15 Reviews
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The Taint (2011)
Turn off you brain and enjoy
28 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously the guys who made this movie probably spend all their money on yogurt and fake dicks and the story made little sense (but still more sense than Dark floors if you ask me).

This movie has the type of script you would write during an evening packed with alcohol and stupid friends (and you should probably watch it during such an evening to fully enjoy it). It lacks in originality but not in laugh value, we laughed almost all the way trough, this movie wont make you grow or make you look smarter because you watched it but if you enjoyed the easy jokes in South Park and the like you might find yourself laughing quite a few time.

It's just a movie you shouldn't analyze too much because the people who made it probably just did it for the "LULZ".
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Surprisingly entertaining
22 April 2011
I expected the worst when I started this movie, I really did considering the low rating and the bad reviews this movie received. Well I was pleasantly surprised when this movie turned out to be quite entertaining.

OK if you don't enjoy vulgar humour and poor word plays you might not want to watch this movie but if you don't take zombie movies seriously this one is an entertaining cheesy movie. Few winks for the metalheads is always appreciated on my side and so are the few new ideas this movie exploited. Not a classic but still worth watching if you want my opinion.
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good idea bad movie
28 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Where to start, lets start with the reasons why this movie got a 3 and not a one from me. First some actors a minimal acting skills which I have to give them credit for. The story itself isn't so bad (except for the ending). Where did they go wrong with a good idea (because alice in murderland sounds like a good idea at least for someone who is a fan of Alice)? The boring party in which the events take place is boring even for the watchers, the girl who plays Alice shouldn't be allowed to act out of all the cast she was the one with the least acting skill. The poor acting ruined most of the scenes that otherwise could have been good or surprising. The costumes were all cheap sex shop stuff that for some didn't even fit the actresses. The characters are ALL underdeveloped which makes it impossible to grow even remotely attached to any of them. But if you're a fan of cheesy over acted b-series movies you might actually enjoy that movie.
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Something you cant unsee
27 February 2011
This movie is by far one of the best horror movies I've seen in my entire life... let me explain why. First most horror movie don't scare me, disgust me or thrill me they make me laugh and I find gore incredibly funny. The reviews about this movie saying it was highly disturbing and disgusting made me want to see it to get a good laugh since all the last ''shockers'' either made me laugh or bored me to near death... I didn't get a good laugh I didn't laugh at all but I was glued to the screen cause it was indeed disturbing and very disgusting, you get to feel the main character losing his mind and to see his life being taken from him without any real hope for redemption... This is a strong movie a disgusting movie that leave you with the feeling of being sexually abused yourself. If you like shockers you're going to like that one, if you like to be scared or disgusted you will like that one. Plus this movie is a strong metaphor on a topic that you don't really get to see in the movie but thinking about it after watching it you can see how strong that metaphor is in the movie. Oh and just a little warning if you decide to watch that movie make sure your kids aren't around you don't want them to see this movie, you really don't.
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Cemetery Man (1994)
a cult classic or just another bleh zombie movie
4 February 2011
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This movie is incredibly slow paced all the way trough I was tempted to put it on fast forward... The acting for the most part is really poor. The dialogues are uninteresting and poorly constructed.

But the beginning and ending monologues are really interesting and make the movie a whole lot better than it would have been without. There are quite few original turn and twist to this movie (the flying zombie head my oh my that was a lot of fun and completely unexpected for me), some of the zombies make use of basic logic and it can be quite interesting. The characters are all somewhat insane and make for few laugh...

I gave this movie a 5 only because I still wonder if I liked it or not the best I can say is watch it and find out for yourself as this movie made hi

itself a little place amongst the cult zombie movies it cant be a total waste of your time to watch it.
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could have been worst... way worst!
31 January 2011
This movie wasn't good far from as good as night of the dead, dawn of the dead, land of the dead or survival of the dead but I've seen way worst zombie flicks with bigger budget... The story isn't half bad the acting is horrible I wont deny it the only skilled actor in this movie is Sherman Howard who alone made this movie acceptable. The sense of claustrophobia was lost by the awful acting and so were most of the strong scenes (I mean most all the strong scenes that didn't involve Bub).

Savini as usual did an awesome job on the gore and zombies. So it was a good underfunded movie you have to watch it knowing it was funded like a b-series movie to enjoy it fully.
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ExTerminators (2009)
Good intentions that go a little overboard
30 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
So let me say this clearly, this movie isn't a classic, it's not a great movie and the story is bit ordinary BUT this is a fun movie to watch.

The story really starts with 3 drunken women following the violent boyfriend of one of their friend and ending up causing him to die in a car crash... Then the word gets out and their start a business of killing ''jerks'' what bothers me about that is you never know for sure if the guy really is a jerk of if the girl is just insane and in the end the 3 girls get away with several murders as the main character marries a cop... which makes for a funny very naive story good for people who doesn't ask too much questions and don't mind some not quite guilty people getting killed or a good Sunday afternoon movie. I wouldn't even say that women who lived with real jerks would find any echos of their feelings in that movie, so if you decide to watch it watch it for what it is a not so dark comedy with a weak story but enjoyable to watch.
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Dark Floors (2008)
A movie that should have never been done
27 January 2011
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I don't know if I'm the only one who found out this movie was from the Lordi guys only after watching it... and suddenly it all made sense... I mean it all made sense that the movie made no sense because the made it the same way they make their music videos just trowing in a lot of random stuff that makes little to no sense well same thing happened here they only stretched it out on 80 minutes of unbearable boringness maybe they were counting on the ''almighty'' to make this movie good? Seriously there was nothing to like about the story (or lack of) even if the ''special effects'' were well done and so were the ''monsters'' the constant darkness made it uninteresting for the eyes and the lack of depth in all the characters made it feel like the movie lasted more than it actually did...

By the way for those who like me found this movie on a zombie movie list don't even bother there is maybe a minute or two with some zombies and even them cant make this movie better!
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Black Death (2010)
A crude tale of human nature
27 January 2011
Don't let the religious background of this movie put you off, this movie isn't about god and evil this movie is a sad exploration of human nature about one's need to force its beliefs upon others, about how far guilt and grief can take someone. This is a good brutally realistic human drama set in the time of the bubonic plague. Very well developed characters no 1 dimension personality in that one Dario Poloni did a good job. Regarding the aspect of the time set of the movie it is also very well done. An overall good movie great directing (not that one would expect anything less from Christopher Smith) but sometimes the picture was a bit shaky which kinda bothered me.
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The Slaughter (2006)
not nearly as bad as I expected it to be
26 January 2011
I bought this movie a while back while I was on a quest to find the crappiest horror movie... It's indeed crappy but not nearly as much as I tought it would be. I was maybe a bit generous giving it a 6 but still it was an half way decent no-budget movie that doesn't take itself seriously with a very funny ending... I admit, the acting was poor (on purpose maybe) and the story line made little sense (again on purpose maybe I wonder)... BUT if you go into it without any expectations and are able to enjoy ''the no-budget spoof of a spoof made by a bunch of friends'' type of movie you'll surely find something to enjoy in that joke of a film.
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Botched (I) (2007)
This was excellent!!!!!... Delicious
26 January 2011
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After lots and lots of bad and all over crappy movies I had very low expectations for that one... Well after I made it past the first 15 minutes of that movie I went from surprises to surprises... Lots of funny moments ''you have went hysterical! I'm now going to slap'' that line made me laugh and it would have been enough to make me like the movie but they added some more fun and unexpected stuff... The viking looking villain was very unexpected and cool (yeah I have a thing for dudes who look like that and it made the movie a whole lot more enjoyable for me), the Jesus freaks who turned out to be Satan freaks etc etc. Oh and for a change the blood was realistic I'm so not used to it I was impressed! This movie really left me wanting more!
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Last Rites (2006 Video)
Not good but not bad
25 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Many things annoyed me about that movie but it was overall entertaining if you can make it past the first 15 minutes of the movie...

The characters are all under developed, the music at the beginning of the movie is awful, most of the actors are not what I would call actors but they still managed to be entertaining. The plot brings nothing new and the fact that the survival instinct never seems to kick in for any of the characters is annoying (the keep going with their gang rivalry even when they should just focus on surviving).

The movie is visually very acceptable and the story so fast paced I didn't see the time go. Not a must see but not an avoid at all cost either.
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Don't let the rating fool you
25 January 2011
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As I said in the title of this review don't let the rating of this movie fool you, it's a good and I mean really good B-series zombie movie...

The title made me not want to see it... made me expect rap all the way trough the movie... Well there was very little rap involved and the music was so well chosen it blended into the movie in the most outstanding way (personally I think that if you can watch a movie without the music striking you it mean it was well chosen to fit the mood of the movie).

I was expecting mindless gangstas who are barely more intelligent than the zombies but again I was wrong the main characters are well developed and act like real human beings and not like wannabe rap stars who live for their ''beef'' (wich made me very happy cause as a zombie flick fan I'm fed up with black guys who are either stupid gangstas or badassery made human with barely any personality).

Plus this movie has every thing that so many other zombie movies lack, a good explanation of what caused the zombie outbreak, a conversation about zombie movies in a zombie flick, gangstas that put aside their ''beef'' when they have to survive, just enough stupid stuff to make it funny but not to much, just enough badassery and to top it all decent actors.
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Cadavres (2009)
Sad story, good movie
20 January 2011
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My biggest surprise of 2010, I found that movie in a video store and I had never heard of it before... I looked at it thinking it was going to be a poor cheesy doubled American movie. To my great surprise it was a ''quebecois'' with plenty of our very best actors so I watched it and I was impressed.

But to be really honest I think it's the type of movie you have to be a fan of ''quebecois'' cinema to enjoy and to a certain point you also need a good knowledge Quebec's's society to understand how sadly realistic it is. Human misery at it's best, disgusting pain and lows of life, Tragic end, ''beaudelairienne'' beauty in overwhelming ugliness that movie has everything I look for when I watch a ''quebecois'' movie.
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Deathwatch (2002)
One of the worst movies I've ever watched...
19 January 2011
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I've seen many bad movies but that one was way worst than getting a tooth plucked out... It was poorly made in so many ways in despise of the trenches being realistic and really well done the realization was bleh and the directing was inexistent I hope. The movie was slow paced, seemed to last for 10 hours and overall uninteresting, most of the ''horror'' scenes seemed like cheap rip offs from some other big horror movies (the barb wire scene (did someone see Silent hill once too many time?))... I had such high expectations for that one and I was deceived on all of them... bad bad bad movie. Please don't tell me I didn't get it I understood the movie and what it was about, the idea was great hence I wanted to see it so bad but the movie wasn't good it could have been a great movie but it is not!
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