
22 Reviews
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Ip Man (2008)
Why You Should Watch This Movie
27 October 2009
One single scene, about halfway through the movie, is so violent, full of revenge, and just... awesome, that I was literally about to jump out of my chair. I've seen lots of fighting movies, but very few fight scenes even come close to creating such an emotional response as this one did. You'll know what I'm talking about if you see the movie. But be prepared for some really brutal violence, if you like that kind of thing.

It's a bit of a slow-paced movie, but that's just the price you pay for a good story, which this movie definitely has. It's a very serious movie. Gives you a bit of Chinese vs Japanese history. Apparently it is based on a true story. But if nothing else, watch it for the fighting.
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Big Trouble (2002)
One Of My Favorite Comedies
22 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
There aren't too many comedies I like to watch over and over, but this is one of them. This is one of those 'ridiculous' comedies, not one of the overrated 'intelligent' ones. You will laugh hard at this one. It's not a gross-out comedy either, and doesn't have meaningless boobies (if such a thing is possible), it's just absurd... in a good way.

I think what I like most about this one is the way the story flows. It's the most logical sequence of ridiculous events I have ever witnessed. Everything makes perfect sense.

Not only that, but there are a ton of characters, and each one has a distinct personality, each one is funny in their own way.

There are some tough choice in life. Like, should you choose the Arrivals or Departures lane when you're driving to the airport? Well, we're arriving at the airport... but we want to depart soon...
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Ben-Hur (1959)
Good For An Oldie
22 October 2009
This movie has aged surprisingly well in my opinion (having watched it for the first time ever around 2005). Many old movies just lose their flavor entirely, but new viewers can still enjoy this one. But you should definitely have a good idea of what to expect from this movie before watching it, otherwise you will be hugely disappointed.

For an old movie, the only thing they can really cling on to is a good story and good acting. This movie definitely has it

If you like old movies, and don't mind a slow-paced movie, then you might like this one. But most younger audiences will never appreciate this one.
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22 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, this movie shows just how tastefully lesbian sex can be portrayed on the big screen. It's hot. Super hot. If I saw something like that happen in real life, I think I would explode.

Not hardcore or anything like that, just creative and beautiful. The girls aren't even 10's, but they totally make it work.

Sex aside, this movie actually has quite a good story, is pretty funny, and I think just about every character is likable in some way. But you definitely have to be open minded to enjoy this one.

I wanted to watch this one for all the wrong reasons, only to find out that it is actually a very good movie. I'm glad I watched this one in its entirety... with the sound on.
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Catwoman (2004)
I Really Wish This Was Better
22 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Big Batman fan, and comic book movie fan in general. Also, Helle Berry is so hot, how could you go wrong with a movie like this? Well, somehow they found a way. The story and acting were pretty bad. Overall, not a horrible movie, definitely watchable for Halle alone. If they put some more money and effort into this, it could have been one of my favorites.

This movie was pretty close to being a good story. It's just barely good enough that you will get disappointed when it turns bad. If a movie doesn't try to have a good story in the first place, then it doesn't leave you disappointed like this one.

They should have just given up trying to make this a respectable movie, and focused more on giving us some sweet screenshots of Halle doing her thing, whatever that might be.
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Agent Aika (1997–1999)
Great, For What It Is
21 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
It's not supposed to be good, for God's sake! The only reason anyone should consider watching this, is if they enjoy watching hot anime chicks run around and beat up some bad guys. The story sucks. The 'acting' sucks. Nearly everything sucks, except it is some of the most beautiful anime I have seen. If the girls didn't look so good, Aika would be totally unbearable to watch. You might as well turn off the sound.

If your only idea of good anime is, for example, Fullmetal, Gundam Wing, DBZ, Sailor Moon, Naruto, or other 'good' series (depending on your opinion), don't watch Aika. Ever.

Aika is definitely not Hentai. But it's pretty darn close. Let's just say that a teenage boy would definitely not want to watch this if his mother is around. Unless they have some strange family relationship.

If you like Aika, I recommend you check out Knights of Ramune.
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Æon Flux (1991–1995)
Not As Good As I Hoped
21 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I love the Aeon Flux movie. Second of all, I love anime and cartoons in general (although this cartoon is clearly American and is not an Anime).

The Aeon Flux TV series has all the right elements for an adult cartoon: the characters look good and in general all the artwork looks very good, lots of shocking and bizarre images, and some very interesting stories.

However, it just doesn't flow very well, and doesn't really make much sense. I hesitate to compare it to an anime, because it isn't. But anime is a little bit 'prettier', and I've never seen an anime that doesn't make sense. I think of the Aeon Flux TV series as a Disney series... on both steroids and cocaine. If nothing else, it is very creative.
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Van Wilder (2002)
You Will Laugh, If You Like To Laugh
21 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is a really stupid, really gross, and therefore really funny movie. Don't expect anything more. Fart jokes, boobies, etc. If you like that, then you will like this movie. If not, then shame on you for watching a movie you knew you wouldn't like anyways.

As far as this style of movie goes, it is one of the best. Definitely comparable to Animal House, except Animal House came first (duh).

Bottom line is: you will laugh a ton, if you enjoy this kind of movie. It's one of my favorite comedies. The only thing you will gain, having watched this movie, is a bunch of laughs. Don't expect to learn anything. In fact, you might become more stoopider after seeing it. But we need that sometimes.
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Probably My Favorite Anime
21 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is the reason I started to like anime. Thank you good old late-night cartoon network (I still can't believe CN played this movie?) Wow. Old, but not outdated by any means.

Anyway, this is simply a great movie, and has a very 'serious' feel to it. This movie paints a very interesting and beautiful but scary picture of a not-very-likely future world where vampires rule. Some of the fighting scenes in this movie are just plain fun. Slicing, dicing, and exploding of various extremities.

If you don't like anime, don't watch it, because it focuses on violent fighting, shocking images, and of course a little cartoon nudity. The story is decent, but if that's all you look for in a movie, you'd better skip this one.
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Great, For What It Is
21 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
OK, first of all, if you don't think anime girls are hot, then don't even consider watching this because you will hate it. I wouldn't go so far as to say this is a hentai, it's not like they have graphic sex or anything like that, but it's definitely got a lot more nudity than an average anime. At least in this show they remain 'tasteful' about it though.

Anyway, the story is decent, voices are fine, and it's somewhat predictable... the only thing that really stands out in my mind about this anime is that it is very well 'drawn' in my opinion. It's pretty. And the girls look good. And that's the only reason I like watching this one.

So if you are expecting anything other than pretty anime characters, you will be disappointed. this really the only comment? Well, I can understand why. Probably gets a lot more in Japan. Only watch this one if you know what to expect.
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Hero (2002)
Beautiful Movie, But I Don't Like The Ending
21 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, the end of this review contains spoilers! Please do not read the last paragraph if you have not yet seen the movie.

That said, this movie is absolutely beautiful. Very similar in appearance to Crouching Tiger, and equally well done. Simply a great Kung Fu movie with an interesting 'moral of the story'. You will be surprised by some of the characters' decisions, but it all makes sense. You might actually have to watch it twice to fully appreciate it.

Spoilers ahead! The movie was truly amazing, but I hate the ending. No, the death is not the part that I hate. What I hate is the simultaneous chanting of about 1000 soldiers. It is just silly! I understand the reason it was done, but it just felt totally out of place to me. They could have come up with a better way to say those few lines... like having one person say it, instead of 1000 people saying the same exact thing at the same time! Anyway, other than that one small point, the movie is excellent.
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Hulk (2003)
Love It, But Second One Is Better
21 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, I do like this movie quite a bit. It's a good comic book movie. There's really nothing especially wrong with it, but I think it pales in comparison to a lot of the other big comic book movies made around the same time.

Also, some of the special effects in this movie just aren't as good as I would like. If you watch it, you'll know what I mean.

I don't fully understand why a second Hulk movie was made fairly soon after this one. The stories are totally unrelated. Regardless, the second recent Hulk movie (in 2008) is much better than this Hulk movie. If you have to pick one, see the second one, since the two movies seem to be totally independent of each other. Or, like me, see them both.
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Event Horizon (1997)
A Movie That's Actually Scary
21 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen a lot of movies, so it's pretty difficult for me to find ones that actually scare me! Well, this one sure did. I would hate to spoil it and tell you the scary parts specifically, but there are a few.

The special effects are pretty good and more or less are 'believable'. If you enjoy a good horror movie, do yourself a favor and watch this one.

It's been a while, but as I recall the main 'bad guy' did a tremendous job of acting evil. Quite a performance.

Also, I highly recommend Silent Hill if you like this movie. There's another scary movie that's actually scary.
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Elektra (2005)
Great Comic Book Movie
21 October 2009
It's great for what it is. Don't expect to figure out the meaning of life, this movie is just for fun. It has great action, pretty darn good visuals, and is everything a comic book movie should be.

The story? Good enough for me. No major problems with it. Everything made sense. The acting was good enough, no one did a horrible job, everything was watchable.

And, most importantly, Jennifer Garner is smokin' hot in this movie. Easy on the eyes. It's just plain fun to watch.

If you like comic book movies, I really can't see why you wouldn't like this one.
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Caddyshack (1980)
I Wish More Comedies Were This Good
21 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is absolutely funny, and there is no question about it. Not only that, but there are so many good performances here... everyone is funny! Not a big fan of the silly groundhog or whatever it was, but if not for that useless furry robot, we would not have seen one of the funniest performances ever (Bill Murray). Perfect. You have no choice but to like the way he acts in this movie. It's stupidity in the best way humanly possible.

If you haven't seen this, and you like silly comedies, you really must see it. It's a classic. Yeah, it's old, but it will always be funny even for first-time viewers.
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This Will Always Be Funny
21 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
100 years from now, my great great kid's kids will still laugh when they watch this movie. Animal House is the foundation of teen sex comedy. Here's where it all started. It's funny... period.

If you actually have not seen this movie, you should see it if you like movies like American Pie or Van Wilder. Animal House set the standard a long time ago for movies like this.

A bit of a disclaimer since people have different opinions: if your idea of good comedy is Spinal Tap and Dr Strangelove, or if you are English English (you know what I mean), then you may not like Animal House.
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Over The Top Comedy
21 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is truly a great comedy that stands the test of time in my opinion. It also has some of the best car chase scenes I have ever seen, even for a modern action movie... but this is an old comedy! Even those of you who (for some reason) don't like silly comedies will laugh at this movie. If you don't find this movie funny, then your sense of humor is waaaaaay too narrow.

This movie is takes some funny situations, then takes it totally over the top into the land of the ridiculous... yet the actors all do a great job of remaining serious about it.

Oh yeah, and the music is great! But you don't even have to like the individual songs to enjoy the music, since it's all in good fun.
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Akira (1988)
A Great Anime
21 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I consider it: Anime -

9/10 Story - It's a very good story -

9/10 Visual - It's pretty old, but still looks great today -

8/10 Action - Maybe not quite as action packed as modern anime fans might like, but still very good -

3/10 Acting - Yes is it possible for cartoons to act poorly, especially the 'townsfolk' with the unbearingly whiny voices -

5/10 Flow - You might be scratching your head a couple times -

NA/10 Humor - Not intended to be funny -

NA/10 Audio - Nothing exceptional, it's a fairly old movie -

10/10 Predictability - It's very bizarre, so it's impossible to predict anything in my opinion -

10/10 Originality - Quite creative with some stunning imagery -

8/10 Rewatchability - I'm happy to watch it about once every few years -

First off, I'm a big anime fan. This is a great anime, and back in the day it was truly amazing. Right up there with Princess Mononoke in my opinion. Focuses on the story, not how powerful a giant robot can be like many anime, or who can shoot the biggest energy balls. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy those anime too! They're fun. But Akira offers a lot more than your average anime.
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Time Bandits (1981)
Almost Turned It Off
21 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
For some reason I just didn't like it at all and felt embarrassed about how bad it was since I bought it and watched it with my family. All of us hated it with a passion. It's a nice enough kids' movie, maybe in the year it came out. However, think about it: an outdated kids' movie? What's the point? Kids do not generally like to watch such old movies anyway, and I don't see what adults are supposed to get out of this movie at all.

Some kids' movies (like Mary Poppins or Wizard of Oz) can be enjoyed even now, but Time Bandits is totally outdated. For your reference, and I think applicable in this case, I also did not like Dr Strangelove or Spinal Tap at all. So, if you disagree with me on those similarly outdated movies, you might like Time Bandits.

There is also a horrible case of overacting as I recall from the 'bad guys'. Think of the two stupid 'bad pirates' in the Pirates of the C. movies, except in Time Bandits they are not even remotely funny.

Anyway, I warned you, that's all I can do. People that rate this movie high must have liked it from many years ago. If you have not seen it before, then don't bother watching it now.
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Airplane! (1980)
A Defining Moment In Comedy
21 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I consider it: Comedy -

6/10 Story - The story is purposefully ridiculous -

NA/10 Visual - It's an old movie so it looks outdated, but it's just a comedy so who cares about the visual -

NA/10 Action - Again, it's just a comedy -

8/10 Acting - About the best acting you can do when it comes to comedy -

10/10 Flow - Very smooth & easy to follow -

10/10 Humor - You will laugh until you cry -

NA/10 Audio - Nothing exceptional, it's a fairly old movie -

3/10 Predictability - The story is predictable, but some of the jokes are not -

5/10 Originality - Not original at all by modern standards, but back in the day there weren't many spoofs -

10/10 Rewatchability - There aren't too many comedies I like to watch over and over, but this is one -

Definitely one of the best laugh out loud comedies of all time. The jokes are still good now, about 30 years later. If you want a good laugh, watch this one.
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Funniest Kung Fu I Ever Saw
21 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I consider it: Kung Fu / Comedy -

8/10 Story - Even the basic premise of the story is funny -

9/10 Visual - Not quite Crouching Tiger, but pretty close -

10/10 Action - If you like silly Kung Fu attacks -

6/10 Acting - Nothing exceptional, neither good nor bad -

10/10 Flow - Very smooth & easy to follow -

10/10 Humor - You will laugh until you cry -

6/10 Audio - Nothing exceptional, neither good nor bad -

6/10 Predictability - Moderately predictable -

8/10 Originality - About as creative as Kung Fu can be -

10/10 Rewatchability - Since the humor isn't based on spoken jokes, it's fun to watch it more than once -

This is one of my favorite movies. If you like a Kung Fu that is funny, you must see this. It puts Jackie Chan movies to shame. Don't get me wrong, I like many of his movies, but this one is simply much better. The fight scenes in this movie are totally unrealistic, but absolutely hilarious.
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The Matrix (1999)
21 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I consider it: Sci Fi / Action -

10/10 Story - Interesting & complicated -

10/10 Visual - One of the very best, even 10 years later -

10/10 Action - One of the very best, even 10 years later -

8/10 Acting - Nice acting, but a few cheesy lines -

10/10 Flow - Very smooth & easy to follow -

NA/10 Humor - Minimal, but not needed -

10/10 Audio - Great sound -

6/10 Predictability - Some things are predictable -

10/10 Originality - Some very interesting ideas -

10/10 Rewatchability - I know most of the lines by now -

This is one of my favorite movies, and in my opinion sets the standard all new Sci Fi movies to attempt to compare against. If you haven't seen this, and you like any futuristic Sci Fi movies, you simply must see all three Matrix movies.
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