
13 Reviews
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NTSF:SD:SUV (2011–2013)
Something special!
3 October 2013
I do not claim to be an expert in csi type shows or cop shows but one thing I can assure you is that the amount of gags in this show are so sarcastic and idiotic that it is by far the most surreal wana be reality show I have ever seen.

You know how people quoted Borat for years and years...? Well this show has lines that top Borat's best! I don't even like Paul Scheer, I have seen many of his old works, from "The League" to "Human Giant" and even his guest appearance on "Party Down" I have always found him the least interesting character in each show, yet, he as seriously surprised me in how perfect he ended up being for NTSF SD SUV!!

If you can enjoy ridiculous infantile post-modern humour than this show is for you. Give it a few episodes to get into, some people's gut instinct is to reject the silliness but trust me its worth watching more and getting into the mind frame of Trent!

Ps: Another great thing I personally have found about the show is that when you watch it sober it is hilarious but if you watch it drunk it it takes on this much more dramatic tone!! I can watch the same episode twice in a different frame of mind and interpret the episode differently. Like I said this show is something special, it's the Shakespeare of the ADD generation.
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disturbing and perverse
7 August 2013
A pointless and perverse look at THE biggest and most sadistic serial killer of the western world. Not only does this documentary seem to enjoy what it is describing through the narration but through most of the people's faces who are being interviewed. A faint grin and smile can be seen on some of these disturbed people, even the priest sometimes looks like he is enjoying the descriptive nature of his interview.. He even describes his last conversations with the convicted inmates as "whatever it was, writing letters, making phone calls, singing songs, listening, listening and listening."

If you believe in murdering people I would at least recommend you watch a more progressive and humane approach to this ancient barbaric way of disposing of human beings. The documentary is called "How to Kill a Human Being". At least that documentary thinks about alternative methods and ways in which America or Iran can kill their population. (And yes I chose those two countries not just to shock but to drive home a point. Iranians are as likely as Americans to think they are better than the other country but the bottom line remains they are both serial killing machines).

Everyone is still going to watch this documentary because of pure curiosity but I urge the younger people to remember what is actually going on while they watch this documentary.. This is not justice, this is murder.

ps: I remind the younger viewers not to be patronising but because this documentary has a 14 year old certificate and that is a scary thought to me. anyways... Watch if you must but remember, murder is murder is murder... :/
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the first twelve minutes make this watchable...
22 June 2013
This would easily be a 8/10 in my opinion if the level of comedy from the first twelve minutes was held throughout.. Don't get me wrong, those 12 minutes are in no way hilarious but they are at least what I expect from a stupid spoof...

French Stewart literally saved the entire film.. Without having been entertained at the start like that, I doubt I would have continued this film.

Saying that... I still recommend this film to any spoof lover. This is definitely not the worst spoof there is out there. And some parts were quite funny, even funnier than the funny parts from "A Haunted House". Anyway, I felt like I had to write a review to justify only giving it a 4/10. Even though the score is low this film is still worth watching and cracking open a few cold ones with a few friends.

So don't be discouraged by the low score it is still worth a watch for any spoof fan. Funnier than "Epic Movie" and "Disaster Movie" but less funny than "Meet the Spartans" if that gives you any idea. IF you hated all three equally then you simply don't like our generation's stupid spoofs, so please stay away and stop bitchin' bout how you would rather gouge your eyes out, poop rusty nails or any other form of masochistic comments which you all seam to love writing about. Peace....

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Hall Pass (2011)
controversial subject doesn't mean funny!!
28 June 2012
This film really tries to provoke people with the subject matter, a controversial subject does not equal comedy..


but saying that, there was one hilarious scene and that is the last one. If you are forced to watch this film then at least take refuge in the fact that there is one chuckle in this film. But if you are not cornered into watching this then really consider watching something actually funny.

5/10 for the last scene!!

5/10 for the whole film....
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Religulous (2008)
Very Funny!
13 June 2012
Not the most informative documentary on religion but nevertheless very funny! The cut scenes are very well integrated and even though Christianity and Islam are the major religions attacked who cares. The cut scenes remain hilarious and the end result of this journey comes to the correct conclusion which is always a plus when watching a documentary on religion.

definitely 10/10 great vision, loaded with funny moments that even i could not stop myself from grinning at. The best way i would describe this documentary is comparing it to the Borat film but bill maher's character playing Borat. (and of course the fact that the interviews are reel).
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not as interesting as one would think...
12 June 2012
Honestly this documentary was not very interesting and the choice of topic's chosen by the film makers were also quite biased.

I mean it was still fun to watch a bunch of pretty simple minded people try and explain magic but this was quickly over shadowed by the fact that there was not much substance to this documentary.. There was no reel point to this film, apart from putting these evangelists in the lime light..

The views of the actual experts were few and far between, and even then you could tell that the film makers methodically chose what to include or exclude..

I just find it funny how fanatical Christian's believe that they are right and not the other religious fanatics. Do religious people not understand irony??

Anyway this documentary was pretty bland but if you want a couple chuckles at the expense of some dumb dumb's give it a quick watch. But be warned it's not very entertaining nor interesting.
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an insight into the twisted and disgusting minds of the American army
12 June 2012
First of all I personally gave it a 10/10 because the documentary was very moving and extremely insightful.

Seeing these repulsive human beings TRYING to justify what they did is not only disturbing but begs to question what America's reel motivation is.

Seeing these pathetic excuses coming out of such brainless people is seriously depressing. I totally understand not to expect much out of brainless idiots who accept to go to war for NO REASON, but this goes far beyond stupidity, this is actual cruelty..

This documentary does a great job of staying out of personal and emotional opinions or reactions, no judgements are made on these knuckle dragging soldiers, which does give everyone the chance to make up their own mind, which some would say is a good thing others like myself would totally disagree. We have to educate these people not give them the possibility to take this documentary and turn it into something they can laugh about and enjoy. So following that logic I think the film makers should have voiced their disgust and shame towards these soldiers..

All in all this is a very informative documentary that has much to show to the rest of the world. The biggest lesson these soldiers should take is, IF YOU REALLY THOUGHT WHAT WAS GOING ON WAS WRONG THEN DON'T PUT YOURSELF IN THAT SITUATION...

It's so simple... all these excuses of the little people got thrown under the bus etc.. just doesn't fly.. STOP with the pathetic excuses that you HAD to do it.. the biggest strength is in numbers.. and by the sounds of it they "all" thought these humiliating and torturous acts were wrong.. hummm... There seems to be an error in logic there.. Either they all thought it was wrong but not wrong enough to challenge each other on such a subject. Or... They simply thought (and I use the words "simply thought" purposely) that this was acceptable....and I don't have to explain why both are DESPICABLE reasons.
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Watch-able but remains a pathetic attempt...
24 May 2012
As a film Grave Encounters is very cheap, the characters are close to talentless. Hopefully they were trying to improvise because that's the only way they can kind of excuse themselves as passing that off as being reel people in this film and not actors.

As a wannabe reality film this is a pathetic attempt, the acting just didn't pass off as real, the special effects were FAR too unrealistic and they cheated the viewer SO MANY times. Seriously even someone who has no grasp on film would realise that the other camera's which were used as footage for the fake TV-show are nowhere to be found. One camera fell down a elevator shaft.. so even if they somehow found that camera and miraculously the tape was intact we are still one camera down (TC's).

And what was even more stupid is they pack their equipment so they can't even wirelessly record to their hard drives which would have probably been the only way this footage would have made it out.

I mean the effort put into making us BELIEVE is simply pathetic. So, luckily sometimes the story takes over a little bit and the audience can forget the mockery that is this reality film.

2/10 and that is one hundred percent fair.
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A good take on life.
9 January 2012
What i most loved about this film is that it shows us all how life really is.

We all have our hopes and dreams. The reality is that the faster we all realise human kind is simply on a conveyor belt to slowly assure the evolution of mankind and therefore stop our own extinction. Past that... well there really is nothing past that.. believe in the bible, Koran or Torah... we all have to face reality at one point or another.

Watch this film and absorb the multitude of emotions in which we all go through. If you can get past them all. Well done.. you are a less sensitive human being than i am.

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Do not live your entire life without seeing this film!!!
8 January 2012
GREATEST FILM I HAVE EVER SEEN. i remember seeing it when it first came out when i was 12 years old. now i just finished watching it and have gone through practically a whole box of tissues...

that pure, love and honesty was portrayed so exquisitely well by Michael Clarke Duncan... it made me want to tear my hair out. If there is anything in this world which reminds me of true human love and compassion, it is this film. If you ever give up hope on humanity and the destruction which our disgusting race has brought to this world, watch "The Green Mile" Hopefully it will change your outlook a little bit like it just has mine.

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You Don't Know Jack (2010 TV Movie)
very personal and beautiful
26 December 2011
I honestly love, as an Armenian that my favourite actor in the whole world!!! no other than Al Pacino chooses to play Jack Kevorkian.

Not only does Al Pacino play Jack Kevorkian impeccably, but shows the endearing and off beat visionary Jack Kevorkian was.

And hearing the words Armenian Holocaust, literally brought a tear to my eyes.. Hearing the truth in the major media is such a victory for me and us all really...

no one can imagine the pain and hardships the Young Turks put the Armenian's through. Jack hearing of all these horrors from a very young age, that people are being walked in circles and fatigued to death by the Turks.

Kevorkian in my opinion was simply making sure that no one should have to go through life if they do not want to. metaphorically, I think, he didn't want people to suffer and be walking into the darkness slowly into complete unhappiness or death just like the Armenian's had to. to be given the biggest personal choice any person can make, to commit suicide or continue dragging through an unbearable life.

Of course I know most people will not agree with his method but I personally believe that euthanasia is simply a small but important part of our health system's future a good and humane thing to do if done in the correct setting and with the correct advice.

Al Pacino 10/10 Film 10/10

Without Al Pacino I Would Give It An 8/10 But That's Just A Personal Opppinion.

Don't Miss Out On This Gem!!!
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i honestly don't get all the hate.
20 October 2011
I've read some of the comments and I had to bother to write something to disagree. Out of epic movie and date movie, this film is by far funnier. Yes, is it stupid and yes it goes beyond being a satire and into full on stupidity. but I feel that it was still worth watching.

I hate all these long messages people write so i will keep mine short. This film is NOT AS BAD as people say. If you like spoofs why not watch it. Because I hate to break it to all you people out there but no one else is bothering to make spoofs any more, So unless you want to keep re- watching naked gun, hot shots and airplane etc... you might as well embrace the fact that someone is still bothering to make these spoofs.

so stop complaining, because I know that as soon as another spoof comes out you all will go and watch it regardless. I mean nearly tripling your money on a movie is pretty impressive. So you can pay the man the money and complain but he's the one laughing.

So, in conclusion if you call the writer and director a hack and moron etc.. STOP WATCHING HIS FILMS. otherwise pay to complain. it's up to you :)
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Dread (2009)
by far one of the most fresh horror films out there.
17 October 2011
I watched this film really not knowing what to expect. i saw Clive Barker's name at the beginning under producers/based on his story as well as a woman named Lauri Apelian under producers, which i can only assume is an Armenian name. So i was to say the least very happy!

I understand why some people are complaining about this film not being full on horror but what is more terrifying than the content of the story?

the mood gradually changes throughout the film and nothing is as predictable as some might think. And even if their are some smart asses who spend their time trying to predict a film instead of watching it, I honestly think no one can admit to not being at least intrigued and fully engrossed in what is going on during the film.

I can admit that their are maybe 2 slow parts within this gem but... If your going to pick out the faults like a scab, at least let the bloody brilliance shine through. Best horror film I have seen in a long time and I practically feed off them.

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