
12 Reviews
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Surprised considering it was Epoch Times.
12 March 2024
There was no bombshells in this documentary. They criticized that some video evidence that could possibly be exculpatory to some of the defendants was not provided to them. There was 144,000 hours. If their lawyers worked round the clock for 1,833 days, maybe they might have found it. There was acknowledgement of the violence & it started by the protesters. A lot that happened was never mentioned. The police beaten with flagpoles & fire extinguishers. They talked about the chemical repellents, but only by the cops. Failed to mention the many protesters that came with bear spray, body armor & some with zip ties.. No telling about the rioters who defalcated & smeared it everywhere. Was surprised considering the right leaning of Epoch Times they didn't push the conspiracies that it was Antifa of an FBI inside job. The cops used less than lethal measures, but even then there is always the possibility of someone being injured. Wasn't like it was Kent State. Ashlee Babbit was one of the first ones breaking into the chambers while the members were still being evacuated. She is not a martyr.
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Family Ties Vacation (1985 TV Movie)
Gave up after 20 minutes. I'll never get that back!
18 February 2022
I'm a big fan of Family Ties. That's why I couldn't believe just how bad this was. I know it is a takeoff on European Vacation, but just not a very good one.
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Bizarre Murders (2018– )
SO bad I couldn't make it through the 1st episode.
25 June 2021
Obviously fake sleazy & cheesy story lines. The "Fargo" type disclaimer should be a big clue how phony it is. The difference is Fargo was meant to be a very dark comedy. The intro was part of the joke. It was brilliant. This is a bad soap opera only the really gullible will believe. You might ask how I can review this having watched so little. I'm usually patient with any new series. I've stuck it out on some that are off to a slow start & sometimes am pleasantly surprised when they hit their stride. I would normally give any series at least a half dozen episodes. This is SUCH a stinker I wouldn't waste the time.
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Raised by Wolves (2013–2016)
The parts I could understand were hilarious
23 April 2021
Maybe they had no intention of this airing outside the UK when taping. I sometimes have trouble understanding British accents. Occasionally checking the subtitles will help. Not only were the accents very strong, some of the characters were speaking so fast the subs were difficult to catch without pausing, even backtracking. At times I wasn't watching the screen at all; I was so focused on the bottom. Still, There were some laugh out loud moments, worthy of the caliber of good British comedy. I suppose those in the UK would really enjoy it. Just with what I could catch, I think it could have gone some more seasons. It is bawdy, even vulgar at times with a unique cast. If it wasn't such a struggle to understand, I would have given it a 10.
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One star because they won't let you give it zero!
17 August 2019
A series of bloody fictional murders & nothing about the real crimes until a series of informational screens before the credits. A lot of mystical nonsense, I guess about a woman who bought one of the murder houses decades later wondering if it is haunted in some way. Confusing when it keeps jumping time. When a movie title appears to be about historical events you expect at least some degree of accuracy even though in Hollywood it usually seems verboten to portray things just the way they happened. I watched two movies about the BTK killer. Having lived in Wichita through all this, I was very familiar with the facts. One was unusually accurate with the lead looking & sounding so much like Rader it was creepy. The other was like this. Just used the BTK name & a series of completely made up gory crimes. I don't know why I didn't just turn off this film. Maybe it was just such a train wreck I couldn't look away. I don't review mediocre series & movies. Only the great ones & the real stinkers. Probably seen worse movies; just can't think of one right now!
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Battle Creek (2015)
At least it didn't end in a cliffhanger
24 November 2016
The last episode is not really a finale but it does clear up the main question everyone was wondering all along. At least it won't leave you mad like some one season shows. I watched one a while back that ended with a cop facing an impossible moral decision and the screen goes to black and you hear a gun shot.

I always liked Dean Winters with his wise cracking attitude and he was the best thing about this show. It is worth the time to watch. They don't overdo the comedy angle. It's not a comedy show about cops; it's a cop show with some pretty funny moments at times. It also limits the blood and gore to fairly brief shots.

There are so many networks producing original programming that even decent shows like this one gets pulled at the first sign of a ratings drop. In the days when there were just 3 and 4 networks they would consider the quality of the program before canceling. A lot of the greatest classic series had poor ratings in the beginning. Now they think a season is 13 or even 10 episodes. They will kill the show without even airing episodes they have already taped. Or else they burn them off Saturday evening two at a time when most other channels are showing sports.

I have seen other cop shows about the same quality last several years. Too many series that have real potential like this are not given a chance.
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Selfie (2014)
100% laugh free
27 February 2016
I decided to watch this sitcom because I am a big fan of John Cho. What a waste of his talent. It doesn't matter how good an actor is if the writing is so dismal. In many sitcoms there are characters that are dim witted and it can make for some really hilarious moments. The other characters can play off of this and poke fun at them when they say or do something really stupid. In "Two and a Half Men" Berta would make wise cracks about Jake that were real screamers. In this show it seems that ALL the characters are not that bright. The writers seem to think that if you say something really stupid fast enough that somehow that is funny. Most of the dialogue are lines that no one would ever say in real life. It is supposed to be some sort of an adaptation of Pygmalion but did not seem to fit much of this in any aspect. In the some comments on the board they were lamenting that it was canceled and ABC did not even air the last two episodes. With so much competition networks are quick to drop a program with poor ratings. I have seen many new programs that I thought had real potential that met this fate. This show is so bad I don't think it could have even survived in the days when there were only three networks. Sometimes with shows that are not renewed the networks will burn off remaining episodes two at a time on Saturday evening in the worst rating slots, often when up against sports. Perhaps this is because of contractual obligations or possibly they think a enough viewers would complain if they did not air them. A show has to be pretty bad when a network has paid for episodes to be taped that they must figure it is a greater loss to waste even a bad time slot. I have watched many new series patiently because even some of the great classics took time to really hit their stride. I keep hoping that they will get better but this one never did. I say good riddance to this stinker. I rated it one star because you can't give it zero!
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Wilfred (2011–2014)
A remake that outshines the original
18 November 2014
One of the best comedies in years. I wouldn't even call it a sitcom because that would put it in a category so many lame shows with an annoying laugh track after every third line. Every episode has at least 3 or 4 screamer funny moments. I loved the Australian version and I didn't think it this could ever measure up but I was pleasantly surprised. Had they replaced Jason Gann as Wilfred it would have never worked. There is such a chemistry with Elijah Wood as Wilfred dupes him over and over. Even when he catches him in his constant tricks and lies Wilfred just won't give it up and spins even bigger lies to cover it up. The humor is often outrageously wicked, vulgar and dark. Not recommended for younger audiences. I would say 16 years or older. I was sorry to see it end but it really went out on top.
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Loved it!
24 March 2014
The one critic so far that reviewed this series had very little good to say about it. I guess that shows the hypocrisy of a lot of critics. They think that if they don't rip apart everything they review no one will pay attention to them. As a comedy it is not a constant stream of belly laughs but there are some. Instead it is a delightful story that is just fun to watch. Even though the ending is predictable it's great to see all the odd ways that gets there. I have avoided any spoilers here because I always steer clear of them them on anything I watch. Instead I will just say I highly recommend it and I think most of you will agree with me.
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Unhappily Ever After (1995–1999)
Love Bobcat!
17 November 2012
So many knock offs, especially sitcoms, try to make a pretense that they are not. This is certainly not the case here. Just the fact that Geoff Pierson and Ed O'Neill look enough alike to be brothers can be no accident. The constant trading of insults, The hot daughter, dad portrayed as a loser etc. The one thing that kept me watching was Mr. Floppy. Bobcat is brilliant in this role and provides the biggest laughs. Without him I don't think this show would have ever seen a second season. After watching so many years of Married With Children I probably wouldn't have made it past the pilot. I thought the pill popping grandmother was also pretty funny at times.
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Great film for all ages
1 October 2012
Best family film ever! I have seen this movie so many times I could almost quote the entire dialog! My wife and I loved it so much that when she was expecting at that time we considered that if it had been a girl that we might have named her Savannah. This film has such a range from outrageously funny to heartwarming to tear jerker. Savannah's good bye to Bootsie was one of the best dramatic performances by a child actor I have ever seen. I was deeply saddened when I learned of Bridget's tragic death. She was not only tremendously talented, she had a genius I.Q. The soundtrack in this film was first rate. I searched for hours on the web to find it and finally found a link to get the CD directly from Ken Sutherland. If you liked this film you should also see Bridget in "A Summer To Remember".
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Emerging Past (2011 Video)
Best Horror Film, Great Soundtrack
9 July 2011
This film has many strange twists with a really unpredictable ending that ties all of the weirdness together. The camera work was great. Unlike so many recent action films where the shots flash faster than an MTV video, You don't have to struggle to understand what is happening. The violence, while graphic, is necessary to the plot and not gratuitous. If you buy the DVD be sure to get the soundtrack. Gerard McMahon (G Tom Mac) performed much of the soundtrack and co-produced on this film. If his name is not familiar, you have been hearing his work for decades in soundtracks of dozens of major films and TV series. He has also written and performed with many stars of the music industry. I knew Gerard as a kid, and even at 13 years old I could tell that he had an amazing natural talent.
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