
10 Reviews
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Romance with humor and a ...touch
12 December 2020
I first watched this film at the late eighties, I was young at felt that touch... Now in 2020 being more mature and experienced and having split my life between a small town with some mountains around and the big city, I understand better the strangle between the nature and the big city for the individual. People choose one or the other for a numerous of reason, in majority without reflecting on it. Myself until now haven't choose, and living between them separate my time and experiences. The film is lousy, the acting is even worse, the dialogue sucks, trying not to add too more negatives although there are. But it has romance, it has humor_John Belushi's contribution on the film, it has strength_Blair Brown's contribution, it has commitment, the film has "feelings" which are trying to be subdued due to the fact they both live in separate worlds and has that touch which doesn't go old, romance. The type of romance which affect all ages, non-completed love and the effort to achieve it unsuccessfully or not. Gives you the promise you seek yourself! And that's make this film adorable.
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Giving meaning to actions on reflective thinking ...before its invented
3 April 2020
When Evelyn Brent decides not to kill Emil Jannings although he possesses imperial status and he is the most powerful man in Czar Russia, she reexamines her action by failing to give meaning and with that to justify his death in the film. She (as a woman due to Josef von Sternberg directing angle) channels her contradictive judgement into falling in love with him. On the other hand, strong-willed Emil Jannings when he watches the crash of the train by the collapse of the bridge he refuses to accept the fact itself(in the start of the film he calls it great shock) and the contradiction which leaves to him the outer mark of a constantly moving head as a result of his denial. Emil attempts to project this to the film audience as a believable major psychological trauma in his mind. This time the viewing angle is Emil's. Both times what takes place is the failure of giving meaning and therefore justifying actions. Giving meaning in phenomena and actions determine a thinker and reflective thinking which usually demands time and not suitable for direct actions demands. This level of human judgement is upper than knowledge, skills, principles and attitudes. The process of making decision relies on a rational procedure although the final decision might be very much based on emotion. Human emotion. This film originates in the synthesis and expression of its major human assets. It sets a number of remarkable points to reflective thinking and defines Josef von Sternberg's art degrees of revealing and concealing.
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Hilarious and heartbreaking interaction of "death" and mortals
21 March 2020
I don't want to refer to the original playwright and the philosophical level that was referred to it because it doesn't suit with the love story which has a main aspect in this script. This film is an alternative version and follows its path. Fredric March dominates this film but he is too young to contribute the achievement of an overall general outcome to make this one an overall good movie. He expresses his great talent with words, with monologue and dialogue, with gestures, with his monocle figures, his movements and "savoir vivre" overall outcomes (where the hell "death" knew them?) and above all with his humor! He has calculated everything in his part and role... Except to make it believable! But this is Fredric's(death) point of view and I enjoyed the "hilarious" outcome. His voice tends to be unnatural {in his viewing angle to perform "death"} when he is not performing the kind "sheep" all human would love to adopt... Its not "death" that want to be adopted but it is Fredric! Death is just a step to another path ...etc, etc. And that is what makes this film hilarious. "Death" by Fredric's performance has humor and he is actually very well accepted by human ears!!! On the other head, I enjoyed very much Fredric voice because it is crystal clear and you can hear and understand every word he says (without the use of english subtitles)! The leading actress shows from the beginning that she is a spoiled child, perhaps a spoiled actress too. She isn't going to grow up, she doesn't know what she wants in her life, in fact she doesn't has a clue about it... When "death" "falls" in her path she on the other hand turns to be "stimulated" by his touch, although first she fears him... She falls for a love without boundaries for the "void" of death... better not to be explained further... That's why she sounds so wooden and untruth until she actually leads "death" to take her with him. The dominant character of Fredric"Death" falls apart for the love of hers!!! The dialogue between them is melodramatic and needs courage to stand it, but fortunately only a few lines are to swallow them... On the other hand the dialogue and the interaction between Fredric(death) and the other actresses and a few actors is exceptional fine and turn to be interesting and enjoyable, many times filled with humor by Fredric(death).

In general terms, film is enjoyable and turns to be a comedy with many melodramatic tendencies.
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One of my favorites (master)pieces of art
30 August 2019
It's been quite time since I wanted to write a few words about this film, but either I wasn't ready or I didn't have time. Now that I have time I'll try to make it worth it. One would start with the actors, many of great ones give good performances in this film. The fundamental of this film is the combined work of Carol Reed and Graham Greene which spins around the spine of juxtaposition of comedy and tragedy. Although spies and secret service are a central topic in this film, it is overcomed and overwhelmed by the focus on rather unusual but very realistic people in a place where political situation is certainly unstable and not predictable. The music is amazing. Frank and Laurence Denise bring to life Cuba's superb local music and incorporate it into the plot of the film with the acoustic highlights of the scenes, raising agony to the top or relaxing the tension in the most enjoyable way. The scenery of Havana and the actors performances really make it a great film. Alec Guinness, Burl Ives, Ernie Kovacs, Ralph Richardson, Noel Coward, Maureen O'Hara and many others provides us those shining and charming scenes where dialogue about life, death, love, service, fun, reason, suspicion and ordinary things make our life worth living and you might say in a rather peculiar way interesting. The comedy elements are of a high standard, Alec Guinness, Ernie Kovacs and Ralph Richardson each one in their point of view give us high class humor. Burl Ives teach us a humanitarian and a friendship point of view, the single aged man who focuses in life itself, not only as a doctor. Noel Coward with a certainly English indicative manner provide the spy spine-bone of Graham Greene novel and screen play. Maureen O'Hara with her caustic way of speaking especially against the "Red Vulture" Ernie Kovacs stands as the woman which can be a lynx(her reference) to watch and protect those who love and admire. She is the female star of the movie and a good one. She is also very kind to Jo Morrow, the young female who represent the talkative beauty and juicy youth, the center of male attraction. Although there are other women equal attractive, with real captive appearance like the amazing girl who "wants to be undone" (Alec's reference) and dances in front of (shy in women) Paul Rogers in blue moon cabaret. In conclusion, this is a film for your personal collection. To enjoy it with the people you love and your friends. It is most enjoyable, delightful and amusing piece of cinematography which will never age. You can watch it alone too, it will give you a pleasant feeling of balanced and high level entertainment.
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chutty, chutty and chutty....
22 July 2019
How can they save the world when they are constantly chattering with each other? Only by pure luck. In their own case, although among such good actors as Emma Thompson and Liam Nesson, they stayed in mediocrity! I don't know if I got bored more than Emma Thompson! Between Chris and Tessa, there is no chemistry, but only superficial chatter! Is it Tessa that brings out of Chris or the opposite?
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Propaganda in worst degree
15 April 2019
Let's imagine that the producers of the film wanted to opposite the death penalty and wanted to shoot a film to present their arguments. In such a case and in a artistic manner they would left the leader actor to be executed in the electric chair and they would present the facts of his innocence after his death. I don't want to judge if it is right or wrong, I just would accept their effort and I would give a good rating, nothing more and nothing less. In this case, the producers underestimate our intelligence, because they do not present their arguments for the rightness of death penalty but they degrade the opposite opinion (against death penalty) by pretending that they go along with it. They pretend that they are against the death penalty by using a "publisher" and a reporter-writer "the leading actor" to play a game which would oppose the tactics of the public prosecutor who would follow their game. By his fall into false documentation of facts and a wrong verdict, the opposition to death penalty would shined beyond a reasonable doubt. Just when all are pointing this outcome, they use a personal confession of the leading actor to his beloved woman to pinch him back in the electric chair and avoid the pardon. Here lies a double trap. This trap were set for the viewers and not the leading actor. Viewers are the victims of the intentions of the producers. Viewers are sent to electric chair for the execution of their intelligence. Just because the opposition party to death penalty missed their goal in the very last match point, death penalty itself and the prosecutor as their priest reach a limit up in viewers assessment! Its disappointing how much and the degree of it, the producers do the worst kind of propaganda! Pity for the leading actor who performed its best in 1945 film"The best days of our lives". I rate this film by two and not less because I live in the future and not in the time that this disappointing film were filmed.
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The Outlaws (2017)
A must see film, not for kids or adolescents
8 January 2019
If it weren't a real incident series of scenes, I would think that it was a brutal weird series of a sick mind. On the other hand, beyond the brutal scenes which come with the real incidents, it is a well made film, with good casting, humor and something you don't meet in the western films, no shooting! The enforcement of the law comes with no shooting and something that I still find it difficult to believe by arresting all the criminals alive as a primal target for the leading actor. Either life give us lessons or this is director's potential values for his audience. It is also quite enjoyable and keeps your interest in watching it in high levels.
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Peppermint (2018)
A bad movie
14 December 2018
Lost two hours and can't get them back... ..... ..... .....
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The Guilty (2018)
Dark og klaustrofobisk
26 November 2018
Dark and claustrophobic It's a thriller and nothing more, a dramatized film, an attempt of scriptwriter and director to grasp a confession from the leading actor for a crime that attributed on police violence. Leading actor appears to be taking the law into his own hands on will, he doesn't hesitate to act against the law and to urge others to do the same, either with pure or fraudulent intentions in order to achieve his purpose which happens do good as evil. From time to time he is an angel, he is a procecutor, or a judge, he tries to do what he believes is right. Director entraps him in the dark world of nemesis and clinch him with passion to grasp his apology. This case could stand in no court. Scriptwriter or Director are obliged to substantiate that this is a real incident! If not is just another social experiment crafted and as such it is considered failed. Social experiments don't prove truth or give direction, are just hypothetical thoughts! It is obvious that the scriptwriter and mainly the director are unaware of the controversy of tragedy with comedy. They should study the work of Graham Green and Oliver Reed and then perhaps they might create a few lines of laugh-friendly atmosphere somewhere deep in their dark world... Danes can do better, I hope. P.S.: Don't show this movie to your children! Danger of nightmares!
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The Fitzroy (2017)
dissapointing and poor
30 October 2018
Poor script, poor performances, poor photography, poor budget (includes only the former military submarine probably with no cost and most of all characters which reminds the backyard of a multi apartment building. The effort to make it a graphic scenery fade away by the characters themselves probably inspired by the memories of the author of the script. The best part of the movie is the opening animation scenes... for about four minutes which open your appetite and expectations but the rest is boring... pity for writing this!
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