
11 Reviews
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Drop Dead Diva (2009–2014)
Pretty decent thus far
5 January 2010
This show is actually quite charming. It has it's equal blend of humorous and dramatic sides, and the characters are reasonably likable.

However, the plot isn't necessarily that original. For one thing, it is quite similar to the movies of "Legally Blonde", with the story being about the once dumb blonde turning into a lawyer and ends up doing a good job, and learns new things about life.

Minus the part where the protagonist dies and enters the new body, it just feels like the same. At least for now.

Another thing, is no doubt the noticeable division between two types of women, with "unattractive but smart and caring" and "Attractive but vain and self centered" - or to stretch it out into another category, the blonde is dumb but the brunette is intelligent. Do we honestly have to use hair colour again to imply how a person really is? I'm not entirely fond of this blend. Especially if one desires to notice also that all the men in this show are both equally handsome AND smart. Why is this sort of division only apply to women? And very specific? That being said however, I will admit once more that the show is quite pleasant. It is the first pilot after all, so hopefully it will develop some more and broaden the horizons, and certain characters get more character development.

At least with shows like "Ugly Betty" (Which I love) every character equally goes through development, despite their assigned roles. Regardless of their appearances, status in the fashion industry and intelligence, all had made mistakes, show a humane side and progressed. Let's hope this show will start doing the same, instead of basing it solely on the basic storyline.
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18 December 2009
This movie is unfunny, immature, stereotypical, rude, and consists of a lot of unnecessary yelling and swearing. What was so funny about the constant fights?

And it really makes people who actually choose to be virgins look like complete losers. And the topic of sex is completely everywhere, in an non-amusing sort of way. Bad jokes, and really poor/uninteresting characters.

Honestly, the intelligent person would never enjoy such a silly movie. But I guess that speaks a lot for many audiences who do enjoy it.

I honestly thought that perhaps it could of been a cute movie - but no, it really is an immature event.
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Orphan (2009)
Actually pretty impressive.
14 December 2009
I will be honest, I did not have high expectations for this movie. For one thing, I was concerned over how thrilling it could be let alone be able to show any originality within the plot.

At the start of the movie, it does feel that way. It isn't all eye popping or creepy at all, and even felt really tame. However, once you reach little more than half-way into the movie it completely changes - the twist was really original, and phenomenal! Towards the end of the movie I was definitely at the edge of my seat, because for once you actually don't know who will by the next murdered victim of Esther. In a lot of previous movies, the obvious characters tend to survive or die. But not this! The actress who plays Esther was absolutely amazing and talented. Overall, take a chance with this movie - it really is something, especially during the last half. The plot twist is no doubt the highlight.
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Cute, but nothing huge.
8 December 2009
The movie is decently funny, and consists of some really cute and clever scenes. I would also like to say that it does have an original concept behind the plot.

The lead actor also does a pretty good job! It was mainly this fellow who created the more humorous parts - the monologue audition scene? Hilarious! Gosh I loved it, no doubt my favourite part of the whole movie.

Otherwise, it wasn't a eye-popping event. Nor do I believe it will be something hugely memorable on the long run. As said, some scenes in the movie were pretty cute, but sometimes it kind of conveys some unrealistic attributes, with rushed or unnecessary parts. I also tend to feel bad for the father of the love interest, as I did not believe he should of been treated so harshly. Now due to that, amongst other things about her personality, I did not like the lead female who ends up being Charlie's girlfriend. It ruined the romantic sideline for me, personally.

Do I recommend this movie overall? Indeed I do, if you want something lighthearted and cute. Don't have high expectations though, and keep your mind casual. Not a great great movie, but neither is it bad.
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The Big Bang Theory (2007–2019)
7 December 2009
Great show. It is very clever, lighthearted and original.

And it is wonderful to have a show out there that actually focuses on the intellectual side of humour, using creative writing and a highly witty dialogue.

I have been watching this series since the very first season, and it has not disappoint thus far. Especially since I am a daughter of a mathematical genius/nuclear engineer and you have no idea how CLOSE Sheldon's quirks are to those of my father. It makes me understand/appreciate the series so much more - and my dad himself overall really connects with the show, and loves it greatly.

Extremely recommended. Especially if you appreciate intelligence. Definitely a show that needs to be kept around for a nice while! It is ridiculously funny!
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The Punisher (2004)
It was OK
7 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
THE BAD: The main role, played by Thomas Jane, was SO SO SO bland. Even when he was suppose to appear in mourning/feel dead inside, there didn't seem to be a proper representation reflecting that. It is more like he was a duller version of a Terminator. Just really bleh, and because of this acting it loses the intensity of the general plot sometimes.

John Travolta...poor choice for the bad guy. Failed to convince me - when it comes to playing the serious bad guy role, Travolta is one of the weakest choices of all time.

Some of the scenes were cheesy and have been done before. I also felt unsatisfied at the end of the movie. Yes, he does destroy the wealthy mafia family who killed his wife and child, thus fulfilling the revenge (Which WAS Great! Because honestly, that one scene with Castle's entire family being taken down really pisses you off) but I was hoping for a more intellectual comeback also. Explain his actions and really get at the boss through powerful words.

THE GOOD: The two nerds in the apartment - especially the one played by Ben Foster. They were sweet and funny, and different. I even liked Rebecca Romijin's role! Those three really added character to the movie, and if weren't for them The Punisher wouldn't of been the same.

In conclusion, it was a so-so type of movie. It wasn't really the greatest, but it wasn't terrible. Not really interested in seeing it again though.
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1 December 2009
This show is ridiculous. Is it really a serious reality show? Like are they seriously looking for models or is there some sort of joke going on around here? For one thing, not only do the majority of models on this show have terrible personalities, but they are very unattractive. They might be tall and skinny, but that is all the qualifications that they seem to have.

Even in photos they look terrible.

At least in America's Next Top Model, they search for facial structures that can be flattering in photography and catwalk (Even if the girls don't look as pretty face to face as their normal selves) and be a chameleon - have a face that can easily change looks.

These "models" don't even have that. They walk and pose terribly too, and these challenges that they face are so silly.

I can't believe this show is still running...
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Not worth it
1 December 2009
The whole plot line is nothing but sex. Sex sex sex. From all walks of life; whether it is the meek girl who was taken advantage of, the player, the wannabe-player, the bad girl, the girl who wants to save it till marriage, the boyfriend who wants to pressure her to give in...

Seriously, there does not seem to be at least one sentence where the characters are not talking about intercourse. ALL of the characters.

It's nothing but stereotypes, and really bad dialogue. And unrealistic in regards to what life as a teen really is like. If it is suppose to be a satire, or a spoof of some sort...doesn't seem to be doing a great job.

And for one thing, the adults themselves appear to be brainless. If a principle KNEW that a boy wanted to join the band just because he wanted to pick up girls....wouldn't it be refused overall? The kid even asked for a condom!

And I tire of the stereotypical portrayal of girls who do want to wait till marriage. Not all of them are girly, pushy, over religious and braggy about their chastity. But yet will eventually will always "give in" to their apparent urges.

And not all teenage boys are crazy horny 24/7 with bad intentions on their minds.

The whole sex theme and teen pregnancy is getting old - especially if it isn't done well and creatively.

It gives a whole general bad impression on American society, as if all teens are really like this.
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Not frightening, but still likable.
20 November 2009
I will say from the start, that this movie was not particularly scary to me at all. However, it was still likable, and the history on post-mortem photographs is pretty interesting.

The acting by the supporting roles is a bit weak, and some of the sub-plots seemed kind of pointless. The beginning of the movie also felt a bit rushed and didn't appear to be well put together. However, it does gradually get better and moves much more smoothly. The only real other critique is that the ending is a bit unbelievable.

Overall the movie was still basically interesting, with a high likely that a viewer will feel sympathy for the lead characters who are the main connections to the haunting.

The story itself does have some themes that were done before, but there is some originality to it too.
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Saw (2004)
Relatively so-so
20 November 2009
SAW is rather unique, and the Jigsaw character can be compelling (And even likable at times!)

However there is something just generally missing within the plot. It wasn't as grand as I thought it would be, nor as creepy. Some of the scenes skip back and forth, so if you are not careful you could get confused with the plot.

I suppose I just thought this film was only average, and it instead just seemed more depressing than freakingly appealing. Neither was it horribly intense either, as there were some clichés. The ending does have a twist though, which might surprise some people.

I will say this though, that SAW will help you appreciate life.
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Overall pretty decent
19 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I have to admit, the beginning of the film did appear rather tame in regards to some of the scarier scenes. However, once the story progresses it gets more appealing and intense.

The scary parts are rather subtle (For one thing, you NEVER see the demon. All of the creepyness is based on his actions and nothing on his physical appearance. All you get is this invisible presence) Which is actually a nice change, since in a lot of movies you always see the ghost/creature that is tormenting the person or a household. It makes a lot of the "making you jump" scenes more unpredictable.

The best part was by far the ending. Even if the entire first 80 minutes of the movie doesn't make you feel chilled, then the last part will. Seriously! In the theatre, there was a couple of people making fun of the movie. Then once that ending happened, literally those same people screamed (Ah, it was amusing). If it wasn't for that ending my rating might of been lower, it kind of made the movie really.

The rest of my critique is more in regards to the cinematography. It goes from night and day rather quickly, and some scenes with the couple talking can feel long. Thankfully however, the camera won't make you nauseous since 90% of the time it is stable.

Was it the most greatest, scariest movie of all time? Not really. But it wasn't bad either. It's worth a go, just make sure you get into the mood and atmosphere. And keep an open mind, enjoy the small things.
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