
46 Reviews
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The Hunted (2003)
Cold, cliched and unbelievable.
11 February 2024
It's not a patch on Rambo. The action scenes there are much more believable and possible. And there comes a point where this film gets ridiculous. Number 1 is that Tommy Lee Jones running like marathon man is just too old to believe he is as fit as the much younger man. The tracker bit in the city is just silly. And he keeps wandering into the wilderness equipped with nothing more than um nothing and no suitable clothes.

Stabbed, cut to pieces, bleeding and exhausted our hero still wins the day. I mean silly. And I thought Taken 2 was ridiculous. No there is another one. One Hollywood cliche after another but not well packaged.

There is a certain genre of movies that just like gore and killing and that's basically the sell. It's not really fun like a Rambo.

And Tommy Lee Jones is one of my favourite actors. Many better movies.
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Arrival (II) (2016)
21 July 2023
The only way this film could get 10 out of 10 is if this was your first sci fi movie. There have been many of them and a 1000 times more enjoyable. The tone us just miserable and it's pace is flat and ponderous. The behaviours are at typical Hollywood and not believable. Who would send a whole team and a rather pathetic woman as a first exploration into a spacecraft. Hollywood would. Even the dialogue is flat and uninteresting. The Day the Earth Stood Sill from the 1950s is far superior on every level. It has warmth, humanity and a sufficiently scary robot to make it entertaining. And the dialogue is superior to this twaddle. Dullest sci fi ever.
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Rabbit Hole: At Any Given Moment (2023)
Season 1, Episode 2
Not so clever for a clever guy
14 April 2023
Enjoying it but really, pure Hollywood. He seems to be having difficulty understanding he's been set up - from the man who is the expert in the field! He can't think how he could be on a dating app and has to have it explained to him!!! Come on. His new "partner" is a bit of a pain. Waiting to see if she really is innocent or does she turn out to be part of it.

No explanation of how he got hold of his supposed victim.

Pure Hollywood when someone gets kicked in the face various times and no apparent damage. That's ok when its Rambo but a bit too much of that in supposedly adult shows.

Some good action and twists.
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Looper (2012)
A film where all the men are bad
8 April 2023
The main characters are all assassins and deeply unpleasant so who cares if they live or die. Apparently nobody noticed that when it came out and not many now. Not a promising idea. It's put together in a way that is supposed to make it look clever but basically it's about evil people who kill other people and then try to avoid getting killed when their time comes. Van Damme did it better.

At one point it turns into a revenge movie because the assassin has a soft spot for his wife and sets about killing 3 children as part of his plan but he feels sorry about it. Poor thing. Ridiculous. Meanwhile his younger self inexplicably develops a soft spot for the evil child who will make the world a worse place.

When it turns into the hunter and the hunted it could be any similar movie. Same stuff. Entirely conventional Hollywood plot but with some sci fi twists.

The anti-hero does a a far far better thing that he has ever done as redemption.
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An intelligent review of the forensic evidence
29 March 2023
Just bizzare how people form prejudgments and completely ignore the evidence. An example is in one of these reviews. If the Press had not predetermined guilt based on nothing, that couple would not have been branded guilty. The one clearly guilty party who was in that room was Guerde and he was almost completely ignored by the Press and Prosecution. He still is! He was never publically cross examined so his version cannot be unpicked. That's just unbelievable. His previous pattern of criminal behaviour was also ignored. The police here also get obsessed about proving their theory and people have been falsely convicted because of that.

The couple of students simply did not have any motivation, and it was Sollecito that phoned the police. No blood stained clothing of theirs was ever found, evidence collection was blatantly unprofessional, the idea they "cleaned up" yet left obvious stains on a tap just ridiculous. And apparently they never tested a semen stain. Unbelievable. The only certain DNA found in that room was of Guerde. The alternative theory makes sense and is an old story - burglary gone wrong and rape. He then ran away to Germany and even changed his name. How much evidence do people need. His DNA, hand and foot prints...
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Old fashioned enjoyable swashbuckler
7 March 2023
Just about what you would expect from a Hollywood swashbuckler - colourful, characterful and at least rooted in some real history - The Inquisition, Cortez, Pirate Cuba and a beautiful damsel, Jesn Peters. Caesar Romero makes a striking Cortez. Tyrone Power striking at first fades a bit half way through. He's better when the main star.

They don't shy aware from the motives of greed and ambition that is the reason for the expedition or the brutal end result that we know came about But they don't actually show any battles which is a bit of a shortcoming. Maybe budget.

The ending is pure ridiculous Hollywood - we know the outcome is mass slaughter, enslavement and destruction of an entire culture and beautiful city but it's presented as if Cortez is leading his troops to the Promised Land to bring justice and enlightenment. Absolute twaddle.

However the journey there is enjoyable enough but lacking in swordfights, and a bit too long.
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Cracker: Brotherly Love: Part 1 (1995)
Season 3, Episode 1
A bit unbelievable
18 February 2023
OK Just the first episode and it's a bit ridiculous. Psycho policeman in a psychiatric hospital, still a psycho and back in the force. Now accompanied by the officer he has supposedly raped who is now also a psycho. Neither should be in the police force. OK. It happens - psycho police that is.

Far too much hysterical shouting and screaming. Happens too but all together doesn't make good viewing. Got on my nerves.

Fitz is of course a hypocrite as usual.

The doggy in the window prostitutes also a bit much and too much dwelling on rape. Yes it's a spillover but depends on your taste in psychodrama. Did we need to see so many rapes in the previous episodes! So, the rape and sex stuff a bit too long for me.

Gets more ridiculous by episode 3. Penhaligon stalks Beck. Her obsession knows no bounds. Fitz over the top.

All men do not think like the writer implies they do and disturbed police aren't so obvious, esp women.

The convincing bit is discovering who did it when it gets back to plot.

Totally over the top to be satisfying.
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Not a masterpiece...
10 October 2022
This is no "masterpiece". It doesn't get anywhere interesting until half way through when there is finally some dramatic tension. The first half is about 2 idiotic, vicious, moronic so called policemen making a mockery of policing and procedure. They are too stupid to be funny. It's 1986 and South Korea in the sticks looks poor and primitive. No idea how true that is but it is meant to be the opposite of the Big City which has sent a real policeman, obviously meant to contrast with the yokels who follows procedure. The policewoman is more intelligent than her colleagues. Hopefully the brutality wasn't typical of the time. Only Koreans will know that. A lot of innocent people get hurt by the local police.

It's a serial killer story so I don't see the point of the first half. It's too long and lacks tension. The second half turns into a real film when the frustration of not finding the killer leads to the good cop getting as bad as the bad cop. That bit works and achieves emotional sense.

The reason it didn't have a conclusion is because in real life the killer wasn't caught until recently!! They have a dysfunctional Justice system as it was too long ago to convict him!!! The demonstration in the middle apparently was referring to real anti-government demos which will only make sense to South Koreans.

If people think it's the best film that must be because they haven't seen many films! Silence if the Lambs is better.
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Shows how great an actor Sellars was
4 March 2022
Brilliant comedy of manners about a Welsh librarian played perfectly straight by Peter Sellars with a Welsh accent. Nice wife, 2 kids, live in rooms with a shared bathroom as people might well do in 1962, an eye for the ladies and meets a bored woman married to the local bigwig.

As in Heavens Above and I'm all right Jack he is a straight comic actor, no slapstick. Shows how good an actor he was.

Perfectly observed small town life accurately recording many details of 1962 working class life when people got married and lived in a shared house or even with in laws until they could find somewhere else. Horrible. Details are right right down to emptying tea leaves into newspaper before binning it.

Couldn't disagree more with low scores. It's a comedy of manners for adults not for judgemental Victorians. Clever script, and his little girl with her imaginary friend is very funny.
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Time to die in fact Bond is dead with this version
14 November 2021
Just watched the new Bond. It isn't Bond. It's somebody using the same name, a Bond themed movie. It doesn't feel like Bond and he looks a bit weak and pathetic half the time. They don't follow the formula. Basically run out of original books and ideas.

Could have been Mission Impossible. It wasn't snappy, colourful, no humour to speak of, and no Bond women just his "love". The new Bond doesn't do that sort of thing. Better he died at the end. Bond is no more. Rubbish.

And far too long.
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Mr. Holmes (2015)
The slow death of Holmes!
1 January 2021
Do I really want to watch a Holmes with onset Dementia and about to die at any moment. No. Of course the story and acting are all excellent and we see some flashes of the alert Holmes. Yet it is typically current BBC - too much death in the air, too much of miserable decline. Holmes is about energy, action, fast turns of thought and never sentimentality. I can't ever imagine Holmes looking after bees for 30 years! There is no Dr Watson. The little boy is a substitute I suppose. Holmes and Watson go together. So altogether why? No adventure, though plenty emotional incident. Holmes has become emotional. Very BBC. Can't fault the acting but not a Holmes film I would ever want to watch again because it isn't a Holmes film.
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Van der Valk (2020–2023)
Nothing new or original
27 April 2020
Nothing new, no interesting characters and no point setting it in Amsterdam if you are not going to use local colour, issues and character types. A missed opportunity. Same old, same old. And too long! What happened to the 1 hour series like The Professionals. Also some ridiculous scenes - the crime scene fotos laid out in a pub for all to see. Come on! The old Van der Valk wasn't actually particularly great either - bit talky and no action but Barry Foster had "it" and made it watchable.
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Dracula (2020)
A right mess more like Dr Who
3 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Mr Harker certainly didn't look well which made me wonder if their was a Dracula form of AIDS after the sex obsessed nun suggested a homosexual relationship. What he needed was a good drink of Virgin blood - but not from those nuns! No virgins in this show. The BBC creatives would love to give us a bisexual, cross dressing, trans thing preferably Vegan and looking like a woman. That would make a great comedy or satire in other hands but they would expect us to take the idea seriously. What a pastiche. If I had not known who the creators were I could have guessed. In their world what 95% of the population might think is normal is abnormal, and abnormal normal. The preposterous and the unbelievable are normal. Even so, OK it is a sort of horror comedy, just when you think it is going somewhere it becomes even more ridiculous than before - beyond ridiculous! At which point it becomes silly and suitable for children - like the nun's at the end. And like an unbelievable and preposterous piece of "logical" nonsense way to find a map! Children might not notice but adults should. There was absolutely no sense in what he said about the paintings. The horror in the castle is way beyond anything in the book. The zombies, trapped in boxes etc. And lots of other things like the Lucy nun and the absurd "love" of Lucy. The Lucy character is just unbelievable - the parody of love carried too far. I couldn't wait for her to be eaten alive especially when she is so thick she hasn't learnt anything at the end as she invites him in. Please send her to hell! This is 40% Stoker and 60% Gattiss/ Moffat, his version believable, theirs all on the ridiculous to nonsensical side just like Dr Who. They just can't make anything without going over the top - like in Sherlock - superb start, absurd finish. It is Pantomime Pastiche. Episode 2 was 90 minutes onnthe ship and 90 minutes to drag out. Episode 3: Dracula talks too much - kept fast forwarding it. Long winded and pointless changes for no good effect. Logic suitable for 12 year olds.

After 123 years they find him and having learnt nothing, easy predictable escape. Mad woman wanders around the house - alone of course. She must have swallowed Green Kryptonite to overpower Dracula (just as daft) but no it was cancer. And when we see the new human race, better they were all food for Dracula.

Moffatt is so conceited he puts himself in his own fantasies. The idea that they would release the Count just because a lawyer turns up is simply unnacceptably stupid to any adult who has a brain. It just got sillier and sillier. The story should be at least creepy this one turned out to be morbid, grotesque, disgusting and way off the mark with Dracula talking far too much. Horrible. Reduce the whole thing into 2 hours max and it might be watchable but don't let the writers do it. They need an editor with a big stick. Ep.1 40% Stoker, 60% writers; Ep2. 20% Stoker; Ep.3 1% Stoker.
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Upgrade (2018)
Fun to watch eventually
21 September 2019
There is nothing particularly unique about this film to merit ecstatic reviews. It is a well made B movie. Lots of much bettervsci fi out there but worth a watch. Cold screenplay and characters - just cypers for the plot. Cf Aliens - all the characters are human even if a bit stupid. Mechanistic progress of the plot. No character development or intersting dialogue. The only way you can think it is marvelous is if you have never seen many Sci Fi movies, esp all the classics. The male character is a Neanderthal, apparently ignorant of the hi-technoworld he lives in. That is just not credible. Plus he is really weak and pathetic, a real male dumbo, not very endearing! Who would identify with him. The boffin has no history to explain why he is so clever. And the real mystery is how such a dimwit would get to know a superbrain inventor! The Stem sounds just like Knight Rider and the realtionship similar so not so unique an idea. The drone is useless for a hi tech surveillance thing and then the police turn up - no ambulance. Not very believable. It only gets interesting after half an hour when the real story starts. Then I found it got funny. Hopefully it is supposed to be! The off-grid bar is a bit ridiculous. Turns out to be a completely conventional story complete with car chase! But it does end up fun to watch. Would have made a great fun tv series like Knight Rider. 7 out of 10, max, definitely not 10.
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Excellent history storytelling
19 December 2018
I had to write this review to counter the Neil Oliver haters who let their stupid prejudice get in the way of enjoying some excellent accounts of the deadly history of Scotland. The fist on the Bruce and the 3rd on May Queen of Scots were particularly good as they were so detailed. Those 2 stories have not been well examined on tv and many interesting facts were mentioned, not least the battle tactics of the weaker on paper Scottish army under the Bruce. The clan maps helped a lot. Who cares about the acting it is just a dramatic device. Mary's history is like a plot from Dynasty with everybody bad and all hypocrites and it takes some disentangling working out who is who. Now I see why her husband was assasinated. Good riddance. Plus I didn't know the Catholic Protestant factor was so important among the clans. Should read more books. Didn't know he was bisexual. Would make a great modern film as we could include the sexual goings on instead of hiding them like old films do and there is enough gore to satisfy action lovers. Much better than a 1!! Idiots.
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Shouldn't be funny but is
2 December 2018
A film has 20 minutes to be watchable or its off. I was sure this one would be too stupid and 70s silly to enjoy but to my shame I found it quite funny. Marty Feldman as an advertising exec tasked with selling McLACHLAN'S FROZEN PORRIDGE. Cue various fantasy dream sequences, 70s saucy escapades etc etc but the jokes are quite funny and the mock advert cartoons and dreams really inventive. Impossible to classify. A one-off. Highlight: a naked Julie Edge. I'm sure open minded women would find it funny too. Very 70s. Definitely anti-PC and would never get made nowadays.
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Too obvious, not realistic
24 November 2018
Paranoia and conspiracy movies have been done to death and this one offers nothing new - the main problem with it. Plus it is just unrealistic and unbelievable. When did the last barrister die in mysterious circumstances in the UK? Couldn't find one. But of course it has been hidden by Google working for mI5. Personally I find it irritating to be served up things that don't happen. Right now there is a committee meeting revealing how MI5 missed opportunities and could have prevented the Sheffield bombing. No coverup. Of course these things happen in other countries but so far not here. And why didn't they just refuse to take the case? And barristers do not do street detective work.
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Lucky Man (2016–2018)
Starts well and goes downhill thereafter
29 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This started out well enough, sort of, if you can suspend all intelligence and just enjoy hokum. But the more it has gone on the more irritating it has become. Nothing makes any believable logical sense. Who is this Eve? How come she is the keeper of a pair of magic bracelets? Where do they come from? You will never find out. She is nothing but trouble. Why does she give a bracelet to a bad character. Who is she? Can somebody wake me up?! Even Superman has an origin, an explanation of what he is - a backstory - to use that horrible word. All the Superheroes have a cause and effect but not this story. The "hero" becomes weaker and weaker, more and more pathetic, she becomes stronger and stronger - and why? How? Who knows. The last episode is a piece of ridiculous overblown, unbelievable nonsense when we are supposed to feel sorry for the evil one? Really? And it didn't take much effort to get rid of her, too easy. Or maybe there will be the Moriarty effect and she will be back. God I hope not.

I was glad when it was finished. The only reason I watched was because of Nesbitt, his performance holds the whole thing together but his character became irritatingly weak, hysterical and resorted to huffing and puffing, and it seemed he never understood what was going on! Yet another wasted opportunity like a lot films that depend on special effects that are often really good- but the story needs a believable plot, at least some element of believability and possibility. Terminator was fantasy but grounded in logical possibility as is Aliens. Modern series producers think we are all so stupid they don't need to bother with intelligent plots anymore.
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Sherlock: The Lying Detective (2017)
Season 4, Episode 2
Sherlock as comedy farce
11 January 2017
One thing the writers of Dr Who cannot be accused of is subtlety. And we don't get any here. Both are now headcases, of course they are. Both weak and pathetic especially Sherlock. This is a parody of a Sherlock Holmes. Not just parody but ridiculous overblown farce. What a pathetic spectacle of a person set to overblown operatic music - and in slow motion. Why? Because the plot is once again secondary to the comedy and hysteria. So Sherlock Holmes has become a comedy farce. Well Rowan Atkinson is better at it.

Half a hour in and there is still no plot or rather it takes half an hour of silliness to get to the first serious point which is equally ridiculous because we are supposed to believe that Sherlock predicted everything 2 weeks previously. Of course he did. How. Who knows. And we are expected to believe he is just acting anyway.

And Watson talking to his dead wife is just a boring excuse to keep an actor in work. She even makes suggestions becoming tedious in the process. And is it love between Watson and Holmes? The villain is the Joker from Batman and a large chunk of Jimmy Saville. Nothing new in the evil magnate I think Bond did that one.

It is all just too unbelievable and the characters silly. Sherlock is not weak or a drug addict or ever out of control and it achieves nothing to make him the opposite.

As for the plot, what plot? Nothing of the slightest interest happens in the way of plot and the fact there is supposed to be a serial killer on the loose! We are told he is a serial killer and that he is evil but we see nothing to demonstrate that until he tries to kill Holmes - well a lot of people want to do that! I don't care about their emotional life. That is not what a Holmes is about.

The biggest silliness of all is that we are expected to believe that the tedious Moriarty is still around. Boring!
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The Fades (2011)
Poor plot and hopeless characters
10 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Horrible characters and characterisation. Idiotic plot movements that are entirely predictable. Paul turns up to rescue his girlfriend and by episode 5 still doesn't know he is walking into an obvious trap. Who would have guessed. That is lazy silly plotting.

God help us if all we have is a Paul to save the world. The main character is a half baked often pathetic idiot who wants be nice to everybody including the man eating zombies. In episode 5 he still spends half the time with a jaw dropped mouth wide open look of stupor as stuff happens all around him. Episode 5 and he still doesn't know whats going on!! I just found him irritating. How can anybody be so dumb. Constantly asking What did I do? What is going on? Right till the end.

The only likable character is his sidekick, Mac who actually behaves like a clever teenager might.

As usual the baddies are the strongest and cleverest outwitting the dumb Angelics at every turn. All the good people are pathetic. And why would the zombies be going up instead of down to hell? No answers. And who needs enemies when there is a psychotic angelical!

The body count gets huge and yet there are no news bulletins, journalists or TV crews. Mobile phones but no cctv for the police to use. Since Paul knows what the evil leader looks like why doesn't he tell the police like any intelligent person would. And where is God in all this? Cant he fix his own system? Useless. The plot just does not stand up to the believability test.
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Predictable and unbelievable
17 May 2014
A large section of the US is populated by devil worshippers apparently. It is one thing to accept that a small town might be full of them (Hollywood plot you know) but it just asking too much to believe in a huge area.

There is no allegory here, like in the body snatchers films nor is there any explanation for this said devil worship. Everything is predictable, you can guess everything. It is a ridiculous film not worth watching. I wish I hadn't. Very irritating to watch. They are everywhere. There is no escape! Completely stupid.

Of course the acting is good and the films production values but what is required is the believability factor.
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Sherlock: The Sign of Three (2014)
Season 3, Episode 2
5 January 2014
No no no. A disaster. Rubbish. What a disgrace. The writers should be ashamed. Sherlock Holmes is about a crime story from start to finish and they should have stuck to that.

All of that soap and comedy might have had a place if the series was to be 10 episodes long. They have a window of three and they come up with this tosh. They ruined this excellent new Sherlock. Only the first 2 series are worth watching. Watch these 2 episodes if you want to watch the new silly cuddly Sherlock. Yuk! I'm baffled as to why they have so drastically changed the format into what is essentially a farce or a sitcom. It's lazy writing. And when is the crime story going to start I kept thinking. looking at my watch. I had to wait 40 minutes before there was any sign of a Sherlock Holmes story.

Photography good, dialogue sometimes good - for another series, Coronation Street maybe. This episode is like a magazine - an easy read at that. Sherlock for a laugh. Title: Sherlock as you have never seen him before! Warm, funny, cuddly, drunk and maybe in love! All very silly for no good reason. When is Sherlock going to cry? Next one? Will he finally kiss somebody passionately or reveal himself as a closet homosexual. Sorry! Am I watching The Great Detective at work? Or any episode from any silly sitcom? All those flashbacks leading up to the wedding. Hoho very amusing. Pointless. And the point of listing crimes solved we never saw? None.And all those computers? Ridiculous. Now we get Sherlock drunk. So unfunny!! It was laboured, silly, boring and NOT Sherlock Holmes and not even the Sherlock of the first 2 series. Writers hang your heads in shame. Appalling waste of time and money. We have only 6 episodes because these writers just don't have the integrity and skill of even a Conan Doyle.
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Sherlock: The Empty Hearse (2014)
Season 3, Episode 1
Lost the plots!
1 January 2014
I loved the first two series but I was worried the series was going to go into decline when they let us know that Dr Watson was going to get married. I had visions of Soap! Every drama is now an overblown soap opera. And yes, they've lost the plot - literally. Modern screen writers cannot outdo Conan Doyle for plots. It is was a mistake to let them try. The point about the previous episodes is that the new plot paralleled the original stories. Each episode was both a parallel and a parody of sorts and that worked brilliantly.

Now the writers have been given free rein they have descended into predictable shmaltz and soap. The headline for the next episode is telling us that Sherlock has to make a wedding speech. Comedy and silliness have taken over. Boring! If this was the first episode nobody would be saying such great things. It is 5 out of 10 for this one. Hardly any real detective work, a loose sort of plot full of holes and oh no not another Moriarty mad villain I hope. We don't want a relationship story. It is Sherlock Holmes. It is not a comedy, even if it is often funny. Too late now. Now it is all suitable for children. Boring! I knew it. It is what the BBC does to good ideas.

This is not an episode that I would want to watch again. There are some good moments but they have focused on the relationships - Sherlock and his brother, Sherlock and Dr Watson, Sherlock and Molly all lovey dovey now. Please! Some sociopath. He's gone soft. There is hardly any plot. What? Just one man to arrest? That's it? Silly. As I said, the original idea of writing a parallel story was excellent and probably it kept the writers on their toes, forced them to create a real plot full of echoes of the originals, like working with the guiding hand of the master of plots. That worked brilliantly. This plot is not related to anything written by Conan Doyle. Bad mistake. They think they are clever enough to do it better but they are not.
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Payback (I) (1999)
Stupid pointless film
9 October 2013
Three evil scumbags are the "heroes" in this stupid film. In the opening scenes I was thinking it was a pity he wasn't dead to save the world a lot of trouble. The original film with Hank Marvin, Point Blank, was superior in every way. In the original, even though they were thieves, the relationships were better formulated and believable, and the sense of betrayal much stronger. In this type of film the character have to be 100% vicious, stupid and totally unsympathetic, with no human characteristics or any kind of real psychology. This is the main problem, they are all worthless. Who cares if any of them die? Why should we care?

I'm guessing its emulating film noire because of the narrative voice over but it doesn't work.

A really sick and pointless film.
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Atlantis (2013–2015)
Safe for children
28 September 2013
My immediate impression of this first episode was oh no not another unoriginal clone. It's Dr Who and Indiana Jones action, completely unbelievable and silly. It is yet another cartoon and perfectly suitable for children as is the humour. It is yet another series which does what it likes with the original stories and tries to be both serious and silly at the same time. You have to suspend disbelief for this one and watch it for what it is and it isn't for a thinking person.Why is Hercules so naff? Dunno. I hoped the Minator was going to put up a better fight but our hero dispatched him by accident almost.Visually it looks good. It's for children.
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