
6 Reviews
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911: In Plane Site (2004 Video)
Another conspiracy fantasy....yawn
24 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
One can only sit with a sense of humor through this excruciating piece of nonsense and wonder aloud how such dribble is attempting to pass itself off as 'proof' of what really happened. A desire to again blame a government conspiracy on such a major tragedy is a poor excuse for jumbled facts, quotes taken out of context and very questionable interpretation of video footage from that fateful day.

The other major problem with this flick is it's hokey cut and paste approach in order to present the 'facts' that it's attempting to prove. Flashes, pods and an animation of a plane that looks like it's rolling across a runway towards the Pentagon. Are we to dismiss totally the accounts of eyewitnesses who saw that jetliner tear into the Pentagon? What about the photos published after the event that show aircraft wreckage from different vantage points at the site which is barely flashed in this film?

If one is to take any of this seriously the viewer is left with only one question - what happened to the aircraft involved and all of the passengers? If anyone can answer that million dollar question with any reasonable sense of clarity, then perhaps the entire premise would at least have some validity. If the die-hard believers in this film is are still not convinced, the following link might be of some interest:
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No merci!
4 August 2005
One can only sit in utter amazement at this mess of a film and be amused at some of the raves people have bestowed upon it. The biggest problem seems to be the director's inability to make up his mind as to whether it's black comedy, farce or a combination of both. It meanders all over the place in search of direction and has some utterly embarrassing performances that might be better suited to bad sitcom. What a shame to see the talented Dianne Wiest's comic talents squandered and the ever annoying Jane Birkin is so over the top she's more bothersome than usual.

Perhaps a lot of the positive criticism is due to the "quirky French" nature of the film - therefore, it's labeled "smart" or "genius." It's neither. Instead it's bad tripe that leaves a rather rancid after-taste. Merchant-Ivory should stick to the serious stuff as they certainly have no comprehension of comedy.
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Crash (I) (2004)
Emotionally and entertainingly involving
2 August 2005
It's been quite interesting to view all the diverse opinions of the film and felt I had to add my voice to the discussion.

The world of film is a rather tricky medium to tackle the subject of racism and no one film can encompass all the diverse complexities that prejudice entails. Let's not forget that a movies's first job is to entertain and enlighten an audience. Crash succeeds at this exceptionally well.

Paul Haggis has constructed a wonderfully involving movie that allows the viewer a glimpse into various lives that are touched by both economic and race issues. True, some of the characters may be stereotypical, but the core premise seems to be one of examining racism and the hope of redemption. The interweaving nature of the story and the surprises the characters face within themselves makes for a very entertaining ride. That's why we go to movies and a film like Crash is a good example of Hollywood doing it's job right for a change. Crash would have been even better had the characters been fleshed out more with a running time that was longer. This reviewer would have been more than happy to sit through another hour of material.

So if you want to see something that is both emotionally and entertainingly involving check out this great movie.
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Road kill
31 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This film was a complete waste of time. Every bad cliché in the book - the token "fag hag" (even if she was the ex-wife), the bitter "widowed" lover, the homophobic butch brother and the comic bisexual sidekick pal. Not one of these characters had any likable qualities and the constant self-indulgence of these people became grating within the first ten minutes, and continued on until one started checking the time and hoping this vapid movie would end. This could have been a poignant and touching road trip but instead meandered along and finally collapsed under the weight of it's extremely annoying actors and amateurish script. At least the scenery was interesting.
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E.T. Stay Home!
24 July 2005
Steven Spielberg's third 'from out of this world' opus is just one big mess. It's difficult to understand how the man who gave us the charm of E.T. and the humanity of Close Encounters could deliver such pathetic junk. The biggest problem in this film is a script so lacking in coherency that it's writing seems better suited to one of those bad 50's B sci-fi movies. (I think I just heard H. G. Wells roll around in his grave for the umpteenth time.)

The other big problem is the lack of empathy one feels for the characters. Cruise's daughter is so annoying I almost wished one of the tripods would put that screeching presence out of her misery. And what's with Tim Robbins? His hammy performance was the only true bit of humor to be found anywhere.

Granted, the special effects are great and one should not expect any big statement on the human condition from big budget sci-fi, but we're talking Spielberg here. One anticipates not only a good show but a superior narrative from a good storyteller. On the positive side, the director goes for a much grittier look (a la Saving Private Ryan) which is appropriate for the subject matter. However, maybe the movie would have worked better had it expanded the story to involve more characters and encompassed more the broader effect of the invasion outside of Cruise's family.

All in all, a total waste of talent and an even clunkier mess than the marauding invading aliens.
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Tediously Pretentious
16 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This film is the definitive example of pretentious French film-making at its worst. What could have been a sharp and witty satire on sexual identity is instead a rancid bouillabaisse of tedium. The main protagonist's character is utterly lacking in anything remotely positive and his "conquests" are as equally vapid. Everyone in this film either scowls or pouts and there is nothing likable about the whole bunch. For a film that is suppose to be a black comedy the one glaring omission is humor. It has the feeling of a movie that wishes to be many things but can't quite make up its mind as to what. What it ends up being is just relentlessly tedious. The only humor to be found is in asking ones self, "Do people really talk to each other this way?" One only wishes the ex-con at the end would have wiped out this whole sorry bunch of narcissists and brought some life into this dull mess.
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