
13 Reviews
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Undefeatable (1993)
Stingray Should Fight in the Kumite.
11 February 2024
An undercover cop and an ex-gang member form an unlikely team as they hunt down a Kung-Fu killing rapist.

Like many others of my generation I was first exposure to Undefeatable on YouTube. My brother sent me a video titled "Best Fight Scene of All Time" and it did not disappoint.

In spite of the movie's poor quality, terrible acting, and unrealistic slow motion, the story is entertaining and the character motivations (mostly) make sense. I hesitate to file this under the So Bad It's Good label simply because it is cheesy. I genuinely enjoyed watching this and will watch it again.

Prop I Want: Kristi's hook swords Most Punchable Face: Lou Favorite Quote: "Listen, I'm going to share some classified information with you: I've studied the martial arts." - Nick DiMarco.
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Godzilla (I) (1998)
Godzilla In Name Only
4 February 2024
Nuclear testing mutates a lizard into a giant fire-breating monster. After attacking a Japanese ship, it makes its way to New York where it wreaks havoc. The creature is dubbed 'Godzilla' by a Japanese survivor.

From, "Roland Emmerich admitted that he did not like the original Godzilla and only agreed to the project after being promised to be able to do what ever he wanted with the series."

A director who doesn't respect a legacy. A cast who are either too good for their roles or should never act again. A beloved cinema icon reduced to a gimmicky, CGI monster. All these and more contribute to this disasterpiece. Skip it and watch the original.

Prop I Want: "TOP SECRET" VHS tape Most Punchable Face: Audrey Favorite Quote: "You're going the wrong way, man! You're GOING THE WRONG WAY!" - Animal.
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Over the Rainbow for The Wizard of Oz
29 January 2024
A young girl named Dorthy Gale yearns for a life away from the farm. After she and her dog Toto are swept away by a tornado, Dorthy finds herself an unlikely hero in the land of Oz. But all she can think about is going home. Together with her new friends Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Cowardly Lion, she sets off to see the wizard of Oz who may be her only way back to Kansas.

What makes a movie timeless? Is it a good script? Superior acting? Brilliant direction? A relatable protagonist? Any number of criteria could be added to this list. Modern movies have all these qualities and are easily forgotten. Even movies that sweep the Oscars will soon find themselves in the $5 bin at Wal-Mart before Christmas. So what makes a movie timeless?

Movies that I consider timeless are those which continue to be "discovered" by the next generation. Like an adventurer who finds a priceless treasure, so too are we who rediscover the stories worth retelling. Isn't that what our best stories do...asked to be retold? Whether it's a grandfather recounting his yesteryears to a grandchild, or a spooky story around a campfire, or old friends reminiscing about the good old days, the stories that are worth retelling are the one that last forever.

Even if you've never seen The Wizard of Oz you can probably quote a large portion of it. That's because it has become ingrained into our culture. I've just left the theater after watching Fathom Event's 85th anniversary screening. As I looked around the theater I saw young people, old people, singles, married couples, different ethnicities, different personalities - all gathered together to experience one of the best stories ever told. If that isn't the definition of timeless then I don't know what is.

Prop I Want: The Mayor of Munchkin Land's top hat Most Lovable Face: The Tin Man (Cowardly Lion is a close second) Favorite Quote: "And remember, my sentimental friend, that a heart is not judged by how much *you* love; but by how much you are loved by others." - The Wizard of Oz.
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Camp Hideout (2023)
So Bad It Went Straight to VHS in 2023
28 January 2024
A troubled teen is sent to a christian camp in the hopes that the Lloyd (as in Christopher) will straighten him out.

We made the mistake of assuming this was a sequel to the classic Camp Nowhere. Our expectations were high and the anticipation was palpable. About seven minutes into the movie we were all ready to gouge our eyes out with broken bottles.

The budget for this was $3 million and was raised by several churches that took up a special collection at the end of service. Most of the budget went to renting the camp ground, the equipment, and grooming Christopher Lloyd's mustache.

It took elements from other successful movies, baptized them, and threw them into the plot. The result is a feel-good movie that feels about as good as a colonoscopy. In fact, I would have enjoyed a colonoscopy over watching this.

Prop I Want: Jackpot Most Punchable Face: Every person who was involved.

Favorite Quote: **incoherent rambling** - Falco.
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Puiinin on da Reeeeeez!
21 January 2024
Frederick Frankenstein (pronounced fronk-in-steen) inherits his great-grandfather's estate, including the secrets to life and death. Giving in to his curiosity, Frederick sets out to create a man in his own image.

Mel Brooks will probably be remembered for Blazing Saddles or Spaceballs more than anything else he's done. I get it. These are classics. Blazing Saddles makes us laugh at how stupid racism is. Spaceballs is a parody of Star Wars. Good times. I think, however, that Young Frankenstein may be his best film.

The cast is stacked. Gene Wilder, Madeline Khan, Marty Feldman, Cloris Leachman, Patrick Boyle, Terri Garr, and Kenneth Mars deliver some of their very best performances. Every scene is perfectly hilarious; the tone of voice, the deliveries, the punchlines - it's all top notch. Many cast members, Wilder especially, had so much trouble getting through their dialogue that it took days to shoot just one scene.

Respect for the source material was paramount. Brooks loved the old Universal monster movies and sprinkles in a few Easter eggs throughout. Brooks used many of the same props and effects from the original Frankenstein movies. Personally, I consider this part of the Frankenstein universe, especially considering a village elder makes reference to the previous five movies.

When a movie is called timeless it is raised up as a story that will continue to be relevant, entertaining, and in the case of Young Frankenstein funny. Of all the Brooks movies this is the one I'd bet on that will stand the test of time.

Prop I Want: The book "How I Did It" Most Punchable Face: The sadistic jailer Favorite Quote: "Sedagive?!?!" - Frederick Frankenstein.
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Yabba Dabba Don't
21 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Loveable caveman Fred Flintstone unwittingly becomes entangled in a plot to embezzle money for his boss Special Agent Dale Cooper. His best friend Barney Rubble suffers the consequences.

The Flintstones had everything going for it: Steven Spielberg, a big budget, an all-star cast, a fandom that loved the show, a super fan director. How could it possibly fail?

The plot is fueled by several adult themes: embezzlement, adultery, and a class system - all things children love in their movies. It's my opinion that The Flintstones was marketed as a family movie, but it was definitely made for adults. It's the Snyderverse of live action adaptations.

Prop I Want: Cliff's pistol Most Punchable Face: Favorite Quote: Wilma - "Enough! Mother! Fred! You two should be ashamed of yourselves!" Pearl - "I've got my hands full just being ashamed of him!" Fred - "You got you hands full when you scratch your neck!"
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Fall (I) (2022)
Starving > Eating a Raw Buzzard
20 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
One year after losing her husband in a climbing accident, Becky and her friend Hunter climb a decommissioned two thousand foot tall TV tower to spread his ashes. It does not go well.

Wow! I really enjoyed this movie! It was suspenseful, exciting, and gripping. I haven't shouted "NO!" at my TV this much since I watched Midsommar. The cramped platform the women have to share, combined with the sudden shift from tight closeups to extreme wide shots gave me anxiety.

The script is simplistic but it accomplished so much. It takes a creative person to make being trapped on a platform interesting and director Scott Mann pulls it off with flying colors. The tower both actresses performed on was one hundred feet in the air, making their fearful expressions seem real.

There is a twist in the movie that I'm still on the fence about. Definitely curious to know if it was in the original draft of the screenplay. It comes out of left field and doesn't quite fit the tone of the film, but it was still (mostly) effective.

Prop I Want: Hunter's shoe (the first one) Most Punchable Face: The dog walker Favorite Quote: "Don't you wanna punch fear in the dick?" - Hunter.
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Better Than MOTU: Revelations
20 January 2024
Eternia is a world where science and magic are infused. The evil forces of Skeletor have captured Castle Greyskull and are close to harnessing its power to conquer the world. Only one thing stands in Skeletor's way: a man...a He-Man.

The creative team swung for the fences on this one. Unfortunately, it's a miss. What kills this movie for me is that most if it is spent on Earth. Instead of a fantasy/sci-fi epic that could have explored more of Eterina than the show did, we got a family drama with monsters and Principal Strickland.

Where was Battlecat? Why replace Orco? Why did Skeletor choose the worst villains to pursue He-Man? Why couldn't the writers have trusted the audience to invest in Prince Adam's ability to transform into He-Man?

Masters of the Universe is a good bad movie and worth watching if only to laugh at, or to dream about what it could have been.

Prop I Want: Skeletor's powered up helmet Most Punchable Face: Blade Favorite Quote: "I have the powerrrrrrrrr!" - He-Man.
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An Assassin, a Blind Man, & a Homeless Man Walk into a Bar...
20 January 2024
John Wick continues to fight for his freedom as the assassin guild he dishonored sends their very best to kill him.

These movies keep getting better and better. Similar to the Mission: Impossible and Fast & Furious franchises, the John Wick series knows what it does best and doubles down on the action, drama, and fight scenes in this fourth installment.

Donnie Yen's Caine and Shamier Anderson's Nobody are the perfect counterparts to Keanu Reeves. I wish we were getting a movie with all three of them fighting The High Table. Everyone was raving about "that stairway scene" when the movie first came out. I personally thought the poker game, and resulting fight, at Killa Harken's nightclub was my favorite scene.

Having said that, the action is some of the best I've seen (Sisu vibes). Reeves continues to dazzle audiences with his combat capabilities. Anderson has a fun arsenal. Yen plays yet another blind man with a deadly weapon. Bill Skarsgård was a good villain but I wish we had more from him.

If the franchise continues, I hope they stay as grounded in reality as they can. Some of the lines, characters, and gadgets had a little bit of a Bond feel to them. I don't want the John Wick series to suddenly become about gimmicks and snappy one-liners.

Prop I Want: The nunchaku John Wick uses Most Punchable Face: Mr. Chidi Favorite Quote: "I want you to find peace. But a good death only comes after a good life." - Shimazu.
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Cool Characters. Recycled Story.
20 January 2024
Jen, a gelfling, is sent of a quest to retrieve a shard from an ancient crystal so that balance may be restored to the land.

Jim Henson's creations look incredible. The skesies make me sick to my stomach. They look like they are rotting from the inside out. They're even more disgusting without their robes. The mystics seem charming and wise - the very opposite of the skesies. The rest of the creatures - Jen, Kira, Aughra, and the background puppets - are cool to watch. It was nice to rewatch something that wasn't C. G. I. Heavy.

As interesting as the characters were the story just didn't do anything for me. I wrote in my notebook "Why is everything and nothing explained in this movie?" The story borrows heavily from classic fantasy tropes to push the narrative along. A vague prophecy helps to steamroll the plot forward. Jen has absolutely no clue what he's doing. There are better fantasy movies to watch.

Prop I Want:A Fizzgig puppet Most Punchable Face: Aughra. I never want to watch her sit down again.

Favorite Quote: "I don't want to go alone.....alright, alone then." - Jen.
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Sisu (2022)
The Gold Standard for Nazi Carnage
20 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Near the end of WWII, a prospector in Finland discovers a gold vein that will make him rich beyond his wildest dreams. The only problem is the closest bank is hundreds of miles away and the road is full of Nazis. When his gold is stolen by the Nazis, the prospector goes John Wick on them trying to recover his treasure.

Move over Rambo! There's a new war-bred killing machine in town and his name, not Sisu. Sisu is a Finnish word that cannot be translated yet is described throughout the film as grit, courage, or resilience. "He's not immortal," explains a young woman to her Nazi captives, "he just refuses to die."

This film harkens back to the action movies of the 70s and 80s. It's gritty, bloody, high octane fun. At 59, lead actor Jorma Tommila pulls off the action scenes flawlessly. He absolutely dominates his opponents in the best fight scenes I've watched in a long time. The rogue Nazis are all well cast, as are the young ladies held in captivity.

Prop I Want: The Prospector's pickaxe & sleeve Most Punchable Face: All my punchable faces got what they deserved.

Favorite Quote: "He's not immortal. He just refuses to die." - Aino.
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The Quintessence of Life
4 January 2024
Walter Mitty lives the most amazing his imagination. In reality, Walter is a mild-mannered photo manager for LIFE magazine. Walter is forced out of his comfort zone and into a real life adventure as he searches for a lost photo negative from a famous globe trekking photographer. Along the way he discovers the value of his life.

Ben Stiller has had a broad career both in front of and behind the camera. Love him or hate him, people talk about his movies (I'm looking at you Cable Guy and Zoolander). The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is a departure from his usual wackadoo comedies. Stiller's performance is subdued and quiet. We are endured to him not through his fantasies, but through his charming innocence. Stiller is excellent at playing both sides of Walter. There is nothing unlikeable about the character.

The supporting cast is equally great. Adam Scott's Ted Hendricks may be one of the best onscreen jerk since Bill Lumbergh in Office Space. Kristen Wigg plays Cheryl Melhoff, Walter's love interest and fount of courage throughout his travels. Kathryn Hahn, Adrian Martinez, Shirley MacLaine, Sean Penn, and Patton Oswald all have small yet important roles as well.

I also have to mention Theodore Shapiro's score. Stiller told the composer that he wanted Walter to have a voice in the music. Shapiro wove a singular voice humming Walter's theme into the music. It's a fun score that hits all the right emotional beats. It never overpowers what's onscreen, only enhances it like a great score should.

This one gets me. Every time. I relate to Walter Mitty - and enjoy Ben Stiller's take on the character - so much that I cried the entire first viewing in the theater. And while I haven't had a great grand adventure like Walter Mitty, I have come to see the value of my life and have a deeper appreciation for the connections I've made with others. I hope this movie will one day get the love and appreciation it deserves.

Prop I Want: Negative 25 Most Punchable Face: Ted Hendricks Favorite Quote: It's a toss-up between "Beautiful things don't ask for attention." - Sean O'Connell And "Perhaps I can contact you, possibly through my poetry falcone." - Walter as Latin Lover.

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A Ghost Story with Heart
2 January 2024
When Marnie was There is the story of Anna, a young girl who has shut herself off from the world. She feels unloved and alone even in the care of her foster parents. Anna is sent away to visit some relatives on the coast where she meets a young girl living in a mansion who will change her life forever.

As far as Studio Ghibli movies go this isn't chock-full of magical creatures, wondrous landscapes, and impossible logic. What Marnie does offer audiences is a reminder that there is no greater feeling than to be loved. Sometimes the simplest stories can be the most powerful, as is the case with When Marnie was There.

It's nice to watch hand-drawn animated movies, especially a Studio Ghibli movie. The art, backgrounds, and colors are tame compared to others yet still captivate the eye. The American voice actors gave terrific performances, especially Hailee Steinfeld who had the difficult task of expressing growth and maturity using only her voice.

Prop I Want: Windchime Most Punchable Face: N/A Favorite Quote: "A witch. Takes one to know one!" - Marnie's Father.

Follow me on Letterboxd! Look for Saint Mastodon.
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