2 Reviews
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Jackie Chan Reveals His Outstanding Dramatic Abilities
13 June 2010
A very thought provoking serious film that presents itself well through an entertainment medium. I commend this film highly.

If you're looking for the usual US Jackie Chan fare of comedy or acrobatic martial arts and downright dangerous stunt work, you won't find it here. Instead, you will find a wealth of dramatic ability from some of Asia's finest actors and actresses. For Jackie Chan, this is something some of us have known about for years, but found woven in his older serious action films not normally released in the US except by DVD. Even in those, the stellar action and stunt work tends to overshadow the dramatic parts, as good as they are.

This is a serious drama about finding a girl friend from China who illegally entered Japan and the entanglements that ensue. Chan's character, Steelhead, after losing contact with a girl friend shortly after her illegal immigration to Japan, makes the perilous journey to Japan, and becomes an illegal immigrant himself to find her.

From that point on, it becomes a film noir dramatic exploration of the legal entanglements, dangers, victimization and abuse that befall illegal immigrants regardless of location and nationality. While this story is built from a montage of real events that occurred amongst Chinese illegals in the Tokyo Shinjuku district in the 1990s, the issues explored typify issues surrounding illegal immigrants in any urban location in the world.

Well crafted, well directed and well acted. Daniel Wu and Naoto Takenaka provide outstanding performances. Daniel Wu's character, as outrageously dressed and behaved as it may seem in the latter half of the film, is an accurate portrayal of dress and behavior in that place, time and circumstance. Naoto Takenaka delivers a very credible performance of a law enforcement official caught between struggling humanity, victimization, vicious criminals and the rule of law.

There is some action, brief, graphic and violent but it is not gratuitous and not the focus of the film. It serves a pivotal role in the story and the portrayal of circumstances illegals face in a foreign country. It is a clear unfettered look into the violence that Triad and Yakuza use to enforce their territories and will. If anything, current realities between the US, Mexico and the drug cartels have a level of violence this film never reaches.

Jacky Chan rises admirably to the type of character who sets out to save his fellow nationals from their circumstances but not without a heavy price to be paid and not without serious misjudgments along the way. The scenery, characterizations, dress and actions all portray the situation of illegal Chinese, Triads and Yakuza in Tokyo's Shinjuku district in the 1990s as accurately as any dramatic presentation will ever be able to do.
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Cash (2008)
Humorous, delightful, stylish, entertaining
13 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Contains a partial spoiler at the end with a warning line as a comment about another review...

I found this a delightful, fun and entertaining French movie about a masterful and highly convoluted confidence crime (or crimes). Thanks TF1 et al for a fun and entertaining movie! I'm recommending this one to friends for light entertainment.

I feel it is well cast, has some fine contemporary actors/actresses and I believe they play their characters well. I feel an easy-going style, fun, light-hearted portrayal to the characters that plays well in the overall style of story. This is, after all, light-hearted pure entertainment. I can imagine the characters fun to portray and this film fun to make.

The scenery and setting are bright and up-scale. Nothing is dreary or drab, adding to the overall light-hearted and delightful feel.

I feel the reveals are well paced and will not give away too much or too little (at least for me) right up to the end. The pace seems right to me. It felt quick but not rushed. It kept moving and left me little time to ponder deeply, something I feel appropriate for this type of movie.

There is virtually no action in this movie, it is all comedic drama with what I feel is well-paced tension and relief.

Some dialog is in English, some in French. I've not been able to figure that one out, since all the characters speaking English are supposedly French. The English dialog has some Anglicisms recognizable to me (e.g. a "fiver") but may not be to some in the US and the English accents British or Canadian. The English (I'm not a francophone) subtitles for the French dialog seem very natural with the characters and what little French I know although I can't speak for the total accuracy of the translation. This is one of the easiest subtitled movies to watch I've seen, and I tend to browse the foreign film sections of video stores and rentals more than any other section.

I think all but the most naive viewers will start realizing what is really happening very close to the end, but not too soon to spoil the ending. I think the writers, director and cast have all made viewers' reveal timing nicely elastic and not brittle.

Partial Spoiler Alert....

One reviewer felt that no group would do anything this elaborate just to leave _____ out in the Mediterranean in a boat out of gas and found that too far outside the realm of suspended disbelief for comfort. I believe that review completely misses the strongly implied impending mortal revenge about to take place off camera and just past the movie's time line. But, I may be willing to suspend disbelief for this form of entertainment a little more than that reviewer. As with all movies of this type, the intricacy of the scheme hatched is far beyond what anyone would sensibly rely on in real life.

End Partial Spoiler...
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