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Echo 8 (2024)
A remarkable achievement!
7 April 2024
'ECHO 8' is quite an achievement in Australian independent filmmaking. In recent years the Australian film/tv industry has become increasingly focused on Dramas and Crime Stories. It's nice to see a film that steps out of the zeitgeist to challenge that. Despite a low budget, It's clear that a lot of passion was put into this film, everyone was committed to make the best film possible, and they did!

The directing duo and stars of 'ECHO 8' Maria Tran and Takashi Hara have created a tightly wound and well directed Martial Arts/Action film with hints of Psychological and Sci Fi themes.

Good stuff.
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A Fun Action/Fantasy /Comedy and Definitely Eddie's most Underrated film
6 January 2013
There Was a time when Eddie Murphy was one seriously funny guy, and this film is a good example of that, released in the fall of 1986 THE GOLDEN CHILD was met with mixed to mostly negative reviews (Then again Roger Ebert liked it) I really don't see why people didn't like this film, and to some extent it still to this day is considered a low point in eddies career, for those of you who haven't seen this film before/since i suggest giving it another watch with an open mind knowing that its a fantasy comedy and not your usual Eddie Murphy film (Probably the reason why people just didn't get into it)

The Plot concerns Eddie trying to find a kidnapped child who holds magical powers that can bring love and peace in the world or can bring chaos and destroy the world if the child were to be polluted with anything evil, and the people who kidnapped him want to sacrifice the child to gain and use his power for their own evil scheme.

PROS: Eddie Murphy is hilarious just playing the average Joe who cannot believe the situation around him, as things get crazier Eddie just gets funnier, Charles Dance as the main Villain does a Decent job at playing a Super Serious villain who seems to constantly keep pronouncing his J's Silent Which leads to a lot amusement when Eddie Murphy shares scenes with him. The Art Directiom is Splendid and the Cinematography is stunning (Especially with the scenes in Tibet) The Musical Score by Michael Colobier is so 80s but infectiously catchy Funk influenced Pop Rock that just makes you feel like a Bad A%$ The Film has a great supporting Cast Half of which appear in another similarly themed movie Called BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA And there's a handful of creative set pieces that really stand out (I.E) The Cave which Eddie must retrieve a dagger and a Hilarious Dream Sequence with Eddie and the villain.

CONS: The Final showdown with the Villain feels a little rushed and the Villain's final form isn't all that inspired And the Film's Visual FX don't hold up well in 2 or 3 scenes

But aside from that the Film is a lot of Fun, Eddie needs to release a special edition DVD/Blu Ray for this one, but according to some sources he's not too fond of this film (Honestly I don't see why, maybe because it was made at the height of his career and it burned him inside that it didn't do as well as it should have)

Overall: 7/10 "Not as good as Coming to America or Beverly Hills cop, but its not far behind and definitely better than anything Eddie made in the 90s onwards.
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The Last and Most Least of the entire series
22 July 2011
After Death Wish 4 in (1987) many people thought that was the end of the Death Wish series, But 7 years later Charles Bronson returned for one final Sequel, Frankly i wish it hadn't been made and heres why.

Lets begin with the plot, The Plot involves Paul Kersey (Charles Bronson) Now living the quiet life with his new wife Olivia (Lesley Ann Down)who runs a fashion trade, and her previous husband was a psychotic mob leader. Everything seems to be going good for kersey and his new wife until, Olivia's ex-husband Tommy O'Shea (Michael Parks)returns to muscle in on her fashion trade, and after seeing her with Kersey he gets a bit jealous and decides to disfigure her, of course this Angers Kersey and once again he decides to pull out his guns and get the bad guys.

CONS: OK, first things first, This film came way too late, Charles Bronson was 73 years old when he made this film & It's Really hard to buy Bronson at 73 taking on A bunch Bad Guys In his old age, Not only that, his wife in the movie is like half his age and I really cannot believe she married him, I mean seriously, she is rich and famous in the fashion trade and she can have any man she wants and she chooses a 73 year old man, Its a bit Unusual if you ask me, and another thing is there is not much excitement in this film I never felt involved in the action or drama scenes because it's acted half heartedly, For me the film doesn't seem to get you involved.

PROS: Now I complained about Bronson being too old to play Mr.Vigilante again, Because Lets face it by 73 years old he should be having problems handling bad guys half his age, which would've been an interesting approach to the film, but no they tried to make it seem like he was in his 40s again, which at this point was silly, But to be fair From a Performance Standpoint Bronson really does well, He still seems fit, and has no problems doing the action and it's amazing to see him in great physical condition, Also the Main Villain is really ruthless, Michael Parks really does a good job playing the laid back mobster who could snap at any moment when pushed, and the ending fight between Him and Kersey is pretty cool, and of course there are some funny one liners from both Kersey and O'Shea.

OVERALL: 4/10 While it has it's Moments, It really Doesn't work, Bronson is Exceedingly old to buy as an action man, and overall the film fails to get you involved, It's worth a rental but not worth Buying.

TRIVIA: Believe it or not there was plans for another sequel without Charles Bronson entitled DEATH WISH 6: The New Vigilante, Would've been Interesting to see what they would've done with it.
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Not a great film but its an Interesting Curiosity for Film buffs
21 July 2011
The First Exterminator film is a cult classic among fans of Revenge and exploitation flicks, however this film for a long time was not, until just recently, Exterminator 2 (1984) Is an interesting film because it didn't turn out like it should have, According to many fans and sources it was meant to be a follow up in the same gritty style of its predecessor, however the production company wasn't happy with the final product and demanded a entirely new ending involving a larger action scene as well as some other extra scenes to be added to the rest of the film, So apparently there's an entirely different work print version of the film out there, which would be an interesting watch because the version I am reviewing is the version that was Released in theaters and on VHS, we have yet to get a DVD and if we do I hope we get a special edition with both versions of the film and a documentary.

OK the plot of the film is extremely simple, It picks up 3 or 4 years after the original, and "The Exterminator" (Played by Robert Ginty Once again) is back cleaning up the crime ridden streets of new york, however the crime is even more ferocious than ever before, a new gang is on the Streets lead by a psychotic gang leader called "X" (Mario Van Peebles) His plan is basically to take over the entire city of New York by starting to get the public hooked on Drugs and have them join his gang to form an uprising on the entire city.

Now first thing You'll notice is the film's tone is completely different It's no longer dark and gritty and it has more in tone with the MAD MAX movies, THE EXTERMINATOR now wears a welding mask and burns crooks with a flamethrower, the film is still very violent (Depending on which version you get) But its more action oriented, however the problem is the action is not that good, every scene is mashed together and just barely makes sense, The Acting is probably the worst thing about the film, all the actors just seem bored and the punks are just over the top silly, and i don't blame them, the writing in this film is some of the worst ever, and the musical score is just laughable it sounds like it was composed for an old SEGA genesis/mega-drive game, even for its time it was bad, however it could've been good if they had better production values on the film, which is another major problem, the film's budget was extremely low and it dwarfs my mind on why that is, the first film was a financial success so you'd think they would give a bigger budget for the sequel, but this is produced by GOLAN GLOBUS after all so its expected, but even for them it was still low budget being made for only $3 million when they made other films for 5 to 10 million dollars.

Now after Ripping pretty hard on this film, I gotta give it some slack because in some strange and screwy way it was entertaining, Because When Watching it you can't help but think "You Know this could've been a Great Idea for a Comic Book" Indeed this film's tone is not far from the truth it has that comic book feel, even the Cover and poster art makes you think so, Not only that The main villain "X" Is hilariously entertaining to watch, he hams up the role just enough not to annoy you, And the final Action scene is cool, it involves an armored Garbage truck with guns,rockets and a snow plow attached to the front going through gang members, so this film Does have its entertainment value But Its more of an interesting curiosity to film buffs because of its history, so i suggest checking it out for Curiositys sake.


BTW: Make sure you get the U.S version of this film, as its censored heavily in most parts of the world.
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A brutal 1980s Semi-Grindhouse Revenge Flick
21 July 2011
"The Exterminator" is a film that has many flaws but also has high entertainment value, The Story is nothing new, the characters are only half developed, and the film was made on a low budget, however it has a certain charm to it that makes it an entertaining watch.

The Plot of the film involves A Vietnam vet named John Eastland (Played by Robert Ginty, RIP) Taking the Name of "THE EXTERMINATOR" and Going out onto the streets of New York to hunt and kill a bunch of thugs that killed his best friend, and in the process try to rid new york entirely of crime. A policeman played by (Christopher George RIP) is out to catch him, but unknown to both of them the CIA is also after THE EXTERMINATOR its just a matter of time who will get to Him first.

Like i said the Plot isn't that Original, and the subplot involving the CIA is hugely Underdeveloped, and like i mentioned the characters are half developed, in other words they are only half interesting, but the sole Savior of this film is the violence and gritty atmosphere in which the Director James Glickenhaus Creates, the violence in this film is Raw and nasty and the Villains are extremely Despicable and when they get whats coming to them it Effectively pays off, The Film is what it is, an Exploitation film and a good one at that, in fact it has some truly powerful scenes as well as some emotional ones and if you see the film you'll know what I'm talking about.

OVERALL (6/10): "The Exterminator" is a Film to be viewed with caution, as it is very Depressing and Brutally Violent, But it does have its moments of being effective, and the violence is not Over the top in gore, its nasty and disgusting, I would say its on the level of TAXI DRIVER's violence, For general film goers I would probably say Skip this film but for fans of revenge movies and exploitation films I would suggest checking out this fairly controversial flick.
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The Blob (1988)
Another great Horror/Sci-Fi Remake from the 80s
19 July 2011
In the 1980s there were 3 remakes of Popular 1950s Horror films, first there was THE THING (1982) then THE FLY (1986) And in (1988) We got THE BLOB, which is often overlooked and considered to be the lesser of the 3 remakes, and to me that's really sad because THE BLOB is in my opinion is Just as good as the other two remakes from the 80s, The 1950s version of The Blob is a classic B-Movie worth watching for a good laugh, as for the Remake it is a truly scary film, the suspense is there, the special effects are incredible to this day, the only effects that are dated are the green screen effects which don't show up until the latter of the film and there's only a few of them.

The Plot is the same as the original but with a slight twist, Like in the original, A meteorite hits earth and a strange blob creature oozes out of it and starts to devour anything and anyone in its path, the film has 2 heroes played by (Kevin Dillon and Shawnee Smith) who both do a good job with their roles, and the supporting cast is good also.

The film succeeds as being a good remake because it gives you something old and something new, it pays homage to the original without completely ripping off the original, In fact there are only 2 major scenes that are lifted from the original, but they are Done in good taste, unlike many remakes today where they just add an overabundance of scenes from the original making feel like a total repeat of the original and not add anything new, But the real show stealer is the Blob itself, the biggest improvement being the special effects, the blob has never looked more threatening or scarier.

Overall: The 1988 remake of THE BLOB is a classic but sadly overlooked Horror/Sci-Fi film, The Only problem with it is some cheesy dialog and maybe the new twist on the plot is not the best, but the biggest problem is, WHEN WILL WE GET A SPECIAL EDITION DVD/BLU RAY? It would be good to see some bonus features as well as some remastering, they could surely Polish up some of the bad green screen moments. But overall the film is a lot of fun, Highly recommended for Horror/Sci-Fi Buffs.

8/10 4/5
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Death Wish 3 (1985)
Bronson Goes RAMBO in this one, and thats why Its Awesome!
26 May 2011
Death Wish 3, what can i say? its the fan favorite of the series and its not hard to see why, The First 2 Death Wish films were serious in Tone with some minor hints of black humor, But Death Wish 3 on the other hand takes the series into another Direction, they really camp it up and Turn the Action up to 11 an make it a more traditional Action Film in the style of films like RAMBO and COMMANDO, and it wasn't really surprising that the film went in this direction, as it was made in 1985 and during that time, films like COMMANDO and RAMBO were very popular, and me also being a fan of those kinds films, i found Death Wish 3 to be an Extremely Fun movie.

The Plot involves Paul Kersey (Charles Bronson) Returning to his original home city of New York to Visit an old Army Buddy, when he arrives at his Buddys Apartment he finds him beaten to death, The Police burst into the Apartment and arrest Kersey suspecting him as the murderer, however the police Chief (Ed Lauter) recognizes Kersey as the one man army from years before, and grants him freedom under the condition that he helps him eradicate all the gangs who terrorize the Neighbourhood where Kersey's Friend was killed.

Now, the Plot of the film is very Far-fetched and the Dialogue is Cheesy and Sadly Charles Bronson Doesn't really give the best acting performance in this Installment. However the film is entertaining thanks to Incredible Action scenes in the last half hour and a lot of funny moments, and some of the Supporting Cast is likable the Chief( Ed Lauter) and another Friend of Kersey's (Martin Balsam) give decent performances, and the Villain played by (Gavin O' Herlihy) Is truly evil in that 80s street punk leader kind of way. However what truly impresses me is Charles Bronson's Physical Work, At 64 years old during the making of this film ,He really seems to have no problems Running Around with a giant machine gun as well as Jumping off and Climbing up Fire escapes, and another good thing is there's not as many rape scenes in this film as in the 2nd film, that doesn't mean there isn't any but they are not as Gratuitous as they were in the 2nd film, And Finnally the Score By Jimmy Page is as Cool as ever.

Obviously you cannot take Death Wish 3 Seriously, its popcorn entertainment at its finest, So Sit back and Switch off your brain and you'll have a hoot with this film.

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Unfairly Underrated Entry In he Series
25 May 2011
Death Wish 4: The Crackdown, is a surprisingly entertaining entry in the series, Despite not being Directed by Michael Winner who directed the first 3 movies, Of all of the Films in the Series this one is one of the best however it seem's to have one of the Lowest Critical Ratings (the lowest Being Death Wish 5) Which i really don't understand because i really Found this one Entertaining, but I think i know where the critical Lambasting came from, when the Film came out, it was 1987 during that time It seemed that Drugs particularly cocaine were advertised as a major problem in Society (Without a doubt Drugs are a Major problem, but they are not the only problem in society)and During this time both TV And Film were Advertising this and I think people were tired of hearing about it, and Death Wish 4 is no Exception regarding making Anti-Drug Statements , However the Drug Statement Is not the Only thing that Critics had with it, it was also the Fact that this was 4th film in the series and I guess they Just Got tired of the series (Oh, But No one Gets tired of the James Bond Or Godzilla Series!) Personally I'm all for Sequel's As long as they are entertaining and add some things that are new, and Death Wish 4 Does that.

The Plot Once again involves Paul Kersey (Charles Bronson)Now Living with a Girlfriend (Kay Lenz)in L.A,everything Seems to Be going Good for them until Kersey's Girlfriend's Daughter Dies From a Cocaine Overdose, Kersey Goes out to find the Pusher who sold her the Drugs and Kills him, however the next day Kersey gets a mysterious phone call from someone Claiming to know who Kersey is, and telling him to meet the caller at a specified address, he goes to the address and meets a Reporter who's Daughter also died from a Cocaine overdose, and with Kersey's Help wants revenge on the entire drug underworld. He offers Kersey Info on all the Drug Dealers in L.A as well as access to more weapons. Kersey Accepts the offer and goes on the Hunt to Destroy the entire Drug underworld.

Death Wish 4: The Crackdown, Is a welcoming Change to the Series, instead of having Kersey just killing Muggers and Rapists, we have him taking on an entire Drug Underworld in a reasonably Clever way, by setting up Rival Drug mobs against each other, the paranoia and Confusion between both the Drug Mobs is exciting and somewhat funny to watch, and the action this time is a little Lighter than the 3rd film but thats balanced out with Clever Set Pieces, Suspenseful Moments and Funny One Liners delivered from both Bronson and the Supporting Cast, but the action is still enjoyable despite it being a little toned down, and Bronson definitely seemed to be having more fun in this one than in the 3rd film, and another thing is there is not one rape scene in the entire film, well except in the opening scene there is an rape attempt but nothing graphic or as Shocking like the previous films (Thank God) If there's anything bad about the film it's very minor, The film isn't exactly original but things like Originality Don't Matter as long as they are not Blatantly Copied and in Death Wish 4 as far as i know it's certainly not, I did miss Jimmy Page's Score however, and the ending seemed Like a repeat of the 3rd film only not as good, but its not Unsatisfying. Bottom line the positives outweigh the Negatives.

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Death Wish II (1982)
Violent and Nerve Racking but Deliver's a Satisfying ending
25 May 2011
Death Wish 2, basically re-hashes the original's Plot once again, only this time The Violence is More Extreme and the Rape Scenes are far More shocking and Uneccessarliy more Frequent.

This time Paul Kersey(Charles Bronson)Has moved to L.A With His Daughter and New Wife to start a new life, but one day his wallet is stolen by some street punks (One Played by a Young Laurence Fishburne), the punks find his address from his Drivers Licence and Decide to Rape and Kill both His Housekeeper and Daughter(Who Was recovering from the last Incident) This time Kersey Is more Determined than ever before to Catch these Guys and a lot of Bloody Carnage Ensues along the way.

The Film is not as Deep as the Original nor is it as Stylishly Filmed, And this being the Uncut Version I'm reviewing, The film has Two Main Rape Scenes which Go on For WAY Too long, Which makes it Gratuitous, and they way it's filmed and acted is unpleasant but in a different way than in the original What i mean by that is it seems like the film is trying to be a Sadistic Porno at times, Which is very Disturbing Considering the Seriousness of the topic, Rape is unpleasant it's not a joke, which at times during those scenes is how its portrayed as a Joke, In which it should not be portrayed in that way.

Aside from that the film moves at a better pace than the original and the Villains in this film are more Despiseable and you truly feel they deserve whats coming to them, and the Action is a few steps above the original making this film more of a traditional Action/Thriller, rather than a Drama/Thriller, Charles Bronson does well as usual but this time he seems to Camp up his character a little more with a few cheesy One Liners but they do work, and the score by Led Zeppelin Guitarist Jimmy Page is A treat.

NOTE: Like the Original it's very shocking this time even more so,so much in fact I think I'll be Fast Fowarding the rape scenes in this film if i see it again in the Future, So once again for those who are easily disturbed by Brutality and Rape you have been Warned, there is a slightly Censored Version out there, but its still fairly Shocking.

Overall: 5/10
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Death Wish (1974)
Possibly the Film that Started the Whole Revenge Film Craze
25 May 2011
I remember Seeing "Death Wish" like 5 or 6 years ago on TV one night, where it was heavily Edited for obvious Reasons, especially after seeing the Uncut version on DVD just recently. Which brings me to writing this review, How does the movie hold up? Well when i first saw it on TV I enjoyed it, but i was only like 16 and kinda didn't see how deep the film really was, and being a big film buff I decided to rent it out and see it again along with It's Sequels (which I'll review also)Now after seeing it again, this time uncut It really is an Important Film to see.

The Plot involves an everyday man Paul Kersey (Charles Bronson) who's Wife And Daughter are Brutally Raped and Murdered by a gang of thugs (One Played by Jeff Goldblum in an early role) Kersey is unsatisfied with the police not being able to do much to catch them so he gets himself a Pistol and Decides to Take the law into his own hands by taking vengeance on any Street Punk trying to Rob or Kill him and any other innocent Victims.

The Film makes You feel Paul Kersey's Pain and you're Left feeling Truly Sorry for him, But in the end you'll be Questioning whether it was right for Kersey to go off killing Random Street Punks who are robbing him or other helpless victims, one may classify it as Self Defence but other's may say there are other Options available when Being Robbed, however i don't like to think too much about it, I would just have to say that Paul Kersey was a man pushed to the limit at a point in his life when everything seemed to be going right until the walls of his life Came Crashing Down because a bunch of Vile and Remorseless Criminals Killed His Wife and Raped His Daughter. Death Wish is a Gritty Film that is packed With Emotion in Which Charles Bronson makes you feel, He truly is the main Attraction to the film, the atmosphere Director Michael Winner Adds to the film is incredible, new york has never looked so gloomy and the Score by Herbie Hancock is really fitting to this film, the only Problem I have is that the Film has some Slow Moments and an Bitter/Sweet Ending Which Might Disappoint a Few people, but aside from that, this film is excellent, And Due to its Success It spawned 4 sequels and a string of other similarly themed films.

NOTE: To People who are easily Disturbed By Brutality and Rape, Please Be Cautious.

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Pandorum (2009)
I was looking forward to it, but......
17 September 2010
It disappointed me, I have been waiting to see "Pandorum" for a while now,and it just came out on DVD over here in Australia. I remember seeing the trailers for this movie online and thought wow this is going to be a treat, I also remember reading an article from empire magazine on the behind the scenes stuff and being so excited to see a movie that had echos of "Event Horizon" (On of my favorite Sci-Fi horror films ever), after all "Pandorum" has the same producers as that film did, and they even mentioned it would echo "Event Horizon", and for the most part it does only not as effectively as that movie did, Now don't get me wrong i wasn't expecting a movie exactly the same as "Event Horizon", but one that would be as Deep and effective as "Event Horizon" or even more so than that movie was, and "Pandorum" Just didn't do that for me.

PLOT: the plot involves two astronauts played by "Dennis Quaid" and "Ben Foster" who awaken from a Hypersleep aboard a deserted spacecraft called the "Elysium" and neither of these two men remember much of who they are and what their mission is.

CONS: Now with a plot like this there is a lot of potential here but the movie has that weird feeling of, the plot works but there's no satisfaction, but some of the main problems come from the the performances of the actors as well as Plot elements which are not developed to their full potential, The acting in this movie fell flat there was not a single interesting character in the movie it's like they were there to just push the plot along but not add important elements such as Mystery or Intrigue to the film.

And a lot of plot elements were not developed enough, Particularly the whole Condition of "Pandorum" (A psychological breakdown that leads to madness when Travelling in space) now this topic is only touched upon on a few occasions which was not enough to keep me interested, And there's also a Side plot involving Mutants roaming the ship looking for people to eat, another plot point that is not developed in an Interesting or plentiful manner.

Another major problem was the film was way too dark and what i mean is that most of the time i could barely see what was happening, and as for the action scenes with the mutants, they were done in that choppy and quick cut style which i really dislike, It just makes it hard to follow an action scene, in fact there were moments when my eyes started to water when watching the action scenes, and there is also a lot of whispering in this movie now granted the whispering was necessary to avoid the attention of the mutants, but the problem was it was hard to make out what the characters were saying half the time, I actually had to put on Subtitles to make out what most of the characters were saying, no joke.

Now I know what you're thinking by now you're probably thinking, WOW this movie sounds really bad, Well no, it's not that BAD it's no "Batman and Robin" or "Battlefield Earth", but it's more of a big Disappointment than a Bad movie, however there are a couple of things in the movie that are actually good.

PROS; The Mutants looked good the make up and designs were brilliant so thumbs up to that.

The ending was actually very good it ends on a positive note and leaves you with a good feeling

And the Concept of the plot was great only not executed well.

However for me this movie could've been more, and this is just my opinion on the film so overall I'd say Rent the movie yourself and see what you think, but for me the best description for it is;

"The Lights are on But Nobodys Home"

(4/10) (**/*****)
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Hard Target (1993)
Van Damme's Best and John Woo's most Underrated Film
3 February 2010
"Hard Target" has to be Van Damme's best movie to date, and definitely John Woo's most underrated film, it may not be a masterpiece, but it is a fun experience.


The Plot to Hard Target is not really anything original but it does it's job by holding the movie together, it's about a group of bored businessmen who hunt people for sport (mainly ex-police or ex-military officers to keep their hunts interesting) and Van Damme becomes a Target for these businessmen, little do they know that Van Damme is not only an ex-marine but also a very hard guy to kill.


Like I said the plot isn't anything new, but what makes the film watchable is Van Damme, now when it comes to acting Van Damme isn't really the best But when it comes to screen presence and martial arts talent Van Damme Ace's it and he's also convincing in the gunfights and stunts in this movie. And we also have two great villains played by Lance Henriksen and Arnold Vosloo these two have to be the most evil pair of villains to ever be in an action movie as they just show no mercy of torturing or killing people they even make jokes about their victims while killing them.

But what really makes Hard Target Special is the action scenes, considering this was John Woo's first American film he really put a lot of work into the action, and he has never repeated the insanity and unrealistic nature of it ever since, and the reason for that is Hard Target was not received well by the critics, the critics complained that it was ridiculously over the top and unrealistic, as well as criticizing the plot, and considering that it was made by John Woo, who's films prior to Hard Target are masterpieces of Hong Kong drama and action, and the critics were just appalled by Hard Target.


But I think Hard Target was a great movie, the critics were just expecting way too much, did they not notice that Van Damme was the star?, when you go to see a Van Damme movie you go to see him do what he does best, Beat the Tar out of people, so as a Van Damme movie it's definitely impressive in terms of Quality, The action and stunts are great, the villains are brilliant and the plot may not be original but it holds the movie together nicely, and it's definitely the last of the old school John Woo action style which John Woo had to water down in his later American films Because the critics and some of the general public didn't buy his style of action, But I highly recommend Hard Target for any hardcore action movie fan out there, just sit back relax don't take it too seriously and you'll have fun.


BTW: The best version of the film is the Region 2 and Region 4 DVD release as 5 minutes of action has been restored, it may not seem like much but trust me it makes a huge difference especially in the final shoot out. with a good surround sound system it'll be one hell of a ride!. But i just hope that one day we'll get a true director's cut of the film.
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This may well be the best Sci-Fi/Thriller ever made
31 January 2010
The Terminator is a must see film for everyone, it's a sci-fi/thriller of epic proportions, it may look dated now as it was made in 1984, but then again the film is set in 1984 so it shouldn't be considered a big deal.

The plot of the film is fairly simple, in the future there is a war between humans and machines and the machines are fighting a loosing battle and the reason for them loosing is because of a man named (John Connor) who is the leader of the human resistance and is the only man who knows how to stop the machines, so the machines decide to send one of their Android assassins called The Terminator back through time to kill john connor's mother(Sarah Connor) thus preventing john connor from being born and the machines being humanity's successor. however the human resistance is aware of this scheme and they also send in their toughest soldier (Kyle Reese; who is only human) to go and protect sarah connor from the terminator and what follows is an intense fight for survival for both Sarah connor and Kyle Reese who are up against a seemingly unstoppable killing machine.

What makes the terminator such an incredible movie is that it's very clever, the plot line is not 100% original but it is very interesting and raises a question about humanity's future, "Will Technology Reach a point where humans will no longer be in charge of society?" Now it may not seem very likely that it will happen but as you can see everyone is updating on the latest computer technology and gadgets and you start to wonder when watching the movie how far will it go?

The Director of the film (James Cameron) shows us a dark vision of the future with the war torn battlefields and giant robotic tanks killing humans, these scenes are not only cool to see but also truly frightening it's a place that you would not wan't to be.

And the cast of the movie is well chosen the terminator is played by Arnold Schwarzenegger who is without a doubt the perfect choice for the role,as he looks very intimidating and shows no sign of emotion and you believe him in the role. Sarah Connor played by Linda Hamilton is also great in her role of a regular young woman who is unaware of the terror that is about to come her way and as time goes on she has to become strong in mind and body in order to survive, and Kyle Reese played brilliantly by Michael Biehn gives her encouragement throughout the film and plays the ultimate human protector as he is the one who knows more about the terminator than anyone else, and he has to rely on his own ingenuity to not only protect sarah but also himself.

Now the special effects are very dated but there are some that still hold up to this day, the most dated special effect has to be the stop motion terminator endoskeleton in the end but then again it makes the terminator look more believable as it looks more robotic. The Action scenes are good and will keep you entertained, but don't go in expecting transformers.

Overall: The Terminator is a classic in the Sci-Fi and Thriller Genre Check this movie out, you will definitely will get some entertainment out of it.

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Criminally underrated action movie parody that deserves more respect
6 January 2010
When i was about 8 years old, I remember renting "Last Action Hero" and enjoying it a lot, and i recently saw it again and enjoyed it even more as i began to notice a lot of great stuff in the movie that i hadn't noticed when i was a kid, as a film buff i decided to look up the history of the film and i found out That "Last Action Hero" was a box office flop when it was released in 1993, this shocked me and what shocked me more was when i looked up all the reviews i could find for it, most of them were very negative, I think at that time the public missed the point of the film, the film is a parody of action movies not a serious action thriller and i guess during that time of arnold schwarzenegger's career it was probably the wrong time for Last Action Hero to come out,as before Last Action Hero schwarzenegger had made "Total Recall" and "Terminator 2" both of which are great movies but were also very serious and i think people were expecting that from Last Action Hero, but instead they got a parody and they just didn't understand it.

But i think it's time Last Action Hero get's the respect it deserves because it's actually a very good movie.

Plot: The plot to last action hero is probably the most clever I have ever heard, It's about a young boy named Danny who is going to see a private screening of "Jack Slater 4" (A fictional Action series starring Arnold Schwarzenegger),But before entering the movie theatre, Danny's friend projectionist Nick, gives Danny a magic movie ticket which was given to him by the great magician houdini, nick then tears the ticket and gives danny his stub , Danny then walks into the theatre to watch the movie and while he's sitting there enjoying the show the ticket mysteriously activates itself and transports danny into the movie where danny meets Jack Slater(Schwarzenegger) And from then on it's action and laughs all the way, as well as some science fiction because there's Inter-dimensional travel involving the Villain of "Jack Slater 4" Played brilliantly by (Charles Dance),getting a hold of danny's magic ticket and planning on creating havoc on the real world and also the movie world, by getting every single movie villain imaginable to take over those two worlds.

Overall: "Last Action Hero" Is not as bad as people say it is, It was just misunderstood, the film is without a doubt a Spoof on action films, but it works, there are many Jokes and Cheesy one-liners cracked by Arnold Schwarzenegger which are often hilarious, and even the villain has great lines and jokes, but let's not forget about the action, after all the film is called "Last ACTION Hero" there are many great action scenes the best being the beginning of "Jack Slater 4" where an awesome car chase takes place with AC/DC's Big Gun playing in the background, but there's also an incredible and funny scene where Arnold is up against a gang of mobsters on a building rooftop and his escape from them leads him to being on the hook of a crane where he falls into a tar pit, Now keep in mind the action in "Last Action Hero" is more Traditional rather than slam-bang, it does have gun's and explosions and the Occasional Crazy stunts, but do not go in thinking that your'e going to see Stuff like "Transformers" or "Avatar"

The only problem I have with Last Action Hero is that it's a tad too long running at 130 mins and people who don't like their movies long may not like this, i have no problems with long movies but other's may, so i guess that's my only gripe.

But for those of you who are fans of movie parody's, you will probably enjoy Last Action Hero a lot, there's good acting (Surprisingly from Schwarzenegger who shows that he has no fear of mocking himself) there's Action,Comedy,Sci-Fi and plenty of trivial moment's as well as many actor cameos.

So give it a shot.
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