
16 Reviews
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Jack the Monkey gets Oscar!
25 May 2007
This movie be it as long as it was I wasn't at bored or upset and I was completed amazed with every aspect. The special effects, the jokes, the battles, the story, the characters, it was an incredible ending to this trilogy and recommending to go see it in theater. Depp was his usually quirky greatness, bloom was sexy as hell, Knightly did a super job being one of very few females in this film she amazed me the most. My nephew all of his six years on this Earth begged me to take him to see this movie tonight. I had a long rough day at work being memorial weekend and I work at one of the largest retail stores in the world I said Okay.. and almost dreaded having to sit in the theater for that long of time and just knew he would fall asleep but he was wide awake and laughing and being just as excited about each scene as I was. I cannot give it enough praise really. Very well done!!! PS. Don't leave when you see credits rolling it's a long wait but wait it out it's worth it! Did no one come to save me just because they missed me? (Jack the Monkey raises his hand) Great Stuff!
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The Marine (2006)
what the...
2 February 2007
I went in thinking this was going to be a good action movie. I wanted to believe that John Cena could pull it off. But the script if you can call it one was horrible, the writing was goofy and stupid. The Actors did a good job but the plot was dumb. The Action was too over the top and the scenes were too long and drawn out and meant nothing to me this movie was not suspenseful, exciting or even half way enjoyable. The "terminator reference" was the only laugh it got from me and yet this wasn't suppose to be a comedy, was it? I don't know what I just watched but this movie was really bad. A outdated B Movie would have been more enjoyable. Sorry John your acting was okay but really this script was not good. Horrible, bad movie and that's all I can say.
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The Break-Up (2006)
the break-up
7 June 2006
I give it a 8 gladly. It made me laugh a lot. And it seemed real. It pulled me into these lives and this relationship and I felt like the friend sitting out the couch at game night or having to pick a side at the bowling alley. I have never really liked Vince Vaughn as an actor he's never jumped out and impressed me but I have been a Jen fan since the day "rachel green" was given life. She is a wonderful fun actress to watch. After seeing this movie today. I rather enjoyed Vaughn and this character and want to see more of him. It all was so believable. His job the families the fights the friends they really didn't want to break up but the relationship which started off on a bizarre note to begin with ran it's course. The writing needs a little work and the ending needs improving but the overall story was fun and laughable and enjoyable and not a waste of summer afternoon on my vacation. I do hope Jen and Vince are a real life couple they do have great chemistry not really with this storyline but the pictures in the beginning they looked like the perfect couple and better together than any pictures i've ever seen of Jen and that Pitt Guy! I give two thumbs up the Gary's friend the Bartender He was GREAT!
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Hoodwinked! (2005)
HoodWinked was good
28 January 2006
People "critics" say what you will. I loved it. I laughed throughout the whole film. My Five year old Laughed as well. He really enjoyed twitters. I loved all the characters and the story I think played out better than I've seen in some time. I say Cudos Folks it's a winner! say what you will. I needed a laughed and well I got one. And if you watch it again. Was it just me or did Lil red remind you of Debra Barone from Everybody Loves Raymond. Wicked! Seriously The I knew who the goodie bandit was early on but when my nephew realized who it was he was so excited and then he said, "I told you it was the wabbit!" Worth it. I only paid four bucks but I would have been happy to pay eight!
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One Word
6 November 2005
Fun I had my doubts about this movie that my four year old nephew begged me to take him to see. So this nice Sunday afternoon I finally gave in after a day and half of hoping he would change his mind. Paying the 10 bucks to get in and getting his usual gummy worms and we found a seat in the third row and it was just ten minutes from the opening previews and the theater was about 10 people full. I began eating my popcorn as he pressured me again and again asking, "is it gonna start now" and suddenly within the next five to ten minutes the place fluttered with people searching for seats. The noise got louder and as the previews began I think there was maybe six to eight empty seats in the place. My Nephew being a little guy couldn't see over the heads it was so packed. he Sat up on my knee and my worry began. Great two hours of cheesy dialog and my leg falling asleep and not being able to eat my popcorn. The movie begins and still i'm skeptical and yet the laughs were being heard throughout and I think I chuckled once. Then the song (One slip: Barenaked Ladies) began to play. And I heard my nephew singing every word of it, aloud. The smile on his face. The thrill of knowing the song and the pure enjoyment he was getting by being in that theater and seeing this film. Which turns out was a lot of fun to watch. "Steve Zahn as the runt of the litter" an absolute best. Joan's voice just makes you crack up. Garry Marshall as the father Great classic Stuff. Zach makes a great DEBUT as a lovely well known animated character. Which might surpass my likeness of Tim Allen's Buzz Lightyear as my favorite voice of an animated character. A very good fun kid's movie. Take your Children and you will enjoy seeing their eyes light up i'm sure as I did. You won't be disappointed.

Um, what were we talking about?
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Bewitched (2005)
absolute fun
3 July 2005
It was just pure delight. I love Nicole she is talented and beautiful and full of life and Will is just energy and comic relief to no end. The cast was presentable and the storyline was just okay. I loved that it showed clips from the original and gave us a glimpse of the late Elizabeth Montgomery who was just too wonderful to leave out of this movie. Nicole did her justice and I think she would be pleased. And I totally loved the ending but not gonna give anything away. Just a very pleasing movie. If you love to laugh then go see it, I had fun. Nicole is very charming in this movie and she shows that she can be silly and still make a good movie. Will is just Will and you've got to love him. There is really no reason not to want this movie.

DID ya know Nick Lachey is in this movie. He is the guy on TV with Will in the army suit. Look for him. I missed him and my friend pointed him out. Go see it. It's pure fun.
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Madagascar (2005)
I really enjoyed it
30 May 2005
I took Memorial Day off to relax after a very busy weekend of working in retail. "Ah the public" anyhow. My nephews eyes lit up like sparklers when I asked him if he wanted to go see "Madagascar" he quickly rushed into his room and was fully dressed in five minutes, he's four 1/2 and even I can't get dressed that quickly. For a complete 10 bucks (it's a dollar movie theater in my home town) we entered a fully packed theater ranging from people of all ages and it was the a very enjoyable 2 hours of my day. I love David Schwimmer and I had not realized he was in this movie. "Julian the Lemur King" I agree made this movie "( I like to move it, move it) to which that song is still stuck in my head. It were a lot of adult references which I enjoyed. I think it's a great movie that Parents can sit and watch and enjoy with their children of any age. GREAT JOB with the "MADAGASCAR" I give it 10 hands down.

The Penguins.. "FUNNY" ALEX the LION gave me new perspective on watching a BEN STILLER MOVIE Jada was Great Chirs Rock as Marty Beats Eddie Murphy's DONKEY 2 to 1 and David as the "Sickly" Giraffe AWESOME.. I miss ROSS..


I laughed a lot and my nephew was clapping and very excited throughout this movie and is already anxiously awaiting the DVD! FIVE STARS!
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Alias (2001–2006)
B r i l l i a n t ,
28 February 2005
I, after seeing Garner in Elektra, became suddenly curious about the Television Show Alias which I had not seen even one episode of the show. So as the 2005 season began I taped it and after returning home from a hellish night at work sit down to relax so I popped in the tape and was instantly hooked. My anxiousness for the next episode was like someone needing a fix. Again I was totally overwhelmed with this show. Working in Retail within the next few days I was glancing the shelves looking for The DVD Box Sets of the previous seasons I just had to see more of this show. I'm hooked completely.

Jennifer Garner is a great Actress. Her ability to Kick Butt and go through all her Character endures each week while returning the Sweet and Innocent girl next door is beyond me.

J.J. is to me a Mastermind. THE script Brilliant, THE cast, Brilliant. I totally recommend anyone and everyone to go out and buy the Box Sets on DVD and you will not be disappointed.

Absolutely Brilliant.
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Hip Hip Hooray!
19 February 2005
Three cheers for finally seeing Debra's name first up on the credits. I was so excited to see this movie until it went off a mere 88 minutes after I reached my seat I was thinking. DAH.. There was no chemistry between Debra and Dermont the script wasn't good at all the cast was out of whack with the one exception of Character of "TJ" who made me stay in my seat and laugh when i did. DERMONT although I could take a peek at that beautiful behind any day. TWO THINGS you can't SING and YOUR not a romantic actor. Does anyone REMEMBER DERMONT from CRAZY LITTLE THING CALLED LOVE.. YEAH EXACTLY.. GORGEOUS MAN but.. THIS movie was not your best call. DEBRA you are wonderful. I LOVE YOU on WILL AND GRACE and I'm GLAD TO SEE YOU ON THE MUCH BIGGER SCREEN but this movie lacks what it takes to pull the strings for me. Messing Did an excellent JOB with what she had to work with.. SO HIP HIP.. KEEP GOING. To anyone who has yet to see this movie ... please wait for the DVD you'll greatly appreciate me..
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things that make you go HUH?
28 December 2004
I agree 100 % with the previous comment on Ocean's 12. I was very blown away by 11 and was anxiously waiting this movie. When I heard that a sequel was in the works I replied, "What are they gonna call it, OCEAN'S 12" and they did. The Addition of Catherine Zeta-Jones did not mean beans to me. To me it seemed the movie set around her. BLAH.. The Julia Roberts "Scene" you'll know when you see it was rather weak and The Appearance of another celebrity playing himself was very lame and I almost got up and left. But I love BRAD and can watch him all day/night. I stuck around for you BRAD. As for MATT DAMON I felt this should have been his big part and his scenes could have been stronger and better and it fell short on that for me. I liked him in this movie and I liked several parts of the movie but overall as was said by someone else as the credits started rolling I began to feel disappointment. I will not buy the DVD until it comes down to the 5.50 dump bin.. SORRY GUYS.. SEQUEL JUST DOESN'T DO IT!
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Call me a Sap but I really liked this movie!
20 August 2004
It was a nice fun little movie. Great to see Holly Hunter on the big Screen she is a wonderful actress and I thoroughly enjoyed her in this character of BARB! Brittany did a fine job. She can hold her own with the Likes of Kate Hudson, and yes Even Reese Witherspoon and Drew Barrymore. Melissa big claps for you on this story, I LOVED IT. I have read a lot of the reviews here and just want to say to anyone who hasn't seen the movie. Don't worry about wasting your money, because it's only money and life is too short and if your bored and looking for a little pick up go see this movie or if it's out on Dvd pick it up you judge for yourself. Carly Simon references were just too cool. Kathy Bates was great as the Talk Show host KIPPI.

I think Brittany gets more criticism that she should. She is a refreshing new face every movie actress and I like that about her. She is different in every role. I want to see more of her.

I think Ron Livingston was dull in this part and the "Hunky Derek" should of been casted better. But all in all "Barb and Stacy" Holly and Brittany did really well in this Little Movie. Claps to David Sussan to he was somewhat annoying but someone has to be. I give this movie a solid 8 of 10 and was suprised and laughed as people clapped in the theater at the end of it. And no they weren't clapping because it was over they were clapping a the end surprise that you get and I'm not giving it away. SO IGNORE ALL THE NEGATIVE and GO SEE IT!
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Taking Lives (2004)
Very Good
19 March 2004
It had all the normal hooty hoo. The jumps, the suspense, the curiosity, the accents and subtitles were a good throw in. ETHAN HAWKE was wonderful. A very good role for him. I thought it was him, then I didn't, then I was like HMM. AND JOLIE is just a very classy actress. Great Role for her, the only unbelievable part was the cop slapping her and getting away with it. This movie has a Very Good Storyline. Gena Rowlands, "I'll touch anything I want to touch" SUPERB. Kept me awake and watching from the get go. The Twins thing could have been dealt with more but it was actually a overall good movie. Sutherlands cameo was a great addition. Enjoyed it.
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Le divorce (2003)
1 February 2004
Kate Hudson is coming into her own. After loving her in How to Lose a guy I do now however expect her future roles to be more enjoyable. She is a delightful actress. This movie as was ALEX AND EMMA not her best I'm sure. She does however shine and make the movie watchable as does Watts who after watching this I want to see more of.Le Divorce seems a bit boring at times. I do wish for more interesting and comedy roles for Hudson she would do great in them. All in all I'd say on a rainy Sunday rent this movie. But don't expect to be overwhelmed and please make sure you can read. Alot of the language is in French with subtitles. Overall Viewer Rating 2 1/2 stars. Hudson and Watts are great actresses and this movie doesn't do either of them JUSTICE. Great CAST.
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Townies (1996)
let's not forget Lauren here
14 November 2003
Lauren Graham might not have been given the chance to shine with this series but she is beyond proving her talent with the Gilmore Girls. She is a great actress who was overlooked by many for years and is now finally getting the recognition that she deserves. I really liked this show.
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Alex & Emma (2003)
20 June 2003
Ok. After watching How to lose a guy in Ten Days I have since became this huge Kate Hudson fan. Renting all her previous stuff. I discovered that she's not bad. I grew up watching her mom, GOLDIE and totally love her so I can say now the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. But as for ALEX and EMMA I have to say was a bit slow and could have been a better storyline but KATE HUDSON as many people in this made the movie. She was great and I can honestly say if she was not

in that movie It would be a total flop. Her humor, her facial expressions, her appearance is so fun to watch. I just loved her character in How to lose a guy and Matthew was heaven to look at. In this Luke was cool and fun too but it was a bit boring. I recommend watching it but maybe waiting for VIDEO. ROB REINER does great movies but this one he's just an inning short of totally winning me over. But it did inspired me to go home and work on my NOVEL.. I mean 125,000 dollars geez.. Hey ROB.. I'll look ya up when it's

done. HALES RATING 2 1/2 stars HUDSON 4 STARS WILSON 3 1/2 out of five... like I stated.. NOT BAD!
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A great, Great Movie!
8 February 2003
Kate Hudson shines in this movie. Great Story. Matthew was as adorable as ever. Totally loved it. I want to see it again. It just makes you smile through it all. Kate will go far in this business and why not she comes from Great Stuff.. like "GOLDIE HAWN." She is her mother's daughter and she is definetly where she belongs, On the big Screen. FIVE STARS.....~ BEST MOVIE I'VE SEEN IN A LONG TIME. I'm sorry to say but it did beat out TWO WEEKS NOTICE.. and SANDY B. Is my favorite actress... SO..! GO SEE IT.. hell GO SEE IT AGAIN.
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