
10 Reviews
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Day Zero (2007)
Worth Watching
23 March 2009
I was left speechless after watching Day Zero, and may have to watch it again to fully grasp the full range of lunacy it presents. The film took me through every emotion I believe I am capable of feeling, from fear and laughter to that sneaking sort of anti-nationalism felt by most Americans today: I love my country, but I hate when its government pulls such ridiculous stunts.

Day Zero poses a very valid question: Is it right for a democratic nation to draft its citizens to fight a war for quote-unquote freedom? The film leaves the question open-ended, but definitely casts its vote in favor of yes. Day Zero reminds us that freedom has never been free, and the time may come again that men and women will have to fight for, in the words of Dixon, "Choice... our way of life." I will now admit my bias toward Elijah Wood. I rented this movie solely to see what my beloved Frodo has been up to. I was horrified that Wood was not only regularly sized, but also indulging in mad fantasies of prostitutes and shaven heads. My disturbedness aside, I must say that his performance was really very excellent. However, I must add that the conclusion of his character's story was less than satisfying, despite the fact that it was logical.

Day Zero is an interesting study of three somewhat bland and normal people caught up in modern political mayhem. It would have been more appropriate in, say, 2003 or 4, while the Bush era was at its height, as were fears of the draft returning. History has now rendered the film largely obsolete. However, mediocre script writing rendered the film obsolete almost immediately. It is worth a watch, definitely, but I firmly believe this film will not have real value until we use it to teach the next generation about this time in our nation.

Day Zero is worth watching precisely because it so accurately captures the spirit of fear and independence present in our nation today. It is not the best movie ever made, but it will do.
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When Incubus Attacks (2002 Video)
9 March 2004
It's a blast! Any loyal Incu-fan needs a copy of this and "The Morning After Sessions" DVD. I would describe it as "Fantabulous!" I was a little scared of the early Incubus Videos, though... "Take Me To Your Leader"... as if the song wasn't strange in itself... this is enough to make one wonder about Brandon Boyd's sanity level at the time. Either way, it's deeply amusing.

I'd also like to ask what the heck that huge thing was that Boyd was using on stage... I forget which song it was, but it was a tubular thingy. Weird. Typical Incubus, methinks. Oh, and the acoustic performance of "A Certain Shade of Green" was beautiful! Buy it if you can, and i you can't, find someone who can and make them buy it for you.
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Pecker (1998)
14 November 2003
Pecker, with it's bizarre setting and even weirder characters, appears to be the most original film since Benny & Joon (1993). John Waters is acclaimed for his strangness. I've never seen any of his other work, but I suddenly must rent all his work.

The cast is enviable. Several comedies along the same lines would have done well to have such a cast. Christina Ricci, one of my all time favorites, does a wonderful job as an obsessive owner of a Baltimore laundry. And I'm used to seeing Edward Furlong in dramatic films like American History X and Animal Factory. Even in Detroit Rock City, he played a very straight character. His acting abilities have never been impressive, but he did excellent here.

The story itself is adorable. It's almost unspeakably strange and beyond weird straight into deformed and abnormal. But you can't help laughing hysterically all the way through it. I give this film 8 out of 10. It should have been a bit longer, and I didn't really enjoy the strippers, but other than that, it's a wonderful film.
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Was this supposed to make sense?
10 November 2003
Okay, I'm not the smartest kid on the block, but I think this should have made more sense. And I'm not a total numbskull either. I was able to get all the seasons of STNG and Voyager, even the teeth-itchers about time travel. I understood Plato's philosophical jargon, I understood genetics, and I even understood the whole concept of Stargate SG1. But This film made NO sense whatsoever.

Frankly, it seemed like an excuse to watch Keanu Reeves (a very sexy man, for the record) Jump around doing strange martial-arts kind of movements in an unflattering raincoat. The fight scenes are cool, if you want a movie where the understandable plot can be summarized in less then three paragraphs. Not that I minded drooling over Keanu for innumerable boring fight scenes, but I just kept thinking: "Can we get back to the plot yet?"

I had high hopes for this film. I loved the first one, and it has over time become one of my favorite films of all time. But seriously, They should have left it alone. It's like Terminator 3, they're just beating the Matrix to death!

The acting in this film was nothing to complain about, although I feel obligated to talk about Trinity. She is really a sad character... and I don't understand the romantic undertones to this film. It's understood that Neo and Trinity are madly in love during the huge orgy-ish scene in Zion. Instead of diving into her midsection using mildly cheesy graphics to retrieve the bullet, I think Neo would've done better to just shove her off the roof. It's one of those, "Oh puh-leeze" Moments when we just roll our eyes and go to the kitchen for a drink.

I could barley sit through this film. I just wanted it to be over. And Just for the record: The instrumental soundtrack was way overdone and cheesy. It's something straight out of a 40s B-movie.
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The Faculty (1998)
Lame; Yes. Bad; Probably. Lovable Regardless; For Sure!
20 August 2003
Honestly, this was a horrible movie. And I would probably bad mouth the hell out of it if I hadn't had so much fun watching it. Whether it was written in the spirit of a parody or just a fun-time sleepover movie, or as a serious film with hopes to be the next "Disturbing Behavior", it's still cool.

First of all; nobody can deny that all the boys are cute. Josh Hartnett; Duh. Elijah Wood; My personal Favorite, and undeniably cuter as a button. Shawn Hatosy; Jock-ish but still yummy. Then there's the girls, which everyone identifies with. Delilah (Jordana Brewster); The bitch in all of us. Stokley (Clea Duvall); The depression in all of us. Mary Beth (Laura Harris); The shy girl and/or the homicidal alien in all of us.

Then, there's the script. Granted, not one bit of it is original. It's like "The Breakfast Club" meets "The Puppetmasters". So, we end up with big names like Christopher McDonald and Salma Hayek wanting to be a part of it because it'll be a blast to film. I mean, why would Famke Janssen give up the chance to have her head crawl across a parking lot, or to threaten to shove her foot up Josh Hartnett's ass? I sure wouldn't. So yeah, the writing sucks and the plot and dialouge are predictable, but hey. It's cool anyway.

And of course, the graphics. They were mediocre, about 5 years behind the times. It has the vauge appearance of a B-movie, but that just adds to it in my opinion. I especially enjoyed hiding under my blanket while plastic slugs crawled out of Elijah Wood's face, and I really want to know if that was as much fun for him to film as it was for me to watch. Bloopers are consistant... I've seen as many as 14, but they also add to the movie. It's a fun movie, no matter what.

The cover, at least in the U.S., bears the thought of a critic claiming it's "Hip and Scary." Now, I wouldn't say it's 'hip', nor is it particularly scary, (with the exception of Robert Patrick who will always terrify me to the depths of my soul) so all in all I'd say its Probably the worst and best movie in creation. I love it! (And Elijah... hehe)
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Ash Wednesday (2002)
Almost deserving of an"Okay"
11 August 2003
I'm sorry to sound so cynical, but I have almost nothing good to say for this film. The majority of the acting was superb, but I think Elijah Wood was cast wrong in this part. Firstly, he hasn't the proper accent for the film, secondly, he's to cute to possibly kill people and then run away, thirdly, he's just not mafia material. As much as I love Elijah Wood, he was this movies greatest flaw. The rest of the performers were well-cast and did a spectacular job.

It was a very freakish movie, filmed with a very gritty sensibility on the part of the director, Edward Burns. I did enjoy the film style, and the angles were very visually interesting.

The plot was not well thought out. I'm sorry to say it, but It looked like Edward Burns (also the writer) didn't take the needed time to go over his scrip and work out the screw-ups and enrich the plot a bit more. The film feels hastily written, and looks hastily made.

For enjoyability, I give it an "okay". They use far too much profanity and although the plot is captivating, it gets boring about the time of the first gunfight. I'd recommend this to a very small group of people, and only if they really want to see a weird film about death. If that's the case, I think you'd just be better off with "The Godfather" because this movie just isn't up to par. And the ending was horrible.
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Morbidly Facinating...
4 August 2003
I'll admit I only wanted to see it because of my infatuation with Edward Furlong, and that I was particularly displeased at the prospect of Eddie in a film which appealed to me as a gritty film about sex and incarceration. I was vaugely reluctant to watch it, and spent a good half hour stalling in the special features of the DVD.

First off, I was overjoyed to see Eddie in the opening scene. I didn't understand it well, But, that doesn't really matter. This is a film about prison, not about how Ron Decker ended up there. The abrupt shift from Ron Decker's story to Earl Copen's felt a bit odd at first, but was crucial to the plot line later on. The movie does this frequently and certainly should be watched twice.

For some bizarre reason, while I watched this, I thought of it as something that would probably have many cheesy sub-plots and cliche`/steriotypical characters. I was overjoyed when It didn't. It could have so easily been overacted and over-dramatic, but the superb direction steered this film safely away from the path a movie like "Deep Impact" would have taken.

I'm not going to claim to be a talent scout or anything, but I couldn't find any actors in this film that weren't spectacular. It was the first time I'd seen Willem Dafoe, and I must say I was massively impressed. Earl Copen played by any other man may have come across as evil, malicious, or just plain bad. But somehow, and please don't ask me how, Dafoe managed to bring an element of warmth and humanity to an otherwise cold character. I give Dafoe a standing ovation and as many stars as allowed. Ron Decker was an interesting character, and I as an actor would love to be in a part like that. I've always been impressed with Furlong, as you may have seen from my above comments. His portrayal was beautiful. Not his best, but better then many actors highlights. I'm not too familiar with the other names and roles, but I'd have everybody else a firm pat-on-the-back congrats for doing a lovely job as well. Worth seeing if any actor-to-be out there wishes to observe brilliant acting.

As far as recommendations go, I didn't let my mom see it and I sure as hell didn't tell any of my friends to run out and buy it. As wonderful as this movie is, I don't recommend it. It's intense, and very depressing. The score itself puts the viewer into a state of sweaty palms and an unfaltering gaze. It's hypnotic, I suppose. Definatly not for anybody who's uncomfortable with sexual ideas, and there is a load of that. I had to throw my hands over my eyes and cringe a few times, most violently in the scene with Tom Arnold. Those who have seen it will probably agree. I also wouldn't advise seeing it if you have a friend or family member in prison. Good luck getting through it if this is the case.
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Hot guys, sword fights, explosions, and water. What more could any woman want?
30 July 2003
I admit it, I only went to see Pirates of the Caribbean because of Orlando Bloom. But it payed off! Man, Johnny Depp gets sexier every time I see it! And I've seen it like 6 times now. But that's truly not the point. The point is, It's a great movie. The acting was superb, even the evil woman was very good. The graphics were lovely, and I love the monkey! The scene after the credits is a bit creepy, but cool nonetheless. Hmm, I have some plot questions, but I'd rather not question this movie to death. It was lovely, and MAN Orlando Bloom is SEXY! So anyways, I liked Pirates of the Caribbean, I Like Orlando Bloom,. I like monkeys, And I think you'll like Pirates of the Caribbean too! SEE IT OR FACE MY WRATH!! Hahahahahaha!
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Whale Rider (2002)
A Spontaneous Decision Paid Off For Once!
27 July 2003
Suffering boredom and a massive rainstorm, I had the sudden desire to see a movie. Sadly, I'd seen everything in the Cinemark except Whale Rider. I decided, What the hell, why not. So I bought a ticket and a large coke and settled down in the empty movie house, thunder roaring outside, and watched one of the most amazing movies I've ever seen.

From the very beginning, I was hooked. I was drawn in by Keisha Castle-Hughes' amazing narration, and the beautiful opening performances. The film dragged slightly for the two other people who showed up late, but I was constantly hypnotized. Once again, amazing acting all around. Very VERY beautiful performances. Totally flawless.

I have nothing bad to say for this movie. It's an amazing Drama, and a prime example of the genre. I enjoyed myself SO much, I just had to give it a standing ovation. I'm planning on going again, and taking everyone with me that I know and like. I didn't even enjoy T3 or Pirates as much as I enjoyed this! I'm a sucker for kid-drawn non-disney-ish plots. I love 'em.

I would recommend this to drama lovers of all kinds. Unless you're looking for action or comedy, because it's a very plot thick film. Which I love.
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I thought it was cool.
21 July 2003
I'm not really an expert on movies, but I'll say that this movie is Kick Ass. You're right though, the first half was lacking. Too much action; too little story. But I'll never turn down a good knock down drag out exploding crash-bang-booming action scene. It was well done.

I would also like to comment on the acting ablities. Nick Stahl, replacing The very cute Edward Furlong as John Connor, was wonderful! I've seen some of his earlier work, but I think he really stood out this time. And, as always, Arnold was spectacular. Admit it... you gotta love Arnold.

I did miss Linda Hamilton though. She's one of my absolute favorite Actresses. I've loved her work ever since seeing Stephen King's "Children Of The Corn" where I thought she was just spifferiffic. And, Her performance in T2 was GLORIOUS. I love that movie. I know people are already tearing it apart because it's not James Cameron, but hey, it's cool anyways. It has flaws, like any other film, but I think it's Kick ass. I liked it, darn you, It rocked.
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