
42 Reviews
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Belfast (2021)
10 August 2022
Kenneth Branagh is a FV(KING Genious.

One of very best films of all time.

I laughed, I cried, I laughed and cried simultaneously.

This ranks with: Shawshank Citizen Kane Godfather The Magnicent Seven The Great Escape River Kwai Seven Samurai Scarface Forrest Gump Diving Miss Diasy A truly magnifbent arrtwork and not at all what I expected. I thought I was going to see just another BS flick about The Troubles. Not at all.

An epic character study...
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The Endgame (2022)
20 April 2022
Painful to watch it is so bad. Literally made me ill.

Please End This Now!

It is so poorly constructed, acted, written and directed everyone involved should have their union cards revoked and sent to do community theater in Nebraska.

For all eternity

US Network TV has reach a new low this year.
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Billions (2016–2023)
Was a 7 is now a Zero, Who cares?
14 March 2022
This show was a bit edgy and fun. Now just annoying and without focus. Axel was dick. You can create a story about a dick.

Prince is a whiney douchebag. Not a billionaire. I would crush him in a single deal.

This show has a great cast and suffers from terrible writers and producers.

Was fun. Now just tedious and a zero.
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Domina (2021–2023)
Real Housewives of Rome?
27 June 2021
It's easy to make an awesome production about Rome!

From Cleopatra to Spartacus and every story in-between, just some epic films and TV.

I was excited! Expecting Greatness! DENIED!

I turned it off after 20 minutes, I was bored and could see there was no use in hoping. All the other reviews back that decision up. And I saved all that time!

Too many awesome shows to binge, I'll watch HBO's Rome or Spartacus again instead.
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The Drowning (2021)
Saved me the wasted time
6 May 2021

1s and 2s all around! The cover looked good? I won't bother watching> Not even the Best Boys granny left a 10? There are always a few votes that are too high left by the producers mom?

Must be terrible! Thanks!
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Ava (IV) (2020)
Painfully Bad, Run Away!
15 January 2021
I had hoped that the bad reviews were wrong as often they can be here. Nope, this movie is terrible.

Unlikable characters doing nothing of interest punctuated by ridiculously long and overdone fight scenes.

Surprised there were no random car chases thrown in?
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Tidelands (2018)
Bone Crunching Hotness.
13 January 2021
The show is a 5-6 with actors that are 11's.

I could watch the female leads do nothing but eat bugs and pick their noses and I would still rank it an 8.

Fast paced, well executed and so many hot chicks? Not just hot.... Smoking Hot. Not everything needs to be perfect. Fun is good too. Did I mention hot?
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Break Even (2020)
3 for Content But The Lead Actress? Hot?
26 December 2020
Is brutally hot that even if you hate this movie... Just her in that white dress makes it all worthwhile.

Movie is watchable and OK fun. Certainly must have fun to make. Anyone who gave this a 10 is of very low standards or worked on the crew.
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Good Morning, Verônica (2020–2024)
Can't Do a 10, 9.5 For This Gem!
2 November 2020
Great entertainment. As good as the best Scandavavian crime shows, but with a Latin flair that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

Solid writing and performances. Set up for an even more crazy second season or artfully left to your imagination if Netflix doesn't opt in for round two.

If Netflix doesn't pick this up for next year? They need to be fired.
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Filthy Rich (2020)
Ignore Porr Reviews, Great Fun!
23 September 2020
This is not Masterpiece Theatre, it is cheap tawdry fun with great satire and a great cast, plenty eye candy and the writers have hit their groove.

Move ovet Tammy Faye Baker, here comes Margaret Montreax, Queen Gator of the Evangelical Swamp!
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Just Brutal and Great Fun!
23 September 2020
Sarah Bolger is wicked hot. Awesome!

Not to missed crime thriller.
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If You Expected Masterpiece Theater?
29 August 2020
Then you miss the point! Roll a big fatty, dust off that bong, check your brain at the door. I was 30 when these movies debued. I was stoned. I might be now? You should be too. Vast amounts of THC will improve your viewing experience.

Cheech and Chong, Wayne and Garth, Bill and Ted! Bodacious! Bodacious!
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After The First Episode
26 August 2020
Very funny and well written. The girls are adorable. This looks like a show for kids on the surface but the humor is adult.

Fun and entertaining, much better than I had expected!
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The Deceived (2020)
Could Have Been Better
19 August 2020
It was OK, sort of a Gaslight type of thriller but I was under thrilled. I don't feel my time was wasted. Good, not great. It could have been way creepier!
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The First (2018)
ZZZZZ Who cares?
8 August 2020
Slow, tedious and uninteresting. I force myself to watch almost two episodes. That is ample time to hit stride and capture the audience. With so much amazing content to stream, why bother?
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Absentia (2017–2020)
What Happened With Season 3? So Bad!
2 August 2020
Seasons 1 and 2 were strong. Interesting plot with twists and turns, great set up for season 3 that I was looking forward to. WHAT HAPPENED?

I would rate S01 and S02 a 7, S03 a 3, making it a 5 overall.

They must have fired the writers? It became terrible. No dialogue or interesting characters. Just a bad UFC Fight with random gunfire. At least the A Team was funny. This became that same shoot em up Hollywood crap for 6 year olds. She never gets hurt? I could suspend plausible disbelief no further.

I forgave the terrible editing, continuity and set dressing in the first two seasons. House doors that open out, door handles are too high on the door, European road signs, almost no American cars. You can tell this is shot in Bulgaria for super cheap. But the story was cool and let's face Stana Katic is hot.

I would watch her doing infomercials for Sham-Wow! Which would be better than season 3

What a disaster. Stop watching at the end of season 2 and leave the relationship still friends.
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None of the Reviewers Understands What Happened at Marlinga
25 June 2020
Marilinga, South Australia was the British above ground testing area for nuclear weapons in the 1950's.

The British Government indescriminatly murdered thousands of Aboriginal People and their own soldiers with reckless and incompetent testing protocols, corruption and and cover ups. It was a serious disaster that by and large has been kept from history books. It was the first nuclear disaster that never happened.

They approach the story with a fictionalized account, that has some dark humor and downplay the genocide. Aboriginal People were intentionally contaminated with nuclear fallout, the studied, dissected and tested.

Read up on Marilinga, then comment. Otherwise you just have no standing to reviwe this series.

It's good, worth a watch, do some homework.
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Nyrkki (2019– )
Finnish Cold War Film Noir Done Right
23 May 2020
The Finns are a dark and twisted people. A romantic comedy from Finland is dark. It is a barren and cold place.

This is real film noir, as good as it gets.

Perhaps the best spy flick I have ever seen? Real trade craft, not the "Good Guys" always win, car chases and explosions. There are no good guys in the real world. Or in 1956 Helsinki.

Finnish title is Nyrkki which means Fist, as in hand, so a bit of a play on words translated to English. Since it was funded by BBC and SBC Australia, the Finns were having a go. Dark and funny those Finns. >FIST was the Finnish Security Intelligence Service now known as SUPO. Helsinki and Berlin were Ground Zero during the Cold War. This film gives you that feel of uncertainty.

Shadow Lines draws a hypothetical plot based on real world events that took place in 1956. The height of the cold war. Historically accurate, amazing acting, breathtaking direction and cinematography.

Subtle and suspenseful. This is a gem. With all characters, Finns, Russians, and Americans speaking their native tongues and subtitles this is not a casual watch. Rather an immersive experience.

Not to be watched if the kids are running amok, the phone is ringing or you are distracted. You will miss all the subtlety. Rainy day and nothing on the agenda? Get the popcorn, the dogs and the blankets. Always cold in Finland!
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The Great (2020–2023)
10/10 If you gave a score of less than 8 ,you are a moron. Cheers!
20 May 2020
18th Century Period piece with endless character depth and production values on LSD. Darkly funny, twisted, touching and suspenseful. A wonderful ride. Perhaps sheer perfection. Certainly Great! I would change a thing. Kudos to everyone that had a hand in creating this!
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Good Girls (2018–2021)
Great Fun! Christina Hendricks Will You Marry Me?
5 May 2020
Soccer Moms Turn Bad!

I never watch Network shows. Always Soylent Green for the masses. This show is not perfect, but is great entertainment. Hendricks as Martha Stewart meets Bonnie Parker is delicious and sexy. Captivating. Her husband is a moron. And a terrible car salesman. 40 years in the car biz, I get it.

I had not heard of this show until a couple days ago as the third season is almost done airing. Binge watched 26 episodes S01E01-S02E13 in rapid succession., Starting S03E01 This afternoon while on Apocalypse lockdown.

Glad I missed it on air because now I get full immersion into the characters> Not perfect, I give it a 9.5 for the Fun Factor. Rounds up to a 10.

Tip: The first few episodes are just OK. It takes the writers and the actors some work to find their marks. Give it few episodes. I got hooked.
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Sex Education (2019–2023)
American High School Movie UK Style... British Pie?
18 January 2020
Never heard of the show until today, saw the teasers for S02 online and took a look at episode 01. Watched all 8 episodes back to back. Just that enjoyable on every level. Spare no superlatives, perfectly imperfect.

The first 5 minutes of Season 02 is the funniest thing I have seen on television since The Carol Burnett Show or Original SNL. I peed my pants. Stopped to write this review and share my laughter!
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Succession (2018–2023)
Slow Moving Show About Unlikable People
17 January 2020
I have good taste... In general an IMDB of 8.4 on anything will be time well spent.

I really tried to like this show. Not a chance. Slow moving, choppy, stacatto camera work that is intended to add "dramatic impact, but is just annoying and every character sucks.They are all miserable and who cares?

A good story draws you in, makes you feel like a participant. These characters are just shallow, hateful people and the whole thing is boring and predictable. Pretty much Jerry Springer meets rich people. Without the fun.
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Bleh, Terrible Casting, Acting, Chemistry. Great Visuals.
2 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Had I spent $15 a seat, $10 for parking, $30 for popcorn and sodas I would have had a coronary. Glad I watched Valerian for free, anything more is stealing.

Design, costumes, CGI, sets, production are a 9. The script is good, some good banter, satire.

The two terrible tweens that play the leads have the chemistry of a three day old Dr. Pepper. Flat and sticky. the young girl walks like she is on a Fashion Week Runway and the young man is simply not believable as a seasoned combat officer. Really poor casting. The producer must be their parents. They are a 3, and that's being kind. They sucked.

The average is 6 (really a 5 but the people behind the scenes did a great job. So a 6) Had it been cast with real actors, that had charisma and some edgy chemistry, this could have been a home run. Instead, it is barely watchable. I must have paused it twenty times, go to the store, walk the dog. Not anywhere near the edge of my seat.

This could have been so much better. Instead, they went the teen idol route. Han Solo and Princess Leia they are not!
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The Deuce (2017–2019)
Disregard The Poor Reviews, They Just Do Not Get it
10 October 2017
I lived in Manhattan during this time period and this flick is brutally and amazingly well executed. Times Square, 42nd Avenue (The Deuce, get it?) is so accurately represented it is like like a trip in Sherman's Way Back Machine. The XXX theaters, John Waters films on the Midnight Movie marquees, the peep shows, SROs, adult bookstores, dive bars, the drugs, hookers, pimps. It's all there.

I was a disco DJ at the Limelight, I was a very bad boy. I get it.

in 1995 I took my new wife to Manhattan, for my cousin's wedding. We were living in San Diego.Drove in from Newark, parked at the Port Authority. Our first stop was to be the grit and scum of Times Square.

I did not the memo that Guliani had "cleaned up" Times Square. We were eager to explore. Imagine our disappointment that it was all gone. Scoured, wiped clean, spic and span. I almost cried.

This film scratched the very old itch. What an amazing job. Yeah, it ain't perfect, but it is an awesome watch. Strong eight of ten.

Unless you don't like gritty, visual, intelligent, beautifully artistic dramas? Then go watch ya some Kardashians, moron.
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Harlots (2017–2019)
One of the very best dramas I have seen, a 12 of 10
8 October 2017
Amazing, the story, the casting, the writing, aesthetics were stunning. Acting direction, set decoration, cinematography, editing were breathtaking. The costumes are above Oscar caliber. Sheer perfection from every department.

I sat down around 10 am on a Sunday morning to check out one episode, sounded interesting. I sat riveted to the screen for all eight episodes. Just could not stop. The story is full of interesting and dynamic characters, the multiple, interwoven plot lines are full of deliciously Machiavellian deception and intrigue.

This is real adult, intelligent fare. If you read a review that is less than an eight, the author is a moron. Fabulous film, worth an eight-hour session.

Best film I have seen since I can remember, and I found it by accident on a streaming site. Must see!
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