
17 Reviews
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Silent brain
1 January 2022
I have no idea where to start. If you are looking for better SciFi than this trash Netflix has been putting out lately like Another Life or Nightflyers, I'm sorry, no such luck here.

To make it short:

Terrible acting, totally dumb decisions that are far beyond anything the dumbest people on the planet would do, horribly stilted dialogues and totally unbelievable space-fantasy. Nothing in this series has any anchor in reality.

This is totally unrealistic from start to finish. If you in any way watch it to the end, you will see the dumbest and most unscientific ending you will ever see.

There is one thing that would redeem this abomination: Watch it as a comedy. If you do that, you can laugh at the absurdity of it all and have a good time, with dumb dialogues, stupid decisions, totally unrealistic plot developments, space magic etc.

If you watch it as a grounded sfi fi series, it falls apart in the first 20 minutes in episode 1.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
Stupid family problems in space
15 December 2021
I'm sorry but it seems taste and expectations have been crushed beneath a hailstorm of bad shows, dumb movies and CGI galore in recent years.

Why this show is so highly rated is just baffling.

While the premise is good enough, this show falls apart at any moment. Family problems that really should take a backseat here, considering the problems they constantly have to solve to survive, are constantly brought into the spotlight to disrupt the story, dumb decisions break all immersion and a really really annoying Dr. Smith destroys the rest of un you will have with this...peice of television. Dr. Smith is so erratic and disruptive she doesn't even make a good villain. She is just a totally unbelievable character that just annoys and is used by the "writers" of this "show" to create even more problems, despite the fact that she puts her own survival in danger just to be mean or obnoxious. As I said, this is not a believable character and is just used by the writers as a channel to get more problems into the show for the "family" to solve.

Why this bad show deserves another season is beyond me. The only explanation I can come up with is that next to garbage like Another Life and Nightflyers this somehow gets a pass because it is not as dumb as these shows.
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Not bad, but falls apart at the end
5 February 2021
It is really sad to see that a good movie can be bogged down so much by the ending that it really destroys your experience. The plot is relatively straight forward and while some of the plot twists and dialogues are a little bit "what the hell?" the movie works for the most part. Anthony Mackie really gives a good performance and for most of the movie his character is likable. Also the action scenes are really well made, especially towards the end where Leo really shows what a badass he can be.

But at the end, strange decisions, nonsensical dialogue and a really dumb finale break the movie entirely. The movie fizzles out on a very unsatisfactory note that is neither interesting, nor inspiring. Without the ending this movie deserves a 7/10, but with this ending, the movie drops to 5/10 because it really doesn't go anywhere interesting at the end.

My recommendation: Watch when you have nothing better to do or watch on a rainy sunday wihtout the energy to get up from the couch.
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The Thing (1982)
Ok-ish B-movie
10 January 2021
I have no idea why everyone is so hyped up about this movie. The story is well known and to keep it spoiler free, i will just describe my impressions without talking too much about details.

In essence this is the modernized version of the old movie from 52 (which i love by the way) with some additional ideas. Everything in the movie is just "meh" in my opinion. The dialoge is rather strange, there is a lot of cussing and most of it feels rather misplaced or goes nowhere. If you take into account that Alien came out 3 years BEFORE this movie, the creature effects are just aweful. Sometimes there are "okish", sometimes they are just bad or nonsensical and you often ask yourself: "Why would the creature do this?" Or "Why chose this form?". I don't know what else can be said. There are no climaxes, no real surprises, the story is already known, the effects are just bad considering what earlier movies could deliver and the acting is okish at best. If you don't have high standards, don't expect much from a horror movie, this will fill a cold rainy sunday evening, but that's about it.

Comparing this to Alien is like comparing Star Wars the original trilogy with "Message from Space".

This is just plain and simple a mediocre monster horror B-movie from 82. Nothing more, nothing less.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 16: The Rescue (2020)
Season 2, Episode 8
21 December 2020
Normally i don't give out 10s in reviews. There is always something that could be better, but this time i will make an exception.

This one episode managed to be more Star Wars, more entertaining and more emotional than the whole garbage sequel trilogy. I laughed, i cried and i felt something in the SW universe for the first time since the old trilogy. I saw the ending i thought to myself: "Could it really be? Are we going to see...?"...

Thank you Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni. Thank you to the actors and thank you to all the staff involved making this.

I also thank whatever or whomever (maybe the Force or maybe the allmighty spaghetti monster) prevented Kathleen Kennedy from interfering in this episode!
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The Orville (2017–2022)
This is a gift and an ode to all TNG Star Trek fans
22 February 2020
I must say i'm a little bit watery around the eyes at the moment. After all the heartbreaking garbage that has come out under the name Star Trek, Discovery, Picars, the new movies starting 2009, the Orville just warms my heart and fills a need and longing for a positive future that lay barren for so long.

The first season was a little bit bumpy because of the humor that went too far here and there but later in the first season and te complete season 2, the humor is just right, it is well fitting. It is just enough to lighten the mood while not being juvenile. The conversations have become much more serious but also more friendly and full of hope.

The Orville tells interesting stories, presents interesting dilemmas, problems and cultural differences and the search for other solutions than violence. sometimes there is no happy end and that makes is more realistic. Sometimes there is no solution that pleases everyone and sometimes the perceived unfairness is just because of different cultures and moral values.

It is the continuation of the TNG-spririt most of the Star Trek fans have missed so dearly. I just watched season 2 and i cannot wait for the next season.

If you are looking for a sci-fi show that is upbeat, interesting, exciting, funny but also struggles with interesting and sometimes heartbreaking dilemmas and decisions, this show is for you.

At the end the only thing i can say from the bottom of my heart: Seth McFarlane, i thank you dearly for this show!
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
One of the dumbest and messiest movies you will ever see
22 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I know i know that seems to be an exagaration, but in honesty it is not.

This movie only exists because Mr. Weyland found the dumbest people on earth with a degree and put them in his ship. Some of these dumb decisions no normal human being would ever think of, are:

1. Opening an exosuits helmet before checking the atmosphere (of a foreign and uncharted planet) for pathogens or other harmful contents. 2. Electrocuting an alien head (to make it talk!) and then have it explode. 3. A biologist gets freaked out by a dead alien but then tries to touch an alien lifeform that makes is VERY clear it does not want to be touched 4. The geologist of the group gets high in his suit 5. One of the scientist notices he is infected by something bad (worms in his eyes), and he just thinks:"Nah, it will be fine". 6. An alien chip is about to crash on Weylands daughter and the main protagonist. The ship rolls like a donut on its narrow side and they run straight from it for hundreds of meters, instead of 30m sideways to escape. 7. The guard nudges the black goo-zombie with his foot while it was lying there but still looking at him, giving him a clear indication it wasn't dead at all

Now i want to list some things that are shown in the movie that don't make sense at all or is just plain stupid:

1. The geologist who owns the small laser drones that map the structure they are in and has the map on its sleeve display gets lost as the others evacuate the structure because of a coming storm. 2. While two people are lost, the captain goes bonking Weylands daughter 3. The only engineer alive rips the androids head off and kills Weyland for no reason 4. Instead of ignoring them altogether and getting into his ship, the engineer follows Elizabeth and tries to kill her. 5. They see a hologram of what happened to the engineers. The engineers flee from something INTO the room with the dangerous black goo. 6. They analyse the DNA of the alien head and the analysis shows it is a 100% match for human. I know Ridley thinks we are all just stupid but everyone knows that this is impossible. DNA can only be identical between 2 different beings if they are clones or identical twins. First, there is no 100% human sample because we are all differenz and a 6ft blue alien is hardly human at all. 7. The biggie in the room: The black goo can do anything senile Ridley Scott needs in the movie. It can create zombies, it can create alien snakes, it can create 2m face huggers and can create a pre-version of the alien. No clear logic or structure behind it, just magical wonder-goo to fill the plot with random creatures 7. And the highlight: the operation! Elizabeth gets into the medical suite to remove the alien fetus she knows shes infected with. The medical suite doesn't give her any drugs or anything, the laser just zips her open, jams the big thongs in, janks out the uterus (with the alien squid in it) and leaves it dangling. Elizabeth has to rip the umbelical cord with her bare hands and then the suite just staples her up and she can run around in the ship. This is so extremly dumb i lost it at that point.

This movie has some beautiful visuals, but thats about it. The plot is nonsensical, the decisions are dumb, the characters are unlikeable, laughable and unrealistic. They are so annoying you want to switch off the movie. The alien lore gets destroyed and replaced by this messy garbage. It is a travesty.

There are other stupid things happening, but let me just say that this movie should be viewed as bad non-canon fan fiction by any REAL Alien fan who liked the mystery of the alien creature. Where did it came from, what was his past, how did it come to be? Was it a bio-weapon created by the space jockeys, was it a sample picked up from a planet where the aliens evolved..we don't know and this makes it scary and interesting.

The "answers" given in this movie diminish this mystery and the scariness.

One thing that many pseudo-interlectuals don't seem to understand: Mentioning a question that is worth exploring does not make a movie deep. Prometheus picks up a few interesting topics like religion and the creator / creation dynamic but does NOTHING with it. After all Elizabeth has seen and experienced in the movie, she just says, yeah i still believe in god despite the fact that she just learned that humanity was created in a petry dish by 6ft blue bodybuilders that can be killed and are by no means god-like.

This garbage is Ridley Scott at its worst. It is very hard to reconcile that this man had anything to do with the Alien-movie in the first place. The fall from grace comparing Alien to Prometheus is like a CEO of Google that now lives as a bum on the streets of New York.

I'm sorry to say this, but everyone who things this is a good movie has no idea what good characters and good character development is. No idea what a good script looks like and no idea how to tell an interesting and well thought out story. If the characters are the stupidest people on earth, how can anyone relate to them or care for their fate?

When i hear something like "Oh Prometheus is so deep and it gives good answers" i just shake my head and get really scared for the future. Imagine these people in scientific or leadership positions. If that happens we can really kiss our society goodbye.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Kelvin timeline not the original one
28 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
For all possible viewers: This is the Kelvin timeline from the 2009 movies. It has nothing to do with the original timeline.

If you like the "new" Star Trek that began with the JJ Abrams movie in 2009, this series is made for you. This is Kurtzman-Trek.

This is a dystopian future where Romulus has fallen and the Federation council consists of racist biggots that refused to help the Romulan Star Empire evacuating their citizens before this stupid supernova occured (that would be predictable millions of years in advance).

This first episode was made to pull you in with Patrick Stewart. But the dialoge is aweful, the future is dystopian, not hopeful, there are 18 minutes off dumb action scene in the first episode, phasers don't exist anymore, it is far more effectiv to kill someone with a knife, a woman that has been cloned from an android (i'm sorry i can't even say that with a straight face)...

The list of stupid goes on.

This is Dumb Trek, not Star Trek.

For someone who really understood what Gene Roddenberries vision was about, this series pains me greatly. Star Trek was about tolerance, freedom, hope, cooperation and the possibility that humanity could become more enlightened than we are now.

For Kurtzman, JJ Abrams and their cronies, Star Trek is a franchise they can exploit, rape and kill over and over again, until it is a stinking husk that no one will touch ever again.

The real Star Trek ended with TNG.
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Bloodsport (1988)
A lot of fun
8 February 2019
I will keep it short. I watched this as a young adult and to this day, i have very fond memory of this movie. The soundtrack is very good, the fight scenes are awesome, the story is not bad, and even the humour is good.

Don't let the 6.8 fool you. I rewatched it recently and there is no nostalgia whatsoever. This is a well crafted, very entertaining movie that is a good watch even today. If you can find it, give it a watch!
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Could have been good, but it falls short
1 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
It's an interesting idea, but the movie is unable to find the right tone. Most of the characters problems are self-made, but not in a believable way. Just all of them feel squeezed in to create dense moments but these 'errors' they make are stupid to such a degree, that no one with an IQ above 80 would ever make them. If they would have done the movie without these artificial and totally unbelievable twists, this movie would have easily scored 8/10 for trying to tell an interesting story like "Red Dawn". But with these totally stupid moments all over the place, i give it a 6/10 because they insult the intelligence of their audience nearly as bad as they did in Prometheus.

********************Spoiler alert**********************

Relevant examples of totally unbelievable mistakes are:

1. They scream: "Stay down!" and then one of them is staying in front of a window for a whole minute while a helicopter searches the house with a floodlight.

2. One character sneaks up to the town, dodges a floodlight two times then gets to a good observation point and witnesses how one of the villagers is shot in the head. She stays 10 secs and then runs in the floodlight which she dodged twice, 30 seconds ago!

3. Sneaking into a fuel depot to stay quiet and then use a brick to smash a window.

4. Switching off the radio in midst of a crucial and super dangerous mission to have a chick talk about a boy.

5. Getting designated as the person to lit a blasting fuse in that crucial mission and forget to bring a lighter.

The list goes on...

Just: Double face-palm!

Why do directors and filmmakers think their audiences are stupid? Why do they have to create unbelievable character behavior to create dense moments? How about showing some respect and create a movie with dense moments which are believable? Don't worry, most viewers can handle it, i assure you!
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Archer (2009–2023)
Whats the appeal?
20 February 2014
I'm sorry, but i can't see the appeal here. I watched 3 episodes in agony, and i still haven't seen anything that a "normal" mind would find even remotely funny. The characters are stupid, abrasive and cruel, while Archer is an opinionated loudmouth who cares only about himself and isn't aware of what is happening around him most of the time.

Someone on the discussion board said, that Archer is better than "Rick and Morty". How these two shows even begin to be on the same level of hilariousness is totally beyond me.

I'm sorry, but i think Archer is garbage.

But hey, just my 2 cents. If you like it, watch it!
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Mildly entertaining but hollow experience
8 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I won't get big into spoilers here. This movie is not a good piece of cinematography. The emotional connections don't develop long enough to be believable, the lens-flare effects hurt in the eyes, the dialog is rusty and mostly unfunny, and that this is a bad remake of "Wrath of Khan" is no real spoiler.

There are a lot of questions which pop into ones mind: Why is Kronos, the home world of the Klingon race and HQ of the Klingon Empire totally unprotected? There is not even ONE ship in orbit around the planet. In 2259 there is a whole fleet of D7 cruisers and bird of preys to protect the heart of the empire. The second an enemy ship warps into the system, they would have at least 50 ships on their a**** and would not survive 2 minutes in orbit.

There are a lot of references to the old movie, and every one fails miserably. In the old movies, which have their own problems of course, nearly all of these moments have a purpose, started and spun along a decent time to make sense and be appropriate and even moving. But in this movie they are forced, don't mean anything, don't touch emotionally in the slightest and most of them don't even fit into the scene. They are there for fan service, thats all. Or JJ Abrams & Co are just mocking the old movies and treat the franchise with the disrespect they may think, it deserves. They already said, that they don't care for Star Trek. That explains this awful reboot.

The story is short, nonsensical and the people who are in it could have been taken from some military drilling camp in the US army. They swear, they give a s*** about rules, they betray the institution they are working for etc.

This is mindless cgi-cinema, shot to near to the camera, cut in pieces and shown in very short bursts of blinking pictures that give you a headache. Most of the time you can't even see what's really happening, because the snippets are to short to identify anything. The space battles are just short blinking bursts of explosions and phaser fire.

To be honest, i don't care much for this movie. It was uninspired, even boring from time to time, told an unconvincing and predictable story that made little sense, as well as the plot holes which are bigger than the holes the enemy shot into the Enterprise.

My recommendation: Save your 20 bucks and wait for the DVD release so you can rent it.
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Really good, even after several times
9 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I know, 9 seems very high in light of the fact that this is a low budget catastrophe movie from the 80s, but i had so much fun watching it(multiple times), so it's am earned number.

As you know, the movie is about a new commercial plane with a rocket engine as secondary propulsion system. There is an accident with a carrier rocket in Australia, and the plane ends up in orbit around earth, which it isn't build for.

Let me just point out the things i like about the movie. Hal Linden as Josh is great. He is a very believable character. Pat Corley, as Joe, the journalists technician is also a good casting member. The rest is meh at best.

The point is, that this movies has very good music, a lot of scenes with real suspense and in addition the rescue attempts, while not 100% realistic, are innovative, and fun to watch. Also there are a lot of good jokes in this movie. Josh is great, Joe too, and Joshs wife is also a strong character.

The thing that a lot of reviewers seemingly miss, are the messages in this movie. There is greed, witch leads to this catastrophe in the first place, cold number-crunching on one side, and the value of human live on the other. Also the notion never to give up is a big part of this movie. One thing, that can't be overstated is, that these people keep their calms. They don't scream all the time, they don't behave like children, and they don't behave like animals in fear. While this may not be realistic, it is nerve soothing to say the least. Most catastrophe movies are full with it, making them hard to watch, screeching on my nerves like fingernails on a blackboard. This is not the case here. The passengers don't sabotage their own rescue by behaving stupid. At least most of the time.

Lets just say the movie never gets boring, and if you can overlook the wooden performances of Lee Majors and Sandra Hutton, than you can expect a fun movie with lots of suspension

I urge you to find this movie, and have a great time watching it.
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The Event (2010–2011)
Could have been great, but it's not
8 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Some reviewers cannot understand why this series has been canceled. To be honest, i can.

The story is OK enough, but the series suffers from a number of problems.

First of all, they never get the pacing right. Most of the episodes are split between 2 separate story arcs. One of them, the Sean-side is mostly very boring. The first episodes are OK, but later on i caught myself skipping whole sections of an episode, because Sean and his accomplices don't get stuff done or its just uninteresting and pointless, what they do most of the time. It doesn't advance the story. They lurk around in the dark, and are following leads which often don't explain anything. Most of the time its just stuffing. Only in the last 2 or 3 episodes this pace picks up a little bit. The president story arc is much more interesting and often interrupted with the slow paced Sean-arc(Further reduced in watchability due to the horrible performance of Sarah Roemer).

Another problem are the very wooden and unconvincing performances of the whole cast. 2 or 3 of them are doing an OK job, but primary Leila has only one look, and one emotion. In every scene may it be sad, agitated or happy, she just looks like she's about to laugh.

That's awkward at its best, and unbelievable at its worst.

The story arc is spread over to many episodes. A good writer could have told this story with a good suspension arc and pace with half of the 22 episodes.

In the end, i'm not really sure what this series is trying to tell us, if anything at all. We are all selfish and aggressive bastards? We know that already. Benevolent aliens are better than us? No, they turn into us and plan a genocide.

The event is only mentioned at the end of the first season, and literally has little to do with everything that has happened in the first season. There are 2 or 3 connections but thats it.

The bottom line is, that "The Event" is slow paced, in times boring and uninspired, the performances are wooden and unbelievable and the story arc stretched extra thin to fill 22 episodes.

If you can see it on TV, you can do that, but i wouldn't pay money for it.
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V (2009–2011)
Its an "ok" show but a total mess
3 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I watched both seasons, and while i liked the idea of a remake, the show is a bit of a letdown.

The shows suffers from a great number of flaws.

First, the acting. While Morena Baccarin is very well cast, and very creepy at times, the rest of the cast is mediocre at best. Logan Huffman is awful as Tyler. Unlikable, stupid and equipped with one expression only. The same goes for Morris Chestnut, playing Ryan, the V who developed feelings. His only 2 expressions are: "Bored" and "?".

Another big letdown is the story. Why would an alien race need humans to procreate? I know, it's "explained" later, but it still doesn't make any sense. Why would a reptilian species be able to fall in love with a mammalian species? How is it possible, that a reptile can father a child with a human? Why are they building a resistance 30minutes into the story, while the aliens are bearing gifts to humanity? The get their hands on a V and could record what they look like under the human disguise, but the doesn't do that, for 2 whole seasons! They are fighting a loosing battle without any outside support for no reason! Upload that to "youtube" for gods sake, or inform the 50 largest news-stations! They carry around tons of evidence and leads, and they don't show it to anyone! And: Why are the visitors greeted by the press, not by military leaders, diplomats or other officials? This is insulting at its best, and bullshit at its worst.

The protagonists motivations and story lines are stupid too. First Ryan has a family and feelings. These feelings seem to dry out as soon as his wife has gone into hiding. Then his daughter is born, as a rep/human hybrid. So the writers "invented" stupid things to give Anna(the leader of the Vs) leverage over Ryan, so that he betrays his comrades in the resistance. Later he tries to redeem himself, and then he just dies by the hand of his hybrid 8 year old daughter.

V (2009) is a prime example what happens when a series is made with a 5-episode story-arc. As more and more episodes are ordered, more and more plot holes, stupid story-arcs and unbelievable character developments are introduced into the series to fill episodes, they have no planned content for. The first season is interesting, but you really notice at the beginning of the second season, that they are just filling the space around the predictable story with unnecessary dialog and "developments" who don't add anything important or interesting to the story.

Another big problem is the pacing. There are a lot of very slow episodes where nothing is accomplished or developed. A lot of episodes are 5min development, 95% stuffing.

At the middle of the second season i had enough. The pacing was so slow and critical people and developments became meaningless so quickly because they had to invent more unbelievable twists to fill more episodes. A good example is the story about the importance of Tyler to the future of the V-species. They build up this importance over the whole first season, and in season 2 it becomes meaningless within 2 minutes.

The second season finale shows what a mess this series is. A lot of people die, a lot happens, enough no fill 4 episodes with decent developments, but they pressed all of it into one episode to increase the interest for a third season.

The only things keeping this series from being a total crash are the decent effects, some interesting episodes and Morenas acting portraying a creepy and arrogant alien queen. The rest is slow, full of plot holes, unbelievable twists, insulting explanations and stupid character-reactions.
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Very well made remake
14 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I never understood the cult and loyalty that the original from 1951 seems to inspire.

Don't get me wrong i watched a lot of classic SF-movies, from "The day the earth stood still", to "lesser" classics like "Earth vs. the flying saucers", and i like a lot of them very much. Despite the cheesy special effects, a lot of these movies are rather good.

But to be honest, i never understood the cult about Invasion from Mars. The movie is just terrible. The story is utter crap, and badly executed. Most of the actors are horrible, and totally miscast. The pacing is laughable, and there is no feeling of real danger or suspense. The whole movie is just a terrible piece of cinema.

The remake on the other hand is a lot of fun. The actors are not horrible, and the story is better than in the original and even more complex. While the character development is not great, one can really enjoy the development of the evil teacher and the generals favorite officer.

There are a lot of very good and tense moments, which are supported by the inspiring score.

I admit there are also a lot of problems. The acting for example is a very mixed bag, but most of the main cast actors are OK. At least it's not as horrible as in the original and the storytelling well above average. The general for example is very well cast, and while he is a hell of a cliché character, he is very likable, because he really cares for his men. Hunter Carson is not bad as David, and so is Karen Black as Linda.

All in all, this movie has an OK story, likable characters, a lot of really good scenes, an awesome soundtrack, and some nice aliens.

The movie is well shot, entertaining and has a good score. It's well worth the 10 bucks on DVD.
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Meteor (2009)
Not bad at all!
14 June 2009
That's really a good one. Sure its long, and sure, some of the subplots are not thaaat interesting, but it's still a good movie.

There are a few things who strike most.

1. The effects are very good for a low budget TV production.

2. Some of the actors are very well known, and the overall acting is not bad.

3. The most important one is, the movie shows very well, how people can change and react in the face of imminent danger. Most for the worse, some for the better.

There are some flaws of course. Some of the events are caught in a very unlikely causality chain, which creates some points, where you think: "Come on! Gimme a break!". Also some of the subplots are not THAT interesting, and in the second half, i skipped a few minutes to see how the main plot progresses.

But in summary i say its worth watching. I enjoyed it, despite the negative comments.
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