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Jabberwocky (1977)
Sam Raimi owes this film a LOT...
24 November 2022
...cinematographicaly speaking.

I remember being captivated by this when I was younger. I got into it from role-playing games and Monty Python.

It always stood out due to it's gross and cringe making humour and it's cruel and very bloody events.

I think if you come expecting a Python flick you will be disappointed.

It is closer in tone to Gilliams darker flicks. It reeks of a style and imagery that no other director has - rich in its visuals but laconic and obtuse in its portrayl of a mix of medieval fantasy horror and loaded with observations on the ridiculousness- and cruelty - of human nature.

And the camerawork is stomach churning and innovative for the time.

An oddly thought provoking and twisted fantasy.
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The Avengers (2012)
Blockbuster tosh from mega nerd Whedon...
6 May 2012
****SMALL SPOILERS**** I'm simplifying, but only a little bit.

This guy - on track record - should not be able to make films like this.

He seems to fly in the face of convention - a man who appears to have an absolute passion for comic book nonsense, yet still comes up with twists of character AND manages to squeeze several massive egos (in terms of character and I dare say actors) onto the same film AND ALSO gets Disney to pony up a mega budget to do so.

This just does not happen.

And just to give two fingers to movie execs and critics alike - it is well written, chock full of jaw dropping set pieces and well acted.

Please note some of the best performances are from people in tin suits and glittery Halloween costumes. That's how good it is.

It makes you suspend your disbelief and get drawn in to a very strong parallel to modern politics - who exactly are the 'villians' anyway? - whilst managing to keep cringing moments of sentiment - see any Michael Bay flick - pretty much at arms length.

Most notable are moments of the Whedon trade mark - from Firefly in particular - where he totally goes against viewer expectations with regard to conflict outcomes.

Loki vs the Hulk is particularly brilliant on that front.

It's a big movie. It's completely over the top comic book action and a small miracle it is as good as it is.

My only gripe would be a few cheesy lines and the old US cliché of 'English accent = skinny villain' thing, but this is one hell of an action movie and a pretty good film in it's own right.

AND I don't even worship Marvel stuff. Horay for fat nerds everywhere.
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SMALL SPOILERS - LIke Cobra but with a plot
20 July 2011
...sort of.

SMALL SPOILERS In Blighty we called the style of move these 'grindhouse' movies are harking back to video nasties. They were seldom realised in the cinema and include classics of the like of Evil Dead (2, to my mind).

I would go further and add that in the states, the likes of Stalone and Arnies early gung ho shooters are an off shoot of that genre and are definitely being aped/mocked/revered (delete as you feel).

First up, it does not shock me that threads like - 'if you like this movie, you are sick...' have started up.

One, this is a very violent and gory film. The violence is not slapstick and is of a very brutal nature.

But, I refer you to my original comparison to Cobra style flicks.

The film - if you watch it - has an essential message of standing up against criminals and corruption. Is this something that makes a person 'sick'? I don't think so. The level of force a person uses, of course, is a matter of personal and moral choice...

And creative choice, in this films case. The manner in which the denizens of *uck Town meet their death at Drake's hands is as fascinating as well as shocking.

The two anti heroes - Abby and Hobo - are passionately played. Conventions are turned on their heads as the film progresses right up to the last reel.

It is a film that is full of metal-bondage-death metal style imagery, and if you filter out the extraordinary level of violence, the visual impact of this film is immense. It blurs a metal fantasy with a 80's Death Wish style image of the world.

You need to see the visualisation around the Plague when they turn up to see fully what I mean....

Performances are mesmerising from Hauer and Downey down to the craziest hospital staff you'll ever meet. Did I mention the Plague? See it to believe it.

There is more to this film than the violence which is will be reviled for. I can't help thinking that most of the hate this film will receive will be because the dealers of most of the retribution are a homeless man and a hooker.

If they were a muscled police officer and blonde with a boob job, I think a lot of this film's critics wouldn't bat an eyelid - which is possibly a point which the filmmakers are trying to make.
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Tron: Legacy (2010)
SPOILERS Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
4 January 2011
oooo o!


PLUS SIDE Looks and sounds amazing. The visualisation of the Grid is both a homage to the original and an innovation, although some of the characters are like digi-Stigs. Still great.

The Daft Punk sound track is great and deserves a listen by itself.

Jeff Bridges and Bruce Boxleitner are in it.

MINUS SIDE The story makes little sense.

No - seriously - they spent a mint on this and they forgot the story.

It dabbles around the idea of life forms - intelligences - jumping from one reality to another, along with the usual angst of individual greed and it fails almost entirely to capitalise on this.

It throws away the 'real world' characters and fails to make any use of the real world as a dramatic tool - and this film is in sore need of some drama.

Lazy and disappointing.

Sucks out loud, I am very sad to say.

Keep this guy the hell away from the Black hole.
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Singularity (2010 Video Game)
what Wolfenstein should have been
25 July 2010
I may be jumping the gun - only a nth through this game - but the simlarities are far more than the software houses.

It blends the steam punk style of Wolfenstein and the action of CALL OF DUTY.

It drops the player in the deep end and spins out a solid yarn.

The only draw back is it linear - but refer to the CALL OF DUTY comment.

This deserves more attention than it will get, mainly because of games such as the suck fest that was Wolfenstein.

The puzzles are in keeping with the time travel shenanigans and the look and feel goes beyond the Unreal engine as time travel commences.

Jolly extra premo good.
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The Thing (1982)
why Oscars will never recognise horrors is EFFIN beyond me
26 April 2010
SMALL SPOILERS This film is an awesome film.


Never mind the mind blowing, age defying special effects.

Never mind the horror/sci fi concept of a creature that violently copies its' victims.

Never mind the homage/remake factor of paying homage to 'IT CAME FROM...' style movies.


The script is tight and gives a convincing frame to the visual shocks.

The cinematography plays tricks and entices and confronts the viewer.

The soundtrack is underscored, yet foreboding - enhancing the action.

The performances are solid - swaying between cliché and convincing in a totally competent manner.

It ticks all the boxes for an awesome FILM.

Because it is an awesome film.

First and foremost.

Horror and sci fi are sadly sidelined. An awesome film is an awesome film. Not for the squeamish, but see it.
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much better than i expected, me old china plate
27 December 2009
Very good.

I thought this - from the ad - was going to be a steam punk atrocity + ghosts and monsters running around, sort of capper.

The look and feel is great - dirty and grimy across the board, with some great touches with regard to Holmes' analysis of situations coupled with a darker observation on his 'appetites'.

The best bit of this film is that it stays true to the original stories - I can say no more than that without ruining it.

A major leap for Ritchie - he seems to have being trying to continue a franchise (Lock Stock..., Snatch, etc.) for so long, and failing, and has suceeded in creating a new one against numerous odds.

...psychological recovery, six months.
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Harry Brown (2009)
this is not death wish - uk style
16 November 2009
OK - a couple of plot moments will make you think 'no way that would ever happen' but this is a very fine film. London is full of dark corners such as portrayed in this film. Whilst guns are not so common in attacks, believe me when I say the levels of violence and drug abuse on estates is through the roof.

This film plays 'what if...' with the reality of a lot of peoples lives in London. Yobs do set up shop in public areas - and will intimidate/attack anyone who so much as looks at them funny - never mind the abuse they dish out to each other over matters of 'respect'.

The performances are largely brilliant - particularly from the young villains.

One other thing that struck me as refreshing as I did not see one cliché'd image of London - no trafalgar square - no Buck house. It is a brave thing for a director to show London as a lot of Londoners see it in their daily lives. Some of the sets are a bit over grimed, though - it is realistic looking for the area I suppose. Maybe it is a case of too much of a good thing.

The questions it raises are relevant to all societies - why are criminals tolerated? Why doesn't - even violent - punishment appear to work on seasoned villains? And the most important question - who amongst those who call for capital punishment can truly inflict it without revelling in it? See it - but be warned: it is a proper 18 cert - not for the squeamish.
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what you want will limit this...
5 July 2009
... and Mr MANN appears to be getting lazy.

This film looks great. As usual, MANN shows an obsession with gritty violence and gun play. DILLINGER is a legnedary character, and unfortunately there is 0 effort in answering questions about his character or deeper motives.

I cant emphasise enough how good this film looks.

It just about carries it, but it shouldn't.

This is a major movie about a major period in US history...

...and it seems more concerned with gunplay and period buildings.

The characters - including DEPPs' turn - are very shallow. There is very little development and it is hard to care about them either way.

Damn shame.
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Dad's Dead (2002 TV Short)
an unpleasant journey into the bordom of youth
11 May 2009
Reminded me very strongly of the worst aspect of childhood when I grew up in north London. Whatever school/whatever I found myself in I always found characters similar to Johnno-not as extreme-but that heart of mischevousness which could flip very quickly to viciousness.

I guess I am not alone in this. The film plays out a tale that is compusive viewing, though doubtlessly twisted.

The dialogue is deadpan and the animation pulls you in with its urban icons bluring in and around the characters.

Worth watching - others have panned this as too grim, but I am certain that you will know a real life johnno. More interesting are those that will recognise themselves in johnno...
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City of Ember (2008)
plato? Paranoia? etc
11 October 2008
I must read the book....

and stop going to 'kids'movies....

and judging them as more than just kids movies...........

...or should I? Is Bill Murray a 'kids movie' regular? or Martin Landau for that matter? I think that large parts of this movie (i haven't read the book) is a hit at modern politics and are squarly aimed at adults.

It is cynical and depressing, without being gory, and paints a very complelling setting of people obediently keeping traditions even when their world is coming to bits.

It falls flat in that it leaves HUGE holes in the story on screen, and despite bringing up some deep ideas on society vs the individual as the crux of the film, it stops short of putting flesh on the ideas.

Might be a certification thing.

Good looking film. Doesn't seem to want to deal with the thoughts it conjours up, though.
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Reaper (2007–2009)
nice to see ray wise...
27 February 2008 a good role - best since Bob Roberts. the series is on ep 6ish in old blighty. Good mix of slacker humour, with enough mystery about the original Deal with the devil. Plenty of possibility for soul searching and moral issues - perhaps a bit predictable in places, but what isn't these days?

Cast is good, but main attraction is Mr Wise in a suitably slippery take on old nick. Not quite Dogma but shaping up fine.



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Halloween (2007)
If you consider the whole series...
29 September 2007
... this film by itself does a pretty good job of reinventing the story. Lets face it, it pretty much petered out after just the first film. The only redeeming thing about 2 is bits before the hospital... and its been pretty much downhill.

The performances by the teen girlie's is pretty lack lustre - though the new Laurie does a good line in terrified as the film draws in.

Brad Dourif turns up and isn't used at all - despite having potential to be a narrator for the whole piece. This brings me to another point-there is too much squished in this film. It is hard to care about the teen girls as they are painted as a side line. Malcolm Mc Dowell does well in Donald Plaeasances place and the film is well shot, if lacking the subtle creep of Myers into the frame of the original. Tyler Mane/Daeg Faerch do great as Myers, the only off change is the trailer trash background doing the usual American movie trick of giving villains a rough background to justify their evil somehow. The first had a far superior inexplicable evil thing going on.

See it - dread the sequels - but this is quite a solid turn.
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Sunshine (2007)
alien of the 21st century????????????????
27 April 2007
++++SMALL SPOILERS+++++ Have people who are crowning this film as such actually seen Alien?

The only two things they have in common are

1 bloody great spaceship

2 slow start which builds as the wheels begin to fall of.

Daft comparisons aside, this is a superb stab at a psychological sci fi and one of the few movies in recent years that is made for cinema. The look and feel generated by the visuals and pace of the action I think would be wasted on DVD/whatever home medium. It is not that the film is groundbreaking in the scenes generated technically (2001 was working on a comparable imagery and scale 30+ years ago) it is the effective way that humanity vs the sun is portrayed that makes this film so inspiring. The fact that it sustains us and yet could destroy us utterly has so many god like sidelines it makes a bmovie doomsday plot - which is what it is at heart - take on a very serious and deep tone. The god concept is followed more in the film, but enough said about that.

Unlike alien, the terror comes from the human elements and the battle for survival that the film unleashes upon the viewer. I found my self expecting some half arsed subplot about alien contact turning into the heart of the movie, but gladly that temptation never even saw line one in this film - the villains and heroes are convincingly human.

The cast is good - Cillian Murphy giving a solid turn. The only gripes with film is that in places the story boils down to action movie clichés - the line 'finish it' appears at least once. More could have been made of the dead bits in the movie - but this may have detracted from the main dramatic scenes - and they are pretty damn dramatic. A greatly underrated film that manages to be thought provoking and 'rollercoastering' - not perfect, but if you are going to see it, see it on the big screen.
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TMNT (2007)
in places good but...
17 March 2007
this really fails to capture the original spirit of the initial comic books. it is better than the previous attempts, but all anyone can see with TMNT is marketing and spin offs.

The story is average and feels bolted on - the only strength is in the main characters and the tale of their falling apart - and in this it is pretty good, containing plenty of gagas and sincerity.

these films will always be written off as kids films, but you have to look at the original audience. i don't think the e and l comics were aimed at plastic buying prepubesents. quite good looking but a wasted chance at the end of the day.
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The Departed (2006)
no goodfellas
8 October 2006
I folk can remember the impact of Scorceses (spellink?) Goodfellas and a fine (if violent) film it is. The Departed will probably be hailed as a return to that fine form, but I hope folk are paying carefull attention, because apart from a few notable one liners, it really is too much the remake and not an individual film.

The story is complelling enough, but not enough twist potential is made of the rich characters created in this version - which has always been the directors strength. Jack Nicholson, however, seems a bit reigned in, leaving acting credits to Leonardo for the main cast, but the supporting cast pulls some surprising irons out of the fire. Alec Baldwin as the furious sweaty police captain and Martin Sheen as the proverbial good cop show there is more to casting than who is popular at the time.

Good but not fab.
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should get more regular airings
4 October 2006
Saw this in London with Mirrormask - was hoping for a muppets short or something, but...

Difficult to judge shorts, but having been a film student (waste but fun) I know how hard it is when you come up with a good idea to resist the urge to cram more stuff in.

Here is a simple yet utterly compelling fantasy - and if someone took the concept and turned it into a full length flick, it would probably fall flat on its face. The fact we don't the know why or how great the effect of this 'magic mile' is adds to the marvel - and the confussion and reaction of the two actors adds more to the mystery and warmth of the film. Bloody good effort.
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this was getting a slating over here
19 August 2006
There are some very uncharitable reviews going around for this flick.

I hated the Village and Signs irriated me in a similar way to this film (they both try and rationalise weirdness in a by-the-dots manner, but this film does a better job) and some evil swine ruined the ending of SIxth Sense for me. Having said all that, I have a lot of hope for the future career of MNS, as Unbreakable is one of my favourite films of recent years. He seems to be - at the heart of all his most famous films - trying to retell tales so familiar in new ways, which is no bad thing.

A lot of the criticism of this film wouldn't be occurring if the main characters were pointy eared or shield bearing elvesis or dwarvis or fantasy-standard-number-6411109862555.1-is. To my mind, this film is trying to break down the way a fantasy story is told and pointing ridicule at the idea of some average schmo/schmaoette going round asking "are you the Guardian?" if they were taken out of the standard fantasy context (ie: no pointy ears or Lamal soundtrack - never ending story???).

Where this film falls foul is its reliance on the smugness of this concept and forgets to engage the audience with a plausible vision of a brilliant tale - the result is something that falls far short of its clear intentions and is open to poor/snyde reviews (channel 4 TV UK - happy to rend to pieces. Makes some good points though).

Hazza for the look or the film Boo Boo for the lazy script Hazza for Giamatti and the last water related shots Boo Boo for anyone who fueds over the style of creativity at the expense of allowing public debate - lets face it, we don't know what we'll pay for until we decide whether to pay for it - ie cinema going public and the Walt feud thing (channel 4 UK articles)
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ever see the Big Bus?
19 August 2006
In a similar self conscious manner, both films shamelessly lampoon the whole disaster movie, though Snakes wins just out of sheer ridiculousness, though I will carrying my Bat Belt fully loaded with Anti Snake Spray from now on when flying (latest restrictions permitting).

Don't expect anything other snake related shocks, standard disaster movie clichés ("this old broad had to insist on one last tour of duty" etc) and well shot scenes of claustrophobic mayhem (though the cinematography could have been better on that front - to much reliance on CGI and lighting).

However, if well rounded plots and inspirational dialogue is your thing, this probably isn't your flick. All together now: "I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THESE m*** f*** SNAKES ON THIS m*** f*** PLANE!!" 8/10 for the sheer dirty pleasure of it
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Dagon (2001)
why cant horror/fantasy like this get a bigger release...
29 May 2006
TINY SPOILER ...when heaps like THE CAVE, THE CORE, WHEN A STRANGER CALLS (remake)get spread over every other cinema (UK experience)? It has budget related flaws and couple of cheesy moments, but when you compare it in the imagination and shear stick-to-a-weird-story spirit department it piddles all over most movies, never mind recent offerings from a 'fringe' genre like fantasy/horror.

This captures HP Lovecraft ideals with a mix of tongue in check cheese, sincere homage, inspired interpretation and a measure of terror and gore that fits the mood perfectly.

The acting is... passionate, the prosthetics competent and the pace/plot/script often inspiring (seriously - apart from the Star Wars moment... you'll know when it happens).

Good looking - good effort - so why am I more likely to see a sequel to THE CAVE on the big screen than a film of this ilk? Makes me want to take up reading.
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not in the slightest bit what so ever what I thought it would be like in the slightest
18 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
***tiny spoilers, perhaps****

Woooooo o

NIce of the Wachowski Bros to make up for ballsing up the Matrix (first is the only one I recognise for all time - the other turned into the worst movie franchise ever... I should save ranting for the boards). Being a fanboy, I am sad to have missed the original Alan Moore comic (its what they are - deal with it). I think it was something to do with the grinning Guy Fawkes reminding me too much of the whole batman/joker thing... wasn't too fond of Batman at the time... thought it was a rip off... but that's my problem.

I've heard bits of the story have been tinkered with, but this film deals with some seriously heavy themes and any off the cuff comparrisons to the Man in the Iron Mask, Phantom of the Opera, Spartacus etc do it a discredit. It acknowledges it's sources and pays homage by giving them a somber twist, the end result is a tale of holocaust that can't be highjacked by comparisons to WWII.

The London setting is still refreshingly odd and the look and feel has a convincing air, with just the right tint of something is well wrong here. It reminds me of Brazil - for perhaps obvious reasons - and I would urge people to see both of these films as they give a vision of what any controlling system is capable of if allowed to go to extremes and I hope will encourage people to have a stake in society, rather than turn a blind eye or throw their toys out of the pram when things go wrong.

To much for a movie? I think not. As is a theme of in this film, it is a function of art to point at truths with fiction, Or something like that.

Looks great - Weaving, Rea and Fry are brilliantly cast and give fine turns accordingly, though Mr Hurt is under used and the character is somewhat hamfistedly done - but the mood and script make for a compelling and haunting movie that could have been soooo bad. How they got lines like "I had three years of roses" to work has got to be some sort of miracle. Fine fine stuff. See it.
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Serenity (2005)
SPOILERS so close- soooooooooooo close
7 October 2005
SPOILERS I'LL BE BRIEFish - the recap and track around the inside of the ship (the exterior shot with cap'n on the deck with Wash seen through the 'windscreen' as fire burned around the ship on entry was effin inspired) set the tone brilliantly and held a huge pair of fingers up to anyone who thought Firefly was just a fanboy/girls rant of the hour.

The reaver thing was pretty groovy

Jane should be made president

BUT the final answers to what River is and what dodgy sh*& Book was up to really didn't work for me.

Also, some of fight sequences (River related) seemed to be way too (BUFFY!!! - Underworld - MAtrix) familiar - which sucks when you consider Janes unorthodox fighting style and non standard fight/threat outcomes from the series and odd bits of this very movie.

I deduct four marks for clichés and sucky realisation of a pretty groovy plot line.

For the record, this film still piddles all over the last three Star Wars movies (even the short lived reaver attack was well on par with George "what have I become - what have I become" Lucaseseses capital ship cgi stuff)-it just didn't live fully up to the out of the blue fabness of the series. Damn shame, but there you go.
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bout time some imaginative sci fi got the fat budget treatment, BUT
2 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS This is probably better than I hoped, but the new material seems a bit latched on, particularly when the ending is taken into consideration - could they have thought more than a hug-o-rama? Still, the rambling soundtrack and 80s gloss of the TV series has been preserved to a brilliant effect and this I feel is a huge success considering the US production. No strangely familiar star ships zip across the screen, no spangly space travel - the depiction of the improbability drive deserves a round of applause, as it could have easily been written out as surplus, but instead it stays as an increasingly funny running gag.

Hard to call a blockbuster, because it has no light sabers (TM) but it deserves to be seen as it is a brilliant adaptation and one of the best sci fi tales ever told. Go see.
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Bubba Ho-Tep (2002)
how the dickens did this get by me?
24 March 2005
I saw this after a review of the UK DVD on C4s web site. Being a Bruce Campbell fan I thought it sounded quirky enough, on top of the Campbell factor.

Without spoiling anything, this film manages to be touching, smutty and more imaginative than all of the big boy movies I've seen out of the US in recent years. It is a bit up itself on the weird factor and it is a shame that a lot of people will write it off as a 'cult' movie and presume it is for students and space cadets. If you like murder mysteries, you'll love this - if you love life affirming tales, you'll love this - if you love (or hate) The King, you'll love this.

King quote: "there have been two presidential elections since I had a boner like that one" Nuff said. Bruce Campbell for president, baby.
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5 February 2004
Imagine a place between tuseday and purple - between the eighties and chest wigs. Now think back to Saphire and Steel, Deathwatch and certain episodes of Dr Who. Welcome... to Darkplace

Dodgy effects (forgivable - and amusing) and dodgy scripts (unforgivable - and hysterical) ruled the roost shamelessly and here they are aped to the max. I've only seen the first episode (as well as the 'Official' Garth Marenghi website) and I screamed in a miasmous catatony - I gaped shudderously at the incomprehousity of the spectacle - I laughed till I stopped laughing. It's looking good - and I hope it's a short run, as these things can be flogged silly.

As it stands, it is refreshingly sarcastic about nerd orientated broadcasting - and amazingly would stand as a series from the period. Whiffs of Michael Mann, William Friedkin, HP Lovecraft, Starsky & Hutch and hospital based soaps should have folk wincing and laughing till doomsday.

Plot snippets so far: the guy went axe happy in a trout farm. Nuff said.
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