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Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
28 August 2022
Was a book that was written back in the 90's about relationships & the problems encountered by men & women. It was often used as source material by a girlfriend that I had dated at the time. This movie reminds me of that book.

Boy meets girl, boy falls for girl & he manages to win her heart. But boy looses girl & to win her back, a sailing adventure is devised to explore the world. What could go wrong on a romantic cruise for 2 at the mercy of the sea? Of course things don't go to plan & both are miserable together with no where to hide from each other on the small boat.

Firstly I read some of the reviews before going into this & the reviews were extremely polarized. There were only 2 positive reviews with everyone else slagging it. After watching the movie, I'm not sure everyone saw the same movie as I did.

First off I can definitely say that I enjoyed this movie. There is a good amount of backstory done through flashbacks. Ed Harris plays the domineering, misogynist father whose larger than life persona is seen in flashbacks & his effect on his son's present relationship. We see this relationship from a He said, She said point of view that was done quite well . I enjoyed the pacing & each scene held my attention.

So does a book about relationships in the 90's have any relevance today? Well the issues that people face today haven't really changed much. Are women still viewed as the weaker sex? Because that is how she is viewed by him.

When on the island, he assumes that she must be hungry with supplies running low. So he tries to catch fish to woo her back but he fails in his execution. And unlike Survivor, there is no immunity necklace to stave off elimination. It was funny when he shows up with some sardines & she's eating lobster. So Are Men from Mars & Women from Venus? The director would like you to believe so, & really there is nothing wrong with that.

If you enjoy movies like One Week, Copenhagen, or Pieces of April for example...then give this a shot. Its worth a watch.
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Carter (2022)
Over the top & full of excess
13 August 2022
I was intrigued by the storyline & read some of the reviews first which seemed very polarized, so I decided to go ahead anyway. First off this movie heavily borrows elements from so many other movies that I'm not going to summarize the plot.

And that is the problem with this movie. Going from chapter to chapter in this movie, you would swear that you are watching the Matrix, Bourne Identity, Total Recall, Mission Impossible 2, Resident Evil, Old Boy cycled through repeatedly in various order. That is not necessarily a bad point if executed well but in this case, the storyline was too confusing to keep my interest.

The director overcompensated for the lack of storyline by giving the viewer over the top action in my opinion was way too excessive. To the point that it seemed repetitive & over done. Case in point the taxi cab chase scene & the train scene. Both scenes were chase scenes of the hero by various government agencies on motorcycles or trucks flanking the cab/train on both sides. Our hero is fighting the villains by jumping through the cab/train to the other side back & forth repeatedly.

The 2 scenes shot for shot were just too similarly done & too excessive to the point that I kept asking myself, didn't I see this before? Another scene was of our hero in the sauna. It was as if the director only wanted to outdo Old Boy by a factor of 3.

Yes it was well shot & executed but for me it was just too gratuitous. That by the end when the reveal came that tried to tie up all the loose ends, it never really does because its just more action to distract us from going wtf did I just watch to numb our brains cells even more with the over the top ending that borders on fantastical.

I like my movies to have a good storyline & plot with enough action balancing everything out. If you like movies with this in mind, then this isn't the movie for you...The Gray Man, anyone? If action is all you're after & plot is an afterthought, then this should fit the bill for you.
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bad script + overacting
24 April 2022
This movie tries to capture the spirit of classic movies like Beau Geste but fails to do so with a very unfocused script that had me pulling my hair out at times because the characters where just so unbelievably unreal in their roles. And this is due to a bad script with poor execution.

The story focuses on the start of WW1 & how the Germans & British had conscripted the locals into their war efforts. If this was the movie's focus, then it would have been a novel idea. But instead the movie's plot is about Germany's invasion plans of Africa somehow falling into the hands of the British. Eric Roberts plays the Captain in charge who must get the plans delivered to the next outpost so as to warn them of the Nazis plan of attack. He is accompanied by his niece & the remaining survivors. Can they make it & warn of the impending Nazi attack?

Because this script was so unfocused, the characters were flipping in their character roles going from scene to scene. One minute they are smart & intelligent & then they are just plain stupid in the next & switch back & forth again. An example is that there is a Nazi spy & several instances the spy does something that clearly reveals himself but the captain just ignores it. When it is finally revealed, the captain states that he knew all along who the spy was???

And the dialogue in parts was bad soap opera bad that I actually felt sorry for the actors having to do it. So many things in this movie didn't make sense. It was a wasted effort, just barely watchable that I didn't really care in the end who made it or not. Watch if you have nothing better to do as there is no real big payoff here.
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Room 203 (2022)
slow & tedious
22 April 2022
I have no problems with the acting as all did a fairly decent job with what they were given & this is the problem with this movie.

There are really no scares in this movie & what there is, you literally cannot see what is happening because it is too dark. This movie is like 80% shot in low light conditions. People are walking around in the dark for most of this movie.

Darkness alone does not create tension or scares. Especially if you can't see what is going on. With a better script & direction, this could have been decent.
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A movie that crams way too much in for its own good
22 March 2022
What could go wrong with such a high quality cast & production that is so well connected? Well I had to see for myself. The performances were good considering what they were given to work with. A script that tries to cram too much flash & expose for its own good.

The plot like a Seinfeld episode has Floyd, played by Andy Garcia, accidentally hits Samuel (Emory Cohen) with his car. Unbeknownst to him, Samuel is very troubled individual. Feeling guilty, Floyd invites Samuel to stay with his family & to be his autobiographer.

I feel that this film tried too hard to be too many things. The script & direction needed more focus. I thought things would improve when Samuel moved in with Floyd's family. It had a Royal Tennebaum's vibe but the laughs were few & far between. Meagan Fox stole every scene that she was in but she was under utilized. The pacing was off & the movie as a whole suffered for this.

Disturbed Samuel thought that he was moving into home life that he never had. But little did he know that the family had their own quirks & issues. This should have led to more laughs but the first half of the movie moved at a glacial pace & the quirkiness that we hoped for never materialized.

That when the payoff comes at the end, it was just too rushed & everything too nicely tied up. Aside from the good performances & high production values, I can't honestly recommend this.
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Bad Trip (2021)
Sacha Baron Cohen would approve of this
20 April 2020
If you are a big fan of Borat then the endless, gross, staged pranks will really appeal to those that appreciate that type of humor. This movie is in the same vein as Borat, a buddy road trip movie. Our protagonist sees his childhood crush one day while at work but his own stupidity gets in the way. He laments his missed chance & when the opportunity for them to reconnect again presents itself, no matter the obstacle, he finds a way to make this happen with his best friend in tow.

Just like Borat, all the main characters in the movie play it straight while hoisting the gags on an unsuspecting public & I was quite impressed with how far they really pushed the envelope while staying in character. The story line is a tried & true one but because all the jokes were so over the top & outrageous that I couldn't help but laugh all the way to the end. If you like your jokes crude. fast & vulgar then this won't disappoint.
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Axcellerator (2020)
Back to the 80's
14 April 2020
This was an enjoyable, guilty pleasure to watch. I'm a huge fan of the 80's action, adventure movies & this movie is so well executed that it would fit perfectly with other movies of that time such as Remo Williams, Big Trouble in Little China etc. but on a smaller budget. So the CGI for the teleportation was cheesy but it didn't affect the overall enjoyment of the story. Lots of action & a story line that moves along quickly had me cheering for our heroes. Break out the popcorn because we're going back to the...
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Lost in translation. Millenials interpreting Monty Python.
30 January 2020
I read the many reviews here first after viewing the movie to get an idea of how others perceived it versus my own opinion. From what I gather, most people don't get this movie. Being older, I have seen my fair share of celluloid.

From what I gather, I believe that this movie is what would happen if you have Millenials try to interpret say Monty Python or one of the Carry On films from the 60's/70's. Mind you there are some funny bits in this movie but it is a very dead pan & dry type of humor with lots of swearing. If Benny Hill were still alive today, he could give a masterclass on how a proper comedy should be done.
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The White Van (2018)
Terrible, just terrible.
28 October 2019
Where to begin here. This is supposed to be an adaptation of Melville's Moby Dick about obsession & compulsion set in modern times. But the execution & plot are so unbelievable in that the story makes you question the sanity of the film makers. Nothing here is believable. The acting or should I say over acting by the 2 protagonists is painful to watch. And the normal person talks or acts like this in real life. Save yourself the pain & agony of enduring this train wreck of a movie.
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The Party (I) (2017)
cheeky little dark comedy
13 October 2018
I quite enjoyed the performances of the characters in this tight knit ensemble. The title as implied is that its suppose to be a party where people usually celebrate an event. In this case, the director is having fun with us & showing how things can go off the rails.

Its the interactions between the characters & their history together here that is of interest to the story. While I have read the many complaints of other reviewers, I coouldn't help but think that if this movie were instead made into a play that people would have a different opinion on this.

There have been movies who's origins began on broadway. This is a movie that although quite well done, perhaps would have had a better life if done as live theater & probably would have had a better reception because the script is perfect for theater just not the movie kind.
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Mile 22 (2018)
Action bagged down by script
21 August 2018
Simply put if you cross The Accountant with Clint Eastwood's The essentially have Mile 22. 2 very good movies on their own so what could go wrong?? Whereas in the Accountant, we find our hero is a super savant with a healthy side of Asperger's thrown in for good measure gives a good excuse for limited dialogue. Sometimes limited dialogue is a good thing & in the Accoutant, it works. The strong silent type always worked for Clint in his movies.

In MIle 22 Mark Wahlberg's character is not the strong silent type but instead a si[er secret agent with tourettes. The dialogue he is given to work with makes his character not very likeable. And its very awkward dialogue that is too long at times for its own good. If you can overlook the writing & dialogue & just concentrate on the action & just the story...then you are left with a fairly decent flick. 6 out of 10
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A Stylzed Revision of a 60's Bond Theme Show 4 out of 5 stars
26 August 2015
This is my first time reviewing a movie anywhere. I saw this with a friend after watching American Ultra. Hollywood has a tendency to release similarly themed movies in close proximity. I don't know why they do this but it seems to have the effect of right or wrong diluting the public's interest in an otherwise capable movie.

U.N.C.L.E. was originally television's answer to Bond. It had the cool gadgets, hot women & bad guys galore with ultimate baddies Thrush which were the equivalent of Spectre in the Bond universe. But as most viewers were born way after U.N.C.L.E. went off the air, Guy Ritchie chose a different way of re-introducing the public to these iconic TV characters. He chose to do this via an origin story in a very stylized modern way but set in the 60's.

Like Casino Royale where we were introduced to Bond, Ritchie has chosen to strip down the characters without the gadgets & show how Henry Cavill's Solo & Armie Hammer's Kuryakin first meet & eventually reluctantly become partners to save the world from atomic anhilation. At this point there really is no U.N.C.L.E. as both characters really work for the CIA & KGB respectively which of course were bitter enemies.

All of this is done with very capable acting from all parties involved, a good script with plenty of plot tension, slick action sequences, a cool soundtrack, and humor a plenty. This movie has the style of Oceans 11 crossed with the execution of Focus. its smart & funny and I for one would love to see a sequel to see where Ritchie can really take this. My friend & I both enjoyed this & would recommend it.
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