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The Batman (2022)
Rosarsch in Night Owl costume... And where's the detective work?
1 June 2024
1 hour and 15 minutes into the movie and I am starting to lose my interest.

So, a madman is on the loose killing Gotham's most prominent figures and this guy parks his car in a shady place with no surveillance, no bodyguards, no police officers watching his back.... He is an important figure but hey, why taking any precautions? How convenient for the story that the Riddler can enter his car... How convenient for these movies that the bad guys can abduct prominent figures or just anybody so easily...

But, wait, why all those people are being slain? Because we are told they are corrupt. But are they? I haven't seen a single politician or Mafia boss discussing about anything at all. Is the mafia dealing in drugs, arms trafficking, both? Are they trying to wrestle control from the authorities for a greater purpose? Trying to destabilize the city flooding it with drugs for something more than just money? Are they trying to steal or sell something to someone that would endanger Gotham or the system or the country???

As I said before, 1 hour and 15 minutes and all we have is The Riddler taking the portmanteau of Kevin Spacey in the movie Seven with a Batman detective that is doing just some partial detective work. Like he is more interested in decipher the riddles than in looking for a profile that could match the killer's identity. I am no detective but I'd say he could check the police, hospitals and mental asylum records. He could ask psychiatrists and clinics. I don't know, some CSI detective work might not be amiss. The guy seems Caucasian with green eyes. Maybe those eyes can be matched with photos from somewhere. He used a specific type of American tape. Let's see stores that sell that kind of tape, let's check their security video recordings.... I don't know.... Seems more interesting breaking and entering into the Penguin's club and squarrly ask the questions. "Ey! Thanks for the visit, Batman" If I were the Penguin I would be nervous. The Batman was here, he might spoil our entire operation. I need to make some calls, pass the word. He's been here. We must do something. We need to pull some levers here and there, reschedule the drug or arms deliveries, hire some baddies and... Oh wait nothing of that sort matters. It's just fine. The Batman just met Selina and now we must follow up the subplot of their sexually-charged relationship and back to the Riddler's puzzling puzzles.... for the next hour?? I don't know....

Very tricky film.

Besides, Pattinson looks just sick. He is a very handsome guy but here he looks just the opposite. He does not look healthy. His haircut is awful. His face is way too pale, way too desaturated of color. He is many miles away from the charismatic established persona with a flair of Bruce Wayne that was beautifully captured in the past by either Keaton, Bale or Affleck.

This version of The Batman/Bruce Wayne totally reminds me of a mixed version of an unmadked Watchmen's Rosarsch with mixed with elements and features of Night Owl.

This Batman is always brooding, moody, more grey than dark, lonely, and barely talkative. Patrolling the streets at night eager to dispense his ration of knuckles in the face but not quite intent on calling the police to aprehend and arrest all those punks going off the rails.... I don't know.

I just hope they come around the idea of making this and Phoenix's Joker part of the same universe. That would definitely be something.
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Better than the original
18 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Personally I liked the American remake more if only for the fact that in the original version, the kid, aside from being mentally delusional is also a sadistic psychopath. Period.

This version does not present the kid as a deranged killer but just as the victim of a trauma caused by an accident.

For me this approach works much better in terms of not just keeping the audience wondering what is actually going on but also in creating a liking or sympathy for the boy.

In the original I could only feel that the boy was a crazy murderer who needed to be stopped. It reminded me of the Clockwork Orange or Funny Games, which only works in a way if your intention is to shock the audience and make them despise or dislike the main character.

All in all, this remake makes for a more enjoyable suspenseful experience in my opinion. Has all the trappings of an upgrade, a polished version a bit tamer.
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Endless zooming in and out.....
9 March 2024
"A Bay of Blood" seems at times made up of an endless - and sometimes very quick, succession of zooming-in-and-zooming-out shots beginning and ending in a blur.

This resource is so ubiquitously used that it ends up being either cumbersome or simply irritating.

I believe movie critics nowadays tend to look more favourably on which, in my opinion, is not but yet another blood-and-galore eurotrash byproduct concocted under the parameters of the Italian giallo cookbook.

I understand the period and the limitations of all those small studios. I understand the zany outfits and the ridiculous haircuts. The tomato-soup blood and the blasting sound of their screeching musical scores but.... Not even the critics of that era were pretty lenient to these now alleged classics of horror.

The convoluted plot might have been of some interest if only had I developed a liking or slight interest for any of the characters. But eventually, all main players are actually despicable, evil or quite unappealing.

I wasn't partial to neither the music nor the settings, which I couldn't find particularly interesting or beautiful. The murder set-pieces were okay and the make-up applications convincing enough. Adding to that, some gratuitous nudity to please the audience and... that's about it.

Furthermore, the final scene is so weird that I kind of needed to write a small review.

All in all, a movie I couldn't recommend to modern audiences. These productions are only for connoisseurs of the genre and a thing for nostalgia or curiosity.
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Better than expected
29 February 2024
Just for comparison. I cannot understand how come people rate 4.7 a painfully awful ultra low-budget flick like "Book of Monsters" (2018), but only give 2.9 to this one, another ultra low-budget British flick but with some nicer and more interesting production values than the former. And more competently crafted overall.

I expected "Blood & Honey" to be an appalling visual experience because of the bad reviews here but in the end I actually kind of liked it. I am actually glad with my purchase of the Italian steelbook edition.

For me, the movie doesn't seem so ultra low-budget - kind of college-kids material like "Book of Monsters". And to be honest, even my girlfriend thought that the bunch of girls acted in a more realistic manner than young women in any other modern horror movie.

Like, these days all we get to see is skinny 50 kg & 1.60-metre tall gals successfully fending off and plucking up in Street Fighter fashion all those 110 kg & 1.90-metre tall male monster villains... As if throwing a kick to a male figure that size wouldn't most probably result in a fracture of their shin.

Most regular people over Britannia do not take kung Fu lessons or happen to be so determined, bold, cool-headed and supernaturally strong as say... Selene in Underworld. To take but an example.

I think Hollywood has very much damaged the concept people have on many things. Including the hellish and brutal realities of war.

All in all a B or Z movie I would most probably revist again in the future over some pizza and a beer.
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Firestarter (2022)
I just hoped for the Agency to terminate the cat-murdering brat...
9 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Not a good omen I bursted off laughing twice at the beginning of this... should I say horror-sci-fi movie? Especially when it was obviously notthe intention of the filmmakers.

First, the hilarious scene with the doll suddenly catching fire while on Zach Efron's arms (priceless expression of surprise on Zach's face). And next, I laughed out again when the little gitlrl said that she needed to talk to Zach about something.... and he was like, "oh you'll have to discuss that with your mother", but no.... oh no, it was not about her period that she wanted to talk you about, man....

Anyway, the moment the kid hideously burned the cat (still alive and whimpering) just out of an outburst of childish rage (the poor animal was just minding its on feline business). Oh gosh, from that moment on I just wished for the agency to terminate that little psycho. So in the end, I was quite dissapointed that she manages to escape alive.
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John Wick in conversations to join the Avengers...
30 March 2023
I feel exhausted after watching this endless succession of firefights and fight scenes.

The storyline never felt fresh. On the contrary, it felt sort of an expanded and refitted rehash of Parabellum. And Parabellum was lots of fun and felt like a great cinematic experience because aside of endless and well-choreographed fighting scenes it continued and followed an engaging story woven through 2 previous episodes. But I felt like part 4 just recycled some things from the previous entry of the saga and tried to stretch the bubble gum just a bit too much.

Besides, I thought Lawerence Fishburne and Ian McShane were to play a greater role here but in the end they were there just for the fan-service value.

All in all it seemed like John was out there killing for the sake of killing for 3 straight hours. Period. And I cannot fully convey my astonishment at this world of Parisien NPCs that cannot be bothered by the thunderous sound of blazing bullets and the corpses piling up on the roads at a busy street or in the early hours of the morning near one of the main touristic attractions of Paris. Does anybody live in those places? Nahhh... Duels and events organized by criminal organizations can take place everywhere, anytime without any people showing up or giving two-pence about any bloodshed taking place around them. Seems like Police disappeared out of the face of planet Earth.
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Extremity (2018)
Not for everyone but definitely my cup of tea...
4 September 2022
I don't think this is a bad horror flick whatsoever. I wonder what kind of movie many a would-be critic would do if given double the budget this small production had.

I am confident I will be watching it again in the future. It's an enjoyable flick if you are into real horror mazes or movies like Haunt, Hellfest, 31, The Funhouse Massacre or even Tobe Hooper's The Funhouse.

I have just watched it on Amazon Prime and I liked it. If it ever comes out on blu-ray or DVD I might as well as get it. Solid addition to any B-movie collection and perhaps a 7 out of 10 score all things considered. A final 8 to help overall rating. :D.
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The "Monster Rally" movies finally (and thankfully) come to an end
18 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Without question the most unnecesary, unjustified, disjointed and weakest entry among all the otherwise very entertaining Universal's Frankenstein, Dracula and Wolfman sequels (if we don't take into account the Abbot & Costello riotous reunions).

This time around the script doesn't even bother to explain the presence of Count Dracula and Larry Talbot (the Wolfman) despite both having been killed for good in the previous feature. And this is particularly annoying. Both Frankenstein meets the Wolfman and House of Frankenstein at least offered an (flimsy or bizarre as they were) explanation.

The only one who does get a scene justifying his presence is the Monster of Frankenstein, but much to our denouement its role is reduced basically to lying on a laboratory gurney.

So Universal studios tried again to cash in on the previous success formula of the trio of curricular monsters + mad doctor with a goatee + hunchback assistant (here as a kind and lighthearted nurse), only that the "Monster Rally" franchise seemed to had completely run out of steam at that point. So much so that after 5 sequels of Frankenstein: Bride of Frankenstein (1935), Son of Frankenstein (1939), Ghost of Frankenstein (1942), Frankenstein meets the Wolfman (1943) and House of Frankenstein (1944) the scriptwriters just seemed incapable of doing anything new and somewhat coherent at the same time

And so completely out of ideas they must have been at this point that at the very end of the movie they couldn't be bothered any longer and they just reused the final sequence from Son of Frankenstein of a fire breaking up in the house and have the structure collapse onto the Monster.

I could go on with quite a few other things, like Dracula's bizarre and silly subplot and his unceremoniously bland an uninspired death scene... Or Larry Talbot's subplot and his miracolous and absurd treatment to have him cured from his "illness".

In the end I think House of Dracula kind of feels like those modern sequels being made today of original movies released many years ago that unsuccessfully try to recapture and conjure up again the magic of a once multi-million-dollar-earning formula.
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The Rise of Skywalker of the Jurassic Park saga
23 July 2022
JW Dominion felt overlong, somewhat emotionless, mildly boring, utterly silly and at odds with all previous 5 movies. This is as disheartening to see as The Rise of Skywalker. Something you wish never happened and saddens you because they used beloved characters just to keep churning out green milk from a now dying cow.

First of all I want to point out how stupid Chris Pratt's character has become. A reflection of how blatantly stupid this movie is. Somebody help me understand why he is not worried at all about having a killing machine (Blue) roaming in the nearby forest. I mean, he might start caring once hikers, workers from the wood company, children and the like start appearing dead and severely mutilated all along the area. Not to mention the ecological disaster that means letting the world's apex predator freely roam in the wild. One that would quickly and eventually trigger the extinction of any other carnivore mammals living in the area like wolves, foxes, bears, lynx or pumas.

The same goes for the herbivore mammals. Much bigger and more dangerous herbivores like the Pachycephalosaurus or the Triceratops would eventually displace too the former from their habitats.

No one seems to bother.

So for me this movie turned Owen and Claire into idiotic and dislikeable characters because of them acting just like 'dinoaddict' morons.

Dinosaurs in this movie are just a complement. Every scene they pop up on the screen they remind me of the rides in theme parks. They are there just for the shock value like in "oh a Carnotaurus... oh look there, a Quetzalcosaurus... oh over there! A feathered Velociraptor... oh wow! Look a Therizinosaurus... oh cute, the Dilophosaurus... oh over there, finally! Dimetrodons.....". And so on and on.

I could go on with how senseless and unjustified Alan Grant's role in the movie is. I don't think he himself has a clue about what he is actually doing in the movie apart from delivering some fan-service.

The issue of the locusts... It's like going to see The Exorcist and instead of the plot revolving around the girl's possession, it revolved around solving the murder of the butler with a candlestick. For example.

Another issue. Hispanic people make up 20% of the US population. Where on Earth do you have Latin Americans in this movie? Because the character of Zia Rodriguez has just 10 or less seconds of screen-time. For a 2 hour and 27 minute long movie. Talking about diversity...

Roles in JW Dominion:

White males: just either evil or mildly stupid.

White females: evil, mildly stupid or heroines.

Black guys: all heroes.

Black girls: heroine (there's only one).

Asian guy: he is the smartest among them all but since he is a man he is forced to spend the whole movie in a sad mood saying sorry and acknowledging he is just garbage compared to almighty Virgin Maisie.

Latin Americans: Oh I guess they were all working in the fields devastated by the giant locusts. Right?

And by the way, this movie 'retcons' the previous movie that had already 'retconned' the previous four installments of the saga. What the h...?

So John Hammond was a greedy evil man for trying to create an electrically-fenced theme park with dinosaurs in a remote island, but Dr. Virgin Maisie who magically gave birth to a perfect clone of herself (no need for a man, either father or donor) is the final heroine and savior of the world and the most gracious, brave and brilliant among them all.

And just at the eleventh hour we get to know all this..... Oh you cheap hack Trevorrow. You spent way too much time listening to Jar Jar Abrams's ludicrous tricks: 'Mystery boxes! Mystery boxes!!'.

After so many decades discussing the moral, ethical and legal implications of cloning perfect human beings... And it just so happens to be the blessing of this world... and of a saga about dinosaurs. Yep.

And little Maise, not only is it impossible to connect with her since she behaves like a know-it-all brat, but she has spent four full years living with an all-American couple and she still speaks with the thickest of British accents. The one you only get by attending an Oxford school day in, day out. Just like Rey in Star Wars.... Oh don't get me started on that.

And what about the ending. Sweet baby Jesus... it's the same one as in the first Jurassic World but they just changed two of the three dinosaurs... Wow Colin Trevorrow. You have 'rianjohnsoned' the Jurassic Park saga. Good job.

I cannot go on with this.

All in all, this movie left me with the same bad taste in the mouth as after one of those long naps when you drool all over your pillow and feel damp and disgusted.

Now I hope more people can re-appreciate the likes of The Lost World and Jurassic Park III. Multiple Academy award-winning films compared with this chock-full CGI (I doubt Chris Pratt ever really set foot in Malta) pile of Triceratops manure.
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Early 1990s Spanish horror movie by a dreamer called J. P. Simon
3 July 2022
Too easy to dismiss or lambast this movie while not having the slightest clue as to what it meant to make a horror movie like this in Spain some 30, 40 or 50 years ago.

From the excruciatingly hard task of raising any money or hiring people who could actually build puppets or prosthetics or recruiting competent enough English-speaking actors through securing distribution deals overseas.

Spain was thousands of miles away to the US or even Britain in terms of everything related to making fantasy flicks. The market is small in comparison and so have always been the productions bar the odd occasion in recent years. Trying to make an appealing international movie with some production values (visual effects, make-ups, puppets, miniatures and the like) always was back then a daunting and extremely challenging task.

Juan Piquer Simon dared making the type of American B or Z movies nobody in Spain ever dared to produce up to that point. Not even Jesus Franco's or Paul Naschy's films can compare to Piquer's films in terms of scope and ambition.

Because of the aforementioned and much more, the products always suffered. But Simon was a visionary of the likes we didn't get to have until Julio Fernández set up shop with his now-defunct Fantastic Factory in the 2000s.

Most B or Z movies have to be reviewed and analyzed in their context. Without it, it is way too easy to find fault with any of them...

Pieces, Slugs, Voyage to the Center of the Earth, the Rift, his uncredited directorial debut in Escalofrío (AKA Satan's Blood) and this movie called Cthulhu Mansion deserve just a little bit more appreciation. If only for the miracle of them having been produced at all.
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The show should have been called Inquisitor Reva
25 June 2022
I would have no problems with a Star Wars series called 'Inquisitor Reva' with a female African American as a main character. That's commonplace these days. Where is the problem? I think the concept is cool and interesting enough on its own.

The problem comes when the company making the show is much more preoccupied with diversity and the likes of that rather than with producing a quality product with superb storytelling, dialogues and other production values while respecting and understanding already well-established characters and canon of this mostly beloved universe called Star Wars.

Mostly beloved because I don't know. Ever since Lucas made the prequels and started releasing new and mostly unnecessary modifications on the original films every now and then this franchise has been gathering speed downhill... Until it monumentally crashed for good with the release of The Last Jedi and the leftovers burned to cinder with Rise of Skywalker.

Anyway, I am abandoning hope on today's Hollywood. I am watching less and less modern productions and researching, discovering and watching more and more movies and films made in the 20th century. And I just love it.

I am getting tired of these shows and fantasy flicks without soul, originality, designed under certain parametres and poorly written that are chock-full of CGI everywhere.
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Slayer (2006 TV Movie)
Not that bad. Interesting spin on Vampire lore.
24 January 2022
An interesting outing in the genre but for me Slayer felt a bit too long. If the movie lasted just one hour, the whole thing would have come out as a more satisfactory viewing experience in my opinion. The plot plods along in order to take the film to the required standard running time of 85-90 min. I understand this, but I had to fast forward some scenes in the end just to be able to finish the film in one sitting.

Ever since Starship Troopers was released I have been rather partial to Casper Van Dien. Here he is kind of 'reprising' his role of captain Johnny Rico but in the jungle and with vampires. Nice.

The fight scenes are ok. Vampires get to kill enough soldiers and everything looks decently enough choreographed. I guess the vampires could have fared better with some weapons but... The spin on the origin and motivations of these vampires are a nice addition to the plot and Danny Trejo, Ray Park (Star Wars' Darth Maul) and Lynda Carter (Wonder Woman in the original TV series) are great additions in supporting roles. If only Trejo would have been given more screen time and a greater role in the story.

By the way, if you ever buy the dvd just go quickly for the 'Play' icon. The dvd main menu sequences might give you away some major plot points!!
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Superman III (1983)
They turned Superman into a joke
24 January 2022
As a comedy Superman III is somewhat amusing (thanks to a very funny Richard Pryor) but as a superhero flick this is a sore pain for both my brain and eyes.

I cannot believe the same guys (David and Leslie Newman) who wrote Superman 1 and 2 also wrote this unbelievably cartoonish piece of garbage. I guess it's all Richard Lester's fault. That's why I always stick with Richard Donner's cut of Superman II.

The only two things I liked about this movie were Richard Pryor's antics and the darker and cooler costume of evil Superman.

I started to have a very bad feeling about this movie right from the start with that overlong comedy sketch of people (especially the blind man) fumbling about the streets bumping into or stumbling over things, falling into potholes and the like.... Just terrible.

Lois Lane goes on vacation to Bermuda and while she's out of the picture Clark falls for High school love interest and now mother-of-one Lana Lang.

One of the most annoying things about this movie is that I finally and fully realised that Clark Kent is a complete George McFly, but taller. The kind of nerd that no woman on Earth has ever found irresistible. Unless they are single mothers who have gone through a bad marriage with and abusing or alcoholic husband. And...well it just so happens to be pretty much the case here.

I sincerely hope to forget this movie soon and rewatch the first two instead again. I love Margot Kidder's Lois Lane. She's so beautiful and attractive in those first two movies (despite some unflattering clothes she would wear at times). For me there's definitely something very charming and seductive about her.
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Goofy idea, goofier conclusion... and definitely NOT part of the DCEU.
12 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I purchased both steelbooks of this movie, so believe me when I say I wanted to like this movie as much as I liked the first one.

The story is quite goofy to say the least. Some other people has already gotten into that in other reviews so here I am basically complaining about WW1984 being at odds not only with the rest of the DCEU but very much with the very first Wonder Woman movie that spawned this (alleged) sequel.

Diana was NOT raised to become a warrior. Her mother was pretty much against that, remember? But oh wait, now we see her encouraging Diana as a child to become the greatest Amazon of them all. So Patty Jenkins was right. This movie is pretty much its own thing and is not related to the rest of the DC cinematic universe.

I positively cannot understand why after World War Two or Vietnam and what have you Diana would have finally come to terms with herself after 7 decades of mourning Steve's loss (wow, 65 years later and she is still very much being haunted by her recollections of him) and decides to expose herself to the public just to stop ehm.... a petty robbery in a jewellery store.... and she was not even aware of the stuff being robbed ... what?? Not to mention the saves she performs in plain sight in the streets of Washington.... The whole story reaches a point of absurdity at the end that is really hard to swallow. One of the most over the top and silly conclusions I have ever witnessed in a superhero movie. Including 'Superhero movie' (2008).

By the way, I loved the original soundtrack by Hans Zimmer. That´s the best thing about this movie. Definitely way better than the film itself.
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Hungry zombies look healthier than protagonist with plenty of food
11 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Not a bad film. I liked it somewhat but some things did bothered me and prevented me from having a more satisfactory viewing experience. For example, the main lead who has access to all sorts of packed and canned food and water (from rain) looks worse than the zombies themselves that haven't had anything to eat or drink for months. Literally. Because they are not eating humans, or animals, or... other zombies.

The zombie outbreak takes place in Summer and when the Winter comes we still get to see a fat zombie (a really fat 'undead' guy. As fat as you can possibly imagine) running fast like crazy towards the building the protagonist has bunkered himself into. I felt tempted to switch off the TV at that point.

Take for example the zombie trapped inside the elevator. The old ghoul hasn't got their teeth into anything for months and he has yet to lose a single miserable pound of fat!! For Christ's sake. But why on earth the zombies are not starting to decompose, rot and look like corpses after so many months? They are just the same zombie characters. They haven't just turned in a few days ago. What kind of supervirus did they get infected with? I don't get it. What's pobably worse. Not a single explanation about the outbreak or the origin or anything at all is given at any point.

In the end the survivor's story is not that compelling or interesting. The guy makes a few dumb decisions all along the way and there were times I just wished for him to get badly bitten. :D

Maybe I should give it another try in the future.
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Event Horizon (1997)
Alien + 2010 Odyssey Two + Hellraiser Hellbound
11 January 2022
That formula above pretty much sums up what the Event Horizon movie is about, except for minor twists to the plot.

Don´t get me wrong. I did enjoy the movie. I even own that beautiful dvd special edition released years ago that emulates the front part of the ship.

I usually like any movie with Sam Neill and Lawrence Fishburne on it. Fishburne is just great as the ship's captain. And Neill is just outstanding, as usual. The only issue for me is that the whole thing pretty much resembles an hybrid of borrowed ideas, situations and elements from the aforementioned movies.

By the way, I would stick to the dvd or blu-ray version, as the 4K versions may give away too noticeably those 1990s CGI effects and the miniatures.
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Hasta la vista baby!!
2 November 2019
This is the 'Rise of Skywalker' of the Terminator Saga. The final nail on the coffin.

For true fans of the saga this stinker will rightly be panned for years to come for being the monumental fail and rehash/remake of all previous 5 movies it is (plus the adjustments to PC culture).

I am not surprised to see 73 year-old Schwarzennegger in this one despite his character 'Carl' being an utter disgrace and a senseless joke. I understand his motivations ($$$$$) as much as 63 year-old Linda's ($$$).

But good old James..... Well, if he could openly endorse Terminator Genysis and remake Pocahontas + Dances with Wolves into a space fantasy extravaganza then... Well, I guess that I shouldn't be surprised.

On the other hand, how on earth could I be scared of strong female leads. My kitty's name is Ripley and not precisely after John Malkovich's character. I already loved kick-ass women characters like Leia Organa, Ellen Ripley, Sarah Connor, Trinity (Matrix), Selene (Underworld), Dizzy Flores and Carmen Ibañez (Starship Troopers), Hit-Girl (Kick Ass), Grace Jones in Conan the Destroyer, Lori Cardille in Day of the Dead, Gena Davies in Cutthroat Island, Lucy Lawless in Xena, Natasha Henstridge in Species and Ghosts of Mars, Uma Thurman in Kill Bill, Angelina Jolie in Lara Croft, Milla Jovovich in Resident Evil, Rose McGowan in Planet Terror, Michelle Rodriguez in Machete, Avatar or any Fast & Furious and so on, and on, and on. So stop making a fuss about this, please. That's not the issue. This is a movie made in 2019 not 1959. For God's sake.

The real issue here is the producers and director tearing apart the legacy of Terminator and more especifically Terminator 2. This movie is a shoddy mix-up or hybrid of recycled ideas, locations and characters from all previous installments. Impossible action sequences and new unoriginal terminators don't make up for a terrible excuse of a movie.

So embarrasing that after all these years they could have only come up with the very same basic plot: "Oh, it is not Skynet now it is... just the same thing but with another name... Oh, it's no longer a shiny T-800 or T-1000, it's just a darker hybrid version of the aforementioned called... who cares... Oh, this is Carl, an emotionless killing machine that just happened to have turned into an adorable dad with feelings.. Somehow". Come on!

I am done with these terrible excuses of uninspired movies made by marketing moguls and hacks. For me the saga ended up with Salvation (at least they tried something different and was pretty much ok) and does include Terminator 3 (despite not being that great).
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Suicide Squad (2016)
I did like Suicide Squad despite not being a masterpiece
1 November 2019
I must admit that I have never read a Suicide Squad comic book, but on the other hand I have seen almost every DC's TV show or movie ever produced from the 1960s onwards.

What I did do was reading the book 'Suicide Squad: behind the scenes with the worst heroes ever'. This helped me better understand David Ayer's and the producers' motivations for this script, the characters and the overall tone of the movie. And it seems the producers were just trying to follow in the footsteps of back then highly successful Guardians of the Galaxy.

However, I understand why hardcore fans can't relate much to this version of the property. First and foremost Jared Leto's Joker. But as Ayer commented in the aforementioned book: "he's a 21st century villain with an iPhone". And for me that kind of worked. Maybe I 'm being partial to Leto because I already like him as the lead singer of Thirty Seconds to Mars but... In the end his portrayal of the Clown Prince was definitely something else. And not in a bad sense.

And what about the story. For me it feels as good/interesting or as bad/senseless as any other one from almost every DC or Marvel superhero flick ever made. From the likes of Batman Returns or the first Captain America to Avengers Age of Ultron or even Batman Begins. Does anybody really think that the motivations behind Enchantress' actions are flimsier o sillier than those of Red Skull's or Ras al Gul's just to take but a few examples? Does anyone?

On the other hand, I can't understand some people complaining about things they do not usually complain when it comes to the MCU or the Dark Knight trilogy.

Just to take a little example: Dr. June finding and opening the statuette of Enchantress. Some criticize this as very unrealistic because a real scientist wouldn't go up and break open the seal of such an ancient artifact. But they seem to forget that June only did that t after being called out and become bewitched by the supernatural force/voice coming out of the statuette.

All in all. I I did enjoy the extended cut although I must admit that, in my opinion, Man of Steel and the extended cut of Batman v Superman are indeed somewhat superior. Who knows, maybe one day we will get to see a David Ayer's cut too!
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