
31 Reviews
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Fando and Lis (1968)
Excellent art-film
30 October 2004
The film itself barely has any narrative and many of the film's mysteries will not be revealed until the viewer watches the commentary by the director (referring to the DVD version). Nevertheless, the film is an excellent example of the abstract art cinema. Everything in the film is a symbol, the film plays itself out in symbols and imagery, it is an example of a pure attempt to tell a story without holding the audiences hand in any way. This is international art cinema at it's best, and of course I understand that not everyone will enjoy this film, fortunately this genre does not require the audience to follow along. If you put your heart into watching the film and later watch the commentary to wash away the confusion, I promise, you'll be happy you did so.
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well done. mike and charlie do it well!
19 March 2004
I went into this movie unsure what to expect. Of course, I've been waiting for this film to come out for quite a long time. So any vision of the film really was hard for me to come up with.

The first five minutes rolled and I feel in love with Kate Winslet's character. And everything else just fell into place.

The movie gets down well what it's like to be in a relationship, and how relationships fall apart. When they invent this type of surgery in real life i'm sure they'll be plenty of people wanting to get it, and I'm sure it'll cause some great chaos. If stem cell research which actually can save lives and improve the world is getting flack from insane right-winged people, then this type of thing would as well, but it's a great concept and very possible.

The film itself takes on a life of it's own. I'd like to see it again just to absorb it into my skin. I love this film as much as I thought I would. Anyone can love this film. As long as you have a span of attention...see this film. It's well made and well written and true to the heart. If you have no sense of good cinema and just want Britney Spears and MTV to combine again... stay home and cry for yourself.
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Happiness (1998)
18 December 2003
I just finished watching this movie and I thought it would be best to comment on it while it was fresh within my head. I first saw Todd's work when I saw 'Welcome to the Dollhouse' when I was really young. So I liked that and therefore... decided to go for happiness.

WOW. This movie takes you places you know you want to go but would never venture. Truly unique is this movie and the fact that Jon Lovitz and Phillip Seymour Hoffman are in the same feature, even for a second, make the movie outrageous!

This movie is a trip for one to go on and it's kind of hard to explain. The dialog is incredibly realistic and the problems are realistic but the kind of things people just don't talk about. Todd has this interesting view of the suburbs which I can truly appreciate (having grown up in the suburbs.)

The last 30 minutes of the movie I won't give away. But I will say this, in a scene between a father and his son, and everything after that... watching that just had something SNAP for me. Something about the suburbs just looks different after seeing this, and you'll never think of people's families the same way. After watching that, it was just sooo good and sooo interesting and yet so kinda sad and still funny that your like WOW. It's like I didn't know I had the ability to mix emotions and nostalgia so well and weirdly until now.

Definitely watch this movie. And in the mighty words of FG, "That's all I have to say about that."
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If you love KURT learn COURTNEY
13 September 2003
Kurt Cobain was the most influential rock star of the 1990s. Within the two years that Nirvana had reached it's peak fame, the youth trembled with a new wave of interest in life. A new rebellion. And a new source of income for future widow Courtney Love.

If you love Nirvana, and love Kurt more particularly, this film should be your first step in discovering what REALLY happened with Kurt Cobain's death. It was not a suicide, and evidence upon evidence will put silence to the cynics who simply want the past to stay in the past.

Courtney Love is NO innocent. I mean, I'm reviewing a film so I cannot reveal my true feelings about Courtney, but before watching this I had read articles upon articles on what Courtney did to Kurt during their years together and how INSANE she was when she dated Smashing Pumpkins singer Billy Corgan. Look, just watch this movie. The filmmaker has an honest interest on uncovering exactly what happened to Kurt Cobain.

It's hard to describe the spine tingling feelings this film causes.

Just WATCH it.
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An emotional journey
1 September 2003
This film is really amazing. I think I have to comment on it simply because of how amazing this film truly it. It has this sense and feel to it that really give you the idea that the director has a sense of his film and where hes sending the audience's emotions the entire time.

Adam Sandler plays a very lonely mechanic. He answers phones, sells plundgers, actually we're never really sure what it is that Adam Sandler does besides it being bleak and sad.

The movie begins with everything quiet and then a sudden car crash. Then a piano is dropped. Thats about a metaphor for the entire film.

The film has a very slow pace at first. It is very quiet and strange in this sense that only older films were able to capture. Then it suddenly merges itself into a perfect ball when Adam Sandler has an emotional outburst on his sister. It seems that, THAT moment has built up his anger inside of you. I found myself really cheering him on, jumping out of my seat, angry with his anger.

The film is truly an amazing journey. Fans of cinema do indeed WATCH. However fans of Adam Sandler's slap-stick emotional nothingness may not enjoy it as much. Adam actually acts in this movie, instead of acting like the 'adam sandler' character he does in his comedy films. (Don't get me wrong, I'm a BIG fan of Sandler and all his work. BUT HE CAN ACT! That's something MANY stars today cannot do.)

9 STARS! This film really deserves it!
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Full Comment on The Rules of Attraction
14 August 2003
I had already commented on this movie before I realized the extent people had gone to try and knock this film that I so strongly feel is a piece of art. I decided to defend the film further and add myself to the list of true supporters.

The film is essentially perfect, the split-screen truly brings a new aspect to the movie and despite the complaints of many this film brought interesting aspects of the story into the film through the techniques that were used in the film.

The plot is essentially about characters that are empathetic and pretentious, the thing that many people seem to miss is that this movie is a satire of reality; however, in reality these people exist. Many of them are examples of people I know who exhibit many or all of the traits of these people.

Roger Avery took this film to a new level by using a campus to capture the feeling of going to a New England liberal arts college. If you have ever attended such a school however, you are likely already a fan of this film.

Not every film has to be cheery with a conclusion at the end. Film does not always have to be an escape from life, and what escape is better from life than to look at life in an analytical way and then perhaps change ones perspective?

This film should be adored; I could never find one person who wasn't amazed that they hadn't already seen The Rules of Attraction. Let alone one person in college who did not understand, relate and enjoy this film.

Every aspect of this film has been carefully planned to Fred Savage all the way to the classic film Fred Savage watches muted on his TV, (the irony of a silent film being muted...) perhaps many of these things are inside elite jokes but I'd like to think not. Who better could show the reversal of childhood innocence in later life than Fred Savage? Than the Wonder Years kid? Because in real life people do date Winney Cooper and then go on to do heroin. Not everyone, but many. It should be looked at and often is looked at in this jaded fashion that the movie was filmed in.

The movie is a piece of genius I could talk about forever, but if I did that I'd probably be as insane as the people who will spend the rest of their lives knocking this movie.

SEE THIS MOVIE. WELL worth your time. I look forward to Avery's career.
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Captures the feeling...
14 August 2003
This movie truly captures the feeling of going to a small liberal arts college. I go to one currently and I can tell you that parties, sex, and life is very much like this film.

People who refuse to believe it simply go to community college or have a much more dosile experience. This film is true to life and true to art.

A+ Perfect.
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Really a likeable guy...
14 August 2003
Edward Burns is kind of like a younger, cooler, clever Woody Allen. Not so much going on satire and art, Edward Burns films are modern art commenting on the condition of dating, especially in NYC.

His films really are just best described as likeable films. I personally believe these films can be liked by everybody because their films that everybody, at some point, will relate to.

Sidwalks of New York was a film I was urging myself to see for a while. After seeing No Looking Back, another great Burns flick, I rented this film and found it charming, true, and honest. I like Edward Burns and personally think if this coast was as stoned as California is we'd be voting him into office right alongside a rapstar.
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Timecode (2000)
Sucks you in... shoots you out.
9 August 2003
This movie is a film i've wanted to see for a very long time. I missed it in the theaters back in 99' and was heavily interested in seeing it after that but found a hard time finding it in my local video store. When IFC played it, I was pleased I was having an at-home night.

Timecode is exactly what you expect it to be, four cameras all playing all at once. A four-way splitscreen with sound alternating between the different sequences. However, there is just enough action for you to switch over to the dialog screen or decide to stay with the facial expressions of the last audio screen. The film actually blew me away and Salma Hayek is amazing in this film. In fact, everyone is amazing in this film. They fit their parts perfectly.

The film is essentially the story of making a film in hollywood. So there's coke, cigarettes, booze and sex. Its everything you'll expect it to be and more. The film's addictive and a great experience. It sucked me in and I stood with it the whole time. That to me is deserving of 10 stars. Great idea turned into a great film. So if you like concept films and indie films, see it, love it, and thats all i have to say about that.
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Spun (2002)
You surely must go get 'Spun'....
7 August 2003
Spun really is one of those amazing movies you tell your friends to go see. I read some of the comments and I see how people might think it's a Requiem rip off, but doesn't that say whenever somebody uses a camera technique that nobody else can EVER use that effect? No, it's really not a Reqiuem rip off, it's just another drug story. However there is something else here that's amazing...

Actors and actresses that usually don't make good movies. Or at least have cinema sins in their past. Britney Murphy and Mena Suvari in particular have done movies that have really irritated me and several people I know, (Just Married for one and American Pie for another....) Being in this movie however has made me forgive them for their cinema sins and take them seriously as actresses. This movie truly is good and true to life. The movie just starts you out on this trip that really makes you feel like you've been thrown into the mind of a speed freak. The tweeking of the movie is similar to that in Reqiuem but not quite the same. Rather than using the effect to focus on the drug use this film uses it to enhance the film and give it the feel of a speed trip, then in particular scenes where the drug is used the effect is zoned in on. It does a good job of revealing the scary and grimy reality of a drug addict.

I couldn't believe I hadn't scene this film when I saw it the other day. It's brutal, honest, shocking at times and yet very witty. Combining these elements is not easy for anyone and doing this role has once again added the mounting respect for John Leguizamo. Eight *s out of ten. Amazing movie! Definitely worth the watch. It just sucks you in and spits you right back out. But it's hard to really describe Spun, you have to experience it for yourself. But a warning on renting it... I've heard Blockbuster has this bootleg version that like cuts out half of the movie and bleeps things? So my advice in renting it is make sure your not getting the edited Republican version. Okay, now go out and get Spun....
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restores faith in Steven Spielberg
31 July 2003
I'd been meaning to see this movie for a long time. Its constantly played now on the movie channels but I knew this one was worth catching from the beginning. Why? Because any point in the film has an appealing feel that sucks you in. That is truly the sign of a great movie.

Stevey Spielberg has not wasted his years in cinema. He has evolved in ways I'm unsure of how I can express. As a film student I find Spielberg amazingly fresh, a rare trait in a director let alone one as legend as himself. Spielberg surely still has it.

The film itself has a feel like Blade Runner being futuristic with a man on the run. However Tom Cruise really brings a new element to it. His voice overs and serious tone work well for this movie. His acting is something other actors can rarely achieve, I truly doubt anyone can dislike him as an actor (cept for perhaps the extremely jealous).

The film brings up several issues about the way we've conducted ourselves in the past and where we're going as a race in this 'jetson'-like future we're creating for ourselves. Spielberg seems to be interested in the future taking Kubrick's AI and now this, however his new obsession is not one which takes away from his films.

I give it a 9 out of 10. Amazing film. Worth watching several times!
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Vanilla Sky (2001)
I just wanted to Thank Cameron.....
22 July 2003
I've already commented on this movie before. Somewhere on this little board of comments is my comment about how this is an amazing movie which I will defend to the death.

After watching it again, I just wanted to thank Cameron Crowe for creating this movie, and this time leave not my IMDB alias but my name as my signature here.

This movie means a lot to me. It has moved me many times and inspires me as reason to create cinema. There are movies you watch and there are movies you live, and this is the latter.

The films Cameron has created mean a great deal to me and have been inspiration to go to film school and continue to write.

I thought maybe one day Cameron might read this. Or somebody who knew him would. So please, thank him for me, for creating something so pure that you can actually call it real.

Thank you Cameron, from the bottom of my heart to the reaches of my soul, thank you. This movie means more to me than words can describe and I think you meant it this way.

Ha, stealing a line from the movie, "well ya know, if you can reach one person", but you know you've done more than that.

Thank You.
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No Such Thing (2001)
Save yourself, don't watch this.
10 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
*spoilers* *sort of...* I remember a long time ago seeing this preview somewhere. I have no idea where but somewhere I saw it. I remember the preview looked like a funny comedy in the style of the late 80s about a monster who is discovered and is then exploited by the hungry media.

Well instead this movie goes in all sorts of the directions that make no sense for it. The movie starts out by feeling bad that this girl, Beatrice, is lonely and her finance is dead. So they send her to Iceland.

Well, instead she gets in a plane crash after a heroin junky takes her purse. Well she gets back the purse but almost doesn't walk again. Then there's a miracle of science and she gets to walk after crying and all during the procedure. These scientists become her only friends.

The movie basically spends 1/3 of it getting to the monster. The monster of course is introduced in the first 5 minutes with his dialog of "f*** you old lady" and he breaks this woman's cane. So it looks like it's going to be a comedy... but it isn't.

This movie isn't a comedy or a drama, but somehow it tries to switch back and forth between being funny that the monster is on TV and being sad that humanity must dissect these things. Honestly, the monster's performance wasn't that good. I really tried to like this movie, I sat through it for two hours and now I want to wash my brain.

Sara Pollock was great in 'Go' so I thought this would be a good role to see her in. And it could have been, except, the director really made no effort to use her wit and kept the movie dry. The movie fails to decide what it is and therefore never goes anywhere. It comes across as something that's going to be a funny indie comedy, and because it was on Sundance I thought it was going to be. IT wasn't. Watch this movie only if you need an example on how to make a dry movie with no real category, genre or interest point.
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"Park it yourself Metallica breath"
7 July 2003
Surely the best line in this movie is "Park it yourself Metallica Breath", if anything, only because it is so dated, ridiculous, and yet still kind of funny because he's talking to X-Files' David Duchovny.

This is one of those films they used to make where the plot was strange and funny and meant to be that way. I loved this movie when I saw it in the theaters when I was in first grade, now 12 years later this movie is even funnier.

You have to watch this movie as a parody of life. Even the cheesy guy working at the office, 'Gus', is very funny. There really are people like this out there, and that's what makes this film great. You can surely believe all of it is possible. From the traveling mother to Christina Applegate being the teenie bopper girl who has to get a job.... it's great! And somehow the movie being dated in 1991 makes the movie seem even greater. Sometimes makes me wish I was born early enough to really enjoy the 90s, in a great time before people liked cheezy music and... that thing called 'rap'.
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28 Days Later (2002)
My friends couldn't speak for 10 minutes...
6 July 2003
No, that's really a story my friends told me. And then my friend brought me out to see this movie over seeing T3. Was I glad I did so? You bet I was.

28 Days Later has nothing to do with Resident Evil. In fact, the comparisons are obvious but 28 Days Later was made for a better reason, 28 Days Later is like a collection of all of the Zombie films you've ever seen made in a fresh and interesting way.

Unlike Resident Evil, the powering force of Danny Boyle who brought us Trainspotting is behind this one. Oddly enough, people compare this film to Resident Evil endlessly but the film starts out where 12 Monkeys would leave it off. I find it funny that no one has made that comparison.

So, essentially what 28 Days Later is, is what Resident Evil 2 will be, but in London. People who dislike this movie will really SHlT a brick when RE2 comes out and it's.... uht oh... semi-based off a video game where the city is dead! OH NO! But these are just people who tend to complain, don't let them throw you off.

Making a horror movie is very hard but this movie pushes all the right buttons and even the buttons Resident Evil didn't get to push. You see Resident Evil was made to appease to video game fans as well as fans of horror films. This movie was made to appease fans of cinema as well as the horror sub genre of Zombie Film (even though it's also a Sci-Fi sub genre, but we won't get into that.)

The camera in this film captures moments in time and makes the sure moments of horror beautiful. Everything I wanted to happen... happened. The music fits perfectly with the film, the film converys lights in a beautiful way and all the while the city being empty seems horrifying even if we're not british. It all fits together at the right moment.

Of course all the while you have to keep in mind our civilization is not too far away from 28 Days Later. I mean, how impossible is it for one of the American Testing labs in Boston on the MIT campus to accidentally release an animal onto Boston and cause a widespread disease that would have to be quarantined from the rest of the America, and the world? Surely not far off. Anything's possible.

This movie truly blew me away. I've been waiting for this movie to come out for a while and it was worth every second of my wait and more. I feel in a way it was a foreign film because Danny Boyle shot it in British fashion which made every second of it even more beautiful.

I truly believe anyone who disliked this movie is a person who feels the need to be negative as a critic or simply does not have interest in cinema as an art. 28 Days later is truly a beautiful movie, it is Art-Cinema in an apocalyptic way. Resident Evil is a great American action film and 28 Days Later is an amazing and beautiful art-cinema film from Danny Boyle, our favorite British director. Both are in the same genre, and both are very good films for their genre.

I like how they connect and I think Danny did it purposely. To dislike this film is to have no taste in cinema. I'm sure the same people who hate 28 Days Later also hate Run Lola Run and would somehow find a way to hate Battle Royale and every other amazing foreign film. See this film, don't listen to your stoner friends who disliked it. But even that may be a misstatement, because I'm not even sure how a stoner could dislike this movie. It is truthfully beyond me how anyone can dislike this amazing piece of cinema.
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Why did I watch this again?
5 July 2003
I used to believe all movies should at least be given a chance. Legally Blonde helped to change my mind on that. Reese Witherspoon plays Cher from Clueless mixed with Troop Beverly Hills goes to Law School. In another 'cheer for the stupid person' movie, the really dumb blonde girl charms everyone with her stupidity and self absorbed personality.

She doesn't like her first boyfriend... and guess what the plot is? TO GET A NEW ONE! And do ya think she does it... oh, I won't ruin that special drama for ya.

This movie is straight out of the flops of the 80s. I suppose bad movies like this have to be made every few years as stepping stones in cinema history... but I'm still a little sorry I watched this.

I was told this movie was funny and clever. I suppose this is probably from the people who use words like 'hip and funky fresh' to describe movies. Legally Blonde gets one star and is worse than IMDB's 100 worst list's #1, Manos the Hands of Fate, because, at least Manos had a MST3K on it which made it.... FUNNY. Unfortunately, Legally Blonde is not funny. I usually don't disagree with the IMDB average star system but here I do. See the movie if you really want to see a trite un-funny 'attempting to be cliche cute' movie.
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Almost Famous (2000)
Fairfield, CT
20 June 2003
Almost Famous is another amazing Cameron Crowe film. The evolution of this director is amazing, this movie, a semi-auto-biographical film on the director is true to the director's core which is a love for music.

William Miller is a little boy. He's two years ahead of his grade, was lied to about his age and now wants to be a rock journalist. He meets Lester Bangs, the infamous rock critic from the 70s. The fact that all of this really happened once again confirms that I missed the golden age of music before anger and gangster rap and fashion obsession in the scene. When music was truly music. Before THEY took over.

Cameron Crowe, or William Miller, goes on tour with Stillwater to review them and falls in love, sees the truth behind the rock scene and continues to love every minute of it while going through a self liberation through the repression that living in suburbia can cause one.

This film is absolutely amazing. Every piece of this film has a piece of my soul in it. The glances William gives to Penny, the very existence of Penny, the way he innocently looses his virginity and even the title sequence has a true feeling to it. The second this movie started I felt my heart move and knew I was on the true path in being a part of the world of cinema.

The love story intertwines with the theme of the band which threads into the main theme of the corporations taking hold of rock and manipulating them from their pure root of music, taking buses on the road and making love to groupies (or, BAND AIDS) and turning them into cheezy expensive rock-stars. From watching this film you see where music went right... where it went wrong... and how we got the 80s hair band cheeze out of the whole deal.. than you can see how the 90s sprung true music.. and then if you really care you could take a closer look and realize how we got to the rehashed fake-music worshipping age of MTV that we live in today. (This is all a sidenote on rock music but the director has a very true link to the music itself that strikes my heart. Not being a fan of rap music at all and growing up to live and love classic rock every piece of nostalgia from Cameron Crowe's childhood is a trinket I myself wish I owned. If you listen to the director's commentary on the DVD you really fall in love.)

Words cannot explain the amazingness of this movie. Almost Famous is an experience. This is a movie I will never get sick of. It is pure.

Almost Famous is the reason movies were made. The growth this director has gone through since his beginnings in writing Fast Times At Ridgemont High is simply amazing. I suggest you also watch his other films, besides FTARH, Singles and Vanilla Sky are also equally amazing films with similar dynamics.

Cameron Crowe is the most interesting and honest director to come to the face of American cinema. See this movie unless you have no soul.
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Man they screwed this one up...
20 June 2003
Okay, truth be told Schumacher isn't a bad director really. He's done some pretty decent stuff and 8mm makes up for the fact that he created Batman & Robin. BUT, however, this movie really ruined the franchise.

I think he's quoted somewhere saying "I wanted to give the batman fans the movie they always wanted..." What fans is that? The fans of the 1970s TV show? The fans who didn't know it was a comic book? Who???? PLEASE GOD WHO, TELL ME????

I think he did it as an excuse for Alicia Silverstone to be in tights. Because shes hot and at the time she was ultra-hot. Of course... this only helped her go away. DAMNIT!

And George Clooney as Batman? Who was he pleasing, the fat house wife crowd? The ER fans? No Batman fan likes this movie...

We all watched it... but there was something called emotion which was missing. In this film, Batman meets Freeze and Poision Ivy, two characters who were definitly awesome in the comic book. But in this movie... well they're just a shame.

This movie requires no second viewing. It only requires a first viewing because Batman Forever was fairly decent. But this? George Clooney doesn't convince me first of all that he's the disturbed avenger who is inspired by watching his parents brutually murdered in front of him. It seems like he's a snotty rich kid I'd punch if he wasn't Batman. He's cocky but not in a cool way. Not in a Batman way. He's cocky in that sort of oozing Macheesmo kinda way that 90s wrestler Razor Ramone had.

Putting Robin in the movie with Batgirl all at once just seems like alot for any director to handle. Sadly Joel didn't work hard on this one. Everytime I think of this movie I flashback to the E! behind the scenes. I remember Schumacher running around saying "They don't think we'll finish this on time...but we will!" so he basically admitted to rushing it on camera. And I was actually excited that this would be a good movie? Wow, I was much younger back then and even as a young one I knew this movie..well... sucked.

Three stars out of ten and only three because Manos the Hands of Fate gets one. I guess worse things have been made but to ruin a comic-movie franchise? Tisk, tisk. Time may have kinda forgiven Joel but the Batman franchise atleast movie-wise is still in limbo.

Let us pray that Christopher Nolan rises Batman from the ashes to be the disturbed superhero comic fans know, love, and that Tim Burton brought to us.
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Highway (I) (2002)
Great Grunge movie
16 June 2003
Okay... the grunge age is over. It would be horrible to classify the might of grunge with EMO now. EMO will never be grunge. EMO just has different stickers than the Abercrombie kids... and this movie shows it.

Jared Leto does an excellent performance in this movie. Leto fans will be quite pleased, and honestly he's kind of a Gen-Xer. In the age when music still meant something and people cared about their rock stars two friends go off on a road trip. The road trip is to none other than the Kurt Cobain memorial in Seattle, Wa.

So the friends go and on the way they find odd creatures of the road, a strange animal boy and plenty of jockish Abercrombie kids to fight pre-Abercrombie age. So what happens?

Well, while being chased by goons that look like ZZ Top for screwing this guys girlfriend, Jared Leto and his buddy find a girl, a hippie chick and a bunch of trouble. The references to the 60s, 70s and 90s cultures is amazing. The movie is actually quite tight and goes quite well.

Its unfortunate I was born a few years too late to experience the grunge age. This is something thats always made me mad. After seeing this movie...the yuppie in you will cry. Unless the yuppie is too strong..and then you'll return to MTV movies.

The movie is not Shakespeare but it has its own spirit. Worth your time to watch. Seven out of ten stars! I wouldn't trust anyone who would give this movie a bad review.
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Bio-Dome (1996)
How did this end up on the 100 worst?
12 June 2003
Bio-Dome is not the best movie ever. It may only fall into amuse a certain crowd. However it is actually relatively clever. The director actually went on to make another one of my favorite movies "overnight delivery" which most agree is actually quite clever.

I think because Pauly Shore is in this film people decide to give it a bad rep...but guys...Pauly's paid by the backlash in society on his films. He's even made a movie about the world hating him so can't we just accept this movie as semi-clever? The movie is actually funny. It's funny in this strange way. Pauly Shore has a certain sense of humor, and its a clever and strange thing. It's not genius and its not Adam Sandler but it's on the same level.

You just have to watch Bio-Dome with the expectations that its going to be stupid. You can't go into every expecting it to be pure comic brillance. Not everybody is Kevin Smith, but if you hate Pauly Shore and you hate Bio Dome you probably hate Adam Sandler and Kevin Smith. And I mean.... then you surely must hate life, right?

Some movies just are what they are. Bio-Dome just is what it is, its a weird little movie thats still funny because its so absurd. The concept of living in a bio-dome for a year? It's just funny. It's a certain brand of comedy that I just don't see enough of anymore and I wish they did make at least one Bio-Dome comedy every year.

Bio-Dome doesn't deserve to be on the IMDB 100 worst ever list. It's cheese, it's funny, and it's STILL played on TV because its funny.

Maybe it's a movie you can only understand if your in the industry or a TV geek, because you'll get a few chuckles at little references thrown in (I mean come on, their COMMUNITY COLLEGE STUDENTS, isn't that funny in itself?)

Honestly... and maybe this is just my opinion, but DUMB AND DUMBER deserves to be on the worse 100 list. Bio-Dome doesn't Dumb And Dumber... just isn't funny. While Bio-Dome was hillarious when I first saw it, and still remains funny to this day.

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Vanilla Sky (2001)
Another AMAZING Cameron Crowe Film
11 June 2003
Cameron Crowe does it again in this amazing film. Vanilla Sky is what made Tom Cruise worthy of my respect. I mean being in a Cameron Crowe film is like being in a piece of rock history. The references of course to Radiohead and other amazing bands and the comparison to citizen Kane in a modern way could only be done in such a fashionable and interesting way by Cameron Crowe.

I can't think of anything I would dislike about this movie. It confuses the slowest of people; If you wanted Top Gun you shouldn't see this movie. Tom Cruise is an amazing actor and the days of Top Gun 80s flicks are over. Tom Cruise gains the respect of the art community with this film.

Tom Cruise in this film plays a man who has everything. The man ultimately finds himself in some sort of conspiracy but his world is twisted and twilight zone like. When hes unable to trust even his own memory he questions his own reality...and the story just goes down the rabbit hole. It's hard not to like this movie unless your the type who likes to watch a film once and forget about it. You can't watch this movie and not think about it. The film has an ability to twist you and amaze you.

You could get lost and confused, I know alot of people did, but this movie is one you'll definitely want to own. Unless you like to watch American movies that just pet you on the head and star Martin Lawerence. This isn't an action movie, its a mainstream art movie. Unfortunately when you go to the mainstream with cinema-art you confuse half the dumb-witted who just DONT WANT THEIR LEVEL OF QUESTIONING raised.

Jason Lee has an amazing performance in it, every character plays a key role and just leaves themselves in your psyche. Vanilla Sky is not a movie you can explain, you must experience it. I saw it once and watched it immediately again. And then the next day. Probably seven or eight times in the first week. It amazed me, it inspired me. Cameron Crowe, you truly are my hero. Everyone should watch this movie, even if you know you won't get it.
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Come on, its Mario...
11 June 2003
Alright. I saw this movie during the time you should have seen this movie for the first time. In 1993 when you're a kid playing video games. John Leguizamo wasn't a huge star then, he was just Luigi. Look, if you don't play the video games you shouldn't even watch this movie, it's purely a movie made for fans. Yes, it could have been alot better if they actually had the Mario creator direct it but in all truth, I think they did a good job of creating a Mario Brothers movie that one can actually watch for 90 mins. I mean I couldn't think of another way to actually create a watchable Mario world. And as for missing characters in the movie...well I'm sure they planned on adding that later in the movie series. The producers who fronted the money for this movie we're likely fans of the Mario series, because I'm sure they knew this wasn't going to be a big hit beyond video game fans.

You have to keep in mind this was early in the video game conversion to movie attempts. I mean Double Dragon is almost the same thing but with similar appeal. (And isn't that kid from Party of Five in that movie? Yes I believe so....) If you didn't play the games you'd have no interest in these movies. I mean maybe nowadays people just hate happy and cute movies. The movie is really meant for kids and fans of the series, beyond that you'll probably be upset and lost searching for some deep meaning IN THE MARIO BROTHERS FILM?

If I had the money I'd produce a sequel just for the fans, (and yes, movies do get made just for fans sometimes...after all, what did you think Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back was?) And if I ever get the money, I WILL make a sequel. Just so there can be a movie with Toad in it. (I mean wouldn't you love to see a guy run around with a big Toad on his head?) I can't think of a director who would have any interest in creating a sequel to this movie.... but maybe one day.... come on its been ten years... on sequel couldn't hurt too much could it?

This movie may not be anywhere near 100 best but its nowhere near 100 worst. I liked it. But I've also played every Mario Brothers game that might do it. =)
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Trans (1998)
Good movie with a Indie feel
10 June 2003
This is a very good and honest movie. You feel how this kid felt, and I especially relate because I used to just walk around as a kid (but obviously not as a convict or something.) You really feel for the main character in this movie, it has its own feel to it, very real. Very honest. Its not so much a movie as an experience, like a doc. film but real. Its certainly worth the watch. I saw it and it grabbed me enough to stay there, watch it and forget what I was doing. Any film that can do that has achieved it's goal in bringing you into the realm of cinema and is worth the watch.
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Great Neo-Noir
9 June 2003
Come on, Billy Zane is amazing in this film. If for anything, it's worth watching to see his performance. I watched this film after standing at a Bright Eyes concert for hours, I was tired but just let it go on because it kept my attention, STOOD WITH ME, much more than many modern day pop. films do. It really is a tribute to Film-Noir more than anything. The angles and shots at times remind me of Hitchcock, but mostly it stays within the bounds of Noir. It's like the director watched A & E and Nick at Night forever. If you watched Film-Noir you know the plot isn't always explained with your hand held like many films are for nowadays people. Film Noir was slick and cool. It's not a perfect film but it's a damn good one! Worth a watch, don't judge this film by its cover, actually don't even look at the cover at all. The cover sucks, its worthless, the film itself, is great.
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On the Edge (2001 TV Movie)
Amazingly cool like the twilight zone.... without cool rod sterling at the end
5 June 2003
This is one of those amazing movies you get lucky and catch in the middle of the night. This just so happened to be on TV and it caught my eye because it seemed very clever. There's a certain real quality about it that fresh directors really give you. Its sci-fi, a genre not explored enough recently and they do a good job of bringing you back Twilight Zone style. The introductions to the films, although cheesy, are still clever. You see here's the deal...

There's this business executive scrooge type, and his secretary decides to teach him a lesson she's going to hit him over the head with a phone and make him watch short films. This is very funny because it makes no sense but serves a very funny old-school approach to introducing really good films. The mistake? They tried to make it into a connected story with ending it in the end. After the 3rd short movie they should have killed him or done something really quick. Instead it comes across as a women's rights thing, and what's up with the secretary's head in the upper left corner? I mean I know they had to show she was listening, but don't you think that was a little-bit too much like a phone card commercial? I don't know, maybe I'm just a guy but her sitting in the corner while the formerly powerful executive now quivered to his wife just made me feel like it was a women's right commercial. It really took away from the other three movies because it's the last thing you remember. That made me sad, but it was also very funny. I just wish the ending wasn't so trite.

AS for the other three short films, they really are quite good. The secretary or whoever does a good job that's like the Crypt Keeper from Tales from the Crypt but really keeps it on a Twilight Zone level. The first film really grabbed me, because in this Big Brother age, how far are we from the government issuing lobotomies? I mean they said we'd never make a Terminator like being and look at the AI coming out kids! The first movie really grabs you and the cameos really impress anyone enough to stay. I really say give this movie a shot, if it was in theaters it could really have a cult following but as it is... its just really good!
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