
8 Reviews
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The Punisher (2004)
Thomas Jane is the Man
22 November 2004
I have to say that when I first heard they were re-making this movie, I had serious doubts about it out of loyalty to Dolph Lungdren, the original Punisher. However after having an open mind and going to see it in the theatre, I became an instant fan of Thomas Jane and the film itself. It is a nice change from all of the CGI effects laden Marvel films that are swirling around every summer. How ironic is it that both Blade and the Punisher, the two most simplistic of Marvel movies are the two best films that Marvel has produced. Thomas Jane was a terrific Punisher. He showed up for this movie in terrific shape and fit the character perfectly. Travolta once again is fun to watch and Laura Harring as his wife is absolutely stunning. Also, the song by the Harry Heck character is already a fan favorite. I can't wait for a sequel, because now that the introductions are out of the way, Thomas Jane will probably open The Punisher part 2 gunning down everything in sight. Great Job Jonathan Hensleigh
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21 Jump Street (1987–1991)
One of the best shows of the 80's
17 November 2004
I recently bought the first season and this show is still as good as anything on television today if not better. Its been at least 10 years since I had seen an episode so it was like watching the show for the first time. Great theme song, great actors, and terrific scripts. If it wasn't for some of the 1980's hair and clothing, this show could be airing in prime time today without question. Its makes you want to go back to high school again and walk the halls with immunity because there's nothing that any gang or teacher can do to you. The only problem is even after watching the entire 1st season, I have no idea what town the show takes place in. Oh well, I truly hope that there are plans to release the rest of the seasons real soon.
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Lethal Weapon (1987)
26 December 2003
Simply put, this is the film that made me a fan of Mel Gibson and Gary Busey. Even now if I see it on cable, I stop and watch a few scenes. Cool action with clever dialouge makes Lethal Weapon a timeless classic.
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23 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This was a typical Matrix movie. Nice action but really boring dialouge that can lose you in a heartbeat. This series is sooooooo overated it's a shame. Yes I know it introduced us to the bullet dodging sequences-which are still pretty cool by the way-but the dialouge sounds too close to Star Wars. The party scene , entirely too too long. A good 25 minutes could have been cut from this film. The addition of the twins was a nice touch but other than that we could have done without most of the new characters. Jada Pinkett and Monica Belluci are pretty much after thoughts in this film. And I hate to say it and this could be a SPOILER, but the whole idea of the Agent Smith clones was ridiculous, I mean seriously, the fight scenes with AGent Smith were entirely too long. Nothing else to say, just a bad movie. I'm so glad I didnt go see this in the movie Theater.
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20 September 2003
I refused to go see this movie in the theater, I refused to rent it and I finally succumbed to watching it on cable and I have to now say, WHAT WAS ALL THE HYPE ABOUT. This movie was not in the least bit funny, AT ALL. I think the way that the family was reacting was completely over exxagerated. People never want to admit that this wasn't a regular run of the mill indie project. But one that was backed by Tom Hank's wife. I really dont see why the budget for this thing went over a million dollars. The sets are pretty simple and the actors that they have I'm sure did not command a ton of money. I won't call the movie terrible, but for the amount of money that it made, let me just say that that was just ridiculous. Im glad when it came to the TV series people finally came back to their sense and made it go away after one season.10 thumbs down for this stinker.
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Good, But Not Timeless
19 September 2003
AFter all of these years of James Dean Hype, I finally decided to rent this movie. I have to say that it is something that you can enjoy after all of this time, however it is not the timeless piece that it is made out to be. The acting was fine for the time, although there was a sense of overacting at time, especially by Plato. Theres something about 50's movies that are just so different from today. It's like the actors don't have good chemistry, like every conversation is forced or it is so dramatic. Dean was a talented actor, its a shame we couldn't see more. But to call him the best ever or to keep this film at the top of the timeless films is a mistake.
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Face/Off (1997)
One Of the Best Ever
16 August 2003
This Movie has to be one of the greatest movies ever created BAR NONE. It Features high profile actors, great lead and supporting performances, Amazing action, a cool story line, and fantastic one liners and catch phrases. This film should be in the home of every single American and watched at least 2 to 3 times. Thanks for the great work John Woo.
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WiseGirls (2002)
Awesome Ensemble, Cool Story, Suprise Ending
2 July 2003
I have to say this film wasn't at the top of my renting list but after seeing it,I started telling other people to rent it also. The girls are great leads and the supporting cast is awesome as well. Veteran film actor Arthur Nascarella is on target once more as crime boss Mr. Santalino. I was so into his performance I went back to look up other films he had worked in. He is truly an awesome talent. His son Frankie played by Christian Maelen turned in a fine performance as well. You couldn't tell whether these guys were cool or just out of their minds. Their chemistry as father and son was fantastic as was the chemistry between Mira, Mariah, and Melora. Good Job to director David Anspagh
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