
11 Reviews
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13 February 2004
I've marked The Butterfly Effect as another fine example of critics writing their reviews before they watch/finish a movie.

Ashton Kutcher is a polarizing figure. It seems that the debate over this film's credibility ended at his talent. He isn't Cruise, De Niro, or any other A-List star, but he effectively gets the job done. Still, many chose to subtract points instantly because of what they heard in the media before this even hit the market.

'Butterfly' uses a lot of surprise cuts throughout that will keep most folks anticipating the next loud bang or horrible turn of events. Call it cheating if you will, but I think it adds a roller coaster element to the movie that really keeps you watching.

There was an above-par mix of action, humor, drama, and adrenaline that helped it through the slower moments that intrude a little after the midpoint.

Just give the damn movie a chance people. Don't let prejudiced critics do the acting.
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Comedy, Action, Killer Thriller
16 August 2003
If you have ever liked a Freddy or Jason movie then this is definitely for you. What the hell did you go to see it for if you knew the premise?

FvJ delivers everything I expected: action, gore (but in good taste if there is such a thing), and plenty of laughs. It builds on the strengths of both series, and the two serial killers make for an excellent on screen duo.

If the words Freddy vs. Jason make you want to see the movie - then buy the ticket. This is a guaranteed eight dollars for your viewing pleasure.
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Impostor (2001)
Not as bad as I thought
2 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers
"Damn," I said. I saw a few bad reviews after I had rented the movie: "Don't watch it!"

I went in with lowered expectations, but found this movie to be a decent ride. I'll spare your time; it could be compared to The Fugitive, but not as high caliber. There are plenty of plot twists and interesting chases, and the final scene actually caught me off guard without being total crock (like some so called twists are).



I did actually figure out that his wife was what she was (just a high guesstimate), but I didn't see the double twist that came.
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Pitch Black (2000)
Ignore the naysayers
2 May 2003
Listen people. This movie is excellent, hands m-f'ing down. I cannot even comprehend the reasons some people are giving for not seeing it.

-"Pitch Black is 'overdirected'. Man, I've never heard this one: points for creativity there. You're bashing the director for giving us creature vision. For god's sake, he only does it 3 times, and nowhere near to the effect of Daredevil or Predator. Basically, you are saying that the director should sit passively by, with his thumb up his crack, and leave out special effects in a SCIENCE FICTION MOVIE. Are you looking for something innovative? Maybe like, showing us crotch cams every 30 seconds just so they could be first?

Now, I know that not everyone will agree on whether this movie is above-par for the genre or not. Just go into it with open eyes, and push away your bias and pointless criticism. I swear to you I could pick apart any movie out there based on minor unimportant details and use that as my sole argument for it sucking - but that just doesn't cut it.

This movie is very formula in some parts. It is when it breaks tradition that it gets noticed. It mixes the psychology into the action so well and SO subtlely, that it never forces it's theme down your throat. What is the theme? Redemption.

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Skeleton of Quality
29 April 2003
This movie had a lot of the right elements, especially the action. For some reason though, it never really clicked.

The background music is bland, and most of the acting is lacking emotion - leaving the viewer very detached. The chemistry between the actors also seemed forced, with the possible exception of the cop and the transporter. You can't really blame all of them; the Chinese father/daughter spoke broken English like you would expect from a Jet Li movie.

The strong points were the action, but many of these scenes were overdrawn and too controlled (you'll know what I mean from the final battle in the container yard).

The plot was very thin, but it took so long to materialize that you might not realize it. Overall, the film left me depressed and expecting more.

Decent attempt. 6/10
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Tremors (1990)
Underrated fo' real
27 April 2003
I had to go back 4 pages before I found a negative comment, and not surprisingly, it was a mixed review. Even if it is a horror type movie, I don't see the reason to bomb it with low ratings when the comments surely don't reflect it. This is definetly one of the top 5 of it's kind, and it realistically could be in the top 250 for delivering the most bang for your movie buck. 9/10
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First impressions are misleading
22 April 2003
I can guarantee that almost anyone will appreciate this movie for what it is once they have watched it at least two times. If you look through the comments, most people had a misconception as to what this was about. The first time I saw it I was going to see it because of Willis because I expected a solid action movie. It is that, but much more.

This movie has a very good tempo to it; there are hundreds of minor things that can be missed that are self-mocking or intentional puns on other popular sci-fi movies. It ranges from serious to comedic, but only rarely goes too far off track (only instance I remember is the final scene before they land in Egypt w/ the nuke).

Don't assume the acting is over-the-top or that the movie will be what you expect. Everything falls into place once you see the bigger picture. This is definitely one of my all-time favorites, especially for a genre that is seriously lacking. 9.5/10
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Takes getting used to
15 April 2003
The first time I saw this movie I thought it was a bit too weird. That said, I've seen it a couple more times on HBO, and have come to like it. That says a lot for me, because most sci-fi's just don't seem to cut it anymore (Pitch Black is one notable).

I really don't care whether this movie was written by a 16-yr-old or not. Someone with a good enough vision will put out good work regardless of age.

Leeloo (Jovovich) comes close to stealing the show under Korben's (Willis) feet. Her character was completely disarming, and her incoherent babbling actually seemed to make sense the way she said it.

Overall, I would give this an 8 of 10. It is an amazing movie if you take it as it is given.
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Dog Eat Dog (I) (2002–2003)
Burns me up
31 December 2002
I agree with the guy who thinks the criticism of B.B. as host is irrational. Maybe I'm being distracted by her looks, but I think she does a good enough job aside from the canned comments she is expected to deliver. Being a prior Baywatch actress is no reason to automatically qualify Burns as an idiot, which is the conclusion many seem to be jumping too.

Other than that, I think the premise behind Dog Eat Dog is refreshing. Yes, they did overdo the strip tease themed events, but overall I've found most of them interesting to watch, and better than most of the stuff on Fear Factor and the incredibly lame Survivor events (of late). I do think they should broaden the final Top Dog v Pound confrontation somewhat, seeing as how common knowledge is a weak point for many of the contestants on the show (although the TD does need the event biased towards them I suppose).

Good show, and if anything is changed when it returns, it should be minor.
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31 December 2002
Although the current rating might be relatively high for IMDB considering its in the top 250, it still deserves better.

This is by far my favorite J.C. film. Somehow I didn't know the plot before I saw it, so it began as mysteriously for me as it would have for Carrey's character.

The Truman Show came out before the Survivor craze and the slew of other reality themed shows that fill our TV's today, and makes an exaggerated yet realistic portrayal of the genre.

Most will enjoy this, even if you are not a Carrey fan, or are expecting something of the usual Carrey caliber (ex: Liar, Liar). It proves he has more depth as an actor than I initially thought.
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Grim (1996)
Think Root Canal & Colonostophy (at the same time)
30 December 2002
This movie does not deserve to be on the bottom 100 list. It deserves no ranking, no mention, and no memory. If I had only one wish, it would be the absolute eradication of this title from the planet and to lock the cast and crew involved back into their time capsule.

Not only did it bring new definition to the word rancid, it proves that there are some people God really doesn't care about. There is not much I can add here that hasn't already been covered. If you still wish to view this movie despite all warnings, you may end up as one of the many suicides due to the absolute depression this movie instills in the jolliest of souls.
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