvd but I have 3 other versions sped up for time. gordon harker was another annoying person. Its just a great movie you need to get on dvd.
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AlTeRnAtE vErSiOn?
16 September 2018
If you get a chance to see the trailer you'll notice several scenes not in the movie and completely different from the movie. In many ways I wish Return Of Doctor X had all the scenes from the trailer. Dr. Flegg is giving a police lecture on blood when dr. x breaks in shooting. and the girl is taken somewhere else. Vincent Sherman's first film seems a bunch of retakes were done.
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bad version
6 September 2018
I was able to obtain an 87 min. bootleg from a tv showing. the sound was awful. and there was a section missing which I believe Jean simmons goes topless. She creates a bikini out of what? since they had very little cloth. It appeared to be lame. maybe the 1923 version is better. it cant be worse.
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AlTeRnAtE vErSiOn / DuBbEd VeRsIoN
6 September 2018
Saw the complete film in new york in the 80's. 140 min. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if you see the cut version they are using on dvd you get a very watered down story. Why does IMDB not list the 140 min. version? Everybody must know that is the official French version!? there is alot more to explain the beginning, the army, the jungle. its way better.

on tv in the 90's on kgo-7 Movie Greats Network appeared a dubbed version called DIAMOND HUNTERS. it said 1978 and ran 88 min.
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Z.P.G. (1972)
a great future
11 August 2018
I think this is a great attempt at future life. They got the part about synthetic food right but as we now know it causes obesity. all the people in zpg are thin. now just about 90% are overweight and 60% dangerously so. the main cast Reed, chaplin, cilento & gordon are really as good as youd hope for. and the women yelling "BABY" look just like 2018 democrats. meran and vicious.
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its a true story
11 August 2018
The cloud is a remnant of the bikini bomb blast. If you notice a milkman delivers milk to their door. The milk was part of a still secret operation to poison new york in the 50s. Nazi scientists were brought to america as part of operation paper clip. I was poisoned by radioactive milk. In those days milk was delivered. in the 50's the US Army controlled milk supplies from cows downwind from atomic test blasts. They wanted to use live bait to see the effects and new york was chosen. What happened to me was in 1958 I became very thin - could not eat - and I started worrying. in 1965 I grew and my spine was affected. the entire city became qweer by 1968 and in the 70's there was alot of perversion in parks at night. I got out. in 1980 aids was introduced as a followup to paper clip. doctors today are aware of the milk poisoning and are secretly continuing it by poisoning people with type 2 / hep c. once our govt became poisoners it got easier to keep on keepin on.
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The Wrong Man (1956)
right man becomes right man framed
8 August 2018
If you look, the man in the liquor store is a look alike of the chief of detectives. he might be his brother and they may have used his testimony before to convict many perps. Another thing .... in all fairness police should not give witnesses prior views of potential perps. in the 2nd store the woman did not recognize Manny then she was told by the man he was sent by police. even then she hesitated. Police framed Manny by walking him thru stores and this gives witnesses a prior look at manny in a situation that makes him guilty. Then Harold j stone plays a trick on henry. he gets him to write two copies of the same note. then he can use them both as proof henry wrote his as exact replica to frame his guilt. that is why you need an attorney present during questioning. Stone played a shell game switching notes around. and if you notice Stone says DRAW. so actually henry wrote what he said! The lineup in the office involving two of the women from the life insurance company - was conducted unfairly. Henry was placed in such a way that he stood out and was more easily chosen. there was a space between 3 & 4 & henry was very obviously the center of attention. THEN the first woman said 4 while the second woman was there. they should have been done separately so the second woman would not know who the first woman chose. The whole police operation was entirely prejudicial against Manny. Police have done this so many times convicting innocent men that miranda had to be instated so an attorney could prevent these abuses.
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blabby and then more blabbing.
1 August 2018
Really boring blabbing movie. its hard to believe this script was even made. just the most annoying characters. do not bother with this movie. it is terrible. i cannot stand it. claudette colbert is awful. her character is dumb. robert cummings is really annoying. raymond burr is the best thing in the movie they should have made him the star.
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The Servant (1963)
Losey at his best
18 July 2018
James Fox played the boy who raced against Tom Courtenay in Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner. He was good in that. I dont think there is much difference between Barrett and Tony. Tony was making believe he was rich and Barrett made believe he was a servant. occasionally they told the truth or rather the truth slipped out. Just lonely people being unable to find love. Its a movie you dont want to see often.
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makes sense
10 July 2018
*****************************If louis b. mayer is the man who lived too long. ************ He was a horrible person who made the world worse. *********************************
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real mccoy
3 July 2018
What i like about THEY DRIVE BY NIGHT is the authentic british dialogue.

it wasnt rewritten to make it comprehensible to american audiences. thats its charm.
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beware the american version
3 July 2018
It was issued by Columbia I suppose on a double bill which accounts for the cuts. The beginning is cut and the chase is cut and there are small cuts throughout. the cuts might be alright if you dont see the original - once you do you'll understand how vile Columbia were. basically it was a louis b. mayer tribute film.
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Avalanche (1978)
There are at least two versions
6 June 2018
I first saw it on Cinemax in the 80's & I liked the movie. They tried to show a sodom and gomorrah scene where sex was given away cheaply. Its the type of movie where the filmmakers were hoping interesting stuff would happen and then afterwards they could edit the good stuff together. But not enough interesting things happened. The VHS tape is a cut version at its proper speed. The cinemax version is time compressed. Both are 91 min.! I guess they were told 91 min. and no longer. I have not seen the dvd yet. I own the movie poster, paperback tie-in and soundtrack album. Guess I must like it. eh? The best scene is where the girl attacks the skier with a knife and he throws a glass of milk in her face. Its unforgettable.
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Key Largo (1948)
perfect movie
1 April 2018
Has closeups when needed for emphasis. my favorite line by Johnny Rocco "anybody wanna buy a hero cheap?"............... turns out he really was a hero but needed to choose his opportunity.
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Arson Squad (1945)
25 February 2018
Frank Albertson was never better. He plays an insurance investigator & with Robert Armstrong as arson detective solve the string of arson for profit crimes. This movie is so rare I am the only person to have seen it! OK the arson gang uses a telephone vibrations to set the fires. They remove valuable stuff and replace it with with junk. Then the valuable stuff is resold so they collect two ways. A wick is set into the phone box so that when called the ringing sets it off. Lew Landers used real fire footage mixed in with skillfully shot low budget effects. A beautifully written drama by which Frank Albertson wisecracks his way thru as only he can. a success in every way.
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Nerven (1919)
13 February 2018
If you think of movies as sitting like a lump then NERVEN is not for you. but NERVEN makes you feel the grief in such a way few movies can do. great acting pulls it off. not hysterical sped up but you go inside the lives and once there the movie NERVEN will not let you out. angst poured on top of more angst until maybe "The Whole World Is Mad" yes. for such a war over nothing to kill so many. very few movies bring this home as NERVEN does. The restoration is so good you can hardly believe anything is missing. the tinting was done beautifully so that it enhances the moods. Way ahead of its time you need to buy it and throw away The Big Parade as such garbage that it is.
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27 January 2018
I had it on tape from a tv showing. The DVD by Olive Films is missing a portion of a scene. The wife Mrs. Addison talks to Tommy on the phone to prove he is alive. However it was a tape recording she heard. They told her it might be a tape. Then later on around min. 57 police break into an apartment where the kidnappers held the boy. they find a tape recorder with the boys voice on it. this scene is cut. police go into the next room and find a blackboard with nuclear info on it.
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Three Sisters (1970)
the DVD
22 October 2017
the DVD is from a different source from the American Film Theater. Its my belief THREE SISTERS was strung out for a release and so utilized American Film Theater to get it shown. maybe i'm wrong - but that might account for the funky sound. its a good movie. i have both versions. the DVD is cropped. its a desecration of Olivier to crop his movie. can't we get past doing this to sell new TVs?
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