
8 Reviews
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
10/10 One of the best movies ever made so far. Period.
31 July 2023
This is not a perfect movie. There are perfect movies in the sense that if you take something out of them or add something in, the movie will get worse. I think Memento for example, was a more perfect movie than this one, and to a certain extent so was Dark Knight. This does not make them better movies than this one; I think this movie is around the same level or better.

This movie also is not an action movie or a cookie cutter thriller or whatever passes for entertainment nowadays in our low IQ society. In a way this is a gem in the sea of cr4p that is produced by the current culture of today. It's a thoughtful work of art. If I could never have watched any Marvel movie and watched this instead I'd do it in a heartbeat.
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LOTR is a hard fantasy to live up to.
17 September 2022
I've watched up to episode 3. This show unfortunately I feel like fails to live up to the scale, the unique character development, and the epic conflict between good and evil as shown in the original Peter Jackson trilogy.

The characters are somewhat interesting but not as engaging as those in the fellowship of the ring. I feel like I'm not very interested in the characters; compared to GoT House of Dragon for example where I care more.

There is this unseen force of evil, but the show doesn't present the conflict in a way that feels to me very engaging or at an epic scale or challenge like the original trilogy. This is okay but problem is combined with other aspects leaves the show less engaging. I think the problem lies with this powerful elf already searching for this evil to begin with, so it's like there's not much to go from beyond that.

The Hobbit trilogy was also probably better- the one problem with that trilogy was it was just too long for the material.

Finally, the show doesn't really feel that much like Lord of the Rings but more-so a generic fantasy. I would say insofar the orcs/goblins are the only thing that feels like LOTR because they are as simple, cruel, threatening, animalistic as before and depicted well so far in that way. The elves meanwhile seem too much like humans.
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Read the following sentence to know all the movie is about
12 January 2014
It's about sex, drugs, and money. That's it. No really that's it. Pretty much nothing happens in between. Think of transformers 3 only drop the CGI metal on metal violence and replace it with Dicaprio snorting cocaine, banging hookers, and spending money. If you want to watch a movie to get some sort of vicarious good feeling out of watching a character do what you wish you could then this is your thing. Otherwise, it's pretty much a three hour waste of time. This is no Wall Street 1987, or American Psycho. Both of those movies actually had something this movie is devoid of: plot and character development. It's just a giant perpetual orgy. If that's your thing go for it.
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Pretty much more of the same populist rhetoric.
16 September 2013
America today is largely divided into two ideological sides, each with its own rhetoric and talking points. Take your pick. This is more of the same. Yes income inequality exists. It always had and always will. "Progressive" policies such as wealth redistribution, which is pretty much what the director advocates, will not solve this. It will at the very most be a short term solution. "Inequality for all" makes it seem like inequality is something new only to this generation. The fact of the matter is these ideas existed in some form for centuries. Judging by the skill set of the average American today there should be little surprise for an increasing wealth gap.

This is all not to say the director isn't right on some points. It's just that the solutions he is suggesting are too simple, too common, and aren't really solutions at all. Rich vs poor debate has existed since serfdom, the French Revolution, Karl Marx, Berlin Wall, etc. Its interesting to see people suggesting that all you need to do is throw (other people's) money at the problem. I mean you can but you'll probably end up at the same place. Apparently income inequality was even better years ago before or just after social security and Medicare and broad social "safety nets" came around (according to the film). Expand the net again and we'll go full circle. It's the way nature works.

The film is just too one-sided in the end. I suppose it'd be useful if you weren't aware there was a wide wealth gap between rich and poor in the first place but the reasons and solutions for it as presented are all deceptively simple. You'll probably only like the film if you're already on the bandwagon, and vice versa. It's less of a documentary than an opinion piece. Just add this to the pile in the eternal left vs right debate.
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I thought it was very funny
10 July 2013
I'd give it a 9 but I wanted to balance out the unjust 1 reviews given. Yes, it may not be your cup of tea but it doesn't deserve a 1. All you people cry lack of intelligence when you give a movie a 1 simply because you didn't find it funny.

It's a funny movie for many people. If you like simple, playful, and raunchy humor you will like it. Otherwise do not go see it. Seriously, you see the cast and you think it'll be a high end sophisticated comedy? Really? Are Americas that dense? This movie targets a certain demographic clearly. It only got down voted to oblivion once pretentious and gullible people started deciding to view it based solely on the IMDb rating.

This like so many other Seth Rogan and Franco films is just simple laid back comedy. In particular if you lighten up and don't expect anything heavy it's a good film. Could be better but it's not meant to be serious. This is also clearly oriented towards the younger (ESP marijuana user) crowd. Like so many similar films.
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Excellent Movie
26 September 2010
Some parts of this movie actually almost brought a tear to my eye. This was a well crafted movie that was also very well executed. The only real issue I had with it was that the plot moved too slowly than what I am used to.

For those saying that this movie is nonfactual or glorifies violence, I wish they would explain themselves. Besides the obvious, I have found nothing in this movie that is outlandishly away from historical fact. As for glorifying violence, I have found it no less provocative than, let's say, current movies like Machete. The people who voted ones simply do not know what they are talking about and are machines that snipe for anything associated with racism, particularly racism from whites.
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Machete (2010)
Trashy movie that is not worthy of an 8/10
6 September 2010
I'm not going to lie, the first thing that struck me was the glaring political messages in this movie. They are ridiculously one-dimensional and reappear throughout the movie; they serve no purpose but to support the loosening of illegal immigration enforcement on the Mexico-US border.

Everything else basically followed your generic American action movie: killings, sex, a simple plot that is not too difficult for the audience, etc. After watching 30 minutes of the movie, I was already sick of it. It may be "brainless fun," but, although it is definitely brainless, it managed to not entertain me even when employing stars like Deniro to its obvious cause. Trashy movie that is not worthy of an 8/10.
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Year One (2009)
Generic, Tasteless Trash
31 July 2010
No one expects a movie like this to be well composed, well played, or even well written, but it severely lacks the one element that could save itself from becoming an unsatisfying time-buster: humor. This is no Superbad, although it feature similar actors. I am not saying that Superbad was a hands-down great movie, but it did have certain quirks of humor that actually made the movie bearable.

Also, the profanity in these types of movies is becoming ridiculous. I am tired of almost every single upcoming comedy emphasizing pubescent thoughts on, you guessed it, sex, sex, sex, etc. Alright, Jack Black is in a movie where he's desperate for chicks and Michael Cera is a teenage virgin who's equally desperate. What else is new?

The movie is immature, uncreative, and just not funny.
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