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A mostly pretty great experience with a big crowd
16 September 2023
I was lucky enough to see this for the first time tonight at my city's independent cinema in Edmonton Alberta Canada called Metro Cinema formerly known as The Garneau Theater. This month and through into October's spotlight director is of course John Waters. We're lucky enough to be getting 7 of his films screened here along with Serial Mom, Female Trouble, Polyester, Cry Baby, Hairspray and Multiple Maniacs. I wouldn't say Waters has ever been one of my top 10 directors after just seeing Serial Mom, Cry Baby and firstly A Dirty Shame in the past even though, I love those, A Dirty Shame the least I would say. That being said, seeing Pink Flamingos tonight has John Waters in at least the top 5 most edgiest directors out there, and I can't believe anyone would disagree after seeing this near masterpiece of filth. This is one that would get you fired at a regular job nowadays for talking about what it contains. It's also hilarious at times and some parts had me disgusted but I couldn't look away. I can't say anything in this movie is likely to turn very much people on but I believe there are some out there. I can say with a thankful heart that nothing turned me on here but I did find it fascinating to watch. There are some trigger warnings that some should be aware of in the case of topics displayed such as cannibalism, murder, rape, incest, and a few others that almost had me walk out but I didn't such as a scene involving one character that commits a sexual crime to 2 seemingly underage school girls (not for real cause that would literally have Waters in jail but no one wanted to see this and it didn't need to be apart of this) , scat of an animal partially eaten (for real) and beastialty (apparently partially real and there is animal abuse here which makes me question how this was ever released in theaters). Other than that, I had a great time with this movie and it was a very entertaining watch with the big crowd there all reacting in different ways of being shocked and repulsed. I am all for shock value as well as a lot of edgy movies but this is one of very few that I don't yet, as of 2 hours ago, have any desire to see again, but I do mostly admire what Waters has created here and I'm looking forward to seeing some of the others coming up even though I will have missed at least 2 of these. This is the kind of film I would only recommend or talk about outside of work with people you know are possibly more messed in the head than you or at least willing to watch something vile for shock value and some great laughs. The theater experience with crowd reactions is a 10/10 if you have a packed house like I did, but the film itself I'd give an 8/10, losing a few stars for the scenes no one wanted to see.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
It's really something different and that's a good thing
20 July 2023
It's really something different but some of it feels inspired by other films, I caught references to Fight Club, 2001 Space Odyssey, Lego Movie, and others I can't think of at the moment. But yeah, this was a special film. I don't think as many people will like it as it probably deserves. But I did love most of it. Sometimes the tones felt off at times but it's definitely recommended to see. The satire works great here and the production design, cinematography and acting (intentionally bad in a way on purpose in some spots to deliver the satire aspects) are all perfectly done here though overall. The music is a highlight here too which is sometimes hilarious and reminded me of the Lego movie in some ways. Ryan Gosling and Margot Robbie are both pitch perfect here as well. Definitely recommend anyone to give it a chance. I wouldn't say this is a family movie but I think families with older kids would work perfectly for this. Not sure this will be in the Oscar race but it seems like it will at least for technical aspects and production designs.
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A unique vision
18 July 2023
This is a strange but interesting piece of work. I had a bit of a hard time following this but it was never boring. I would like to watch this again sometime hopefully. It's definitely one that requires 2 viewings at least, I'dsay. I know I'd get even more out of this artistic vision on at least one more viewing. Something of an ambiguous ending in this one has. Absolutely enjoyed it all and it's definitely one of my favorites of 2023. Also our screening was in English but it felt like it was made this way and not dubbed. Would be interested to see the original French language track for this but what is here is required viewing for film lovers. Seek this out if you can. It deserves a cult following I'd say.

9/10 for this one tho.
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One of the years best films
30 May 2023
I grew up in a Christian home so I can relate to these characters here. Feelings wandering, conflicting when it comes to what's right and wrong. I have no doubts there will be Christians seeking everyone to avoid this near masterpiece of film. It struck all the right cords. It's a very impressive debut for this new director. I wish more first time filmmakers made films this great but they come few and far between. I can see this one becoming an awards contender perhaps if it doesn't stir up too much controversy but I doubt that will happen. This one is likely to remain a hidden gem but it deserves a watch at least once especially for the incredible performances all around, the music, the atmosphere and cinematography are all on point here. Not sure entirely what kept this from being a perfect film but it almost reaches that. All in all though this is definitely one of the years best so far and is worth seeking out for film lovers and those who struggle with beliefs in religion.
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Beautiful masterpiece
12 March 2023
I had the pleasure of seeing this wonderful beautiful masterpiece on the big screen at an indie cinema in my city. The whole thing is a collage of landscapes, the people and workers, photographed with video. Every frame of this work was just beautifully done and you can feel some of the emotions from the people in these areas. It's well worth your time to see all the hard work that went into making this piece of art cinema. One of the best documentaries I've seen. Also, keep in mind this film is dialogue-less but the music, photography and feelings are all there and it's a great experience. Go and see this if you can.
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Luther: Episode #2.3 (2011)
Season 2, Episode 3
One of the best episodes of TV I've ever seen.
20 February 2023
Those complaining about the violence in this episode haven't watched horror moives. This is something of a horror episode but edging closer to a thriller of course. It's horror because what happens on screen is horrific and pretty realistic to how this would go down. I love this show but this episode is on another level. I've been binging this show preparing to watch the movie that will be in theaters here on Thursday. This is the absolutely the best episode so far of this series though. It will be hard to top it. Great filmmaking here. This could have been in theater as a short film and it would be a hit. Really looking forward to where this show is going in the rest of the seasons and especially the last of this one. This show keeps getting better and better. Also, Karen's out there, there is much more horrific stuff out there. Find a bigger fish to get on a soap box for *shrugs*
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Mad God (2021)
Visually incredible for stop motion lovers
12 December 2022
There is no other stop motion film like this, or one more unsettling than this. It is an acquired taste for film lovers of the horror kind indeed. What stopped me from giving this a 10/10 was all the infant crying parts which was almost unbearable given the visuals that came along with it. I also thought it would only be in one scene at first but nope, it's sprinkled throughout. While I admire this piece of art entirely otherwise, I just wish the infant crying stuff could have been limited to one scene or just not at all. I can't imagine anyone enjoyed that aspect at all but who knows with the world's minds out there. Tippet is a genius indeed though and one that hasn't been appreciated enough through the decades of his animated work in films. This is a great example of a geniuses magnum opus unfolding despite my minor problem with it. Also, there is no point trying to make sense of this all as it is very experimental and visually arresting.
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Bad cringe
28 November 2022
Some enjoy cringe and laugh with it. There is one scene in this movie that does that and the rest of the movie is just dogpiled with cringe moments and dialogue that have me wondering how anyone took this film seriously at all. It's mostly not the enjoyable cringe either which is saying a lot for those who enjoy hate watching stuff like this. This was mostly an unbearable experience. Me and my parents decided to watch this based on the trailer for it making it look 10 times better than it is. I've also grown up with film and had a love for it for most my life and have enjoyed plenty of films in this genre. This is not one of the enjoyable ones. It's editing is terrible too and the writing is so cliche it almost gave me a migrane. Also, anyone is pro cheating on your boyfriend or girlfriend types, this might be your cup of cringe for the night. For myself this was just a sad display. Sure, there have been plenty of affair ridden movies in the past that handled their subjects better than this, shedding light of what the effects of affairs have on all parties involved. This is not one of them. It celebrates it like it's a normal thing. The creators of this should be ashamed. I didn't give it 1 star cause there is one scene in this that did make me laugh as I mentioned previously, but otherwise this is complete garbage. Do not waste your time with this.
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The Watcher (2022– )
Up to episode 4 so far
23 October 2022
This is a great show so far. Also, been briefly going over some of the reviews for this on here and people saying, it's not true etc. Y'all know the show says on the poster "based" on a true story. I think some people have brain damage and don't realize they're watching a TV show and not a documentary. But also in today's age, anyone will find anything to complain about in anything. I'm also usually a fan of Ryan Murphys shows and this is one of the better written ones I've seen far. It has you hooked from the start and the characters are all interesting. Great mystery/drama so far but also with some nicely placed (not very often) jump scares. The music is pretty fantastic as well setting a great tone. Don't trust the reviews that just hate on Ryan Murphy whi seem to be ones that would rather watch a documentary on this. Bring on the "not helpful" thumbs down trolls.
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One of the oddest most meta endings to anything I've seen
13 October 2022
This episode is not on the same level as the rest of this show. I haven't seen something this experimental in the MCU. I specifically just loved this ending and am very curious where the MCU is going after this along with Werewolf at Night. The MCU is not dead yet, folks and it feels like we're just getting started with the greatness in their future. That being said, J want more She-Hulk tomorrow and who knows how long we'll be waiting for the continuation of what's here. I also know that there will be a lot of people that won't get what this episode brings to the table. Most may have liked the last episode more, but this was my favorite because it totally flipped me on my head what goes down and most will not understand it all entirely.
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Hellraiser (2022)
It could have been the best one.
7 October 2022
You see in this take its a lot more about what you hear than see. This is one of just a few problems with this one. Also the story didn't really have me care about these characters. It was however pretty disturbing and what you hear in pain when people feel the effects of the cenobites it's really on another level of disturbing. I've been a fan of most of these films but not one since the original has disturbed me quite like this one did. It is more effective on how it will make you feel than what is seen on screeen. Only reason this isn't a 10 is that it doesn't feel like what the uncut version could be. There would and should be at least 5 mins more combined with all scenes that we got to see that clearly doesn't show everything we hear happening. But the cutaways from the gore's is such a cop-out. Did you all run our money making thi$?
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Werewolf by Night (2022 TV Movie)
Absolutely loved this
7 October 2022
This was honestly one of the best Marvel things ever made. It captures the estectics of old monster movies from the 30's-40's while still remaining it's own thing. Some great trasitions in this as well with some colour elements that highlight its black and white estectics. Some pretty cool minor gore for this too. I think they got away with the TV14 rating because the gore is in Black and white. Anyone that was hyped for this at all will not be let down. I also don't believe we've seen the last of some of these characters. I have no doubt some will show up again. Brilliantly made all around and kudos to Michael Giachino (sp) on his directorial debut with his amazing soundtrack as per usual by him.
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Blonde (2022)
Most will miss the point here.
1 October 2022
As I've seen others review this simply based on being offended by the whole thing, thinking this is just a fictitious telling of the tragedies of Marilyn Monroe or thinking it's exploitative and disgusting and disturbing. This, I believe is part of the point painted in this film. It's not meant to paint a glamorous or nice telling of her story because her story was not a Disney fairytale. Whether these things happened to her or not on the other hand, I don't believe anyone can truly know for certain what happened exactly and what didn't. That being said, all these things in this film have without a doubt happened to other beautiful rising stars throughout the years Hollywood has been a thing. I dare anyone to prove otherwise. I don't think everything that happened on screen didn't happen to Marilyn though. There is a very sad unfortunate possibility that most, if not more terrible things like what happens to her in this did in fact happen to her. I'm certain that there were more happy times that aren't highlighted throughout this piece but that wasn't the point here. This was meant to take a look into the dark side of Hollywood. If what you're looking for is a Disney fairtale, this is not the movie for you. Otherwise, I have not been moved to tears or effected as much emotionally by any other movie this year or most years as of late. Ana De Armas deserves best female actor of the year for this. The film itself deserves all the awards it's qualified for. I loved how it was all told in a David Lynch esq. Type of way. Highly recommended to anyone that is a fan of well made films giving a true glance into the evils of Hollywood and it's not sugar coated.
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Only 10's worthy
27 September 2022
Anyone who rated this lower than a 10 is not a Shrek fan. The fact that this is sitting at a 7.8 currently on here is one of the world's greatest tragedies. I hope those that rated this less than a 10, 10 year of bad luck. Be ashamed. I had to make this over 300 more characters so here I am making more sentences before my review is done. Once again, anyone that rates this lower than a 10 is a shame to the Shrek community. How dare you do SHREK DIRTY LIKE THIS, HOW FKN DARE YOU. AAAAHHHHHHH. Anyways the last thing I have to say is this and it follows as such and whoever read all this is a true Shrek fan. Give yourself a hug and think about Shrek giving a warm embrace.

Shrek is love and he is life.
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Coming from a male in their late 30's..
9 September 2022
..please ignore the review bombs on this show. It's incredible so far. There is nothing like this on TV right now. Anyone comparing this to anything Game of Thrones isn't watching this show. It's completely different as far as tones and storyline goes. These are characters we are slowly coming to care about. The first 2 episodes had me in tears from how beautiful it is so far. Go in knowing nothing and you'll be rewarded with great film making. It has a bit of everything in it as well as great and terrifying creatures. Suitable for everyone that loved all the Lord of the Rings material. Excited to see where this show goes from here. And who is the Mystery man? Gandalf, Sauron, or someone else? What's interesting is that people have thought it could be either or we don't know at all. Fascinating characters all around though. Not a dull one in the entire show. Give it a chance and ignore the toxic LOTR fans who would rather read the books.
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Nope (2022)
Another Great film from Peele
22 July 2022
Saw this at the first IMAX showing in my city and I gotta say it does not disappoint for Peele fans as well as fans of films in general. If you don't mind that the genre of this film is not always concrete and has a bit of everything aside from romance, this is your movie. It's fantastic in every way though, and I believe it solidifies Peele becoming the new Speilberg in a way. It's not a perfect film, but it is certainly one of the years best so far. I was interesting and engrossed the whole way through. Music is great again here in Peeles work. Although "Us" is still my favorite Peele film this is a close 2nd with Get Out not far behind it. Peele is definitely a force to be reckoned with in the film industry. In a way, I'd say this is his Close Encounters with a bit Signs and some mild comedic elements to balance it out. Some great performances here too with some great scenes of dialogue. There is also a flashback story that ties in with a character that had me shook. Some of the mystery in this is great and I wish there could be more from this world. You will want a sequel, but if we need one is another story.
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17 July 2022
For people who like movies where nothing happens aside from what's in the films description, this is for you. Otherwise it is a bore and waste of time. These characters are incredibly flat. The acting is good, the music is nice and it looks good but there really isn't much to this at all.
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One of the best sequels I've seen
1 July 2022
I'd say this was the funniest Minions/Dispicable Me yet and if that's OK with you, you will love this. The most fun I've had at the movies this year and I've seen most that have come out. If you've ever been a Minions fan or not this one is somewhat of a game changer for these. The whole thing felt like an adrenaline rush while being hilarious at the same time. I'd recommend for best viewing did like I did and go in a bit baked on some canabis. This is a great ride and one of the years best films. Well done Illumination 👏 🔥💖
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First Kill (2022)
Tried episode 1 and got part way through the 2nd
26 June 2022
..and it's awful. Barely watchable. Reviews higher than 6 have to be little kids seeing their first show like this. It has gore but its so corny, bad acting, bad script, bad directing, annoying music, and cheap cliché characters. Watch True Blood, Vampire Diaries, Sabrina or anything else in this genre that's 10 times better. 2 stars is generous tbh. Kids under 15 will feel cool/edgy for watching this I bet though.
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Big oof
18 February 2022
Never been more bored with a Texas Chainsaw movie to be honest. Kills were interesting in some spots but this was Hella cringe from start to finish. Don't waste your time.
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See Spot Run (2001)
Teenhood memories
11 September 2021
When me (36) and my family saw this when it was in theaters back when I was around 16 this movie had our entire family in tears with laughter. It is likely one of our family classics that will handed down generation to generation. I'm not sure how this has aged over the years, but I will always remember it as being one of those types of movies that made My entire family laugh more than almost any film we'd seen before it. I would have this at a 10/10 but realistically it is likely an 8/10 objectively. Highly recommended to any family to watch.
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The Wheel (1923)
My favourite film
15 April 2021
I'm not a brilliant reviewer or anything, but as far as I'm concerned this is the best film of all time and is indeed essential viewing. I first saw it on TCM back when I used to live with my parents, and I gotta tell you: the beauty of cinema has never been this great or expressed. I have yet to see the full cut of this masterpiece, but thankfully, I have access to the Blu ray 417min cut now and I already know that what Abel Vance creates is pure beautiful cinema. Would highly recommend to any fan of film.
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Did not expect to enjoy
14 June 2019
Went into this knowing it'd be a B-movie and it is of course. This is one of the great ones tho. I expect it to become a cult classic soon and deserves to be. It's incredibly funny and actually well made/written for this type. Definitely give it a chance if you're into these types.
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Ken Jeong: First Date (2019 TV Special)
Great Storytelling
15 February 2019
There will be a lot of haters on this cause it's not entirely funny. There are funny moments. More so, if you love Ken this should make you love him more. He's a great storyteller and That's what made it for me. I loved it all in all even if it didn't always make me laugh. Ken is a treasure.
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Not the best Insidious, but still a lot of fun with great characters.
4 June 2015
I'll admit that, I was expecting a lot more from Leigh Whannell's directorial debut after various genius scripts he has written in this genre (Saw I, II & iii, Dead Silence, and the first 2 Insidious Chapters) That being said, he has a lot of work to do in the director's chair still, but this was still a decent effort in this now trilogy. I would be lying though if I said this movie didn't terrify me at times, and it did admirably and even had me laughing at those moments too at times which worked well in this story and helped lighten it's mood among the dread at hand here. There are likable characters in this tale and mostly new ones as well as ones who have been with us since the first instalment. All that being said there, this is one that was made for the fans of the first ones, I believe even if it doesn't hold a candle to the brilliance of the first chapter still. Newcomer, Stefanie Scott, plays the lead character "Quinn Brenner" quite well actually and surprisingly doesn't play an average dumb teen here, but one with book smarts and a backbone, I haven't seen in most characters this age in these genre films. Some of what happens to certain characters or character do come into question by the end titles but this doesn't take away from this fun time at the movies and this was a thrilling ride, I'd recommend strictly to the fans of the other Insidious chapters or just horror junkies alike.
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