
26 Reviews
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A Comedic Adventure Courtesy of a Favourite Throwback
30 May 2024
It is surprising that a plot could be centred on a TV series from 1984. In this case, Luk ding gei (1984). So for the show itself, the characters are completely fictional as Siu "Mon" Kwai-Chi (Kaman Kong) is a reincarnation of Wai Siu Bo, who is a literary figure, not factual.

I am not usually a fan of Moses Chan's work, however the scholar he portrays, Cheung King, is completely likeable and quite appealing.

For a contemporary series, there is a lot of action and visual effects. The somewhat petite Chu Ying-Kiu (Katy Kung) makes an unlikely hero in the story. She really packs a punch and is smart too.

The is presented in a good pace and you don't know who is good and who is bad until the end.
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Off-Beat Science Fiction
24 April 2024
At first, it seemed like any contemporary show, then we discover along with the characters that there is something happening to them beyond belief.

Aside from the various plot twists, the characters are well developed and each have interesting arcs. The characters are well liked, particularly Natalie Tong's Kiu Yeuk-lam and Tiffany Lau's Open

Despite the setting being present day, the action makes it seem like a martial arts showcase.

Technically, the visual effects is nicely done in post production. It is sold with the acting. In contrast, my one complain is the injury make-up look pasted on, it was obvious that little time was rushed and not thought through.
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Bruce Lee Can Also Be Funny
14 November 2023
It is rare that I get to see a Bruce Lee movie at all. That is why it is surprising to see an action comedy, that he has directed himself. This is the genre of films I love to watch the most.

There is a lot there to enjoy that is not just action. I love the fact that you can anticipate what his character Tang Lung's next action will be by the look in his eyes, as he gauges each opponent.

There are also no small parts for his co-stars too. Tony Liu known latter by TV audiences in the 1980s, has a supportive role in helping to fight the thugs. Although, I do not know Nora Miao, I find she is a strong female lead.

I highly recommend this film.
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Benson: Made in Hong Kong: Part 2 (1984)
Season 6, Episode 7
Great Location Filming
2 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It is clear this was filmed during the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.

How rare it is for this show to be out on location. This was really a treat for the cast.

There was a lot more action in part 2. The chase in the building and on the rooftops. The local stuntmen were used obviously.

A recognizable landmark featured was the Victoria Peak. That is where one can see all of Hong Kong from.

The Shaw Brothers Studios exteriors were used,

Part 2 also featured scenes in a sampan.

I find it interesting that location filming can be done with no sound recording. This explains a lot in other productions.
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Ultraman Max (2005–2006)
A Brilliant Nod to the Original Ultraman
21 June 2023
As I recall, this was my introduction to the Ultraman franchise, when it first came out. I did not get to see it all, but I have enjoyed it again now.

With original cast members added to the cast, this has often made subtle nodes to the first Ultraman series as well as paid homage to the Ultra Q series.

In each episode, it is establishing consistent story about environment and peace.

The cast is likeable and entertaining, allowing for the occasional breaking of the "fourth wall" with the audience. No other series have done that.

The updated monsters are great and the action sequences are well done.
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A light-hearted detective series
22 April 2023
I really liked how this series took off. There is a real odd couple quality to Victoria and Darby, that is quite refreshing.

The mysteries are often easy to solve, given the facts surface with each clue.

With each episode, there is a growing respect from Darby for her mother and the people surrounding them. The more she has been with Victoria, the more it seems their bond deepens. By the end of the season, we see how much Darby does care for Victoria.

We should probably get to know more about the supporting cast. I am just not sure how it should be handled. The character dynamics seems to be OK for now.

I look forward to what the next season may bring.
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It Grows on You
1 March 2023
Love the character arcs for both of them. It is getting better with each new episode. As Wong and Winchester grow on each other, they grow on you.

The mysteries are not too hard. You are following along as they solved the case of the week.

I find the episodes refreshing and the plot unexpected.

While we know Marissa formerly had a career in law enforcement, we need to know more about Sarah's background.

I am sure we will find out what her skillsets are to make her a good detective and good partner for Marissa.

We are also getting to see Gary's background come forward. It would be nice to find out how these two formed a partnership.
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Legend of Miyue (2015–2016)
Unbelievably Large Cast in an Epic Intrigue
11 February 2022
In the past decade, The Legend of Mi Yue has been the only Chinese drama I followed, when it aired locally in Canada. I wasn't able to record it, so every night for six months, I watched it as it aired. I was drawn in by the opening theme song. Every episode maintained the same level of intensity nearly to the end. For a fictional historic epic, it had all the characters were intriguing. While Mandarin is not my mother tongue, I would have given up watching it all together. Despite that, it was not that difficult to keep up with the narrative in the important parts. I have seen enough to understanding it.
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Not Quite the Others That Came Before
19 May 2021
I grew up watching 1980s scifi TV. So, this was not as good.

Although, it suffered from poor acting, fans will be treated to some notable guest actors. Jeffrey Combs and J. G. Hertzler were both from Star Trek. There were cameo appearances from Bill Mumy and Rose Marie.

The monster designs were definitely cool. Not quite Jurassic Park level FX, but it was moving in the right direction. How it stood out from its source material was in the battles. Someone decided that not all the monsters had to die.

I would have loved to know how the team knew of the monsters.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Finally, Star Trek is Back!
12 January 2021
It is time to say why I like Star Trek: Discovery. Like any Star Trek series that came before it, it took some time to get used to. At first, I was leery of the more serial format, but I read the novels, so I kept an open mind going into this. I am OK with the choice of the lead character, since it was the main plot. Unfortunately, the alternating captains overshadowed the background bridge crew, rendering them almost invisible. The uniqueness of Discovery's spore drive cemented its place in the 23rd century. The return to the Terran universe was totally unexpected for me. The state of the Federatiion revealed in Season 3, have never been seen in any of the series. The arrival to the 32nd century also brought to light to some more of Discovery's crew. Finally, halfway through season 3, the stories being told felt like a return to the type of stories that better reflect present day situations. I am finally hooked.
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A Christmas Carol (1999 TV Movie)
A Decent Rendition
9 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First time watching this. At the start, it matches the style of the 1951 Allister Sims film. However halfway through, it deviated somewhat from the source material, to highlight the change in the Scrooge character while observing Fred's party. Good visual effects there. Redemptive Scrooge attempting to laugh after so long was unexpected, but I feel is a very Patrick Stewart thing. I suspect this decently acted televised version does not come close to Sir Patrick's performance in his one-man stage show.
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If Star Trek: Discovery culminated into a movie...
8 January 2021
Nicely wrapped up season ending. It was better than I expected. It drew much from its predecessors: TNG, DS9, VOY, and the movies. Very much a Star Trek story at its core. A little surprising only the captain wears red in this timeline.
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Star Trek: Discovery: There Is a Tide... (2020)
Season 3, Episode 12
Don't Trust Osyraa!
1 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Having watched every Star Trek episode (except for The Animated Series) over 48 years, Star Trek: Discovery has finally come into it's own in the franchise. If there are any doubts, this is Star Trek. We have something reflective of the state of the world, we haven't seen since Star Trek Voyager.

I can't review this episode without dropping a few spoilers.

There are many delicious moments in this episode. Yes they were centred around the negotiation between her and Vance. I was worried for his life when he had laid out his on concessions.

Back on Discovery, I was getting vibes of Commander Riker in how Michael dispatched the female regulator.

That ending with the DOT was amazing. How often I forget the sphere data is still in the computer.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Su'Kal (2020)
Season 3, Episode 11
A Child with Power
25 December 2020
It's a very familiar plot, reminiscent of TOS Squire of Gothos.

Saru started to evolve in his time. What has happened to the Kelpians 800 years in the future? Perhaps, as in Star Trek canon, we have encountered a powerful being.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Unification III (2020)
Season 3, Episode 7
The Future of Vulcan and Romulan
27 November 2020
I am excited that this episode implies a connection to Star Trek: The Next Generation. Without giving away the plot, the writers managed to deliver a follow up to the Romulan displacement situation started in Star Trek: Picard. I love the speculation that there is still an uneasy peace between Vulcan and Romulans. You can still see the ideological clash that split them as seen in Star Trek: Enterprise. So after generations of isolation from the Federation, it is nice to see many of those recognizable traits towards outsiders still remain.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Die Trying (2020)
Season 3, Episode 5
It is the BEST of ST: Discovery yet
13 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Don't forget the focus of the series is centered around Michael Burnham. So it should not be odd that there is so much of the character.

Finally we are getting a perspective of the Federation, in whatever state. Believe me, there was never an exposition like this in the previous classic TV series.

The writers did a marvelous job with the secondary characters development. They have made it easy to love knowing who they are.

With this episode, Discovery has found it's place in Star Trek lore.

Only spoiler here is the cameo of the iconic Intrepid class USS Voyager. Wow!
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Star Trek: Picard: Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2 (2020)
Season 1, Episode 10
Bringing Star Trek to New Generations
27 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A satisfying end to the beginning of what can be called Picard's character arc.

He is going to have one more adventure out there. "Engage."

I liked how we saw his faith in the Federation/Starfleet somewhat restored.

This is the most Star Trek series, I have seen in a long while. I look forward to season two.
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The Facts of Life (1979–1988)
A Favorite to Grow Up With
27 March 2020
This show was one to watch growing up in the 1980s. Having recently watched again, all the more memorable episodes is as I remember. The themes of individual episodes are just as relevant today as it was then. I loved watching the characters develop over the years.
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Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Child (1988)
Season 2, Episode 1
Quintessential Star Trek Story
29 January 2020
This story alone earned my rating.

It was a good start to the second season. All the characters were featured one way or another. Aside from casting controversy, it has always been a favorite episode.

At last, Deanna Troi is featured more. The exchange between Wesley and Guinan subtly establishes the mystery around Ten Forward hostess.

Enjoyed watching again whenever it's on TV.
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Love on the Run (1985 TV Movie)
7 January 2019
A young lawyer sacrifices career and freedom to save the inmate client's life.

Stephanie Zimbalist, who filmed this movie during Remington Steele hiatus, was great. She ably played a woman vulnerable to the advances of Alec Baldwin's manipulative criminal.
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Remington Steele (1982–1987)
Best of Classic 80s Series
2 December 2018
Stephanie Zimbalist's Laura Holt was a capable detective, as well as smart and sassy. Each episode was competently crafted. A perfect vehicle for its young stars. Zimbalist was 25 years old in the pilot.

The series is still appealing to watch today.

Zimbalist and Pierce Brosnan exhude incredible on-screen chemistry.

Naturally, due to the shortened final season, many of my favourite episodes are from the first four seasons.
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Supergirl (1984)
Great Companion for the Superman Universe
6 July 2018
I remember being very excited seeing the trailers for this. I wasn't able to see it it in theatres then, but I still wanted to watch it one day.

I didn't know too much about who was in the movie or what the plot was either, except that Helen Slater was Supergirl.

Faye Dunaway makes a dastardly villain.

Really enjoyed the movie.
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The Killing Mind (1991 TV Movie)
Very Noir
8 August 2017
One of Stephanie Zimbalist's best turns as detective. Her character Isobel drives the story forward to the end.

Los Angeles is the setting.

The mystery has a good pace. You find out along with the characters who the "bad guy" will be.

The scenes with no dialogue is played well with just music, lighting, and acting. The audience is saved from too much exposition.
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The Babysitter (1980 TV Movie)
Better than I expected
11 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Having a familiar cast like this makes the performances seem more honest. You won't be disappointed by the acting.

I was not a big fan of thrillers genres, however I did want to see Stephanie Zimbalist's early work.

Even though you know she was up to no good, we the audience don't find out until the end, why Joanna manipulated people. The final scenes where she completely broke down was well acted and made it easy to feel sympathy for her character.
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Remington Steele: Elementary Steele (1984)
Season 2, Episode 22
Good Old Fashion Detective Work
22 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I've always loved this series. I just watched this episode for the first time on DVD. It's fast becoming one of my favorite from season 2.

There is enough mystery there for both Laura and Steele to discover, as true "partners" do. As the body count rises, our heroes take the time to contemplate each death. Aside from the action, there are nice personal moments throughout.

The scratches over actress Stephanie Zimbalist looked real. It seems bigger during the exterior scenes. Might it have been an actual injury during the shoot?
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