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Vikings: Valhalla (2022– )
26 July 2022
What could have been a good show is ruined by box checking, and over the top blatant ideology pushing madness. It's so far into "wokeness" that it feels very much like parody making fun of how far some shows will go to "check boxes".

They try so hard to push a certain ideology down your throat at the expense of destroying any and all historical accuracy and creditability. And I mean, common, I know its a show and does not need to be 100% accurate, but even 50% would be ok. This show is however, negative a thousand percent accurate. It also leaves a bad taste trying to watch, as it just feels so trendy, and bandwagon jumping-ish.

If only people who hate over the top "wokeness" and shows being ruined by it actually stopped watching the shows because of it. Unfortunately many of us, even though we hate it, still watch, and then complain. We need to stop watching, stop buying, etc. Its the only way it will stop.
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Lucifer (2016–2021)
Great show that gets too political in later seasons.
25 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really loved this show, and for the most part when Netflix took over, it got better at first.

By the time we got to season 6, it was all just extremely predictable, status quo propaganda.

They turned almost half the characters gay, introduced a new purple haired gay character (of course), and made sure to have episodes dedicated to discussing toxic masculinity, how men are inherently dumber than women, and of course the evil patriarchy.

On a side note, what is the actual percentage of gay people in society? 10%? Or less? Why do shows feel the need to over represent, by making it 50/50. That is NOT reality at all. It's also not equal representation, it's proportionally, over representation.

Like, wow it's not as if I have not seen seen those same issues on almost EVERY OTHER SHOW I watch in 2021. Super lame.

And no one actually thought Lucifer was going to be God. A white man portrayed as God in 2021, that would cause riots!

Really disappointed in the trendiness, predictability, and over- political nature of final season.
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Star Wars: The Bad Batch (2021–2024)
Has potential, but ruined by the Omega character.
20 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
At first I was loving this show. Most of Episode 1 was fantastic. However, the more they introduce this "Omega" character, who just seems so unnecessary to the show, (like she is just there to fulfil some sort of behind the scenes requirement), the worse the show gets. EVerything about the Omega character is annoying and takes away from the rest of the characters. Like why is she even there? Even her voice is annoying. Reminds of a certain character from an old childs show from the 1980s called Mr Dressup.

So, each male member of Bad Batch has a unique genetically enhanced skill, and a unique personality to go with it. This makes them interesting as characters, and as a team, they complement one another. This is REALLY COOL.

And, maybe I am wrong about the next part I am about to write, but I have a feeling "Omega" is going to be much more powerful than all the male members of Bad Batch. (how "original" nowadays right?) .. Like Did I just predict the entire season after a few episodes? I hope not!

I have a strong feeling that "Omega" will have ALL of these special abilities to herself. Which basically, will render all the male members redundant. It will just be another case of the female character being perfect in every single way with no flaws, boring and uninteresting, and the males being therefor redundant.

I really hope I am wrong about how far they push the ridiculousness of the Omega character, but even as it stands right now, as of episode 3, she is ruining the show.

I would have gave the show a 9 out of 10 without Omega.
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Great fun, great message.
4 May 2021
This movie was filmed about a decade and half before the trend of shoe horning a strong anti patriarchy message into the main plot became a common theme, which makes it extra refreshing to watch it now in 2021.

And the thing is, this movie has a stronger pro woman message than all the new movies that try to create a "strong female" character, by dumbing down the men, making them all incompetent in every aspect of life. In many, many new movies men are implied as inherently evil, misogynist and live for the sole purpose of hurting women, who are all by nature, just superior to men in every way.

In this movie, it's more about smashing gender roles. The men do jobs that were previously said to be more "womanly" jobs, and the women have careers. I think this sends a way better message than modern movies do. A message that men are capable of taking care of kids, and doing "womanly" things like cooking and cleaning. This means those things are not just "wifely" duties and women are free to have their own professional careers and can have jobs previously thought to be jobs of men, while men take care of kids. Messages like this were actually positive. (and they were not in every movie) The new "feminist" message crammed into almost every movie is just very negative and does not help contribute to a better society. It just causes conflict and anger on both sides.

I miss movies like this. Fun, light hearted, not too crammed with ideological messages, and the ones it does have are positive and just about actual equality.
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Predictably "modern" retread of the original
30 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
From the 40 min I watched, It seemed just like a more politically correct version of the original. From the moment in the beginning of the movie where it showed the daughters kicking ass with their Ninja style training, I basically knew the whole plot, right there, I concluded the son was going to be an incompetent fool, and the movie is going to be about how the Kingdom should go to the daughters. Why did assume this? Because I've seen the same plot about 50 times in the last 2 years.

To be clear, nothing is wrong with the idea of equality, its great, im all for it It's just, the fact the same plot has been in pretty much every movie in at least some form in the last 2 years. "Damn the evil patriarchy", and women are just as good as men, just as strong, just as fast, just as smart, etc etc. Im im not even getting into actual biology here.

I'm really confused why there such a hard push for this lately, there was plenty of strong female leads in television and tv even 20 years ago. For example, Sarah Connor in Terminator 2, Ellen Ripley in the Alien(s) films, Captain Janeway in Star Trek Voyager, Samantha Carter in Star Gate SG1, I could go on and on, and these were all VERY strong female characters from around 20 years ago, who were all strong leaders, very intelligent, independant, and physically capable in combat, (even if they couldn't beat up every single man in the world). And back then, the shows were just enjoyable, and not so blatantly crammed with the anti Patriarchy message at the expense of having an actual plot.

For those of you who have seen the film Noelle, a movie about a female who becomes the new Santa Claus and fights against the patriarchy, this is almost the exact same film plot, just in a "Coming to America" package.

If this movie came out 30 years ago, I probably would have loved it, and found it inspiring, fresh, and brave. But at this point in time, it's just predictable, trendy, band wagon jumping, over political, boring crap.

I clicked on the button for containing spoilers, but really, the entire movie can be predicted easily in the first 5 min anyway.

Can we for the love of god, just have a fun comedy this decade, that's not about the evil patriarchy?
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The Lion King (2019)
Still a great movie, but not as good as the original.
19 July 2019
Like the title said, I believe this was a great movie, and a great way to reintroduce such a classic, iconic film to a new generation. The animation was very cool, yet it was a double edged sword, as the realistic looking characters lacked the emotion found in the original. Some scenes were removed, and I can't understand why, but overall, I really enjoyed it, and after the first 15 min I was used to the new animation style and it didn't bother me so much. I thought it was great, even if it can't match the original.

People giving this movie a low score are doing it out of emotion. Even if this movie isn't as good as the original, it's still better than almost any cartoon movie of recent memory.
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Incredibles 2 (2018)
Another movie ruined by radical feminism.
20 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, this movie is nothing but a giant piece of propaganda. I was a huge fan of the original Incredibles, and it's quite sad to see this new film reduced to nothing more than a means to push radical neo feminist ideologies.

To summarize the plot, it's basically about how Elastigirl is a more competent superhero than Mr Incredible, and so she gets chosen to be the face of the new superhero resurgence, while Mr incredible stays at home and looks after the kids. Not surprisingly, the movie emphasizes how poorly Mr incredible is at handling his new duties at home.

The main message of this movie is that Elastigirl is just as good or better than Mr Incredible at superhero work, while Mr Incredible is vastly inferior at taking care of the kids and home life in general. So basically, he is just all around inferior to her. Or let's just say it out loud, Men are inferior to women. That is the real message of the film. Ironically, it was actually released right before FATHERS DAY!!!

Now if so many other movies were not packed with the same sort of blatant propaganda recently, I could probably just right it off as part of the plot, or just originality or whatever, but since almost every big budget movie recently is so full of similar plot lines, it's quite clear what it really is. PROPAGANDA.

In the original Incredibles movie, Elastigirl and Mr Incredible were equals. They both had strengths and weaknesses, and in the end she ended up saving him. I loved that movie. It was about a loving family and about equal partnership. This new movie however, Mr Incredible and Elastigirl are not even close to being equals. he is completely incompetent and demasculinized, while she is vastly superior at pretty much everything. AS I stated previously, this fits in with the modern trend of movies, which seems to not only put Women in postions of power (which is great) but also seems to greatly emphasize their superiority over men. This needs to stop. Especially on a movie released just before fathers day. Like seriously?

WE are basically telling our children they don't need fathers and don't need to listen to their fathers or respect them, because they are just completely incompetent, second rate people. I would NOT let my children watch this movie!
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Altered Carbon (2018–2020)
Awesome show
4 February 2018
Almost everything about this show is awesome.

Altered carbon has a Blade Runner sort of feel to it. The special effects and camera work are top notch. The acting is great, and there is a strong female character that is portrayed quite well. Some of the writing could be better as there is a little too much focus on detective work and some missed opportunities elsewhere, but overall it's a great show.

Don't listen to some of the more negative "professional" reviews. Many of those "professional" reviewers basically down vote anything that's not ultra progressive/Liberal, and up vote anything that is, regardless of quality.

Perhaps some of those "reviewers" think there isn't enough LGBTQ representatives and that there isn't enough evil fascist white males who get defeated and/or bested by diversity heroes. Don't get me wrong this show is far from going backwards, it's just not the typical left wing predictable propaganda that is becoming so common. (Star Trek Discovery for example). It feels pretty neutral politically instead off like a piece of propaganda.

It does not surprise me at all that the average fan of scifi is giving this show far higher scores than some of the so called "professional" reviewers, considering those same "reviewers" also thought STARWARS the Last Jedi and STAR TREK Discovery were actually good.
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16 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sorry but this movie just isn't starwars. For one, there was WAY TOO MUCH comedy. So much so, it made the serious scenes have much less of an impact. The comedy style had a Guardians of the Galaxy sort of feel to it, but it didn't fit in a STARWARS movie.

Secondly, there was very little continuity with previous Starwars movies. Suddenly, Jedi can now use the force to project holograms, and can communicate with each other that way instead of just with a voice inside their heads. Also, somehow the insane amount of power that is tied to the Skywalker bloodline is now meaningless, or at the very least a huge contradiction.

Which brings me to .. Thirdly, how in hell is ray so powerful? It doesn't make sense. In the previous movie, she bested Kylo Ren literally right after just discovering she had force powers, and with NO TRAINING AT ALL. Now, she manages to get the better of Luke freaking Skywalker ... seriously? Again with NO TRAINING!

In the old movies, Luke looks totally pathetic when he was training. Both Yoda and Kenobi were vastly superior with their skills compared to Luke, and it was a little reminiscent in that way of old school kung fu movies. Luke had to gradually progress and EARN his skills. However, in these new movies, there is no reason for Ray to train and no need for her to improve because she is already greater than everyone in the galaxy. She is just right of the box the greatest thing to ever exist. It's stupid!

This movie feels like it was written for the spoiled millennial generation only. The generation that wants greatness without actually having to work for it or earn it. The generation that chooses shortcuts over hard work and discipline, every time.

IF you're the type of person who cheats on tests, or did steroids as soon as you started working out, you might like this movie. If you're the type of person who doesn't care at all about the continuity with previous movies in the series, and the overuse of comedy where it doesn't fit at all doesn't bother you, then yeah, you might like this pile of filth.

P.S. all three of the prequels blow this film out of the water.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
A great show for Neo Feminists and Social Justice Warriors.
25 September 2017
I've been a Star Trek fan my entire life. I started with the original series, but fell in love with Star Trek the next Generation. Deep Space Nine (my all time favourite Star Trek show) was simply amazing. I really enjoyed Voyager as well, and even Enterprise had it's moments.

I like the idea of a woman captain ( I liked voyager like i said above), But basically, every male character in Star Trek discovery show is a cowardly, fairly unintelligent wimp, while the most brave characters are female, the smartest characters are female, and the toughest most bad ass characters are of course, female.

The only role males play in this show is look so blatantly pathetic and useless, it makes the female leads look even better by comparison. This trend of Neo feminism in shows (The show The 100 is another example), needs to end.

I could not even finish watching the first episode of this politically driven, neo feminist, social justice warrior propaganda filth.

The only thing I "discovered" by watching this show is that I will not EVER be watching it again. Not even if I was paid to. A 1 out of 10 is overly generous.
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Pacific Rim (2013)
Robotjox with giant Aliens thrown in
12 October 2013
My summary says it all. This movie is basically just like the 1989 movie "robotjox", but instead of the robots fighting each other, they fight giant aliens. The acting is just as cheesy and the overall feel to the movie feels just as unprofessional as Robotjox as well.

The plot and the characters are a little cliché, but I have to admit, the special effects and action were very, very good. The movie wasn't a total bust. But this is coming from someone who even liked Robotjox just because it was so painfully bad, it somehow made it seem good to me, as if it was a parody of itself. Pacific rims doesn't quite do that for me, but it wasn't a TOTAL waste of time. I had fun, and I suspect anyone under the age of 14 will love it.
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Video Game High School (2012–2014)
Kind of like Harry Potter for gamers.
31 December 2012
I am 34 and have been gaming for around 25 years now. I am also big into online gaming, and my son is also getting into it. We watched this together and both loved it. My daughter loved it too.

I found this series, hilarious, imaginative, and just really cool, despite being a little unpolished. I can see it becoming super popular for teenagers. I wish more people knew about Video game high school, I had never heard of it until last night. I would really like to see this succeed in a big way.

My only complaint is that sometimes, it starts to feel like a YTV show. At times it feels like the target audience all of a sudden drops in age by like 10 years. At 34 years of age, most of the series I thought was very watchable, but some moments were just too YTV-ish. My son liked the entire thing. However, I think Video Game High school would appeal to more people without the "YTV" moments.

Video game High school is kind of like Harry Potter, but with video games as the theme instead of magic.
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Fringe (2008–2013)
30 November 2012
I am a big fan of scifi, so I am rating this show based on primarily a scifi point of view. I have watched every episode of Star Gate SG1, Atlantis, and Universe, all of BSG, Firefly, and everything Star Trek, and I can honestly say Fringe is my favourite.

The seemingly ridiculous science in Fringe is presented and explained in a such a way, it really seems possible. AFter watching 4 seasons of this show I walk around the real world feeling like I'm in some sort of dream because my mind is so blown from this awesome show.

The acting is top notch, and Walter (John Noble) totally makes the show what it is. John Noble's portrayal of Walter is simply amazing.

Most of the complains of "lack of continuity" are actually just a result of either not watching every episode from the beginning, or just having forgotten what happened in a long past episode. This is the type of show where you really need to watch each episode one after the other. Even waiting a week between them can cause confusion at times. Buying the box set after the show is finished and watching as many episodes as you have time for per day, would be by far the best way to watch this show.

The only negative thing I can think of, is that this great show will come to an end after only 5 seasons. I guess all great things come to an end.
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Loved the unintentional irony
13 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler alert, but I felt it necessary in order to convey why I like the movie.

This is what I got out of the movie:

A schizophrenic madman, with a visual impairment, who hears voices, travels by foot across a Mad Max style post-apocalyptic wasteland, after a war which was started because of RELIGION, and he viscously SLAUGHTERS anyone who messes with him IN THE NAME OF Jesus and/or GOD, so that he can bring the last copy of the King JAmes Bible to a rebuilding civilization who will apparently use it for good.

What makes me laugh,and laugh hard, is why does he want to bring the book there? So the new civilization can eventually be destroyed the same way ours was in the movie??? Or will it all be fine and dandy next time around? And when this King James bible finally gets printed, they put it where? On a shelf beside the Quran, and Torah, which totally implies religious conflict is inevitable. Umm Holy War?

I think the movie does a great job stressing the dangers of religion, even if it was intended to be a Christain propaganda/indoctrination film. The braille bible thing really did nothing for me though, and I found that element of the movie to be irrelevant. I gave it a really good rating based on what it did for me and how it made me feel, rather than what I felt it was intended for.
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17 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs is simply put the most ridiculous movie I have ever seen.

And I loved it!

Amungst the non-stop absurdities however there is some real cool messages being to sent to our kids: The movie hints at society's tendency to place physical appearance above all else, and mocks this behaviour in a funny and creative way. Furthermore, ingenuity and creativeness are definitely being encouraged in this movie. I can see kids running out after watching this and looking for a bunch of old equipment to use to try and invent something cool. With that said, kids WILL LOVE this movie. No doubt about it. I can see many kids under the age of 10 finding this movie to be undoubtedly the best movie they have ever seen. Most adults, while shaking our heads at the sheer ridiculousness, will still find it to be a very enjoyable experience and a way above average animated film.

One of my favourite experiences from this movie, was hearing the uncontrollable laughter explode out of my daughter. In the end, all of the ridiculousness in this movie, essentially makes super smart geeks look cool and the status quo of our society look even more ridiculous than giant food falling out of the sky!
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Orphan (2009)
Fantastic Film! *potential spoiler alert*
5 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
It's been a long time since I've watched a horror or thriller that I didn't just laugh at. Until now. Orphan made me forget about the silly modern nonsense that is Wrong Turn, these hills have eyes, and the excessive gore-fest that is Saw.

This movie is an old-school style horror, presented in a modern way, and it does it very well. Esther just reeks of terrifying sanctimony right from the introduction of her character. Her politeness, facial expressions and tone, were just absolutely perfect in creating the ultimate evil little "good girl".

The Father character in this movie seemed excessively ignorant, but in a way that actually brought me more into the movie. I was yelling warnings to the father at my TV screen the same way my Dad used to yell at his team during a Hockey game.

The twist ending at the end was just absolutely brilliant and original. My Wife's first comment was "OMG, That movie just seemed so real, I'm so scared". Everyone that I watched this movie with felt there was an unusual level of realism in it, and felt at least that the twist revealed at the ending, is actually at least somewhat possible, which of course, scared them even more.

ORPHAN was simply fantastic, especially compared to most modern horror or thriller movies these days.

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