
24 Reviews
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I liked it
7 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is certainly not a perfect movie, but 5 stars out of 10?!? its more a 6-7. The movie had humor and love and well it was typically Chinese in that there is no real happiness possible on earth for true love and only in death can you be together. But there is also a deeper message, can you love some enough that you would die for her or him, love some one enough that you would sacrifice your love, your memory of them to save them.

I know I have never loved anyone like this, and never will. For seeing a glimpse of this magical fairy tale love, which is so powerful that not fulfilling it is an agony beyond description, that it turns one's hair white in an instant and that this love is so mighty that it will even conquer the forgetful mind, in a way it even conquers reality/death, since it shows the lovers ascending into the stars at the end, as if they have left the earth forever and went to a place were dreams are eternal.

I love this kind of bullshit. Because we humans do not love like this, we love in many ways, we will even die for love etc. die for our children but rarely does a man or woman follow love with out question. And maybe we shouldn't since it can lead to madness and ruin and suffering without end, discarding all reason as we stalk the one we crave who wants to know nothing about us, but maybe that is not even love. I don't know and I won't ever know. But to believe that some one, somewhere out there has felt such a thing is joy enough to give this movie a 10 (even though it's more of a 6 on a rainy day). I hope no one feels offended by my sentimental bullshit.
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Pain & Gain (2013)
5 April 2015
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Brilliant film! Taking a cutting edge look and delusion and feelings of inferiority. It shows clearly what men will do if they feel the world hasn't given them enough, that it's their birthright to own that which other men have worked hard to have. The importance of introspection can't be stressed enough here.

Now to the film, the acting is believable, the humor is such that you feel sickened and delighted at the same time, for this film is INSANE and cruel, yet it is shown entirely from the view of the main characters, watching it their twisted minds became clear and understandable, all their actions can be justified, yet underneath this, horror slowly rises in the viewer (in me) at how far one is willing to go just to prove something to himself.

Definitely worth seeing!

And the best/worst part is that the whole film is true. That really boggles the mind.
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Fury (2014)
Combat Realims?
28 January 2015
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I have never been in a war, so I am not the expert on this, but the night fight, seemed pretty ridicules. Would have been "easy" to take that tank out with some heavy weapons etc. hundreds vs a small tank crew... So honestly the ending is just plain stupid, for the most part the Germans just well ignore the tank and don't shoot at them when the Americans are in plain sight. But hey I haven't been in a war (and won't ever be, I hope) so I am not the expert here

However the camera work was very well done and the action and the hate felt warlike (what ever that means).

One point I appreciated though in this film, how it was portrayed (actually hinted at, will probably take another 5 decades before that is shown as it really was) how the Americans treated the women of the countries they liberated. Fact is they treated them like many "warriors" treat women. They do as they please with them.

I am glad they showed this, cause many Americans live under the illusion that American soldiers were somehow more decent and respectable than the soldiers of other countries (which in a way they were ;). But Americans raped 14,000 women in Great Britain, France and Germany. Men are Men, no matter what country they are from. And some Men take advantage of the weak.

So even if war is fought for the right reasons, the "good" people (and yes America was good back then and Germany evil) still do a lot of bad to the bad guys (and the bad innocent girls).

But well super mass rape and torture in Iraq killed those illusions, but don't think it was much different in WW II, even though that was a "rigtheous war". (sorry for repeating myself and shamelessly using this review to get my opinion across).
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Calvary (2014)
I liked it
25 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I liked it so much that I bought the DVD.

I am not sure that I really want to explain the movie, but I'll try to add my thoughts to yours.

First of all I have to say I am not a Christian, but this movie portrayed to me in startling brilliance the true power of the Christian area on this planet. It also explained why Jesus chose to die on a cross (he could have died anywhere, cross is not really important), what's important is his motivation why he decided to die. I am not sure that I can put this in the right words, but in choosing to be killed by violent men and feeling at peace at the same time, some of his peace entered into them.

I never really understood this POWER before, but I do now.

If what I just wrote sounds like garbage, I "humbly" apologize, grin ;).

Definitely worth a watch, no matter were you come from.
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Legend (1985)
Directors Cut
1 December 2014
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I have never seen the "origional" butchered version, were the ******** at Warner Bros punched Mr. Scott in the face, but since it was never intended to be that way... Well I hope the people who tried to ruin this great masterpiece rot in hell, wait they already are in hell, the hell of the small minded, ignorant people.

The Directors cut, is one of the greatest movies of all time, a timeless masterpiece. Everything is perfect. The movie has no flaws. It really deserves to be under the top 250s, and not have a rating of 6.5.

The music is enchanting, the "visuals" are enrapturing, everything was build by hand, absolutely no computer animated effects. And The Lord of Darkness, is one of the most intense performances in the history of film... and it can be said for sure that today they would just lamely computer animate him instead of using an actor. A must see for all people who appreciate great and beautiful movies. A real marvel, a priceless gem, something that broadens the horizons of the mind. 10/10! Oh and did I mention the fantastic score ;)?!?
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Rage (2014)
Really not a great movie
28 November 2014
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except for the message. That what ever bad you do will come back to haunt you, there is no escaping this... The tragedy of those who have taken the left turn in life was nicely portrayed, even if you become a "good" person, that which you have sent out will return to you. And those that you love will suffer for your crimes.

As always a solid enough performance from Cage...just as an after thought, no I was not impressed with this movie, but it did have a ring of truth about it. All humans live in regret, those who have lived in evil regret that they went down a bad road, those who have spent their life doing good, regret that they didn't do enough.

So in fact this movie is actually a 5 it gets an 8 for its message.
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15 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
One tends to think something like this is not possible, could never happen. But if there is one rule above all other rules, it is: "Anything is possible". I take this movie more as a warning as to where society is headed, not only in the U.S. but in all "civilized" hedonistic cultures presently at large in the world.

Maybe not as in legalized murder, but the need to "purge" definitely exists in the human species. For the families of murder victims, rape victims...the need to purge the agitation (in what manner what so ever) from the soul is a real thing. Whether the purging comes through violence or forgiveness, that is an individual choice. Damaged feelings cannot be ignored.
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The Hole (2001)
The Road to Hell
29 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I guess this is a fine example of the proverb "The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions", cause after the ending of this movie it can only lead deeper into Hell.

As to the movie, not really what I expected but very suspenseful. The main character does make a chilling transformation from victim to perpetrator, yet all the time remaining a victim to itself. So it's true that evil is born out of an uncontrollable desire, whose need to be fulfilled blots out all reason and humanity, only the need counts and justifies all action. A good lesson here for everyone. Worth a watch.
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Jersey Shore Shark Attack (2012 TV Movie)
8 January 2014
This is a movie which is SOOO atrociously bad that I am ashamed to rate it, let alone write a review. Don't even know where to start. The protagonists of the movie are despicable and hateful to watch "perform" in this atrocious movie. I read other reviews and am fully aware of the fact that this movie was made to be intentionally bad. But it's just an insult to sharks and good taste in general. And the "special" effects are to be abhorred.

In fact there is nothing good about this movie, he he, except a "spectacular" dancing scene somewhere in the middle. Yeah anyway what am I getting all upset about it. If people enjoy watching it and other people have fun making it, so what. Still a bad movie though.

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Not as bad as made out to be
6 January 2014
An entertaining movie about heroes saving the earth, old school style, going on a mission knowing that everyone is going to die. The overall feeling of the movie is a bit like as I imagine Warhammer 40K. Everything is dark and gloomy, and mankind is on the verge of extinction. Marvelous what a nice good old fashioned sci fi movie!!!

The acting is (maybe deliberately) kept bland and straightforward, reflecting the dark and almost hopeless situation of mankind. But despite and maybe because of the "bad" special effects I felt myself being drawn into the movie, some how the movie appeared ancient, outdated like it itself was dying, and the obvious scenery had a certain charm as if I was viewing a motion picture comic book with real humans trapped in a world they have no power over, but they persevere, yes a hardiness of spirit keeps them going, even though there is no hope.

Worth a watch for...who the hell should I know. Maybe I have no taste ;), but I enjoyed watching this movie.
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Important subject
5 January 2014
I give it a 10 out of 10, not because it's the perfect movie or was enjoyable, it certainly was not enjoyable, but because it's such an important subject matter. Thousands upon thousands of women are preyed upon by evil men each year. Every second people are raped and tortured and abused.

But how much is really done about it? Considering the magnitude of this evil, almost nothing. So movies like this are very important to increase public awareness. And maybe there will come a more determined effort by the general public some day to remove this evil from the world.

I'd recommend that movie to anyone. And by the way there is some strong acting in this movie. In fact it feels real, as if I was watching something which really is happening and not being acted.(well in fact it IS real, well reality is probably worse or just as bad). In Bombay alone are over 250,000 women, girls and children in forced prostitution.....
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Babylon 5 (1993–1998)
Best TV show ever made
29 March 2013
Best TV show ever made, I used to watch it as a child on TV and was mesmerized, how ever back then I missed some episodes and as such didn't always know what is going on since all the episodes are connected. So a few weeks back I thought to myself. Is this show really as good as I remembered it to be? So I bought the whole thing on DVD (remastered Widescreen edition) and was very surprised that it is in fact MUCH better than I remembered, many of the subtleties of the character and story development I could only sense as a child but not fully comprehend. And watching it again I was amazed at the depth of this great story and how you could relate to many of the situations occurring here and the terrible suspense of the story how it caught you and made you feel and bleed for the heroes. And the whole ambitious yet humble scope of this epic tale. Nothing to say of the great score of the series how the intro and credits music always perfectly captured the mood of the whole season. I can only highly recommend this great series. And as for the visuals, one gets used to them quickly and they are satisfying despite their age and the giant leap in technology. If you like a great story and characters with depth which you can feel for WATCH IT and ENJOY!!!
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RZA should have stayed with....
12 February 2013
This movie is plain awful. Not only is RZA one of the worst actors of all time (in fact he never acts in the whole movie) he's also one of the worst directors of all time. Now the really sad thing is that this movie actually had some potential. Also the soundtrack of the movie was horrible, the rap music score underlying some of the fight scenes was totally out of place and down right annoying. If you got nothing better to do for 1 hour 3/4 help yourself. But this movie is definitely not worth spending money on. No idea how Tarentino could endorse this movie. No idea how anyone could endorse this movie. Why some of the actors even to agreed acting in this movie is a mystery. And last but not least the horrible narrators voice (another tribute to RZA). And maybe RZA took to many drugs in his life to ever truly convey any emotion on screen, or maybe he was just born that way. Or maybe he'll get better some way.
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V/H/S (2012)
26 November 2012
Now first of all I love horror movies. But this movie was awfully long, and very boring. Also the "first person shooter" technique, with the camera being blurred, etc, etc, was really annoying and not horrifying at all. Some stories where cool but it would have made much more sense to have made individual movies out of each scene. This looked like a random collection of youtube flicks thrown together.... As one reviewer said, (not an exact quotation here), the POV method rarely works, as in never. I can honestly say that I was never really scared. There were a few scenes during the movie which had potential. Also I am not sure during which year these scenes are supposed to take place but nobody has been using VHS in the last 15 Years or so..... Summary: Some decent scenes but overall a big waste of time, and not worth seeing.
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Just giving it a ten because it doesn't deserve a one.
20 March 2012
Quite a few reviewers have given this movie only 1 star... now either they really hated this movie (which I am not going to go into) or they have never seen a 1 star movie. 1 star movies are so bad..., well it's beyond description, best you go and see for yourselves and check out the "Bottom 100" on IMDb and torment yourself for a couple hours.

Now I really enjoyed the first one, a classic thriller, great cinema (there are movies which everyone accepts that they are great, cause they cause no controversy and then there are movies which will divide the race, so to speak), very suspenseful and gripping.

Now to the second one, it's definitely not a 1 star movie. For entertainment value alone it is well worth watching. Sure it has it's flaws and isn't as exciting as number one, but overall a nice movie. I am sure if it had come out on it's own, without a prequel to live up to, there wouldn't have been such a big hate fuss. For anyone who likes thrillers and some suspenseful entertainment I recommend this movie. To all those who hated this movie (I heard that many people hated it even before it came out), I am actually pretty curious on what your biases are based on, it sure isn't a logical issue, since logic doesn't inspire such strong resentment. But I myself got movies which are actually good but I just don't like them, so in fact I can empathize with you.

So to sum it up, I'd give the movie a rating 7 out of 10 just for entertainment value, which it fulfilled just nicely.
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John Carter (2012)
Hmmm...why do people hate Disney?
11 March 2012
I've read a lot of comments that this movie should be avoided because it is a Disney movie....... To me who made a movie is not a view criterion. What matters is how entertaining/illuminating/ etc. etc. a movie is and not my bias against the producers. And as far as I can tell, in my humble opinion, John Carter is highly entertaining, beautiful to watch, fantastic landscapes, great action, decent acting and a touch of menace, not to mention a gorgeous princess.

Also the 3D effects where magnificent. I wouldn't compare it to Avatar or Star Wars, since all are great in their own right, even though both have been greatly inspired by it.

Besides that everything else has already been said about this movie (that the is story based on (rather closely) "Princess of Mars" which is the All-Father of modern Sci Fi adventures written over 100 years ago by Edgar Rice Burroghs).

I highly recommend this movie to all adventure and action fans and wider audiences.
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Bronson (2008)
A Tragedy
9 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Bronson is a movie about the desperation of human nature, the inability to break out of a cycle which spirals downward endlessly. A heart breaking movie about a man who is trapped and lost inside himself, the most striking example are the end and the beginning, the movie starts out with Bronson in solitary confinement pacing around like a caged tiger, while the end depicts him almost completely immobile in a tiny cage where he can't even lie down; his state of being, I'd say. I doubt they actually "kept" him like this, but it very well conveys the state of his soul.

A true tragic movie which is not really accessible to the general public. Still worth a view, to study the destructive side of human kind.
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3 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
First of all I was surprised at the number of reviews of this movie.

For shock "value", I'd give this movie a 10. As an overall movie, well it's not like your Forest Gump or Christmas Carol (great movies by the way), it is, and I believe it is that primarily, a horrific shock movie, with very well done acting, excellent camera work, and terribly well done effects.

Second of all there are people like that out there in the world and they have to be fought and locked up for a very long time (even though I bet that most people, unless you are a Saint, would kill such people with their bare hands after seeing this movie, which in itself shows just how dangerous such people are). The movie is not glamorizing violence, not one bit. In fact it leaves you with a sick impression of just how low humans can sink into a mire of madness and violence.

Well, I was tempted to give the movie 10 stars because it gripped/frightened/revolted me so much but I admit it's just to violent for me to do so and still feel like a decent person. The fact remains, it is the most violent movie I have ever seen and I hope nobody tries to top it, that would be pointless, because the violence exists purely to make you sick and pray to God to have mercy on the human race. If how ever such evil turns you on, then God have mercy on your soul. So only watch this if you have a strong stomach and a desire to know about the (very) dark side of human nature. For this movie is twisted and insane beyond belief.

But then again maybe(maybe certainly) it is not necessary (or downright harmful) for most people to see this movie, even though it set's itself apart from the usual slasher, exploitation movies by it's deeply emotional involvement of the viewer... I could go on and on about just how horrible this movie is. Best see for yourself and make up your own mind.

P.S. I do not understand people who claim this movie is pointless, this movie maybe a fictional story, but tragically such evil happens (hopefully not) everyday on this planet and being aware of it and against such evil is very important, to me at least, and this movie helps to soldifify ones position on such matters, not to look away and be obliovious. "Evil triumphs because good men do nothing".
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29 October 2011
First of all the movie is not really 10 star movie, just gave it that on a whim, maybe to balance out it's not so high rating...

It is my believe that most people mistake that movie for pornography, that is a misconception, of course this kind of movie would be totally unacceptable as a movie in the some countries, especially in the USA.

But it is in fact a movie, with a simple, straight forward plot, yet all the more captivating for it. What most fascinated me was the sort of inevitability of the "story". I don't recommend taking the development we see here as a common phenomena, but that is not the point. I believe that the "fantastic" element in this movie makes it so gripping, for that which some one fantasizes about but is not able to do in reality, is still a reality in itself, in his/her mind.

And that is the reason, I would wager, why most people are revolted by this movie, for it makes real (at least in fiction) what in a nearly infinite variety of speculation has crossed the imaginations and minds of mankind, but which is rarely (more or less ;) acted upon.

OK now here the truth: Everything written above was my opinion after seeing 10 minutes of this film. Now, after finishing this ridiculous, utterly hilarious, totally over the top movie, I have to say that I couldn't stop laughing the whole time. It is a master piece, I have rarely seen a better parody of...yeah what exactly? That an unhappy choice for one individual may prove of great satisfaction (or better greater good) for the whole (an Asian family theme ?!?;). That just sex isn't everything or is? Depending on the situation... Whatever the movie blew my mind, with it's shameless fearlessness to indulge into the fantasy (with variation to specifics of course) of every sex deprived individual, outrageous and unhindered by moral or taboo, to indulge, to just indulge.

P.S. Consider the first part of my Preview as obsolete, BS, but for the sake of record I'll leave it there.
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Colombiana (2011)
Dead Voices
25 October 2011
The movie had nice potential to be a good and entertaining action flick. Story line was decent and writing well done. BUT, here it comes, all, and I mean all, the actors had dead voices. Everyone in this movie sounded bored or retarded...I doubt the actors are to blame, because I have seen some of them in other movies. And using the word retarded is no rhetoric on my part, a few of them actually sounded very dim while delivering their lines.

Summary; A good action movie which was run down by "dead voices". If you like actors who know how to portray little emotion (in fact have little) it's your kind of movie.


Maybe it was done on purpose. Maybe the director thought that killers, gangsters, federal agents and the like talked in dead boring voices all the time, because of the terrible hardships of their profession. I am certainly not an expert on that subject.
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Hanna (2011)
An uneducated opinion
28 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Call me simple if you like ;). Statement: The movie is (inadequatley stated) trash. One moment she is in Arizona (Morocco doesn't look like this, second point there aren't huge underground American air bases in Morocco) next she is in north Africa. Also the story is pointless and over dramatic. Visiuals and camera movement and the soundtrack are quite gripping, though. It might have made better in a Sci-Fi setting. Also it is physically impossible for a girl of such a light frame to have this kind of strength... Anyway, each to his own. Also it wasn't that entertaining P.S. Littl girl obsessions...some directors just have them.
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Sad and Disappointing
20 March 2011
As a big fan of everything Warhammer 40K, I have to say that I am seriously depressed about this movie. 40k has a great potential for awesome action movies, it has everything one could want(Planets to blow up, demons from Hell, Mighty Heroes, Desperate Last Stands, Mysterious Aliens etc. etc.), and if it doesn't have it, one can just invent it (40K writers do it all the time). Now I can't say I am a Dan Abnett fan, but at least some of his books were worth an entertaining read, and some were really good and suspenseful.

But this movie was neither entertaining nor exciting, in fact it was pretty boring, which is a real shame, I hope Ultramarines doesn't set a precedent for all the following movies. And most important of all the Space Marines were lacking (another reviewer said this before) that super human, capable of extraordinary feats, and achieving impossible victories quality.

And that really sucked, it put a bad light on these cool Warriors..... cry, cry, cry. Still I haven't given up hope that some day there will appear a worthy WH 40k movie, even though the fulfillment of that hope has been moved far into the future... Still at least they tried, but failed. Hopefully they manage it next time. If you love 40k you'll watch this movie anyway, if you don't know anything about 40k, don't see it, it'll ruin your impression of it. Better buy the Horus Heresy:Collected Visions Book.

As a side comment, on last thing. It seems to me that WH 40K has an AWESOME potential, BUT they lack the creativity to really put it across, or maybe the skill. (This goes for the novels, they are good, but unfortunately not that well written)
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18 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I doubt that people (who are not intoxicated) who barely know each other would behave this erratic and impulsive. Yelling at each other one moment and then being nice to each other and then having sex.

The girl (unless she is neurotic) who is about to be married to another guy, decides to make love to the man in the basement after she finds out he his from the same neighborhood as her husband to be?!?Also there is an old woman in the room while they engage with each other, now since when would 2 strangers (well at least her future husband is from the same neighborhood as her lover ;) have sex with each other just like that. Now that really makes a whole lot of sense. And then the girl finds out that he lied, and is angry. So she just f***ed him because he was from the neighborhood of her future husband!?! I know I am repeating myself but I find this reasoning incredible.

It is supposed to be really hot outside, but it has been raining the whole day, rain usually lowers the temperature. Overall an unbelievably unrealistic movie. If you have nothing better to do and want to see people behave at their most irrational for very little reason, go and see it. Maybe I missed the whole point of this film, but it just didn't come across as being very convincing. Oh and the acting is not bad, comes across really annoying though.

THE ENDING, HOWEVER, EXPLAINS EVERYTHING (so you might as well forget everything is just wrote). 5.5 to 6.0 is my rating, depending on what mood I am.
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Antichrist (2009)
Dedicated too.... no real spoilers but just to be safe.
16 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I normally don't write reviews (cause I simply have no talent at it). But the credits of this movie annoyed me severely. "Dedicated to Andrei Tarkovsky"...I got nothing against this movie. But it just isn't great enough by far to be worthy of being dedicated to a genius like Tarkovsky. I know really trivial in the larger scheme of things, but it really annoyed me. Over all though an OK movie. Except that I hope for their sake that they didn't hurt or disturb any animals for this film.

Now about the movie. There is not much to say, except that the acting is well done, the motivations for the characters actions are a little shabby as indeed they were pretty (unbelievable and unrealistically) extreme. (but then again who REALLY understands madness?) The symbolism was kind of annoying and as another reviewer said "he'd rather draw his on conclusions" (he did not say the following) then having a fox (what ever that may mean) who eats his own entrails and talks about rage and chaos forced in my face (rabbies?). Overall missing this movie won't hurt, but then again watching it won't hurt either, in my opinion not too memorable. Except maybe the animal scenes might stick in your head but only because they are so wrong (I love animals don't like to see them hurt). The camera work is excellent though and the music (albeit little there is) is also quite nice. I also believe that the fuss about this movie is largely due to the animal scenes (in this case I have to agree with the fussies, of course compared to "animal mass production" these scenes are "harmless"). Since there are a lot more violent and brutal slasher films out there where plenty of people get horribly maimed and murdered which cause little or no fuss with audiences and critics.
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