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The Conners (2018–2025)
You ain't seen nothin yet!
19 October 2018
As the old saying goes....you ain't seen nothing yet. Ratings will continue to dwindle episode after episode while left wing critics laud the show as "Great", "Ahead of it's time" "Wonderful" "Who needs Rosanne" etc., etc. etc. And even with absolutely terrible ratings, it will be renewed for a 2nd disastrous season. Knowing the show is done, studio executives will use the last season to promote left wing ideology and train their dumb leftist sheep even as the show goes down in flames.
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Only a moron would take this seriously
3 October 2018
Tom arnold, the talentless hack that should still be sweeping up meat scraps at the meat packing plant, his only real job, is the host of this really moronic micro series. I could only watch for a few minutes before gagging and wondering how hard up could a network get to put something like this on, or to hire someone like this talentless kook. The only reason viceland would air something like this is that they think there are still enough dumb leftist out there to make this trash survive and because the demise of the network is imminent, by the way, it won't. Tom Arnold, had Roseanne not had a lapse of judgment, put this hack on TV, he would be selling shoes today. The shows premise is a fairytale by any stretch of the imagination. A much better show would be about tom arnold and his history of lying and underhanded deeds. There is a wealth of easy to track down evidence of his sad life and how he has negatively effected everyone he comes in contact with, including his multiple ex-wives.
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Mystery Diners: Train Robbery (2015)
Season 9, Episode 12
WWF presents Mystery Diners
26 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The phoniest of all phony reality shows. OK, I have always maintained that EVERY reality show is fake. I used to say every reality show with the exception of COPS, JAIL, Bait Car and the ilk. But even those shows are fake, because cops and criminals wouldn't act the same way if are were not knowingly on camera. Cops watch their language and temper their actions and crims act up for the cameras. This was my 1st episode of "Mystery Diners" and I was amazed when I looked it up on IMDb to see that it had been on for 9 years. This episode was so phony it was funny. Literally every word and action from every 'cast member' was emoted to the nth degree. The host and the restaurant "train" owner were the worst. (although 90% of the dialog is uttered by these two) Doesn't anyone understand the capabilities of these so called drones. They are simply not capable of doing what was shown unless this show has some kind of astronomical budget, which I promise, it does not. The attachment of a tracking devise capable of the amazing accuracy, distance and detail shown here, would surely be easily detectable. My gosh, the garbage sack it was attached to didn't contain much. And what about the cost, how would it not be discovered by the final handler and how would they get it back? And the pitiful portions being stolen, who would go through that much effort to serve a couple of meals later at another restaurant miles away after having sat in a garbage bag all that time. The firing at the end and making the cook, the hostess and the 8 bogus diners walk home from as, the fired hostess put it, "the middle of nowhere". This is truly the professional wrestling of reality shows.
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Trollied (2011–2018)
Season 4 .........Mark my words, it's over !
3 November 2014
1st 3 seasons rated 7.5 stars, 4th season rated 2.5 stars. The Brits have done it again. They have taken a good show and totally screwed it up, just like series two of Plebs. The new season is just a mish mash of unbelievable and unlikable characters that do nothing but irritate you, like Miriam Margolyes who plays Colins Grandma Rose. Colin is hugely unlikable and his grandma is even worse. The writers and producers of this show have mistakenly decided that the more hateful and undesirable characters they can cram into the show, the better. Forget comedy, this is just a mess of stupidity. There is nothing funny in this 1st episode, its just makes you want the final episode to come out, where Gavin and the other good characters escape to great futures while Colin and his girlfriend go to prison and Sue, Linda and Rose get fired...........there will not be a series 5.

They lost these characters, they were the glue that held this show together...........Big Mistake!

Jane Horrocks ... Julie Adeel Akhtar ... Ray Joel Fry ... Leighton Mark Addy ... Andy (already gone, too bad)

They should have lost these irritating and unbelievable characters a long time ago! Lets face it, people like this are either in prison or on welfare.

Lorraine Cheshire ... Sue Faye McKeever ... Linda Carl Rice ... Colin Beverly Rudd ... Lisa

Minor characters they kept that are somewhat entertaining but can't save the show now.

Dominic Coleman ... Neville Rita May ... Margaret

Take them or leave them, they are replaceable without really effecting the show too much.

Chanel Cresswell ... Katie Nick Blood ... Kieran Danny Kirrane ... Dave Victor McGuire ... Ian

Update: Just watched Episode 2 and with the introduction of two new characters, Samuel Anderson as Daniel, the new deputy manager and Aisling Bea as Charlie, the new checker and the owners daughter, the season is looking up. This episode was quite funny and a hint was dropped at the end that the miserable Rose may be on her way out so there may be some hope after all.
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Mute Witness (1995)
Nail Biter Supreme
28 April 2014
I tend to chew on a fingernail or two during great fights and great movies and that doesn't happen very often. Not saying this movie is an all time classic but it is indeed a supreme nail biter and should have a place among great suspense movies. I gave it a vote of 8 just because I wanted to do my part to get this movie over the current

6.8 rating and up to a solid 7 where it deserves to be. I found this movie on a single list of top 100 best suspense movies of all time while searching the internet for same. I had no real expectations about this title but wow, this low budget movie delivers big time. Name another movie made for $2.000.000 that delivers even 10% of the thrills and chills. It feels like an American movie shot overseas even though it is a joint effort from Russia | UK | Germany. There are no over the top gore scenes and only one or two gratuitous nude scenes which for me is a big plus. I don't mind a nude scene in its place or a little blood letting but many of todays so called horror and suspense movies have absolutely nothing to offer except some weird competition to see who can be more creative (grosser) at removing body parts. Todays movie goers are lazy, they don't want to think or use their imagination, they just want everything laid open in front of them and explained down to the last detail. They have to see the knife in slow motion entering the body from every angle to be entertained. If a character says " they found her head in a hat box" I don't have to see the head, thank you, I do have my own imagination. I see many reviewers calling this director a Hitchcock wannabe but who in the business wouldn't want to be

compared to a great director like Hitch. I see this guy closer to Brian De Palma with his quite, nerve twisting pace. I promise you this movie will have you on the edge of your seat almost from the title screen and constantly

guessing whats coming next. SEE IT!
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Unbelievable Balderdash
27 April 2014
Not a one but certainly nowhere near an eight, I'll give it a four for at least some entertainment value.There must be at least some believability even in broad comedy. The situations presented here each week are simply too far fetched. Without giving away any spoilers, let's just say the laws of physics do not exist here. Nor does the protagonist have even the slightest shred of common sense. The endless mishaps that haunt him episode after episode are so unbelievable that they become wearing. British sitcoms are so unpredictable, some are brilliant while most are ridiculous, strange beyond belief or just plain boring or inane. This one fits into all the latter categories. Not much but repetitiveness beyond the first episode or two and highly derivative of any number of movies from the same genre. Seems from the reviews, a show only the Brits can appreciate.
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Caché (2005)
Another pretentious art prank
22 April 2014
Brilliant.............a film director make an ass of film critics and film goers alike. Cache is a prank on the public but directed specifically forward film critics and their liberal easily taken in followers. Google "art critics fooled by fakes" or "art critics fooled by kindergartners" and read the many hilarious accounts of these supposed "Art" critics making asses of themselves. These are the same people that think blood and feces smeared on a canvas is art. This movie is like a long boring joke with no punch line. Michael Haneke is the Yoko Ono of the film world. No one likes being drawn in to a movie that drags on and on but still holds your attention just enough to make you want to get paid off for your almost two hour investment only to be given a sleeping pill at the end. I say 'end' because the 2nd set of credits roll but there is no ending here. Let some of these reviewers here explain it all to you and you will get dizzy with their moronic explanations about what a great director and movie this is. One critic wrote: ("Brassau paints with powerful strokes, but also with clear determination. His brush strokes twist with furious fastidiousness. Pierre is an artist who performs with the delicacy of a ballet dancer.") That critique was written by a well known supposed art critic whom later found he was critiquing the work of a 31-year-old female chimp. The same ilk rave about this overrated waste of time. How many movies in IMDb have ratings like this one? Either '7' to '10' stars or '1' star ('0' if it was allowable and it should be) I could find no other except guess who? Yes, all of this genius's movies are the same and I for one will make sure he never gets a second of my time with any more of his garbage. There is nothing to compare this movie to (except possibly his other movies, I for one will never know) in an attempt to get across to you what an utterly pretentious waste of time this movie is. One last thing, Michael, you are not a movie director, you are a TV show director. You could have made this entire movie in 20 minutes rather than drag it out for almost two hours, spare your fans next time. I agree with other reviewers that this guy is just plain boring.
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Train Wreck
12 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
(Spoiler Alert) Poorly acted and written sitcom pushing the envelope of taste. Derivative of UK sitcoms, in fact there must be some UK sitcom out there with a similar plot line. Jake, the self-centered protagonist anti-hero who casually apologies as he speeds away having nearly run down roadside workers on his way to an out of the way wilderness park 25 minutes late to meet his girlfriend for their 4th anniversary (really, it's his 5th, as his upset girlfriend lets him know) He opens the picnic basket he haphazardly filled at a nearby convenience store and presents a half empty bottle of 152 proof grain alcohol to propose a toast. His unimpressed girlfriend breaks the news that shes done with his sorry ass and after a brief spat they soak each other with their drinks.Stupidity ensues and long story short. they accidentally burn down the forest. Not the least bit believable nor is the 2 year probation and 2000 hours of community service handed down for their offenses. That translates into roughly a whole year of 40 hour work weeks, I'll take the jail time thanks. And thats just the set-up for the series. I can't suspend disbelief enough to get into this unfunny train wreck. The 1st episode ends with them accidentally killing his girlfriends gam-gam(grandmother) simply by shocking her with news that had no reason to be presented to her. There will not be a 6th episode so hope you dislike it as much as me.
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London Irish (2013)
WOW!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(in a bad way)
28 October 2013
UK version of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia gone wrong. This time, 4 drunks hang out in a bar but with a difference. The gang in Philadelphia is made up 4 low-lifes including three good friends and ones sister. They are all likable even though you hate to admit it. The characters are so far fetched you can't really take them seriously. Now for the London Irish gang. Four Irish ex-pats living in London. I guess, good friends again including a brother and sister. These four are made up of a female (the sister)whom is not only not lovable but not even likable. A Foul mouthed and hateful b**ch who trudges through episodes with a constant scowl on her face and profanity streaming from her gob. Another female who has a single digit IQ and cares nothing about anyone but herself and is just simply ditzy and annoying. And the two guy leads whom if the females where replaced might have a chance of lasting more than one series. By the way, if you tune in to see Ardal O'Hanlon forget it. He is in 4 of the first 6 and only briefly. The worst thing about this show is that it is not funny.
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Bad Teacher (2011)
Worst Movie I have ever seen! **Spoilers**
6 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Deserving of a negative star score, this isn't even a good BAD movie. At least a bad movie can be entertaining, like "Plan 9 from outer space" for instance. This movie isn't a comedy at all, its a horror movie. The only reason I made it all the way through was to see the Cameron Diez character get her just deserts. But alas, she never did, how disappointing. I agree with the other sane reviewers in that this is a statement of everything wrong with the world today. How can any normal human being see anything funny about this disaster. Bad teacher indeed, a soulless, conniving, lazy, sleazy self serving bitch. Here's a women whose only ambition in life is to get a big set of fake knockers and to score a rich man at any cost. She spares no ones feelings to get what she wants. The premise is that cheating, lying, and stealing are OK as long as you get what you want. Winners lose and losers win and be damned with normality. Here's the same basic plot line: Cold blooded killer kidnaps, torture's, rapes and then murders indiscriminately any man, women or child he runs into. Then successfully shifts blame to an innocent party who is put to death and then ends with the murderer being put in charge of the bureau of missing persons. Absolute crap is being generous as a rating. The Razzies wouldn't lower themselves to nominating this piece of garbage. Run away from this dog, it will be the biggest waste of time you will ever experience.
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Rear Window (1954)
......A Perfect 10!
23 May 2012
This movie is brilliant..a perfect 10. You will see a lot of movies throughout your life and leave the theater swearing that was one of the best movies you have ever seen. But how many of those movies can you watch again and again? Rear Window is utterly perfect from beginning to end. Not an ounce of blood in sight and yet suspenseful throughout. Todays movies leave nothing to the imagination, but Rear Window will effortlessly engage your own imagination throughout. All the performances by the 5 main characters are flawless. And pay no attention to the "goofs" listed on this site as they are completely unnoticeable. Another great effort by the master of suspense, Alfred Hitchcock. Just sit back and enjoy this truly great movie again and again.
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Entetaining for all the wrong reasons
8 January 2012
Do you want to see a documentary about a dysfunctional hillbilly family tree? This might be right up your alley. Generation after generation of low-life self righteous law breaking misfits trying to convince everyone they come in contact with that every facet of their life is someone else's fault. We are treated to the day by day existence of lazy, do-nothing, alcoholic druggies as they abuse themselves and everyone they come in contact with. Not a member of this family is in the least bit likable, and no one is spared as they seem to literally look for trouble day and night. Unlike a good movie, there is no satisfaction at watching the deserving parties get his or her just rewards, They just keep coming at you like a plague, generation after generation of the scum of the earth teaching each new brood how to get by without ever working for anything and living off of others. Just reminds us all of the human element that we could all do without and would certainly not miss. Wow, how unfortunate for the rest of us that people like this really exist. I am a Christian and always will be but this family is convincing evident for the theory of evolution.
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