
29 Reviews
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A fun little horror/adventure film
6 July 2021
In the old days this could have been a PG film.

Aside from some gore this is perfect for the youngsters that want to get into scary movies. It's about as scary as 2015's "krampus" although not as good.

The actors do a good job and the production is also good.

Summary: nothing spectacular but absolutely not a waste of timw;especially for the younger crowd. Even though they might not get all the 90s refences.
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An atmospheric little film that stumbles on the finish line (no spoilers)
6 July 2021
The film has pretty much everything a spooky little film needs. Atmosphere, a mystery and wierd/creepy characters. But it didn't make it the whole way through.

The ending lost a lot of the qualities it had. "Don't leave home" might have been a solid 8 at least for the target audience but with the last act it's no more than a 7.
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Exists (2014)
It exists I guess
23 April 2021
After re-watching the film a couple of days ago I feel confident in leaving a review. It's not an awful movie but it is below average in pretty much every aspect. Like many found footage movies it seem to use the concept to get away with quality. The premise is kind of interesting but everything else are lacking. The found footage concept is not used in any interesting way, the acting/direction of the actors are pretty bad and you feel nothing about the characters, good or bad.

There is no reason to watch this movie. "As above so below" is a better choice if you like these kind of found footage movies.
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I don't know what to feel
8 March 2021
I have not been this confused in a long time. This short film is equal parts tense and boring. I constantly wanted to play with my phone while simultaneously looking back at the TV sitting on pins and needles waiting for the tension to be released.
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The Package (II) (2018)
A pretty fun teen comedy
8 March 2021
As an old man I'm aware this is not for me. But I enjoyed it. The package is a gross out comedy updated for the new generation. It's not a comedic masterpiece but has enough fun stuff to keep your attention. Let's be real. Many of its predecessors are a lot worse. Films like Euro trip and the American pie sequels are unwatchable even if you did in your younger years. The package is a solid film in its genre and are worth a watch on a lazy Sunday.
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Southbound (2015)
A middle of the road horror anthology
8 March 2021
I watched this a couple of years ago and at the time a gave it a weak 5/10. After re-watching it last night I changed my mind a little bit. But not by much. Southbound has potential but unfortunately the film do not succeed in most aspects. Everything from writing to directing is pretty average all around. I think my biggest problem is that the movies plot is in a bit of a limbo. It explains a bit too much while at the same time it explains too little. There is nothing wrong with the underlying themes that connects the stories but some of the practical plot things are a bit weird. Some stories are connected and some are not. And when it connects the stories it does it in a bit of an unintuitive way. The wrapper does the same thing.

If you are a horror anthology fan I would say: Sure, watch it if you have nothing better to do. Otherwise you can skip it. A better alternative would be VHS 2. It's better in every aspect and arguably best in the series.
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Unfortunately a disappointment
1 March 2021
I was pretty excited before watching this film. I watched the fantastic "Psycho Goreman" a couple of days prior and was still in the mood for more gory fun. 20 minutes into the movie I was convinced that I would have a good time. But then something happened. Or should I say not happen. Many people compare the film to "Five nights a Freddie's" and after a while the film felt like a video game. It's just level after level of Nick Cage beating up a forry robot over and over again. The kills were nice but they all felt the same. Another problem is the fact that you never fear for Nick Cages safety. He doesn't really show emotions either. I understand his character is based on the silent drifter but you love Nick Cage for his excentric emoting and here you see nothing of that. Sure, many of these kind of movies exists for the gore but there must be someone or someones you care for and want to see survive and grow. There are a little bit of these things but not enough to keep you invested. It's a shame. I hope the creators next film will be better because I see that somewhere in this film there is something really good.

Watch "the banana splits" if you want a killer animatronic movie. It's not perfect but it's a bit better this film. Or watch both. I'm not the boss of you.
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Contracted (2013)
A disturbing film with a disturbing message
1 March 2021
The film is in many parts good and worth a watch. It not as good as for example "starry eyes" but has a similar feeling when it comes to body horror. I'm not usually phased by this kind of stuff but sometimes the movie got to me. But there is a big problem.

What many people take away from this movie is the dangers of unprotected sex. And after watching the film I understand that. The film and its characters all blame the protagonist for her situation when it's clear that she is a victim of drugging and rape. It is only addressed once as a joke. To me it's more disturbing than any body horror in the film. I don't know if it is the intention of the writer/director but it leaves a bad taste in your mouth the same way Christian horror films like "the life zone" do.
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A fun little movie
28 February 2021
If you like horror comedies you will probably like this movie. It had some pretty fun kills with a lot of gore. The story is nothing to write home about but it's enough to keep your attention. Its no masterpiece but it's a pretty solid horror comedy.
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The Midnight Man (III) (2016)
I laughed out loud a couple of times.
17 February 2021
At first the film feels like a typical pg13 teen horror movie. But the gore would never allow it. The plot is extremely cliché. Something scary is happening and there are rules for how to beat it. It's the same as "wish upon", "truth or dare" and "countdown". It's when the movie gets ridiculous you can have a good laugh.

If you are a person who love to laugh at bad teen horror this is perfectly fine. If you are a easily frightened teen I might recommend it. Everyone else with some ounce of decency (unlike me) should stay away.
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Mara (I) (2018)
Something is not right
17 February 2021
Don't get me wrong. I can enjoy a mainstream horror movie like "Mama" or "Lights out", but there is something not right with "Mara". My guess would be how they use loud sounds or sudden movements to convey fearinstead of letting it happen naturally. Somewhere in there is a serviceable spooky film but somewhere it gets lost. The leading actor's accent is a bit distracting and it could have been fixed by for example just given her a Ukrainian last name instead. In other aspects she and the other actors did a fine job so it is not there the problem lies.

The movie is not so bad it's good or so good it's good.
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Possum (2018)
A good movie that might have gone over my head
12 January 2021
This is a extremely artistic movie. Two words I would use to describe this movie are "slow" and "subtext". On the surface "Possum" does not give you many answers or explanations so it is on you to understand the themes and some of the plot. You have to approach it in the same way you would other more artsy things. If you don't like these things, DO NOT WATCH "POSSUM". Personally I think its reliability on subtext is to its detriment. maybe it's just me but a lot of things went above my head and only after I watched an analysis of the movie I could fully appreciate it.

P.S. I excluded these personal feelings when rating this movie.
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A picture with nothing but the frame
5 January 2021
The film is pretty well done and the main characters do a fine job but there is one problem. The segments are terribly boring. They have the same structure as for example tales from the crypt. That is not necessarily a problem but the segment bring nothing new to the table and that makes them very predictable and unmemorable. The fourth segment was the only one that could peak my interest. The film has the same problems as scary stories to tell in the dark. Well made but with little substance. I didn't think it would have been a masterpiece but I hoped for a fun little movie to spend my evening with. I must commend them for good cinematography and the special effects from ADI are nice. And most actors do a fine job (some even a great job).

My tip is to just watch the wrapper and the last segment. Then you will have a pretty good time
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Ouija (II) (2014)
So bad it's bad
19 November 2020
The only good thing about this movie is that without it Mike Flanagan wouldn't have got to make the sequel.
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Eerie (2018)
An average movie with some good aspects
19 November 2020
The direction, cinematography and acting are pretty good but the movie has some issues. The story is a pretty cookie cutter horror movie and most of the twists can be seen from a mile away. My main issue is the abundance of jumpscares. I have nothing against a good spooking but many of them feels unearned. The atmosphere is pretty decent and there are some really tense scenes but it is not enough to make the movie great. The movie is comparable to the conjuring 2. They both have similar strengths and weaknesses but the conjuring has a pacing more fitting for the average western viewer.

If you want something spooky but with a bit slower tempo then sure, give it a watch. But don't expect greatness.
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A first step in a new medium
16 November 2020
The short film feels like an experiment in animation. Lynch seems to explore what he can do with the medium in the same was he did with early comsumer DV cameras. It has the beauty, playfulness and possible potential of a child's drawings.
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Absolutely his best short film
16 November 2020
The title may not sound that appealing, but don't let that fool you. "David Lynch cooks qinoa" is equal parts captivating, eerie, tense and funny. The movie is a distillation of all the things good about David Lynch's films. Some of his films (especially short films) have a tendency to be a bit too focused on one almost unchanging subject and can make a lot of people a bit bored, but there are no such problems here. The monolog and mannerisms that Lynch brings are captivating and never feels meandering. I would compare it to the scene in "Jaws" when Quint, Brody and Hooper tells stories on the boat. Another movie with a lot of similar scenes is the hidden gem "the vast of night".

To summarize: "David Lynch cooks qinoa" is an absolute must see movie for all David Lynch's fans. If you are new to Lynch this is a good start to get what he is about. If you don't like Lynch's feature films this will probably not win you over, but if you are trying to learn to like his style this short all the good things that make Lynch great without the parts that often alienate the average viewer.
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Malevolent (III) (2018)
A painfully average horror movie
14 November 2020
Malevolent may have a fairly uncommon opening premise but other than that pretty much everything in the movie have been done a hundred times before. And some of those movies did it much better. Malevolent is a paint by numbers movie with a plot line you can figure out pretty much instantly. The movie tries to be a little more "high brow" by minimizing the jump scares but it alienates those who want to jump in their seats without drawing in other horror fans.

But there are some good qualities. The direction and cinematography are pretty good and the actors generally do a good job with the material given.

To summarize: Malevolent is nothing new and has no new take on anything. There are no thrills to speak about and nothing for a connoisseur. horror If you just want to put on a movie it can be sufficient but don't expect to remember it the next day.
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Come Play (2020)
A painfully average movie
2 November 2020
This movie was based on a short film by the same director and as a short it probably work but in the same way as "Lights Out" and "Mama" it's not enough to be a full feature. A scary 5 minute movie can seldom be stretched into 90 minutes without loosing the things that make it scary. The movie is decently made but not enough to make a lasting impression. It would have been better if the studio let the director make a new movie instead of just making a longer movie of his short story.

I hope the director gets a chance to make another movie with new material to show his potential like David F Sandberg.
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A bit rushed at the end and not that much different than Hill House
11 October 2020
The haunting of Bly manor was supposed to be different than the haunting of Hill house and on the surface it is. But that's only on the surface. Many of the themes are the same. Sure, a lot of these kind of stories are but I hoped for a bit more. Mike Flanagan still brings his fantastic workmanship and great pacing for the most part and the season is by it self good but stands in the shadow of the haunting of Hill house in more ways than one.
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Rick and Morty (2013– )
A good show but it has a dark side.
19 September 2020
The show is great (even if I didn't love season 4) but there is one big problem. The fans. Not every fan of course but there are a lot of them (if I write "fans" in my review it's I don't mean all fans). And it's partially the shows fault. These fans think cruelty is a sign of intelligence. If someone talks about the shows flaws or just saying they don't like it the they get accused of lacking intelligence. It's just mean and snobbish.

The show is to blame in some aspects. Rick is portrayed as a person who is cruel because he is intelligent. Sure, he is a flawed person and the creators partially show this. But the core of the show still portray Rick in a way that makes some people think meannes is something that makes you intelligent. As a fan of the show this saddens me a lot.

To be clear: the show doesn't turn all fans into monsters but you can't ignore the things the show does to bring this out in some people.

The show is great so people should absolutely watch it. Just do it with this in mind.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
A great series that fall on finish line (no spoilers)
19 September 2020
A great series. All people involved gives a 110%. But there is a problem.

When they ran out of book material the series quality decreased. The last episodes really beefed it and soured the overall experience. It's a real shame.
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The Exorcist (1973)
It's infamy is to its detriment
19 September 2020
The only reason I give it a 9/10 is that the exorcist 3 is better in my opinion (unpopular opinion). But the exorcist is a masterpiece and should be recognized as so.

The only negative about the film is the people who use extreme hyperboli when talking about the film. It gives first time watchers preconceived notions. And when they hear that it's the scariest movie of all time they interpret it with the lens of modern mainstream horror and will be disappointed.

It's one of the greatest movie of all time and people should recommend it but explain why it is great too.
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A inferior cut but still great
19 September 2020
The theatrical cut is in my opinion better. But I think it's a matter of taste. It doesn't matter which version you like, they are both great. But I think the theatrical cut is a little better.
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Wasted potential (updated)
10 September 2020
WARNING: 1. This is not a Lovecraft story so fans of the author should not expect the same themes and atmospheres. 2. If you are a right wing snowflake who get triggered by anything depicting inequality or centering the story around people of color is SJD leftist propaganda you will not be able to watch Lovecraft County. If you think depicting history accurately (excluding the supernatural parts), even if it's not that much preachy is virtue signaling you will not be able to see the forest for the trees.

UPDATE: I have now finished the entire first season and will give an update to my review with my final verdict. I am reading the book so I might give another update. The old review can be read below.

The season as a whole got better but was still a bit of a disappointment. The good parts are great but it isn't enough to make it great. Lovecraft country seem to forget a bit what makes is special. It successively changes fokus and gets more and more like a pretty generic supernatural TV series. A series that could balance this great is "Buffy the vampire slayer" and Lovecraft country could have been as great but unfortunately stumbled a bit. If you can look past it's flaws you will like it at least enough to finish season 1.

Old review I'm going to be honest. I didn't know how much the book strayed from Lovecraft but I'm trying to put those feelings aside. The first episode was great. A real nail biter with good acting, tension and atmosphere. But the quality plummeted after that. The tone is all over the place and the shows strengths gets to play second fiddle. The themes of racism and how the characters cope with it in combination with a mystery is enough. We don't need ghost stories or Indiana Jones. Let the characters take center stage.

There is a bit of a "monster of the week" vibe right now but I hope this will not be the case.
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