
39 Reviews
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Bronson (2008)
One of My Favorite Acting Performances
29 February 2016
Tom Hardy really stole the show in Bronson, as he has his best performance. Based on individual performances, I enjoyed him more in this that anything else, including Bane or the Revenant. He plays Charlie Bronson in this dramatization of his life story.

Tom Hardy plays this role to its fullest. He is an intimidating, powerfully, unpredictable character that seems to just be out for a good fight. He doesn't really care about consequences or what could happen to him at all, as he just seems run by a controlled impulse of sorts.

The theme is set up by introducing Bronson and showing us what he did wrong to get into prison in the first place. From there, he wreaks havoc in the prison until his release. He then finds his niche in the world as an underground fighter until he goes back to prison.

The movie is narrated by Bronson himself as a one man play. It really shows insanity in the character as he describes what he went through and why he ended up where he did.

By the end, you actually feel bad for Bronson. He is a crazed criminal who assaults anyone he can and causes problems for everyone he gets involved with. But he seems tortured. He is stuck in prison long past he ever should be even though he never committed a murder or anything close to justifying his sentence. He is mentally and physically tormented. Who do you feel sorry for? Watch for yourself, and see Tom Hardy in his masterpiece. 9/10.
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One of the Best Stories Ever
28 February 2016
I was really surprised that The Truman Show didn't get more recognition back when it came out. This is one of the most original and best screenplays I've had the pleasure of watching! I have hard time describing this movie. Its not exactly a dram or a true comedy, but the feel has a little of both. There is a uniqueness to The Truman Show that everyone should enjoy. Peter Weir took the topic of the media and made his point without feeling forced. Weir's style fit perfectly with this kind story.

I don't understand how Jim Carey and Ed Harris didn't get more for their performances. Jim Carrey has been in plenty of over the top, slapstick roles, but this is not one of them. His humor came out subtly and perfectly. This is by far his best performance. Harris was also fantastic and played his villainous role well. How didn't these two get recognized back then?

The Truman Show is a phenomenal and extremely under-appreciated. No way around that. There is a fantastic story and meaning behind this, and it was presented perfectly. 9/10.
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Get Hard (2015)
Seemed Very Forced
27 February 2016
I absolutely love Will Ferrell comedies. You don't have to think to much; you just sit back and laugh. I was hoping for another comedy classic when I heard he was teaming up with Kevin Hart. Hart has shown that he is one of todays great comedians, especially with his stand up. With all this being said, I was very disappointed with Get Hard.

There were some easy laughs, as would be expected with these two. Honestly the only humor was more prop comedy than from anything. I wanted the characters and situations to make the show but they just didn't. This whole movie seemed extremely forced just to capitalized on these two at the peak of their popularity. There was very little thought put into this and the whole movie seemed forced.

I really wanted these two to make a hilarious movie, but this just didn't work. Besides some cheesy prop comedy and one liners, there just wasn't enough. These two were just trying to one up each other every scene. Get Hard just isn't that funny and isn't worth your time; 5/10.
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Mortdecai (2015)
Johnny Saved a Bad Movie
25 February 2016
Johnny Depp is just amazing isn't he? He tried to go back to a quirky comedy, but this just isn't up to his usual standards. Mortdecai is poorly written, poorly acted, and doesn't flow well at all.

The other actors and actresses were trying to match the weirdness of this movie, but they just didn't quite get it. Paltrow was especially bad. I'm not really sure why she was even in Mortdecai. Her lines missed and she didn't match the mood. Paul Bettany was funny at times but was just awkward for most of the movie.

Johnny Depp was really the only reason I kept invested in Mortdecai. He really gets into this role to the extreme with an over the top portrayal. He does his typical "Johnny Depp" signatures. He delivers his jokes perfectly with his fantastic facial expressions and body language. He really is made for a movie like this. it is just too bad that the rest of it wasn't up to par.

This is by no means a great movie, but it doesn't deserve quite as bad of reviews that it has gotten. You will laugh, especially at Depp. He is extremely funny and he himself is a reason to give Mortdecai a chance. If you want some simple laughs and a movie you don't have to think too much about, give Mortdecai a chance, 6/10.
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Fantastic Comedy!
24 February 2016
This is one of those movies that you will be quoting for the rest of your life with your friends! Tropic Thunder is a great satire that I was honestly expecting to be terrible.

The story was actually perfect to make fun of action movies and Hollywood. The situational comedy was genius as these actors were forced to actually survive a war like setting. The action scenes themselves resembled really action movies and were nicely done. They added the action in with the hilarity, and all of it worked perfectly.

There were two characters that really stand out. Robert Downey Jr and Tom Cruise were both comedic gold! You won't recognize either of them, but they fit the roles fantastically. Some people find Downey's character to be inappropriate, but please take it for what it is supposed to be. Downey Jr was making fun of method acting and taking that concept to a completely new level with this role. I didn't realize Tom Cruise was in this until the credits. He is in a role that I never thought I would see him in. He is outrageous and over the top. His scenes are some of the most memorable from the movie.

I don't want to give too much away since I don't want to spoil any of the comedic gold. Just know that you will be kept laughing the entire time, and the movie will just keep getting better. This is a great watch and definitely worth your time; 8/10.
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Dirty Grandpa (2016)
Not Good at All
22 February 2016
Dirty Grandpa was not done well at all. The previews show a completely different story than the actual movie. I was expecting some dumb humor during a crazy adventure between Efron and De Niro. Instead I got Efron trying to not be funny and a forced love story.

At this point in his career, Robert De Niro is just making whatever he wants without thinking if its any good. Add this to a list of trash movies he has been apart of over the last few years. This is not his style of comedy AT ALL!

Efron is a lot funnier when he is playing a crazy college kid or someone who isn't a complete stiff. He was trying to be serious during the whole movie and use dry humor, which just isn't him. There were a few scenes where he went to his old comedy, and I actually enjoyed it more.

There isn't a lot of good in this movie, but there was a few funny scenes that I actually laughed. These few scenes kept my interest, as I kept hoping for more from these characters. The hilarity was kept to a minimum, but a few jokes hit the mark.

This wasn't a movie that was well thought out and it is not worth your time; 5/10.
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Deadpool (2016)
A New Kind of "Super Hero"
19 February 2016
I had zero knowledge about Deadpool going into this movie. I was expecting some dirty humor and comic relief based on the previews, but I wasn't expecting anything like this!

Ryan Reynolds was absolutely hilarious. This will revitalize his career and turn him into a mega star for the foreseeable future. He plays the perfect antihero and delivers his performance fantastically. He really became his character and went all in on his deliveries.

Besides Reynolds, the story was made in a way to make fun of other superhero movies and people who make those movies. There were plenty of jokes pointing out the annoying and repetitive parts of the billion super hero movies that have been made the last 10 years. They did this to take a shot at other movies, but also to still have these parts within this one too. This was an extremely interesting way to keep the classic superhero parts but in a new way.

Deadpool is a great antihero, and this movie was hilarious, for most of the time. There were a thousand jokes that were constantly being spewed out of Reynolds. After a while, all of it was just over the top and too much. I got sick of the stupid, forced jokes toward the end. The first half of Deadpool was hilarious, but it just pushed its luck after a while.

Reynolds is funny, the story is portrayed well, and the humor takes a new look at a super hero movie. This is a great, unique antihero movie that will hopefully continue into more in the future. Deadpool is a fun character that filmmakers could do a ton with. I hope they take this solid start and show us more of this antihero take. This is unlike any other superhero movie and worth a watch; 7/10.
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Great Portrayal of a Difficult Topic
18 February 2016
I saw this about two weeks after the Oscars, so I was well aware of Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto's fantastic performances. I honestly wasn't expecting them to be that brilliant though. Between those two, there hasn't been a movie that included such transformations before. These characters were written perfectly to fit the story, and the actors did a great job in the portrayals. The characters were honestly not very likable at times, but the view cares for them. Their struggle is real and the viewers stay on their side, hoping for it all to work out in some way.

Dallas Buyers Club is set in the 1970s and 80s, as Ron Woodroof lives through the height of the HIV scare. Everyone had negative stigma associated with HIV/AIDS. DBC shows us what people living with the disease had to go through at the time and how much pain they had survived.

The story is dark and hard to watch at times, especially as the people with HIV/AIDS saw their health deteriorate. The realism is outstanding. The story shows all sides of their lives. Woodroof obviously had he biggest transformation as he goes from a judgmental redneck of sorts to truly identifying with the people he once hated. The story is transforming and eye opening.

This is definitely a movie that you should see. In my opinion, Dallas Buyers Club has one of the best if not the best combination of actors ever. McConaughey and Leto transformed themselves into unrecognizable characters, which was a treat. When you add those two performances to the fantastic story at hand, you will end up with an excellent movie. Thats what Dallas Buyers Club did, and it is worth a watch; 8/10
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Nightcrawler (2014)
Best of the Year??
17 February 2016
This could be the best movie of the year, and Jake Gyllenhaal definitely had the best individual performance of the year. Nightcrawler is a dark, entertaining thriller about a man that pretty much forces his way into journalism. Once he starts seeing success, he becomes obsessed with being successful.

Jake Gyllenhaal has no equal this year in acting. He does a phenomenal job getting into this role and portraying this character. He has no limits as he searches for the best results for his job. The rest of the cast is OK, but no one else really stands out. There is Gyllenhaal, then a bunch of supporting roles.

The development of Louis Bloom (Gyllenhaal) really makes this movie great. He moves from being a petty thief to an extreme criminal to fulfill his obsession. The story is dark, with a terrifying feel throughout the movie. This is a thriller in every sense of the word!

Make sure you see this immediately. Gyllenhaal had a performance of a lifetime, and the story is dark and suspenseful. Definitely worth a watch; 9/10
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Steve Jobs (2015)
Just Okay
16 February 2016
Steve Jobs takes an interesting look at this man's life. This is by no means great, but it a solid movie.

The highlight was obviously Michael Fassbender. He rightfully got an Oscar nomination as he turned out a great performance as Jobs. His acting is authentic and he really connected with the dialogue throughout. He really was fantastic. Kate Winslet and Seth Rogen were both good as well, but I honestly think Winslet's performance is a tad overrated. She was average. Rogen put in a better performance than I expected. Who knew Rogan could act in a drama?? He was definitely a pleasant surprise.

The writing was also pretty well done. The dialogue was presented well as the story unfolded. The conversations moved along quickly, but seemed realistic. There were plenty of eye opening moments that really spoke to who Steve Jobs was, or how they wanted to present him at least. The only downfall was some slow parts. There were a few lull moments that really took away from the story. I found myself losing some interest.

One complaint was the lack of Woz. I wanted more of his story to combat Steve Jobs' story. Rogen did an excellent job portraying Woz, and he was obviously a huge part of the business. His lack of involvement was disappointing.

Steve Jobs is really worth the watch. The acting was very nicely done and the story was pretty well presented. This is by no means a masterpiece, but still good. If nothing else, make sure you get a chance to see Fassbender's portrayal! 7/10
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South Park (1997– )
15 February 2016
South Park is my favorite TV comedy ever! It is absolutely genius and hilarious. Watching how much the characters in this "stupid humor" comedy develop is pure entertainment.

South Park looks at modern topics and issues and portrays them in comedic and ridiculous ways. It is set in Colorado as four friends go to school, meet girls, battle dirty politics, and really do anything else imaginable! The list goes on and on.

This is a show that pushed the boundaries of what should be allowed to be shown on TV. A lot is dirty and extremely offensive, but take it as a satire. The show isn't for everyone, but if you take it as a satire South Park is highly entertaining.

I've been watching the show for years and will continue doing so as long as it is on air. The characters never seen to get old as the story actually keeps evolving to give characters new life! South Park will focus on different characters during different seasons. This helps the keep material fresh and the audience can take breaks from certain characters.

Do yourself a favor and give South Park a chance. I promise you will get a laugh out of it! 9/10
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
Could be the Best Ever
14 February 2016
Pulp Fiction is hard to put into perspective. In every way possible, this is just fantastic. Tarantino showed us brilliance in style, story, and cast. I've seen Pulp Fiction multiple times now, and it is safe to say that this might be the best movie ever put together.

This is a different kind of crime and action movie. This is a weirdly authentic. There are some gruesome, yet comedic scenes. This is really what turned Tarantino INTO Tarantino. There are surprises that are dramatic, yet hysterical in how it is presented. Its truly original and has yet to be matched by any movie I've seen.

Pulp Fiction won an Oscar for best original script, which it rightfully should have. This script is broken into chapters, presenting different sides of the story. Each chapter is unique, presenting new characters that really piece everything together. Along with the story in general, there are gems of memorable quotes. These powerful lines make the movie even more memorable, as they cause the scenes to stand out among other classic movies.

The cast is once in a lifetime as well. Its like the actors and actresses were made for these roles. Travolta. Samuel L. Bruce Willis. Uma. Thats just to name a few. This a star studded cast! They played there parts well, with Travolta and Jackson really being the most memorable to me. Their scenes are spectacular. Travolta was the star, but Jackson had the star quotes. Travolta deserved more recognition for his performance. Jackson's quotes are the ones I remember. His lines will be remembered by viewers forever among the classics.

This is a once in a lifetime movie, that really should be seen by everyone at some point in their lives. It is a masterpiece in every sense of the word. 10/10.
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The Departed (2006)
Fantastic Story with Great Acting
12 February 2016
This might be the best story that is brought to screen. I know The Departed was originally based on Infernal Affairs, but Scorsese really adds an extra "wow" factor.

The Departed contains my favorite cast ever with Nicholson, DiCaprio, Damon, Sheen, Baldwin, and Wahlberg. They all have the east coast feel and play the gangster and cop roles perfectly. I don't think a better cast could have been found. Nicholson seemed to be passing the acting torch onto Leo here as it is a treat for the viewer to see these two bring out the best in each other. Wahlberg surprised me in his limited role. He plays the loose cannon cop perfectly and really adds a presence to his scenes.

Scorsese really set The Departed apart for me though. All of his little touches that make his movies great were involved. You cold tell with his unique use of cinematography, realism, and music. Everything was emphasized. Each moment was big and built to a powerful ending. He finds a way to connect the story together in a way to keep everyone on the edge of their seat the entire time. Scorsese has made some great gangster movies, but this is by far his best. It definitely stands alone.

This movie in general deserved every award it received and probably more. I thought from top to bottom this was as close to a perfect movie as I have seen in my life. The story was already intriguing from Infernal Affairs and the best cast imaginable was brought together. Scorsese took these elements and created his masterpiece.

Go see this movie immediately; 10/10
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John Wick (2014)
All Action, No Story
12 February 2016
John Wick did a great job of bringing back a proper action packed movie! Don't be fooled; there is no storyline at all. There is just Keanu being awesome. I was entertained through the entire movie!

This is the best Keanu movie since the Matrix! He goes back to his classic cool demeanor, and is extremely entertaining delivering his cheesy lines. He just kicks everyone's backside the entire time, and does it with ease. He basically takes on an entire army!

The stunts and effects crew deserves a lot of respect for this. Its a great action flick, and that can't be done without a great crew. There were long, fantastically choreographed fight sequences. It is all fast moving and extremely entertaining! Non stop ACTION! This is exactly what you want in an action movie like this.

John Wick was pure entertainment. Keanu was back to being Keanu, and the fight sequences were awesome. Watch if you are an action lover! 7/10
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Interstellar (2014)
One of My Favorites
11 February 2016
Interstellar is one of my favorites. Everything about this was incredible. I personally thought Matthew McConaughey had a role of a lifetime. This was his best performance in my mind. Besides him, the other actors also performed fantastically. The cast was full of stars that really worked well together.

The story could be a bit confusing at times but was complex and deep. There was a lot happening that really built up the suspense. Christopher Nolan has wrote some complicated plots before, and he did a great job of working with the complexity of this one. Each part is carefully laid out, allowing the viewer to gradually build into it. I loved the roller coaster ride all the way to the end! The end left me speechless. Just watch and see!

The visuals are some of the best around as well. This fits perfectly with the Sci-Fi genre as an instant classic. I was mesmerized with how scenery and effects were presented from the start. I saw this in a great theater, so I got the full experience of the visuals. By the end you will be just watching in awe!

When you put all this together, you get a great movie in Interstellar. This is one of my favorite movies ever. I would highly recommend this if you haven't seen it; 9/10.
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The Big Short (2015)
More Like a Really Dramatic Documentary
11 February 2016
First off, I had no idea that Adam McKay could make anything but a Will Ferrell movie. He did a great job of directing The Big Short and deserves a lot of recognition for it.

The Big Short was educational to me since I am young enough to not have fully understood how this event took place. I thought the material would be over my head for some parts, but McKay found a funny and unique way to explain the difficult subject matter. Overall, I was able to keep track of what was happening.

The acting was one of the better casts of the year, with great performances from Steve Carell and Christian Bale. Bale had one of my favorite performances of the year, but I may be biased since he is one of my favorite actors. The cast was extremely believable and fit the mood.

By now everyone knows the basics of the story. The Big short will leave you feeling confused and angry about how everything went down. The little guy suffers, while the rich don't get hurt. If anything, The Big Short did a remarkable job of making people angry that this event actually happened.

This is a good movie, but not a great movie. I liked how everything was put together in all, but the subject matter within the overall story can be boring. I found myself lacking some attention because of how detailed and confusing the small details were presented.

The Big Short is a good movie that deserves a watch; 7/10.
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Spotlight (I) (2015)
Nicely Done
10 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
There really isn't anything bad about Spotlight. From top to bottom, this movie was done very well. There is an all star cast, the story is beyond interesting, and the feel is just right for this type of movie.

Its hard to point at one actor as the best since the entire cast worked well together. All of the performances were very authentic and real. Personally, I thought Mark Ruffalo was the best out of a great cast.

The story was great even though we all know the outcome. Most biographical movies tell the story we know, which can be boring. Spotlight finds a way to keep the viewers attention as it presents information during opportune times of the movie.

What makes this movie so good is the authenticity. Watching this movie didn't seem forced, as the storyline and acting came across like the viewer was actually there watching the events unfold. There was a very "real" feel to how Spotlight was put together.

This was a very good movie, as everything was done well. I didn't love Spotlight, but that doesn't mean it wasn't done really well. I'm not as interested in the subject matter as some. Spotlight is definitely one of the better movies of the year, and is worth a watch. 7/10
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Not Tarantino's Best, But Still Good
9 February 2016
I'm a big fan of Quentin Tarantino, but this was not his best work. There is an high quality cast, nice cinematography, and Tarantino's directing. All of that definitely makes a good movie, but The Hateful Eight was missing Taratino's usual greatness.

The story was good, but not great. I was expecting a big twist at some point that would leave me speechless. The twists were not as huge as I wanted and some of the exciting parts had too much predictability.

The acting was actually pretty hit or miss. I thought Kurt Russell was miscast and didn't fit the feel. Samuel L. Jackson and Jennifer Jason Leigh were great and fit perfectly with the Tarantino style.

What also played a factor in the entertainment was the length. Usually, the length of a Tarantino movie doesn't bother me because I am constantly on the edge of my seat. The Hateful Eight had a lot of dull runs and needless storytelling. I think shortening the movie would have been for the better in this case.

The Hateful Eight isn't great, but still a very solid movie, 7/10.
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Room (I) (2015)
Started Strong, Could've Finished Better
9 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Room is a very moving and depressing. It is extremely well acted and put together. Brie Larson is my front runner for the Oscar, and little Jacob Tremblay put together a great performance for being so young. I didn't expect to see a phenomenally acted movie, but instead a compelling story line. The first half of Room had both! Brie Larson is a new star! Its hard to imagine that anyone else could have done as well as she could. Tremblay was a great supporting role that complimented Larson as well. His emotion and commitment to the role really added to the terrible nature of that locked room.

I was really expecting a great story, which there was. The entire movie was a great story, but the first half did a much better job of telling that story. After they escaped the room, the story went from compelling and torturous, to just being depressing and rather slow. The first half has something devastating happening that is also unique. No one can imagine what these two were going through, and how just Larson and Tremblay handled the isolation was amazing to watch. Honestly, if the movie would have ended after the escape, it would have been better.

Room is a very good movie with a great story and great acting. If the second half would have a little better, this would have been a movie for the ages. Still, Room is definitely worth the watch; 7/10
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Archer (2009–2023)
Danger Zone!
8 February 2016
Archer is my favorite new comedy, and follows only south park as my favorite TV comedy ever. Think of an animated James Bond that is incredibly dumb but raunchy. The episodes are only 20 minutes each, so the seasons are easy to get through. Each episode is fast moving, and the situations are just as ridiculous as the one liners that result from them.

Don't be fooled, Archer is low brow humor. Some people will think it will be just to much, which is understandable. I personally find the slapstick humor to fit perfectly with how the animations are set up within each situation. The first 3 seasons are especially funny. I would rate those seasons a 10/10. The few seasons after that got a little repetitive but was still funny.

The characters are all unique and add to the show in their own way. Its very rare that I enjoy every character in a show, but they all make me laugh. They keep getting crazier and crazier! There are very few dull moments and the humor is constant during from start to end.

If you want a good laugh, add Archer to the top of your watch list. 8/10
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Kung Fury (2015)
A Little Much
7 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Kung Fury is made to look like an 80's VHS tape, as a kung fu cop travels back in time to fight Hitler with so help from Thor and Triceracop. Yes, you heard that right.

Its not a bad short. Kung Fury is a fun action movie that sets the feel perfectly in the 80s. The dialogue was short and corny, which was perfect for this kind of project. The characters were exaggerated and entertaining as Kung Fury kicked around villains that ranged from a video game monster, a dinosaur, and Hitler. Honestly, the setting, feel and dialogue was what made this short entertaining.

There was just too much craziness for me to consider this a great short though. A kung fu cop who got his powers by a lighting strike is hacked back to the past. There he meets Thor, and they go to battle with Hitler... Really? It was just too much. There was too much craziness, which took away for me.

This was a fun idea that was taken too far. I hope a Kung Fury 2 is in the work, but the craziness is taken back. This would lead to a great 80s action feel that doesn't get to out of control; 5/10
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Inception (2010)
Nolan's Masterpiece?
6 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Christopher Nolan might be my favorite movie maker, and this might be his best work. Make sure you go and see this movie! Inception might just be a masterpiece.

The story goes as Cobb (Leo) is paid to invade dreams and steal information for whoever pays. There is an issue though... Cobb is tormented by the memory of his wife (Marion Cotillard). The interference from his wife causes issues within the dreams. This eventually leads to a stand off with his wife within dreams that causes Cobb to question reality.

Leo did a great job in this movie and honestly is my favorite performance by him. Obviously he has been in some great movies, but just by acting performances, this is his best. He just overtakes the movie and stands out as a the star.

The story is complex and maybe a little bit confusing. There's are twists and turns that keep you guessing till the end. The twists just keep coming as you seem to question what is reality or dream throughout the movie.

What really made the movie above and beyond was the special effects. Anything is possible within a dream, and Nolan takes full advantage of this. There are scenes that take the imagination to the fullest while entertaining audiences everywhere. This just added to the complex plot and amazing acting.

Do yourself a favor, and see this movie, 10/10.
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Depressing, Weird, but Good
5 February 2016
This is the type of movie most people will absolutely love or hate. I personally thought this was a great idea that was done pretty well.

The beginning is pretty boring as all the characters are introduced and developed. Phillip Seymour Hoffman really kept my interest through the beginning, as he is absolutely brilliant. I am shocked he didn't get more recognition when this came out. I thought this was his best performance, even better than his Oscar win in Capote.

The movie is basically about a stage director who has his life fall apart around him as he makes a play that follows his life. He is telling his story through the stage and is directing how his life has gone. Very fascinating idea to say the least.

The visuals were great as the crew in the movie builds a model of New York which is used as the stage for the play. Using this stage to play out the "play within the movie" made for a fascinating watch.

The director did a good job with Synecdoche, New York but was boring at times. The beginning was especially tedious. The character development took a little too long and some of it was unnecessary as it lost my interest. I think the movie could have been a little shorter as parts just didn't add to the fascinating idea at hand.

Overall Synecdoche, New York is a good movie that could have been great. Hoffman was the bright light that keeps your attention while the story has time to come out. It is definitely worth a watch. 7/10
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Tarantino Does It Again!
5 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Quentin Tarantino is one of my favorite filmmakers ever, and he did not disappoint with Django Unchained. Django (Jamie Foxx) is a freed slave that turns into a bounty hunter when he teams with Schulz (Christoph Waltz). Their paths cross as Django searches for his wife, who is a slave for Calvin Candie (Leonardo Dicaprio).

The acting is top notch as it should be with all these big stars. Jamie Foxx had a great performance but was honestly overshadowed by the brilliance of Leo and Samuel L Jackson. Jackson played Steve, who was a house slave to Candie. The commitment to the parts really added to the great story telling. This can be expected from a Tarantino movie.

The soundtrack is one of the better ones that can be found in film. The songs really added to the story and increased the entertainment level. It all really set the necessary mood through the movie, whether it be the comical parts or the intense parts.

The only real issue to find is the length of the movie. Three hours is long, but honestly bearable because of how well the story fit together and moved along. There were no dull moments as the storyline just kept getting more and more exciting. The movie is long, but every minute is needed to get the full experience. Great movie, 10/10.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
Much More Than Just Leo
4 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Great Director? check... Great cinematographer? check... Grade A actors? check... The Revenant has been number 1 on my watch list since I first heard it was getting made. The movie took the best director ( Innaritu) and cinematographer (Lubezki) of the the last few years and matched them with Leo and Tom Hardy in the main roles. I am slightly biased since those two actors have been my favorites for years, but this combination made The Revenant the best movie of the year for me!!

The Revenant is based on a true story, as Hugh Glass (Leo) has to battle a winder of the 1820's. Glass is attacked by a bear, and then has his son killed by John Fitzgerald (Hardy) as he is left for dead. Glass then starts a track for revenge as the story unfolds.

I was first interested in this movie because Leo was set as the star. I was not disappointed in his performance at all as I believe he should win the Oscar this year. He was not the best actor in this movie though. That title should go to Tom Hardy. He gets so into this character that its hard to even tell that its him! I was shocked that he didn't get nominated for a Globe, but I think he should definitely be in the running for the Oscar. He is magnificent and had his best performance of his career.

Leo made me interested in The Revenant, but that is not the reason I loved this movie. The scenery and technical aspects of this movie were outstanding. I was left in complete shock after seeing some of the scenes. How can they possibly shoot a movie so well?? I was left wondering how they put together a few of the scenes while keeping them so realistic. A great example of this is the bear attack seen, which should go down as one of the best shot scenes in cinema history. Put these scenes together with the beautiful scenery and landscape, and it is easy to say that Inarritu made a masterpiece.

The Revenant is quite simply the best movie I have seen in the last few years. There is no flaw. The acting, the editing, the visual, etc... All of it was done to perfection. Expect The Revenant to clean house this year at the Oscars, as it should.
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