
28 Reviews
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Fargo (1996)
saw thus at theatre
15 January 2021
Paid $2.00 at theatre and i thought that was too much. dont think thus is spoiler but did like the wood chipper scene
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just like other free love movie
11 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen another movie that the premise is to have sex with one person and it ends up that you cant have sex without feeling something for thee other person. this movie is about the same they think that just because you think you are OK but want to spice things up abit and in the end the one couple is all about sharing but just sex and another is not happy because the wife is stuck with the kids with no outlet for her and her dumb husband smokes weed all the time and so the wife is left alone all the time but they finally figure it out and the couple who thought of it the husband gets to thinking that is having this great connection when the girl is just having great sex so he tells his wife that he is falling for the other woman so they are the only one that end up with ..Ok where do we go from here as the movie fades to black in other words dont think that some miracle is going to save your marriage cause cheating will not slove anything you can never escape your feeling
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Good Day L.A. (1993–2024)
enjoyed this show
3 October 2017
In difference to the previous reviewer ..I did enjoy both KTLA morning news and Good day L.A.... also enjoyed when it first aired with Regis Philbin... because when i lived in Southern California. I did not watch morning Television to be informed of all the bad things going on the world... and listen to political discussions. If I was going to watch morning TV i wanted to be entertained. they had enough news to be informative and had traffic and liked the local movie news which has the So Cal insight not found in Mid-West news
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Sweet Evil (1993 Video)
Yeah that is right
4 September 2004
What ever you do don't cross the wife who is killing everybody who gets in her way ...that is after she sleeps with you. This VHS video is so far out there, there is no credit (on this website) for these actors. Only the director and screenplay. It has some very enjoyable women who are well endowed except for the wife character but Lots of T & A...people making out Lots of T and some A. This wife plots with others to get rid of her husband, killing him, his unknown to him daughter, who he has been doing and then his ex wife his strip bar manager and also a cop who is in on the plot. Well if your looking for plot or anything forget it . Just go for mindless entertainment and sex. that is what you get.
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great movie about love
2 September 2004
This is a really good movie to bond with your G F or your Wife or other . I think it is a serious "chick flick" if you want to call it that. It is about a guy so determined to win the girl of his dreams that he has to first win her over every day. then he has made this VHS tape to show her what her life is like and remind that they are in love but she breaks it off and things go down hill from there but the good guy wins as always. Of course. I dont pay attention to plot development or directing style or plot lines and how the writer messed up or the director did not do something that only some one in directing school or in show business would worry about. I just watch the movie and either enjoy or complain about it. I think it is worth the money spent and time invested in watching it.
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Nice street Strange Movie
29 August 2004
I thought I was going bonkers why couldn't I figure out this movie?? Then I read a couple of newsgroup reviews and figured it out ...It was the movie not me... It had a plot that was hard to follow you had a very hard time trying to figure out what was a real scene and what was fantasy or what someone was dreaming...It went along fairly well from the beginning since I had no clue of what to come ...Then it started with the twists and turns in the storyline and got confusing as to who was what ...first she was Betty then she was Diane but Diane was dead or someone was dead in that apt..and then mystery woman was Rita then she was camila but camila was shown as blonde and ann miller was the apt mgr not the directors Mother... Oh well like one reviewer said just go with .... so I've seen it but probably won't ever get it again one time was confusing enough...
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Sexual Intrigue (2000 Video)
They dont call it SEXUAL intrigue for nothing
21 August 2004
they don't call it sexual intrigue for nothing...that is because nobody can get enough or is it that is how everybody controls the situation...Have Sex make everybody believe they are on your side...But all in all it was a good stay at home on a evening and watch a little risque movie. Which is after all why you rent this movie in the first place. I know that why I did... It has a decent plot and it does keep you guessing until the very end... Ex-convict gets released from prison. Goes back to Girl friend who is waiting. Gets this offer from a wealthy woman about a plot to get money from her husband. Mom and step daughter plot this whole kidnap thing out with some help. but then there is the plot twists keep guessing folks So Not Bad for a little cheap entertainment.
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Bad Boys II (2003)
Very Action Movie
21 August 2004
If you like to see things blown up and cars destroyed etc this is definitely for you. This was DVD rental. It was a good movie but it was a bit long. But then some of what was going on would not have been portrayed if shorten in length ...then some of you would say it was a bad movie well I am not a film critic nor do I listen to them...I really liked the extra DVD stuff on the filming of the car crashes and the drive through shanty town.. makes you more aware of what goes into it and some insight into movie making...As far as the language ...its nothing more than you would hear everyday. If you dont like a lot of swearing and cussing then I would for sure stay away from this movie. I even watched it a second time with a friend of mine..
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Timeline (2003)
I thought it was good
14 August 2004
I am sorry for being not in tune with the latest critic comments here or having not read the book.. but I dont read books ( so Sue me) I watched it from a completely unbiased view point. I dont nit pick about whose plot was right or which director did not do something right or any of those Siskel and Ebert things...( I never go by their opinion anyway) If it was good i say so if it was bad I say so...From an entertainment stand point it was good. Oh and marek was in the grave because he never left 1357 he stayed and therefore died in 1385 or so and then he got buried the others were in the present (or future) because they came back to present day the castle never left where it was at so anything left in the castle in 1357 stayed there until 2004 or ??? and you found it again. So go ahead and hate it if you want I thought it was a good movie!!!!!
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Heather graham was good
25 January 2004
one of the good things was heather graham. the story was very interesting it really kept you guessing what was going to happen. Can't say too much but I would recommend it if someone likes murder who done it's. Of course thee is always the gratuitous sex that has to be thrown in. but this is too relate to passion of these two people I think rather than just having sex in a movie.
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Drowning Mona (2000)
Ok the first time
25 January 2004
With all this star power you would assume the movie would be better than it was. I did not dislike it but sure did not like it all that much. I bought it just for the fact that it had everyone in it. Guessed wrong didn't I. Kind of dumb plot what was there was decent just not that great.
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Boogie Nights (1997)
70's flashback
25 January 2004
The soundtrack was very nice. Never knew all that was going on when I lived near L A during that time and later I'm sure it does to this day. but the movie itself was just so so. it had its good points again the soundtrack but just the fact of seeing the rise and fall of these people lives and how they came back some what is interesting and goes to prove that it can be a dirty business whether porno or reg movies people get money and start making very bad choices and I'm sure people said "thats what you get from doing those filthy movies" Not to stereotype anybody. it would be easy with movie. I do remember going to a pussycat theatre once or twice back then. They were not the best places but it was dark so you couldn't notice anyone else that was there which was most likely for the better.
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Not bad
25 January 2004
This was a off the wall choice but it turned out fair;y good. The little fact that i could not get is how did he get to live in the house after the owner died. and got to drive around in his car. we just did not see that part. movie was good had enough plot twists Ms Warren was nice and Bruce Willis wasn't too bed either. It kind of threw you in the beginning with everything going on but finally got the just of things later. i wouldn't mind watching it again
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Deceptions (1990 TV Movie)
Not bad but not great either
25 January 2004
This is a pretty good movie if you like murder mysteries. Harry Hamlin does his usual good job at being the bad boy cop who does not have enough sense not to get involved with a suspect and the usual gratuitous sex was nice Ms Sheridan has the required nice Bod. And the Sax Soundtrack is familiar from the red shoes dairies movies. And it was not annoying. it surprised me at the end but I had figured it out or had a good ides about who did it. must not have been that hard to figure out if i got it right

If i wanted some mindless entertainment i would watch it again
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Hot Desire (2002 Video)
Nice trip to Hawaii
17 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
It was a good trip to hawaii and i guess character had a nice job with knock out woman but then gets it on with coworker and wife finds out and is consoled by new beach guy and in the end both wife and friend are together. Otherwise story is OK i would most likely rent it again I suppose. You kind of wonder when the first shot shows a guy laying on floor dead and then they show you how he came to be that way. wife was very weak. for giving in to temptation
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Wicked Temptations (2002 Video)
sex secrets and lies 2 is the DVD name
17 November 2003
It was a DVD rental under that name. It was half way decent and had a plot and everything. pretty good acting and good quality but they inserted some gratuitous sex in between actual acting for no reason at all not that that was bad but stuck out really bad.. I would rent it again if someone was looking for that kind of movie.
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Car wash for 2002
6 August 2003
You had to be here for the 70's to appreciate this movie. It would have been great along side car wash and other films like these. I am not sure why you would want to make a 70's type movie except for the nostaglia effect and why any thing from back then is IN now but it was a funny at times with subtle jokes older people might get better than most. the malt liquor one was kind of sneaky. It was good for what I used it for something to watch and listen to those old fav's. As far as a review like other folks have said it may reinforce the stereotypes of that era but when you go back to those times that is what is going to happen. Enjoy it for what it is worth and go on.
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Click: The Body Beautiful (1997)
Season 1, Episode 1
Hurray for Gabriella
6 August 2003
It was another fine example of a well endowed woman and a cheesey idea about sex making a good combination to bring you a movie to watch when you just want to chill out. This is another movie that is funny, has a plot but they know how to blend or should I say throw in some plot with the boobs and sex. Great viewing for those late nights. It was pretty good had an storyline that was believable and this crazy idea about what people would do if there was such a thing as a clicker. You either like these types of movies for there entertainment value or not. There is not a lot of debate either way. But I ramble too much.
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Cruel Intentions 2 (2000 Video)
Did not see on TV
4 August 2003
This was a VHS rental. I thought it was a prequel to the first one which as I had read I also like the first one better. Only because I saw that one first and it does have to slightly better plot. This movie makes sense when you understand that this is the first movie in that it lays all the plot for the cruel intentions (1) I t has its own plot but the Sebastion character is much less of a force equal to that of Kathryn in this one. this sebastion is much weaker in spirit but at the end starts coming around. Danielle is a good diversion in this movie. I think they cast the roles better in the first one Sarah Michelle Gellar is better at being Kathryn but this does quite an admirable job.
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American Pie (1999)
Strange Movie
4 August 2003
This was a VHS rental, it was a strange movie but a good way some of the scenes were weird like to sock on his ???? and trying to hump the pie to see what IT would feel like. If I recall right they all seemed to end up with decent dates. I will have to watch "2" just to see the next one before I watch Am Wedding. but most likely wont see it again.
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Time Changer (2002)
Not Sci-Fi but religion
11 July 2003
I was expecting a movie about time travel which i like. Time travel movies are interesting since they give you thoughts of what it might be like to go back in time. This used to premise to try to persuade you to become more in touch with your day to day self and to include God in your life like they may have at the turn of the century ...while this is not a bad thing I just did not want it thrown at me in a movie disguised as entertainment when it was really a revival meeting such a billy Graham or ( pardon me) An Assy of God sunday worship service. the whole movie was this seminary teacher going back in time telling who ever would listen that we need to have Christ in our lives ..He had a whole long speech as he was supposed to be telling people at a church ( which was a probably accurate depiction of today church life in some ways. it just did not set with me I came to be entertained not preached to .. while I agree with the message we do not need it thrown at us in a movie.
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strange Dark story of rebirth
10 July 2003
The director stated it was a story of rebirth and i kind of agree with him. Roseanne seems like a regular teen dating the football star, being a cheerleader but at home she seems troubled by a step father and mother that have grown apart and don't really get along. the Step father drinks for whatever reason to forget or too cope with a marriage that is almost gone. The mother goes out with a female friend and she meets a bartender. They hit it off only because i think she was looking for some tenderness in her life since there was little it appears in her marriage. it is still HER indiscretion that starts her to go out to SEE the bartender, the husband finds them at a public place and sent home with a injured head. this leads to the wife moving out leaving him and roseanne in the home together with his drinking. finally he gets drunk (although not shown) takes his anger or frustration out on his step-dau one night by raping her it seems. she retreats into her self and get deeper into rejection by the other students but Vincent a boy with a dark side still befriends her or tries. this abuse causes roseanne to plot her step father's demise with her boyfriends help whether willing or not. Roseanne finally does the deed and the Mom discovers the body later and of course touches everything to implicate herself. Roseanne and boyfriend grow more and more distraught over time while Mom goes on trial for murder. Eventually things get out of hand and the relationship between Vincent and Roseanne grow. She admits to killing her father and Mom is freed.. Eventually Roseanne is released from Prison.. In the mean time Vincent has visited her and they become close. She has realized or become a different person learning from Vincent and beginning again

I bought at a sale of DVD's at Wal-Mart so I did not rent it. It is strange tale at first but becomes very interesting seeing how she changes from one person to this other totally new person. I dont know if I would watch it again maybe with someone that has not seen it.. I HAVE seen alot worse...
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Oh the games people play
22 June 2003
Despite the other comments, It was rather interesting these movies ( which I rented not seen on cable) about mind games that bored rich people play to amuse themselves like the one which had michael douglas as a rich guy that went thru crap to discover that his son was doing it for laughs or as a birthday gift ?? any way you think it is going one way and then find out that it is something completely totally different .. it was kind of poetic justice as far as the movie goes that Matt is now a partner and the boss is going down to New Orleans because the Dubois want to evaluate him while Matt gleefully sends him off while setting up at date for dinner with his wife....Not a real keeper but good for a evening entertainment I would say...Matt was definitely changed by this game for the better is left to be seen...
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Expose (1997)
Starts out ?? but ends on sour note
22 June 2003
Well (rented not seen on cable) it starts out good well you know for this kind of movie... cute bimbo type things they can get gifts by compromising people's situation but then it gets weird when they throw in the underhanded business type and then it starts to go REALLY down hill and finishes with a bunch of gun play and blackmail ...I was disappointed with the ending if they had kept it about the cute bimbo's it might have been OK but oh well try again ...that is making a decent movie that is worth something
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Jailbait (1993 Video)
Not that impressed
24 April 2003
I can not see the great film that others see. The story is stereotypical of movie about Hollywood. I must have been down there at the wrong times because I never saw all those nasty people there all the times I went down. Besides that the story was normal. Small town girl runs away looking for friend or others ends having no money and ends up working the streets. The main female char... does not work the streets but almost. The cop is a bit hard to take. It has the usual T & A but does it sparingly. All in all just OK. Nothing I would get again.
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