
14 Reviews
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Disgusting Propaganda!!!
19 February 2022
Any so called "documentary" that constantly and repeatedly promotes crying children and poor innocent civilians, who then preach scripted anti regime slogans for the camera is an instant red flag!

This was tough to watch as there was only so much political drivel I can watch!

This is typical old school propaganda, directly from the North Korean school of Film and Television and it doesn't even try to be objective.

Its is totally bias, unimaginative and shameful as it uses false witnesses, paid commentators and so called experts promoting their book deals to narrate this rubbish.

There is zero objectivity as it attempts to promote a simplistic, black and white, good vs evil narrative for the uninformed western audience and to promote yet another needles war where the only winners are the US arms manufacturers!

Shame on National Geo for creating this trash!
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Brilliant, Powerful, moving
15 January 2022
This is a rare insight into the bleak and brutal war in Eastern Ukraine.

Its real and gritty and shows the human experience of this conflict.

If you have the mental capacity to see past the US sponsored hate propaganda then you will be rewarded by a deep and moving experience.
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Tenet (2020)
Pretentious, pointless, unnecessarily complex.
28 August 2020
This movie is the equivalent of seeing a steaming pile of $H!T and calling it an artistic masterpiece.

This film is vague, pretentious, schizophrenic, scientifically unsound, pointless and utterly ridiculous! The plot was deliberately complex without any substance, meaning or necessity. Its utterly painful to watch, and most of all, its painfully BORING! It offers the viewer absolutely nothing but a headache. This is just a terrible, terrible piece of cinematic trash! Its enough to make me want to go back into lock down. Dont waste your time and money on this awful crap!!!
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Jim Jefferies: Intolerant (2020 TV Special)
Wheres Avi Yemini??
14 July 2020
Safe, boring and mainstream! Jefferies has proved beyond a doubt that he is a spinless sellout with zero integrity to comedy and his audience. This "Comedy" is the new politically correct, soft Jefferies whose more concerned about his cushy career and sucking up to the liberal left then performing real comedy.

Oh yeah, and Jefferies needs to face the music when it comes to his scam interview with Avi Yemini. Jefferies is pathetic!
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Ad Astra (2019)
Daddy won't come home
24 December 2019
Dad went to neptune to buy some cigarettes, and never came back home. That's basically it.... I think.

I still don't know what this movie is really about. Maybe because it was so stupid and nonsensical. It's just a long boring story with unbelievable and absurd scenarios mixed with a fake attempt at emotion. At least it cured my insomnia
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The real hell was watching this awful film!
11 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This so called "documentary" is absolutely rubbish!! A documentary should be insightful and educational. This clearly is NOT! This is as educational as watching monkeys throwing cr@p in a cage.

This so called "documentary" is about a backward redneck called Nathan, a poster boy for white trash! Nathan gets shot in the butt whilst on duty in Afghanistan. During his recovery we are exposed to his stale mind numbing drivel, backward philosophy and complete lack of insight into anything.

If you're an American you would probably find this semi interesting, as there is nothing like the story of a white trash redneck and his pointless experiences in the war.
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Dear Albania (2015)
Boring, self indulgent rubbish!
4 February 2018
According to this "Documentary" Albania is a fantasy land of milk and honey with an abundance of everything! In this magical utopia the people are deliriously happy and content. They spend their days singing, dancing, drinking and eating all day... Wow! Miss Dushku also finds time in her hectic schedule of self indulgence for an "impromptu" photo shoot in a bikini. Very cultural indeed!! More like shameless narcissisim and self promotion mixed with historical inaccuracies and political propaganda! Nowhere does this D grade Hollywood has-been talk about the serious inequalities, poverty, corruption, crime, ethnic tensions or fleeing refugees.

Its easy to see and find the beauty in everything when you're a dumb and pretentious celebrity with lots money, VIP connections and an entourage of butt kissers.
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Arrival (II) (2016)
Pretentious Garbage!
3 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This piece of cinematic trash has absolutely no redeeming qualities what so ever. Its unimaginative, unoriginal, stupid, and worst of all, its BORING!

Nothing is relieved, nothing is explained and the story line is stupid and full of holes! The film basically ends where its starts.

The alien "squids" have the ability and intelligence to travel halfway around the universe/Galaxy (we never know) and can predict the future, transcend space and time, but some how, they are unable to communicate with us primitive humans, except through some bizarre form of symbols which they spray into a glass panel, and the US linguist, Louise, is somehow able to translate this within an amazingly short period of time (how, we never know)

Ian, the theoretical physicist, is a total waste of space and contributes nothing to the film apart from being Louise's future breeding partner for producing a child. Yes, its that pathetic and emotionless.

The "film" attempts to convey meaning and emotion with Louise having constant flashes of a daughter she is yet to have. But this is nothing more then pretentious rubbish and is just plain boring!!

The characters in the film are uninteresting. Never did i feel a connection or interest. They are just dull as cardboard.

In the end the aliens leave.... that's it, and the credits roll. No answers, no resolutions, NOTHING!

I have no idea how this "film" has such a high approval rate or what the appeal is.

On a scientific level, it offers nothing. Story line, it goes nowhere. Suspense, drama, entertainment, non-existent!

The only good thing about this film was that it cured my insomnia.

Arrival = total garbage!
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America...F#*k Yeah!!
21 November 2016
This film is an embarrassing orgy of American glory and awesomeness!! Our American heroes should all be wearing halos and wings as they bravely battle evil terrorist hordes against impossible odds!

Our heroes all have hearts of gold, are totally dedicated to god, family, country and spreading love and democracy to the filthy 3rd world peasants, one bullet at a time. They are also super smart, super skilled, with super model good looks and ripped bodies. In other words, just your average American!!!

It would have been perfect if Arnie and Segal were in it :-(

I really thought that these obnoxious and simplistic films died in the 80s, but 13 hours proves that this kind rubbish is alive and kicking!!
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The Descent (2005)
Dumb cave creature's - Yawn!!
22 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what all the "hype" is about. Are people so easily pleased? This film is neither interesting nor scary, its boring, annoying and poorly written.

Firstly, the all female cast have poor chemistry and uninteresting dialog. Their "fun times" in the cabin seem forced, fake and slow, mixed in with cheap, pop out scares, however i had little invested in the characters and i found myself waiting and waiting for something interesting to happen. Secondly, the cave creature were unimaginative, unoriginal and stupid. They looked like a cheap and angry imitation of Gollum from LOTR. Apparently these creatures cannot see, hear or smell. They function totally by sonar. They also haven't evolved to use tools or weapons and can be beaten up and killed by humans. Not very scary or smart. It also make me wonder, how do these creatures actually survive underground and hunt/gather food? We see a lot of bones from dead animals, but these creatures are not smart, cunning, powerful or fast. The ending was OK, and probably the best part of the film, but it wasn't enough. Annoying, dumb and boring. Give is a miss.
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Total Garbage!!!
17 February 2015
Boring, monotonous and mediocre with endless drivel. Get ready for over an hour of sheer ass kissing and hero worship! American propaganda and BS at its best! I have no doubt that Murphy is a brave guy, but this so called "Documentary" is absolutely ridiculous, and sets a new standard for cheap and trashy hero worship! Seriously, according to this film Murphy was a saint who could walk on water! This Doco makes Captain America look like a pussy! I respect the guy and the sacrifices he made, but there is only so much cheesy and overt trash i can stand! No doubt most redneck Americans will love this rubbish, but for the rest of us people, i suggest you give it a miss. Or keep a vomit bucket handy. Enjoy!
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The Equalizer (2014)
Russians = Evil!!! Americans = Awesome!
21 December 2014
Seriously, this is a film for young kids who still believe in superheroes and fairy tales, otherwise, you have to be a little dimwitted to actually like to this film.

Let me start off by saying that the film is stylish, and had a lot of potential, however the scenes and storyline are really awful and quickly bring this film down to the gutter! It's your typical, evil incompetent Russians vs the righteous American hero cliché. You literally know everything that is about to happen. This is all well and good if it was a comedy or Arnie film, but we are expected to take this film seriously!

To sum it up, lame, cliché, unoriginal. Bring your flag, and leave your brain at the door when you watch this film.
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On the Road (2012)
Total Garbage!!!
5 January 2013
This movie has no point, it has no meaning, it has no conclusions or answers. It doesn't even ask us any questions!

It is not alternative, artistic, poetic or visually appealing. It offers absolutely nothing! It is a complete and utter waste of time!

The story line is dull and dreary, the character development is slow, uninteresting, unrealistic and depressing. The road trips are uneventful, vague and meaningless.

This movie could have ended at anytime or at any point and it would not have made any difference.

In short, the move is total garbage! It would have been far more productive to watch paint dry or grass grow, at least these activities have a purpose and conclusion!
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Serbian Scars (2009)
Bad, Awful, Terrible!!!
16 March 2010
As a Serbian I found this "film" to be nauseatingly BAD!!! Actually, to call this film "bad" would be a complement of the highest order as I feel mentally scared after watching it! I think it takes a rare and special kind of savant talent to make a film this awful! Every aspect of this "film" is complete and utter trash! An 8-year old with ADHD could have written a better storyline!

Who was the brain surgeon that cast a Hawaiian guy to play a Serb? Or a blond bimbo with hot pants & high heels to play a terrorist in Kosovo? The acting is nasty!! In-fact, its criminal! I was left perplexed. Was this film a crime against humanity or an artistic masterpiece?

Words cannot adequately describe the steaming pile of faeces this so called "film" is! Serbian Scars should be outlawed under the Geneva convention as it could be used as "enhanced interrogation" by the US military. If you are forced to watch this garbage, make sure you bring a bag to vomit in and a sharp knife to poke out your eyes!

PS I cannot believe that there are so many positive reviews on this site! These people are obviously being paid or have some kind of connection to the film.
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