
10 Reviews
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The Nightmare (II) (2015)
Well directed, but has issues
4 April 2016
The directing and editing on this documentary are very well done. Lots of really great horror imagery. I'm not sure if it's the people embellishing their stories or if the interviews are just scripted to begin with. But something feels incredibly fake about a lot of it. I really hate giving this a bad score. I was going to give a lower one but at least a 5 is average. Its a very well made movie, but some of the stories people were telling made me cringe with how made up they felt. Who knows, though. Maybe they did experience that. But for one reason or another, I didn't buy it. If you're interested in the topic of sleep paralysis, this is a decent watch. Check it out on Netflix. You might like it more than I did.
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Doesn't comepletely hold up
18 January 2013
PROS: The film's cinematography is amazing, especially with it's low budget. The imagery is fantastic and sets up a very nice atmosphere. Some of the scenes, mostly the chase scenes, are sort of intense. The premise is great because we are diving in to this insane world we don't understand with the people that get stuck in this situation. CONS: I DON'T GIVE A CRAP ABOUT THESE PEOPLE! I say the chase scenes are sort of intense because I don't really care if this dumb bimbo makes it away. You'd think with this premise they would try to make us care about these characters but they are such cut outs and acted so woodenly that I wouldn't care. I would just take it as a regular splatter flick but the beginning is practically repeating itself beat for beat. I did sort of enjoy the last 20 minutes because it sort of became a bizarre black comedy. I believe that back in 1974, this would have been terrifying, but I just don't think it holds up these days as it sort of becomes a laughable incoherent mess.
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8 October 2012
Let me make one thing clear, I am a fan of Robert Benfer. I love a lot of his internet videos from the recent years. But I'm sad to say, I didn't care for this at all and found it really hard to sit through. Maybe if I hadn't spent money on it I wouldn't feel as bad. Don't get me wrong, there are funny bits but very few and far between. I'm 18, but I think this is more geared towards 9-15 year olds. I decided to give it a shot knowing I'm a fan of his current work but I seemed to forget that even listening to old Knoxkast episodes, I found him a little annoying. He has grown and not only a filmmaker, but also a person in the time since this movie's release. Wish I would have skipped this one, but I do look forward to future works.
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Dark Shadows (2012)
Didn't expect much. Didn't meet THAT expectation.
12 May 2012
I feel like this film had potential. I went in to it knowing that it wasn't as much of a comedy as the trailers made it out to be. I must say when it was trying to be funny it usually was. But there are somethings that dragged it down. #1. Half of the elements were unestablished. Everything seemed to just come out of nowhere without rhyme or reason. Then once they suddenly happen, they serve no purpose. #2. THE BIGGEST PROBLEM: The child actors are HORRIBLE! The boy, I could stand. He doesn't really do much. But the girl, was so bad, I can't comprehend why someone would cast her, I can't comprehend why she would deliver lines the way she did. I kid you not. She made her character so flat, I just wanted some one to deck her every time she said anything or walk on screen with her stupid expression. This movie just didn't work because it just never felt right and nothing made any sense. But there is some entertainment value in some of the jokes and some of the things that are so bad they are funny. So you might give this a rental if you and some friends want to have a laugh.
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The End (VI) (2011)
Love it.
14 January 2012
Fera strikes gold again. The first time I saw this, I thought it was okay. This seems to be something that always happens with Dom's films when I watch them. Everything always flies by me and the hype gets to me. But, once the hype has been deflated, I watch it a second time and witness the true near perfection of these shorts. I say near because there are small things I don't like. Like...the color-correction. Yeah, I know, I'm going to complain about THAT!? The only other thing being that I didn't like how the windows in the car scene are just white. Sorry, these are the two minor things that bother me. Other than that, the dialoge, the cinematography, the direction, the acting are amazing! Dom of course does an amazing job, managing to find away to be hilarious at the same time. The kid (who's name escapes me) did very well. The girl (who's name escapes me) was also great. She was also just near perfection, with minor work, she is on her way to having a great acting career. Over all, a great film and very entertaining concept.
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Didn't need to be made but superior to the original
18 September 2011
Please hear me out on this. The original is a classic and was good for it's time. But it doesn't hold up like a lot of classic 80's horror films do. Now the original is laughably bad. But it's sort of it's own fault. The original Nightmare was made to cash in on the slasher genre and ended up sparking a pretty awesome concept. Now, this movie is no different. It is just cashing in on the Nightmare on Elm Street name. But, everything has a much more threatening tone. Freddy is actually well developed and I enjoyed seeing his story unfold. It was in no way perfect though. But much better then the development in the original which was nonexistent which may have been done for a reason, but didn't work as well. Now I must mention the thing that people didn't like is the jump scares. Which is annoying. The film is very loud on purpose and uses loud noises to make you jump. That is sort of lame. But, it's due to the atmosphere it provides that makes it work. Which is the only way I can defend that. The one thing I'll say the original did better was the music. All of the tracks in this soundtrack sound alike, just dark tones. Which I don't mind, I love Tyler Bates' music for Halloween, but this is just sort of lazy. Overall I enjoyed this much more then the original, but I can respect anything good about the original as well.
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Tiny Heroes (1997)
Still confused...
23 August 2011
So the whole plot of the antagonists Captain Ratso and Mr.Pike, is that they are hired by some guy to kidnap a bunch animals. He doesn't give a reason as to why he wants these animals. It's obvious it's not for any sort of profit. In fact he just acts as if he has some sort of outstanding grudge with them. What did the animals do to him? Also, is this movie suggesting everyone with a big nose is evil? Why would anyone hire these guys? They dress like bums. Business obviously isn't that good. They are just really crappy at their job. And how the hell is this guy a captain? How does one become a captain? Do you just call yourself a captain and it just happens? Oh and the rabbit who eats a lot got fat and get's stuck in places. I think they even try to play off his obesity as useful. It's not! Children should be running a mile every day not sitting around watching crappy bunny cartoons. Dr. Owl is getting up there in years and he's requesting help from Tiny but when he only asks him to do a minor task that is very important he whines. What a little arrogant jerk. No wonder he's like that, he get's to eat at the table. Why are these people so stupid!? They really believed the captain's name was Mr.Nice Guy for a while and fall for all of his stupid tricks. And if I were Mr. Pike I wouldn't be taking any of Ratso's crap.
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This movie gave me cancer.
21 August 2011
I didn't expect anything good when I heard about this movie. I'm not sure why I allowed myself to be tricked in to watching it. First of all, it was advertised on 2 things. 1: The fact that it's an Adam Sandler movie and he has made funny movies in the past. 2: One shot of the hot woman walking out of the water being shown a million times. We get it she's hot. Are we stupid? Oh my God! I want to see this movie so bad because there's hot chick in it! Give me a break. The child actors in this film were horrible. Which usually goes without saying. But good lord! Then, why is everyone in the movie so stupid? Why do they let these kids walk all over them. You take them aside and tell them to stop being little ass holes. Hell, hit them I don't care. I would say the only saving grace of this film is Nick Swardson. He is always pretty funny. But he doesn't have much to do in this movie. Slap stick is getting old. I'm pretty sure modern audiences who are over 12 or have half a brain don't think some one running into something or falling down and going boom is funny.
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Zookeeper (2011)
Seen it all before, don't want to again...
10 July 2011
Kevin James is a hilarious and very talented man. But his recent choices for films are absolutely horrible. Paul Blart= Stupid Grown Ups= Great as a concept but turns our horribly stupid.

Mr. James is not the only one we should be shaking our head in disapproval at. What about Adam Sandler and his horrible recent films. Not only the ones he stars in, but the ones he produces.

Let's face it. Talking animals and obvious slap stick doesn't work. Oh he ran into something, that's so funny! Ha ha! Oh the gorilla has heard of TGI Fridays! I've heard of TGI Fridays too! I'm so fat and stupid! Ha ha!

The PG-13 comedies that come out these days with the same exact premise just in a different place every time have grown very dull. They aren't funny. My advice to these people would be step out of the box and do something really good now! Or, quite while you're ahead. We love you Adam and Kevin, but not your recent movies.
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Amazing on 1st glance, a masterpiece on 2nd...
16 March 2011
Over the past few years Vampires, along with other fictional creatures of the night, have been exploited by Hollywood in all the wrong ways. But the young and talented YouTube director/writer/actor Dom Fera brings it back with with a bang. In this amateur short film made by high school students (at the time), 3 teenagers are stalked by a blood thirsty vampire named Drake (Dom Fera) on Halloween night. The directing is superb and the same can be said for everything else in the movie. Fera not only directs, writes, and stars in the film. He also does the amazing as well as catchy score, editing, and much more then I can remember off the top of my head. But for the most part, everything is seemingly near professional. Dom's performance (as well as Seth King's) was flawless, taking the vampire back to it's roots creating the sadistically evil character he did, while at the same time delivering dialogue that I would go out on a limb and say is almost Tarantino like. The whole thing is great and an absolute must see.
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