
13 Reviews
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The Gray Man (2022)
If Disney attempted an Oliver Stone picture
21 April 2023
The movie tries to be John Wick with a complex plot but ends up under delivering on both. Overall the performances are solid but the story is thin and the direction is lose. The antagonists have petty ambition and come across as beneath the people you'd expect to find in powerful positions. The delivery tried to be 'Bourne' but ended up being borderline comical and, as usual, effects are used in abundance to deepen a story that lacks writing. The casting is good and all deliver decent performances, sadly the production didn't get the brief. Personally I wouldn't recommend it as there are too many better choices in this abundant genre.
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Clerks III (2022)
More than I expected, in so many ways
19 December 2022
It's fair to say the world has changed considerably from the first Clerks through the life of View Askew's world and hoped this movie would be able to at least compare to it's predecessors.

Expecting a slow start combined with corny fan service, it really wasn't long into the introduction where suddenly all the characters are on form. These lesser known actors contribute some incredibly moving scenes, throughout their story of this film and of the lives of their universe. There are plenty of nods to past tropes and familiar environments only our crew are older and their life experiences more real.

The movie is a comedy but without doubt it is a deep reflection of life, the friendships we weave and the love we can have for our friends. We do after all form our lives with our friends and this movie left me deeply moved and quite sad at the richness of characters and friendships I wonder if I've had myself.

If Wes Anderson is the artistic story teller, Kevin Smith is most certainly the character storyteller, rich with dialogue, each character has their own voice and all scenes feed each other with purpose.

Perhaps more serious than the predecessors, but a must watch if you know and love these characters. There's something for everyone here.
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Shade (2003)
Between Rounders and Oceans 11
19 November 2022
Honestly better than I thought it was going to be, certainly one to watch if you like gambling, hustling movies. Decent performances, especially the carding action, Stallone is solid in the role even though it's mostly supporting and everything that happens is plausible. If you want 3D watch Now you see me. Stuart Townsend is great in the role, shame he's not done more. The movie plays well on themes of both Rounders and Oceans 11 though slower in pace than the latter. It's the sort of movie that has the predictable twists and turns but to avoid spoilers you'll have to watch it to figure out which is which.
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Craig restarted Bond, now he's finished Bond.
8 February 2022
Looking back over the years of Bond movies they started with unbelievable supervillans then got political with cold war era politics then sloped back into fantasy super villains. They have always been entertaining but I don't think it's the role of a Bond film to deliver drama or credible spy life.

Casino Royale rebooted a tired brand and then the next few seemed to be bogged down in political correctness an uncertain consumer and too much product placement.

Perhaps the lone British spy has run the complete course, perhaps there's a new direction they can go but one thing cannot by definition change. These are James Bond movies, not double '00' movies, so no Bond means no Bond movie. I suspect a reboot like the plethora of Spider-Man movies but perhaps more akin to the rebirth of Ghostbusters, merely light entertainment and no cult status.

Craig did a good job but this movie was a requiem in energy and style from beginning to end and though it answers some questions, I rather feel not seeing it would have been no loss.
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Brimstone (2016)
If Requiem for a Dream was set in 1800's
29 January 2022
A gripping tale of hardship in the old west told in four chapters. It's a bleak tale highlighting the worst of the time set in authentic towns and environments. Great character development but the antagonist is an unstoppable force of pure evil.

Amelia Jones performance was particularly excellent.
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Shazam! (2019)
Weak, thin and pointless
23 May 2020
With a terrible back story, adolescent aspirations and cutest demons why this got high reviews is a marvel and only because it reminds us how superior Kick Ass was, for a sub standard popcorn flick relevant comparison. Read a book.
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Cult status, lesser known gold.
17 April 2020
This film is bold enough to try something different and in my opinion it works and works well. Depp's character was dead pan, ideal for a mercenary seeking his fortune. Bold Hollywood themes are entangled providing a detective come eyes wide shut mix and every viewing shows more and the characters become richer.
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Wild Card (2015)
Beautifully shot, great fight scenes but nothing flows. Watch Parker instead.
9 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoy a good London Gangster movie or crime/action movie as much as the next person but compared to War or even Parker this movie just doesn't flow. I almost believe that re-edited cutting and moving scenes around would bump this movie up a couple of stars but as it is it just keeps feeding dribs and drabs like a TV series but not building enough momentum. The start is slow, should have cut and started with the (spoilers) hospital scene. It's a beautifully shot movie, well acted with some excellent action and fight sequences and it could easily have been better but nothing ties together, no major plot, no escalation or climax. It just bumbles on then ends with most of the motivation being for a girl who uses him anyway. Parker is just a 'score' movie but it has drama, great fight scenes and the plot stands up. Watch something else. Oh yes, Christmas music when it plays no part in the story at all. Las Vegas and Christmas classics.
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Triple 9 (2016)
Enjoy it for what it is - a great crime movie.
11 December 2018
There seems to be a lot of negativity in the reviews as if it's ripping off Heat and cannot possible compete with it's mastery but really it's a totally different film. The action is good the story has grit, strong performances and a point. SO many Police movies have similarities but there is a bit of all sorts in here and I really think it's worth a watch. It has uses drama like The Equalizer in that it's required and not over used, the characters don't have super powers and are not immune from pain. The story hints at political themes and shows life in the underworld much like it is, with little remorse, no easy way out and a greedier person just ready to come along. I love the movie Heat and I'm glad there's another great movie to add to my favorite score/gang and organised crime movie list.
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Weak - Watch if you have nothing else to watch.
22 February 2015
If you like time travel movies with a story and a good cast, I wouldn't suggest watching this one. There are no shortages of time travel themed movies from giant budget (Deja Vu) to micro budget (Primer) and everything in-between (Time travellers wife, Happy Accidents, Donnie Darko, Groundhog Day, Source Code, 12 Monkeys, Time Bandits...). The magazine crew are moderately interesting but the main character Kenneth played by Mark Duplass is not a good fit showing only a weak performance. The film lacks atmosphere, re-watch-ability, memorable characters, knowledge of science or science fiction. Most such movies have a gimmick, from classic props (Back to the Future) to tense emotional connections (About Time, Happy Accidents) or just great performances (Primer). This film lacks all of this and the current rating suggests people either don't watch time travel films or only the cast watched and voting on IMDb.
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Chloe (2009)
Well written, cast, directed and delivered
17 January 2014
I watched this film the first time with no idea what to expect. I knew the main actors and was short of anything else to watch. Honestly, I didn't fully grasp what I'd seen the first time. I enjoy thought inspiring, emotional and moralistic tales and this hit the nail on the head; I was really surprised. The chemistry between the characters is very real and I thought Julian Moores performance was first class. She dresses down so even her pretty moments she looks quite plain and she opens up as a lonely housewife, regardless of her characters professional success in this very bold role. I'm not a fan of nudity in film as I often feel it's cheap, unless it's a corny B movie then it's as expected as the female protagonist running from danger and falling, but in this case, as with Madeline Stowes' 'Blink', it was tasteful and dramatic. To enjoy the spirit of the characters I actually found the intimate scenes difficult to watch due to their realism. There is love, identity and purpose in this story and all actors excelled thanks to their personal abilities, a great story and director.
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Love it or hate it? I choose hate!!!
10 February 2004
Easily the most worthless movie ever made. Utterly dissapointing. I read the reviews, then sat down to be amazed.. I was. By my utter stupidity! It goes nowhere, achieves nothing and contains no twist or other well conceived elements to justify the two hours of my life it just robbed me of. I believe it was written by a bitter man-hater.

It tells the story of a very bitter individual and the audience is left believing that this is true or, that the other party is nuts. Either way, the plot does nothing to strengthen one argument against the other as there is no history built up for these characters. The acting holds true and I can only hope the actors careers lasts longer than the producers. STAY AWAY! If you wish to waste two hours of your already short lives, spring clean your house!
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Mallrats (1995)
Epic 'Comic Book' Series
11 January 2004
Fabulous Movie. I suggest watching this cult epidemic in order too, and yes you either love it or hate it!

Many well defined and colourful characters all with a key role in a movie that just keeps you glued to the screen. Many great one-liners too, a definate must see, although perhaps not your average family movie!
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