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Monsters at Work: Powerless (2024)
Season 2, Episode 10
Weak and predictable.
6 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
To call this finale disappointing would be an understatement.

1. What the heck was Johnny thinking? His plan was: -ok, imagine he drove Monsters Inc. Out of business. Then who is he gonna steal laugh power from, huh? His plan would only work short-term for what? A week?

-what "research" did he do on mixing laugh and scare power like he claimed? Clearly he did none or at least - not enough. I thought he's a professional.

-who hires a guy and then tells him "yeah we set you up kid. The reason everybody hates you now - yeah, we did it" and he doesn't even consider for a second that he's friends with Monsters Inc guys and immediately trusts him with his evil plan before Tylor proves to him he's fully onboard with Johnny.

2. Joy being nearly as mean as Randal is disappointing. "See kids? Appearances aren't deceiving. If you see a long, mean-looking lizard it's absolutely mean and evil! Judge a book by its cover! Oh and remember that evil lizard from the movies? We're bringing him back too, and we're basically doing the first movie's finale all over again, where a mastermind is this kind-looking chill guy who is actually evil and the physical antagonist is this evil lizard who's agile and has camouflage ability!"

The animation and direction in the last 3 episodes were absolutely amazing for a streaming show, pretty much a proper sequel to Monsters Inc, but the story was weak, repetitive and as a result - disappointing.

On another note - I really, REALLY hope Randall will get a chance to redeem himself. Keep in mind, despite him doing evil things before, he was sweet in the very beginning(Monsters University) and didn't actually kill anybody in Monsters Inc movie, even though he attempted to. If they actually redeem him and make him a good guy I'll actually forgive writers of this finale for this.
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Harley Quinn: The 83rd Annual Villy Awards (2022)
Season 3, Episode 3
20 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
There have been a lot of questionable things in this show, but this episode just broke all worldbuilding.

And before you think "he's too serious about it" let's remember that this show had a lot o serious moments too, not just pure, absurd comedy. It's the combination of strong serious moments and comedy is what made the show's best episodes so good.

In the first season Ivy is presented as not a villain, but a person who fights for the environment, she literally says she's not a villain. But here she fully embraces it because? It's not explained. But what's way, way worse - The Legion of Doom tower was destroyed in the first season, presumably killing every member of it who was inside.

But not only they are revealed to be alive and well for whatever reason(yeah those without any powers would definitely survive that), they AREN'T EVEN MAD at Joker who destroyed it and nearly killed them. He is the host on the award show with other LoD members and they don't interact with each other at all and everybody pretends like the Joker didn't destroy the LoD tower, replacing it with his own. Since when are these people saints who forgive something like that? Even average people wouldn't forgive it and you're telling us the bad guys, some of the worst people on the planet are completely OK with Joker backstabbing them like that?

As for the rest of the episode - it was dull and pointless and didn't move the main plot anywhere. Severely overrated. This is just lazy writing.
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I don't want to watch this show anymore
18 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Unlike many, I defended this show. I liked most of season 1 episodes and some season 2 episodes. Unlike many, I didn't dislike Captain Carter. I thought she was a believable and a well-developed character and I can easily see her replacing Steve Rogers and even back in Captain America 1 movie she was shown to be smart and strong-willed.

But here... She can just easily use and control all stones however she likes, and other weapons like Mjolnir and Hela's crown.

Kahhori was also a Mary Sue in this season, learning hundreds of times faster than any of the people who got the same power, and of course she can go toe to Toe with Strange Supreme. Two overpowered girls fighting against a white male. That's not even surprising anymore, that is the norm of the modern MCU

Speaking Strange - he was the biggest disappointment in this episode. Like other reviews have mentioned, he has already learned his lesson, he changed for the better, why did you make him evil again? Imagine how amazing it would be to see him and The Watcher fight side by side in Avengers 5 and 6 against a new threat. I thought this is where the whole thing was going. But it wasn't, they just created an OP character and didn't know what to do with him so they made him evil again and killed him off. Extremely weak writing.

What I also hated personally is how after he was purged from his demons he became a good guy again, a man who's grieving, but his "demons" said they wanted it. So it wasn't Strange who was evil, it was all the magical creatures he consumed. I always hated the idea of villainizing non-human creatures because on the real Earth, only true villain is a human, yet it seems like those creatures are the ones who turned him to the dark side in the first place.

Terrible finale. The animation is great, but because the episode is severely overrated I'm giving this a 1.

I don't think I want to watch this show again.
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Futurama: All the Way Down (2023)
Season 11, Episode 10
26 September 2023
I'll be honest, I wasn't thrittled with most of the episodes of the reboot, in fact I found them very disappointing. But heck this one delivered! The animation quality, the pacing, the voice acting, story, music - everyting was top notch like during the first seasons of Futurama. THIS is the show I wanted back!

Characters fully(well, mostly) feel like themselves, the story was finally interesting and engaging, while dealing with the question many of us ask ourselves today.

I also liked how no clear answer was given whether our world is a simulation or not, because it does remain a mystery. Creators of Futurama proved they still have some steam left and it really makes me happy.

Looking forward to the next season!
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Futurama: How the West Was 1010001 (2023)
Season 11, Episode 3
What happened?
23 August 2023
Futurama has always been one of my favorite shows of all time. Heck, it started when I was just 9, so it's a part of my childhood.

I've recently binge-watched all previous seasons and... despite Comedy Central era being a noticeable step down compared to the original 5 seasons(and Bender's Big Score), they still held up pretty well.

I also "kind of" liked the first episode of the newest reboot(thought it was a little too on-the-nose with the reboots talk though, like - we get it), loved the second episode, which was at least as good as Comedy Central era, but the third one... It;s probably the worst episode in the show, along with "Saturday Morning fun pit". Jokes are flat, almost none of them land. The bitcoin theme goes through the whole episode, sticking it right in front of your eyes during the whole episode.

What happened to subtle jokes where something is referenced for a short scene and then moved on from that to another scene? It's like they ran out of ideas and creativity, and instead of putting many things in one episode, they drag the crypto-currency joke over and over and over, the problem is, it wasn't even funny in the first place, and like another review mentioned, the crypto currency jokes became outdated long ago. And the worst thing, they don't even try to hide it(like they renamed Fox Network to Box betwork when they laughed at it), they just straight out call it Bitcoin, Doge coin and so on. Where's the joke exactly? Where's the punchline?

The actors also sound super worn-out and tired, at least half of them. Not only they sound older, they speak very slowly too. It's not like the original Futurama was fast-paced or anything, but now it feels like I should set the speed to 1.1 or even 1.2 or something so it would feel ike the old Futurama. It's especially noticeable with Billy West and Phil LaMarr. When Phil voices Hermes'es kid, it's evident it's an adult voicing him, WAY too evident, like not even a young adult. Could as well hire another voice actor for that role. Surprisingly though, Billy West still sounds good as Zoidberg. No idea why, because he sounds terribly old for Fry and even(orinically) the Professor. All of that original energy from the first seasons is gone, and it's just sad. Perhaps it really was a bad idea to make this reboot, especially considering how perfectly the series ended last time with "Meanwhile" episode?
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Grimm: Heartbreaker (2015)
Season 4, Episode 16
Who came up with this?
10 June 2023
Let me start off by saying the premise for the whole episode is incredibly stupid, meaning the girl killed whoever touched her and was aroused by her.

Solution? She tells the guys who are after her "Don't touch me, I have a deadly decease which is only spread by touching. You touch me - you die" - BOOM! Here's your solution to the problem.

So the writers mean to tell us, that neither she or her mom, during many years NEVER came up with this super simple and believable explanation?

Instead she's like "ooh, no, don't! You don't know what's gonna happen!" yeah because it's so much better to be ambiguous like that instead of telling them straight to the face that she's deadly to touch.

In season 2 finale the writers came up with a believable explanation why he's wearing sunglasses on the wedding. And they came up with it within what? Days? And this girl and her mom never came up with the "medical condition" explanation during their whole lives? Ridiculous.

If the premise of the episode doesn't make sense, the whole episode doesn't make sense.
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19 March 2023
I really don't get the negative comments. I never read the original book and I can understand it "being not as good as the book"(as usual for almost all adaptations), but to call this movie trash because it's different from the book? I haven't seen such great movies in a while. It really felt like a return to formula for those good old 2D animated movies, with heart and emotion.

Animation: While not quite being on the level of animated Disney classics, it's still pretty good. The animation quality especially shines in the second half of the movie, where the creators put their heart and soul into it, and you can feel it. The human and animal characters, the supernatural effects, the flights through the clouds - everything is done beautifully.

Characters: Great job here as well, both the main character and the dragon. And both are explored deeper and excellently fleshed out by the end of the movie. The antagonists are also quite well done, as you can easily understand the motivation of any of them. Every character is either likeable or their motives are clear and often appealing, which is a sign of good writing(surely taken from the books, but at least decently adapted). The interaction between the boy and the dragon are touching to say the least, and as a writer, I was incredibly inspired by it. You don't get that from badly done movies.

Music: Oh my gosh... it was beautiful. Great songs, great score, whoever worked on it did an excellent job. Like everything else, it feels like the creators really put their heart, soul and hard work into the movie.

Overall - I loved it. Despite the disappointing ending(which I won't spoil here) it's a fantastic movie, where every scene shows love and care for it. Judging by other reviews, it's not well-adapted, but as a movie on its own, it's a masterpiece. Highly recommended. Easily goes to my collection.
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Koati (2021)
"Snakes are evil because they are snakes"
9 April 2022
Oh how many cartoons about evil snakes I've seen, and there seems to be no end to it. This one's a perfect example.

The movie tries REALLY hard to tell us that the snake characters are soulless monsters and are all evil and is very successful at that.

If creators of such movies have some kinda problem with snakes they should keep it to themselves, not pour it all over their audience, ESPECIALLY if the target audience is unsuspecting children who know almost nothing about these animals.

There is literally a phrase about the snake villain "you are evil!" and that is what the movie is about.

Unless you want your kids to think stereotypically I suggest you give this one a pass.
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Supernatural: Dog Dean Afternoon (2013)
Season 9, Episode 5
Yet another piece of media that gives snakes a bad name.
22 September 2021
I'm speechless. When is this hate towards these innocent animals going to end? Whenever it's something fictional and involves snakes they are ALWAYS bad guys\monsters.

Many don't even consider snakes animals, like here- the taxidermist didn't even have any snakes among stuffed animals, nor snakes are communicated with in the episode as witnesses like other animals are. Because snakes are never victims right? Because they are never killed by hunters and regular people. Nope, they are the aggressors who attack with no provocation whatsoever, hence they are always shown as monsters, at least this is what Hollywood is trying to tell you.

Whereas in real life snakes try to stay as far away from humans as possible, and only defend themselves when they feel cornered and pretty much never act aggressively, as all they are trying to do is to survive. While here, the only snake character is killing people and adorable kitties. What a monster right? With Hollywood pumping this much effort into making people hate snakes it's no wonder that even those who never encountered a snake in his life and knows nothing about them despises them.

Like it wasn't enough bad stuff about snakes in this show(like "cut the head of a snake when they were talking about killing a demon leader), they keep adding more and more of this stuff. Would be a decent episode if it wasn't another snake hate creation.

1 out of 10.
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: New Life (2019)
Season 6, Episode 13
Proof that Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is the most incredible show of all time.
27 March 2020
Just watched the episode again, half a year later and I'm baffled by the negative reviews for it. Sure, season 6 was one of the weaker ones, but don't forget about the budget cuts it had to experience, even worse than season 5 did. Still, the last couple episodes were about the level of the last few seasons finales.

Agents of SHIELD is not just a TV show. It's something that, like life itself, evolves and changes all the time. How the creators manage to make each following season to be so different from another, and yet so amazing at the same time and raising the bar every time is astonishing. This episode mostly was excellent, but the final few minutes of it are THE BEST piece of filmmaking ever made in history of television. The writing, the soundtrack, the effects, everything about those few last scenes is absolutely flawless and reaches even greater heights than anything else before it ever done before. My bow to you, Jed Whedon, Kevin and Maurissa Tancharoen, Bear Mccreary. You've outdone yourselves here. I didn't imagine something as incredible as this is even possible. You guys showed that it is.

Thank you.
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10 July 2019
First off, let me just start off by saying this is an EXTREMELY typical and stereotypical story about evil dragons. Remember how amazing, revolutionary and deep Hw to train your dragon was? Well forget about all that, here dragons are evil by default and deserve to be killed FOR NO REASON. Just ask yourself - what's the motivation of the dragons? It's never explained. Where are the other dragons? Why did they want to burn everything? Not explained either. This is not a movie that teachers your children to think, it's a movie that makes them think stereotypically, giving others labels. They could have partially fixed that by including reptiles as animal characters, bot no - even there there is nothing more but mammals. And in the end, it's "HOORAY TO MAMMALS, WE ARE THE BEST! Let those evil reptiles being extinct forever!"(which is very similar to The Hobbit trilogy with an evil dragon, lots of cute mammal animals but zero reptiles) - that's exactly the kind of movie it is. Animation is fine and directing was almost ok, but because of the wrong messages, the overall story I can't recommend this movie to anyone.
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Depressing and soul-crushing
13 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Hey everyone! Die-hard Tabaluga fan here, who has been a fan of the 90-s series (it's first season only) for nearly 17 years now. I wanna start off by saying this is by no means a bad movie some people say it is. It's really well directed, animated and decently written. This review will consist of 2 parts - with and without spoilers. Here is the spoiler-free part of my review. I will mark the spoiler part before it starts.

Obviously lots of work was done on the characters and their development, especially Tabaluga. So let me describe the characters a little bit more here.

Since the movie is based on the original musicals and has no connection to the 90-s series, most of the characters from the TV show (like Happy or Shouhu) are absent and do not appear here. Instead we have Bully, the ladybug, and Kolk the raven as the new ones. Kolk is a typical parental figure who is left to care for Tabaluga after Tabalugas parents are gone. He is quite well developed and we see that while he worries for Tabaluga, he trusts him and believes in him. The ladybug however, is a typical comic-relief character, who's main goal is to keep the younger viewers entertained. He does give a little lighter tone to an overall dark movie, although sometimes it goes too far and nearly ruins the scene.

Limbo is a big, silly polar bear who plays a similar role to Bully.

Arktos is much darker than he was shown in the 90-s series, and it looks like a good thing here. He is tricky and smart enough to pose a real threat.

Lilli is surprisingly well-developed, not simplistic she was shown to be in the 90-s series(although the tv-show creators did not have time for her development at all), here she has a clear, believable and well-defined character.

Nessaya also makes a brief appearance, though I can't say much about her. She was a typical wise character that seems crazy at first but actually gives a great advice.

Tabaluga is developed the best of all. He is courageous, kind, but still is quite young and makes mistakes. There was something I didn't like about him. When he falls in love with Lilli he is consumed by this so much that he follows her like a puppy with love on his face every time he looks at her even though he just met her. That's not the calculating and smart Tabaluga I know from the 90-s show. Sure, he lost his head in the 90-s episode "Tabaluga and Lilli" as well, but in there at least he was younger. Here he almost looks like a teen. Overall I wish there was a little more depth about him and more time was devoted to him.

The Greenlanders are among my complants though. Just like in seasons 2 and 3(which I absolutely loathe) of the original tv-series there were only mammals and birds among them, which is racist given the fact that it should have all kinds of animals, including reptiles. "well, we have a dragon, that should be enough". Well, it wasn't. Especially given the fact that you aren't considering dragons as Greenlanders in this movie.

Music: the music was, for the most part, outstanding. My favorite songs were the first one where Tabaluga was growing up(I haven't felt so excited about watching anything for many, many years) and the song in the ending credits, which brought me to tears. Both were absolutely amazing. Arktos-es song was also good, the original music from the albums was used in there I presume, as it was the same theme used in the 90-s series, same goes for Lilli's theme. Most of other songs were just ok. The soundtrack was great and fits perfectly into the scenes where it plays.

Story and pacing: The pacing is really good, it never seemed rushed or going too slow, the creators pretty much found a perfect balance here. The story is well-done, though some parts - let's just say I wish they were done a lot differently.

And now my spoiler-free part of the review comes to an end. The movie is excellent overall and it's obvious not just a lot of work, but a lot of soul was put into it. I just wish the things I will describe below didn't ruin it for me, otherwise to me personally, it would have been near perfection.


First of all, let me just say that the scenes with the Tabaluga's parents dying and a pile of dead dragon bodies shown to Tabaluga was way too dark. Even I, a 28 year old person was emotionally devastated by it, it's no surprise many of the children who watched the movie were really scared too. It's been almost 2 days since I watched the movie and it still haunts me. If "the last one of his kind" thing was sad, but still gave us hope in the 90-s series, then here it's absolutely depressing and just makes me wanna kill myself. It's that sad.

Another thing I disliked in the movie(as I already mentioned above) is the love at first sight of Tabaluga to Lilly. There is nothing inherently wrong with it, it's just they form long-lasting relationship with this without getting to know each other better. I know that's how it happened in the original albums but I personally find such rushed relationship which turns out to be a developed long lasting one so quickly unacceptable. They could have showed that Tabaluga and Lilli spent some years together or at least months, but they become a couple after a few weeks or even days!

And what was with Tabaluga being able to talk to Nessaya only once? They didn't explain that part at all, and we see her among other Greenlanders later. I also really disliked that it's love that needs to activate Tabaluga's fire. Not his faith in himself, not his duty to save Green Land and all of his friends, but his personal, selfish love for Lilli. Why is it selfish? Because Green Land and Ice land are at war and all he things about is Lilli and how much he loves her. He saw a pile of dead dragon bodies a few hours ago? Who cares if he has Lilli and spends time with her, promising to be with her forever, with someone he just met? Love activating fire doesn't make sense from biological point of view as well. Imagine if snakes got their venom, which they use to get food and defend themselves only after they met their mate? That's how ridiculous it is. In the 90-s show, he already had his fire in the third episode, simply because he was growing up. Here he needed attraction for someone to find it.

Another thing I disliked is the Deus ex Machina scenes, like when Limbo saves them in the last moment. Some humor was also completely out of place, in one scene they repeat EXACTLY the same joke that was overused in seasons 2-3 where James comes up with an idea, tells Arktos about it, he dismisses it, makes it look like he came up with the idea himself.

Verdict - it's an excellent movie with some parts that I wish were not included in here, without them it would have been absolutely amazing, and to me personally would be a nearly a masterpiece. I would give it 7 stars out of 10, but the "only mammals and birds among Greenlanders" makes me take away one more star. A solid movie which I can't recommend to little kids and people who are very sensitive like me.
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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: Fail-Safe (2016)
Season 1, Episode 5
This just makes me mad
19 February 2016
First off, I'm gonna say I'm a Russian, but I wouldn't' call myself a patriot. I never liked Russian old emblems, expressions, and like Stein said about USA "it's not perfect" nowdays, but.... how horrible a show must be to make a character say such things about Russia? Again, I'm not a patriot, but he said that it's ruled by crooks and criminals, that we don't have free voting, and we aren't allowed to love whoever we like. First off, if you came o Russia you wouldn't see any criminals, like is modern and peaceful. Of course, like in any country, there are criminals, but in my life I saw only a few. Stein made it look like it's like some kind of criminal country. I don't see the percentage of criminals here being bigger than in any other country. We don't have fair voting system? just wait till we are allowed to vote for another president after our economy crashed. Something tells me far less people will be supporting Putin during the next election. and third Stein said we are not allowed to love whoever we want. If it's about anti-gay thing everyone talks about then again - the law is NOT against being gay, you are allowed to have any orientation here as you want, nobody's gonna arrest you for that. The law is against gay PROPAGANDA which is completely different. We are allowed to have any partners we choose. Just because the propaganda is restricted doesn't mean the homosexual relationship is forbidden. it's like the writers of this show took the worst stereotypes of Russia and put it into Stein's speech.

Like it wasn't enough that the creators used google translate to make signs and covers in these 2 episodes, that many of the stereotypes about Russia were collected in one episode, after Stein's speech I don't think that Americans show russians like this because of ignorance, but because they actually want to hurt Russia and russians, presenting them this way to their target audience.

I was even gonna say "this episode made my day" when Snart said "this isn't my first prison break" (that like was awesome) but after Stein's speech I'm convinced this is one of the worst shows ever in terms of writing(and I don't just mean Russian stuff, Swiss cheese has less holes than logic in this show). Oh by the way, almsot forgot - Gulag prisons were closed in 1960. Yet it still exists even in Arrow.

Conclusion - Americans! don't be ignorant, don't believe shows like this and Arrow. Visit Russia yourself and make your own, genuine opinion about it, or at least listen to people WHO ACTUALLY WERE THERE, don't trust such terrible writers.
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Angelo Rules (2010– )
Amazingly creative
6 January 2016
I'll start with saying that I never liked CG animated cartoons. But this one uses it as an advantage, never being too bad at it. Angelo's creativity is amazing, the ways he comes out of situations are almost always astonishing. Given it's a kids show, it could have been much, much worse and less creative. And yet it's always fresh, always smart, always shows something new The characters are different and interesting, and Angelo always has a way to deal with any of them if necessary. Angelo's friends are also quite smart and not annoying at all.They are always willing to give him support in his elaborate schemes. I highly recommend it!
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Unbelievably TERRIBLE
9 January 2011
I really liked justice league cartoon series, and movie in 2010, but this was like some extremely bad horror movie, with dinosaurs as main antagonists, attacking everything that moves, and so called "heroes" cut, shoot and blow them apart like some jam pies, splitting their blood all over ground, I admit I wasn't expecting an adult movie, but this was too much, even for a 18 + in a matter of fact, I wouldn't recommend people under 30(!!) watch it, it just blew my mind( in bad way) animation, voice acting, action scenes are decent and nothing special, character faces aren't detailed at all(only basic elements there are like eyes, noses etc) there is no logic in character actions,(like it would be logical to save some dinosaurs as species) but they all are so cruel, so bad, so ignorant, it's just too much so if you don't like superheroes tearing dinosaurs apart by their genitals don't watch it... -100 out of 10
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Futurama: The Day the Earth Stood Stupid (2001)
Season 3, Episode 7
Awesome humor, style and SCiFi adventures!
16 September 2010
This is definitely one of the best episodes in the entire series, personally my second favorite after Late Philip J. Fry(6x7). It starts with a destruction of a planet by huge explosion caused by flying brains, which make people stupid, and now It's Earth's turn... Leela goes on a journey to the Center of the universe to find out how to save the planet, and creatures who she thought were dumb reveal their true forms, as a dominant race of on the entire universe, they tell her that only one person can save Earth and guess who is that..

This episode is so action filled, atmospheric and funny, that you won't get bored during watching it, I recommend to everyone !
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Most of new sequels are Great
29 October 2009
I just made a big comment on the Stone of Cold Fire and I just wan't people to watch Sequels since 7-th movie, Here is my comment to it

"some people are just dumb enough to say that movie is crap without actually watching it. When I was 11 I saw the first sequel o LBT The Great valley adventure,and found it far not as good as the first movie, in fact I didn't actually like it, maybe just a bit.Then I didn't see LBT anywhere until 2007, when I got unlimited internet connection and finally got a chance to know about all things I missed during my childhood, I found one of LBT songs from LBT 13 and found it very cute, because of Petrie's singing there.I was impressed by amount of these movies, I thought they should be more successful than 2-nd movie of there are so much of them and decided to download all movies. Well I just made myself watch Great valley adventure, to so to say remember LBT characters and storyline. Then LBT 3 and it was a bit better, but still drawn worse than first movie and worse overall of I watched all sequels 4-6 and got used to it's stile-not amazing, but good to remember childhood.But when I watched The Stone of Cold Fire, I felt something changed, strong dialogues, Great-drawn Amazing storyline, They DON'T "meet new friends" and other nonsense some of LBT haters say they only met 3 villains and 2 friendly aliens, researching the main characters doing miraculous things like traveling in another place very fast("life is full with little Mysteries") and other mystic stuff, this whole movie is filled with mystery, and meanwhile it doesn't go far from the main storyline, This movie is totally different from previous 6 as a new Millennium it's quality is much better and continues improving with later sequels. I really enjoyed this movie ,and it's actually looking as the second movie of LBT deserving for Family rating, Everyone Young and old will most likely love it.2 of 3 songs in The Stone of CF are not childish, they are just great, every word is catching, maybe because adults sing them.Also a Science fiction storyline is extremely rare for childish cartoons and realistic once( reminds me show LOST where all begins realistic and them and then goes to science fiction with time traveling) and revealing aliens at the end just blew my mind! This movie has an excellent stile, especially Pterano's personality, and his voice(Michael York did great job), SOCF is also tougher than the other onces, and at the same time it brings good moralities, where can bad leadership bring to, and that some people who seem bad have heart too, they are just confused like Pterano. I'm also glad there were SciFi instead of magic, if This stone was magical it would ruin the whole LBT universe Every time I re-watch this movie I more realize how great it is, it isn't silly as any previous sequel.Also the soundtrack is amazing.

Some people think it would rather better to make a series instead of movies, my question to you ARE YOU SICK?? You really think that low quality 20-min time limited episodes would do anything good?? Sooo in 2007 a lame cartoon series of LBT released, drawn with low quality, repeating songs, silly story lines, dialogues, can't say it is worse than The Great valley Adventure, but most of episodes a really not so good, they are just childish and not for the whole family to watch, just made for kids,and for Little kids.

About other Sequels, I think The Stone of Cold fire made a new level for the sequels, made them not only for children(who definitely like them)but for the whole family again, almost as it was with the first movie, which is the best for all times, but if there were no sequels I'd rather live sadder, most of LBT sequels brought much happiness in my life, and NO other cartoon is even close to it's greatness."
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I hate Land Before Time haters!!!!!!!!
29 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Some people are just dumb enough to say that movie is crap without actually watching it. When I was 11 I saw the first sequel o LBT The Great valley adventure,and found it far not as good as the first movie, in fact I didn't actually like it, maybe just a bit.Then I didn't see LBT anywhere until 2007, when I got unlimited internet connection and finally got a chance to know about all things I missed during my childhood, I found one of LBT songs from LBT 13 and found it very cute, because of Petrie's singing there.I was impressed by amount of these movies, I thought they should be more successful than 2-nd movie of there are so much of them and decided to download all movies. Well I just made myself watch Great valley adventure, to so to say remember LBT characters and storyline. Then LBT 3 and it was a bit better, but still drawn worse than first movie and worse overall of I watched all sequels 4-6 and got used to it's stile-not amazing, but good to remember childhood.But when I watched The Stone of Cold Fire, I felt something changed, strong dialogues, Great-drawn Amazing storyline, They DON'T "meet new friends" and other nonsense some of LBT haters say they only met 3 villains and 2 friendly aliens, researching the main characters doing miraculous things like teleporting and other mystic stuff, this whole movie is filled with mystery, and meanwhile it doesn't go far from the main storyline, This movie is totally different from previous 6 as a new Millennium it's quality is much better and continues improving with later sequels. I really enjoyed this movie ,and it's actually looking as the second movie of LBT deserving for Family rating, Everyone Young and old will most likely love it.2 of 3 songs in The Stone of CF are not childish, they are just great, every word is catching, maybe because adults sing them.Also a Science fiction storyline is extremely rare for childish cartoons and realistic once( reminds me show LOST where all begins realistic and them and then goes to science fiction with time traveling) and revealing aliens at the end just blew my mind! This movie has an excellent stile, especially Pterano's personality, and his voice(Michael York did great job), SOCF is also tougher than the other onces, and at the same time it brings good moralities, where can bad leadership bring to, and that some people who seem bad have heart too, they are just confused like Pterano. I'm also glad there were SciFi instead of magic, if This stone was magical it would ruin the whole LBT universe Every time I re-watch this movie I more realize how great it is, it isn't silly as any previous sequel.Also the soundtrack is amazing.

Some people think it would rather better to make a series instead of movies, my question to you ARE YOU SICK?? You really think that low quality 20-min time limited episodes would do anything good?? Sooo in 2007 a lame cartoon series of LBT released, drawn with low quality, repeating songs, silly story lines, dialogues, can't say it is worse than The Great valley Adventure, but most of episodes a really not so good, they are just childish and not for the whole family to watch, just made for kids,and for Little kids.

About other Sequels, I think The Stone of Cold fire made a new level for the sequels, made them not only for children(who definitely like them)but for the whole family again, almost as it was with the first movie, which is the best for all times, but if there were no sequels I'd rather live sadder, most of LBT sequels brought much happiness in my life, and NO other cartoon is even close to it's greatness.
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