
24 Reviews
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Atlas (2024)
Better than expected
25 May 2024
I gave it a decent rating by comparison to everything else currently available in terms of new content, and about one half to one star higher to counteract what I see as some overly negative reviews.

The quality of the production is good, the story is good even if we may have seen the basic idea a few times, there are enough new closer to home little things going on to make it a bit fresh.

There is a lot of story to fit into one movie and if you look at that sort of thing you will appreciate some good editing to squish it down so much and still hold together well.

It could have been better over 4 hours ( two parts ) or perhaps a series. You'll see what I mean, sub plots, other characters; you might feel like it could have been expanded upon quite a bit. So in terms of criticism it would be just this, too much crammed into one movie even though that was done as well as can be expected.

Due to what I just said, almost none of the talent had enough time to perform and shine, and it is a big ask to take an inexperienced (compared to A-listers) JLO and have her carry most of the screen time, and she did it. She did it. "Good enough".

You see... the pace was too fast for the talent but proper to tell the whole story.

I try to point the finger at the right culprits...
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Obliterated (2023)
Keep watching, you'll see
1 December 2023
The first episode started off in a way that, well, I thought it was cheesy over the top gratuitous type of work. Throughout, if you cannot handle raunchy then I understand.

However, because the picture quality ( nice camera ) was clearly well done, i.e., somebody invested in this production, I figured I'd go ahead and make it through episode 2. I'm glad I did, because then, it started to become clear what I was watching and why.

There is actually more going on here and you do develop an affinity with the characters.

There are well done subtle things all the way through, which are what you are really looking for, compared to the over the top type of scenes.

It is different, the gems, the "art", if you will, is not the face value of what episode one would suggest if you stop there thinking "what have I gotten into".

It is not right to jump to an immediate conclusion right at the beginning of this series. Power through at least a little bit, I think it will grab you; and give it the opportunity to be its own thing, don't compare it. <-- important.

Cover your eyes sometimes, no biggie :)
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The Witcher: The Art of the Illusion (2023)
Season 3, Episode 5
I think I figured it out
23 July 2023
I have not read the books

However, it appears that the plot is missing, this is no longer telling a story, it is like a collection of scenes, much more like a soap-opera.

Like sands in an hour-glass, these were the mundane days of The Witcher.

I can't give it one star because the actors are all doing well.

You might start to expect your favorite characters to switch sides, like in a soap-opera if you quit watching for a while and come back, suddenly the bad guys are good guys and the good guys are bad guys.

This particular episode, The Art of the Illusion, is actually proof of that very concept in action.

In retrospect, that nails it.

That is also proof that the wrong kind of writers are in charge.
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Unseen (2023– )
Wow, reviews all over the place... lemme help
18 June 2023
First I wanted to give it about a 6.5, I feel like the over all ratings are a wee bit low, so I went up to 7 to try to add a bit of balance.

I did not know that it is a remake of a Turkish version, so I am coming in to this blind without the ability to make that comparison.

The pace and balance of the plot and things like flash-backs I thought was great. It is well put-together. I.e., engaging, binge-able, and better than most stuff available.

Reading some of the other reviews I imagine that if you had to watch it as weekly episodes you would not enjoy it as much as binging.

The performances of most characters were great.

I don't feel like it is the sort of thing that you should try to pick apart and complain about, and instead give some credit for out-performing the majority of recent material.
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Vesper (2022)
Defines what "pure sci fi" means
1 January 2023
I am very disappointed at the reviews. I've read tons of sci fi in my day and seen everything no matter how cheesy.

This does it all right, takes you to an unfamiliar place and does not apologize, and it does it masterfully.

There's no Flash Gordon hero and evil empire so much.

Forget everything else first, this is a kind of thing that stands alone. I.e., don't compare to blockbusters.

If you would like a breath of fresh air Ray Bradbury style vs. An epic Assimov or Herbert style, this is for you.

The old-school science fiction was extremely good at leaving all the small details to your own imagination and that was part of the art. Most other stuff nowadays tries to fill in all those details. This is amazing to watch as it does what a good old sci fi book would do but it does it up on the screen.

Extremely rare skills going on here.
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Dune (2021)
Maybe there is hope
24 October 2021
Having watched this new one 4 times now, and the 1984 David Lynch version many times over the years, and having read the book(s)...

There are some things this movie did better than the 1984, some of the acting was better, some was equivalent, some was just as... not so great. The story-telling ability of the 1984 version, SO FAR, is superior, this one suffers a bit by having more special effects and less character character in a several key characters.

Maybe the music is great, I can't tell, they keep playing the same clips over and over just like the 1984 version.

I feel like it has been a wasted opportunity to do any significant re-imagining.

HOWEVER... the over all quality of this work, the length of it, and the idea of a part II... well, the part II is set up very well and perhaps the opportunity for reimagining is yet to be seen in all its glory.

Maybe this sounds negative, but I am eager to see the next one even if it is more of the same, it is still good work. I am just bummed, it could have had a better re-think.

I gave it a 7 out of 10, it is better than a lot of things out there.

Apples to apples I'd give it an equals 1984, but with a bigger budget.

Many scenes from 1984 stick in the mind more indelibly, a lot of this one is forgettable. ( so far )
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Kate (I) (2021)
Because I am a fan of Winstead, it gets 10
12 September 2021
Winstead is great when being leading protagonist, seems like invariably. This review is for fans of this total bad-a$$ female lead.

There are some great fight scenes, and at least one very notable new special effect/makeup/props during a fight scene. Other reviews do a great job covering this movie as a stand alone thing, with thoughts like "predictable" "fun" "great job".

Trying to be different, maybe I can point out a couple of things about Winstead in this move, and let's start with the makeup and dress of Winstead. We can save time typing and reading by saying simply "Ellen Ripley" ( and let's hope where that can go )

Second, there was another great move "10 Cloverfield Lane" with Winstead. Here she gets to stretch her personality in a more proactive way in the leading role and less reactive. There is a contrast to be made in how these roles work in that regard. I didn't really notice until it was over and had time to think about it.

And now that I've had time to think about it, after you've seen it, would you agree this seems like a warm-up for a remake of Aliens ?

She's got the look, the moves, the attitude... does she have the presence... the personality...

I think so. Let's give her a bigger budget.
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25 April 2021
I gave it a 6 because I couldn't give it a 5.4

It is better than 4.8 (at the time of this writing, that's what it is showing)

Anything that is fun should be 5.4. There is a lot of really boring content out there on various streaming services and it is hard to find gems or fun things that are AT LEAST just the right size.

Was there room for improvement ? Yes.

Did it do most things right however ? Yes. Over all it pulled itself together, and that is something in itself.

There are a number of things to complain about, just, don't do that, and try to enjoy it.

The pace of the whole thing is appropriate for the places where it is otherwise lacking. Saving grace (no pun), the movie was not too long.

This is because some of the special effects are clearly just there for the story and do not entirely make scientific sense. ( wind speed, etc., ) A bigger budget may have fixed those, but, really, would it have been necessary ? I don't think so. I think the budget was actually right sized for the story.

This whole issue of how long it is, how fast it goes, and how fun it is, is balanced and that's why it needs a bit more than 4.8 (relative to today's content in general) stars.

If I could improve one thing about it as cost effectively as possible, it would be several of the dialogue sequences (writing thereof). I saw the potential there and maybe that is why I am being generous, because, again, everything else seemed to come together (well enough) in the time (and presumably budget) allotted.

The performances of the talent were all very good, but this was not a movie to showcase a lot of that, perhaps other than for the protagonist who did a good job carrying the brunt of the story in close-up.
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Most excellent
4 March 2021
I wish I could write only a couple lines about this instead of "too much information".

This is next-level stuff.

The way it plays, the casting, the timing of the evolution of the story...

Everyone is fantastic, and "Adele" has some next level facial twitches going on.

This is the total package, writing, directing, acting, everything, everything is A-Game. I can't just give it a good score, I have to give it 10 across the board, because it is so damn solid across the board.

I am drawing a blank trying to pick something comparable.

There is nothing but master level stuff here.
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
Season 5, back on the horse
17 December 2020
Dear The Expanse, Thomas Jane has the mojo, listen to this guy and ask him questions if you don't know what to do with the show. It does not matter what role he is in, doesn't matter, make him the Grip - what's a grip? Don't care, as long as he is there things are firing on all cylinders.

What is that quixotic look on your face...

You wanted more aliens, and Star Gate episodes?

No no no. This season brings back some things that worked "oh so right" in season 1.

Miller... I miss Miller. I keep thinking this thought. Where did he go?

The proto-molecule got him and turned him into a Director! Miller is in episode 3 (Thomas Jane - directing)

Sometimes you have to wait a bit for a "wow" moment. So far, Season Five has them coming from all angles, and quite a bit from the mastery and skill of everybody. If the cinematographers want expensive new lighting for something, give it to them! The "eye" for the scenes is amazing, just amazing.

Did you see that yet? Drummer, private moments, the lighting... close-ups on her face... Somebody (cinematographers) brought their A-Game. (again)
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Tenet (2020)
Do over
6 September 2020
"A" for effort "D" for results

The sci fi idea is pretty good, the attempt to try to reflect it on the screen totally failed and it contradicted itself. You may have to manage to pay careful attention somehow in order to even notice that.

This is all made worse by the excellent sub-bass sound-track, which elevates that part to a "D" from an "F" because you can't even hear the gunshots, let alone the dialogue.

On the bright side, certainly a lot of effort went in to filming, and all the actors did great work.

The sound engineering and editing totally failed, totally.

The score is like a government cover-up of a toxic waste dump. Somebody clearly had the bright idea "Hey, if we play the music loud enough maybe nobody will notice how bad the editing is..."

I have to give this 4 stars because it is fascinating to see what works and what doesn't work from a film making perspective. Unfortunately this movie is a combination of both things that work and things that don't work, and that makes for a bad movie. If you are not into that kind of analysis, then you will probably give it less stars.
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Tunnel (2017)
28 August 2020
Now I have to come up with enough words to justify a posting, as if that is not enough so far just to say "excellent" and leave well enough alone...

This is really good, really intriguing.

There are so far to my experience two kinds of Korean movies and TV, either cute girls and guys in series that start off well enough, but then rely on being "cute" and eventually "jump the shark", and then there are masterpieces all the way around.

This series is in the later category, it has great depth and character development.

Basically this is a police detective series, and it is incredibly difficult to say more than that without triggering any kind of spoiler alert.

I will say this, there is a wee bit of sci fi, incredibly masterful sci fi. Often when you read a sci fi book you get a profound depth of feeling, perhaps like as if to say "Truman Capote was here", and then this typically is lost in translation to the screen.

Wherever and however this conceptualization has originated, the translation to the screen is spot on, it carries the ball as any great sci fi author would have intended.

I continue to be immensely impressed with Korean cinema and TV exactly for works like this.

The only downside is that you have to follow subtitles. My wife doesn't like that, but it seems like I do not even notice that they are not speaking native English. It is that engrossing.
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The Witcher (2019– )
Played the games, have not read the books, and...
23 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, first, I am an idiot. There were books ?

Nevertheless, having "been" Geralt in Witcher 2 and 3 for many hours...

If you are like me, what may stand out to you as exceptional, beyond that Henry Cavill nails it as Geralt as expressed by Witcher 3...

The swordplay choreography is fantastic in-keeping with how it is done in the video game Witcher 3, and is expressed somewhat believably / realistically. "Huh, yeah, that actually looked like it would really work..."

As you would expect given slightly less restrictions on content ratings, the magic and mayhem pulls no punches. Good, bad, "I'm the guy with the gun" as Bruce Campbell would say. By that, I mean the attitudes... witches do witch stuff the witch way, warriors do warrior stuff the warrior way, and it is all business. Good... bad... whatever, this is how you do it. This aspect is rather masterful, and artistically nails it. The spirit of all this is true to form and you feel its depth greater than the games can convey.

Others have commented a bit negatively that this season jumps around a bit in time, well... they have limited time and resources to tell a really big story. Gotta do what you gotta do. Roll with it.

If you were fortunate enough to go through Witcher 3... this season appears to end just before the story you might expect in Witcher 3 picks up. Maybe this is a spoiler so I'll say yes to the spoilers radio button starting here.

If I were to even try and complain, I think Triss should be a little taller with more reddish hair, and Ciri a bit taller and a bit worse for wear, battle-hardened looking. ( maybe they are saving that for later )

This season explains a lot about Yennefer not present in the gaming world. "Oh... gee..." Let's just say, the stuffed unicorn thing is kinda mild, and there are many reasons to not ever make Yennefer angry.

Yeah, I am going to have to read the books now.
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Shin Review
2 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First, thank you to everyone who said "Go see it in I-MAX", a truly righteous suggestion; and this review would not be at 6 if it were not for I-MAX.

Second, I liked the previous one better for the pace and duration and story-line.

However, the monster fights in this one were spectacular and to a level of monster detail any true fan dreams of at night. They were however short on the emotional content of the fights.

Is it just me or does anyone else prefer Ghidorah pronounced more "gee-dra"-like... minus one point for that.

When Mothra does something spiritual, this is a special occasion and deserves focus, attention, and more than a few seconds of screen time... minus three points for that.

Also, Mothra is supposed to be milked to the n-th degree for sympathy, minus one point for that.

The summoning of Mothra with a song and two girls... okay, they tried, sort of. But to me this was a total mis-fire. The "song" so to speak, is not for Mothra, it is for the audience... doh ! c'mon guys... geez... tsk tsk... how can you screw this up ? The makers were not true fans. Case closed right there.

Plus one point for Mothra in the waterfall. Beautiful.

Plus two points for the military base being named Castle Bravo.

Plus 10 points for the monster detail on all of our favorites. omg.

Plus 1 point for Rodan in this volcano. Best appearance.

The story-line in this one deserved to be broken up in to two movies ( if there were a story line on-par with the previous installment ). Minus 5 points.

In short, we are still waiting for the perfect Godzilla movie where the special effects and the story both come out to 10 on the Richter Scale. The previous one came a lot closer to that and all thanks to the seagulls.

Don't shoot me for this, but Pacific Rim was firing on all cylinders. This, not so much. Hollywood still doesn't quite get it. We need to send everybody to Mr. Miyagi for some Wax-On, Wax-Off training still. For training, make them wear the costume and entertain an audience on stage with a live performance. That might help fix it.
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Arthdal Chronicles (2019–2023)
I just finished the first episode
2 June 2019
I give it a 7 because I cannot go any higher until I know more.

Whether or not I can go back and give it an 8 depends on how well they glue things together in subsequent episodes.

Are they making more episodes ? I have it on Netflix. Usually you get a whole season or more. This is odd, having only one episode so far.

That being said, I think this is pretty captivating so far.

I saw one reviewer so far gave it a rather negative review. I simply disagree.

The locations are intriguing, the filming style is intriguing, and the story I think has started off with great potential.

It kept my attention in spite of being a foreign film with subtitles and not a lot of cool kung fu moves :) ... although there is violence.

Yes I want to know what happens next and who, really, are the good guys and bad guys. So far we have some usual suspects, but, are we really sure ?
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Money Heist (2017–2021)
Probably I am echoing anything and everything positive
31 May 2019
This is truly marvelously entertaining

There are many basic, stereotypical themes going on, but they are performed so very very well.

It should be no spoiler whatsoever, this is about a bank heist.

At first glance, you wouldn't think you could make a couple dozen episodes about a single bank heist, each episode totally engrossing.

The story-telling here is simple, direct, and yet masterful. There is a different kind of psycho-chick for every guy to ogle, there is a psycho-intellectual for everyone into intrigue, and the over-arching story ... is a guilty pleasure to cheer for.

The character development sneaks up on you, "Should I be cheering for the bad-guys?", and exactly how good is the average "good-guy", you will pause to look yourself in the mirror.

As I am watching it, there is voice-over in English from original Spanish. You can tell that this is not exactly matching the required breathing and emphasis of the original talent, but yet it is of very high quality and very quickly you won't notice the discrepancy and come to associate with the familiar over-dub voice acting.

Right now I am well in to "part 2" or "season 2" as we would say, and it is late at night and I can't turn it off.
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Jean-Claude Van Johnson (2016–2017)
25 May 2018
I think it is important to chime in even though everything that needs to be said has already been said by the reviews that come before. Perhaps if we all lend our voice they will make more of these.

Did I see that right? Ridley Scott an executive producer. Good choice and kudos to recognizing whoever it was that had this idea and all the work to solidify the vision, and JC for being a good sport.

There are some subtle, some blatant, and some over the top opportunities for some ... how do you say ... stretching? of JC's acting range. I like how as he has matured in age, now at least there is some breathing room, a place to let his hair down.

This is some kind of a master class, but I have no idea how to categorize it.

Hahaha, how about this... in the words of Yoda: "Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose."
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Dark Matter (2015–2017)
Start at the beginning
28 December 2015
Once I had tried to watch an episode on TV having not started from the beginning and it didn't work for me, too much character development had gone on before and I thought the android character was a little cheesy.

Eventually season 1 came up on Netflix and I thought I would give it a go from the beginning.

I could not turn it off once it began.

The sci fi is very good, as original as can be ( everything in sci fi has been done before somewhere ) and they manage to throw in some relatively new ideas to satisfy an old school sci fi fan.

It is way deeper than it looks if you try to jump in, in the middle somewhere.

Take it from the top.
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Thirst (2009)
I'd like to just say "Whoa..." and call the review done
14 September 2015
I am continually amazed at Korean movie endeavors, they really really get it, and take it all and turn it up a notch.

The depth of all the vampire principles... sex... violence... hunger... corruption of innocence...

Wow guys.

All that, and a thread of humanity.

Originality in all areas. From the unique cinematic violence, to sex, love story, camera perspective, and poignant horror.

I'll be watching this a few times, it is such a new take I feel I must have missed things, it is so different and yet so familiar.

"refreshing" is somehow the right word.

You know what I mean if I say Pacific Rim turned it up a notch for Japanese monster movies ? ( but lower budget like, The Host ) We have something like that going on here for vampires.

They don't need a bigger budget. They are already in the sweet spot. ( Pontypool ) I would add "Jaws" but they didn't quite have the Oscar moments / character of Robert Shaw. Pontypool is thus closer in a right-brain/artistic way of comparison; where Pontypool was zombies, here we're talking vampires.

Recently I saw Only Lover's Left Alive and while that had powerful actors and amazing story telling... here we had a similar but slightly different perspective that did not need to rely on the Oscar caliber actors. In native Korean language maybe I could relate it better, but for an English speaking audience I can't go to Oscar performance. Good, solid, and even great. Sure.

I have to imagine if you like the vampire genre you have no choice but to be nodding your head and going "yeah! that was cool! whoa..." out-loud in amazement as you watch this one too.
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The Institute (2012)
Aha, I get it...
7 November 2013

I have no idea what I just saw exactly, but I was glued to the screen the whole time. Should there be some definitive resolution to art? This was a unique viewing experience. I give it a high score. Why? No idea, but that seems like the right thing to do for some reason. Maybe somebody else will get it and then explain what in heck just happened.

Meanwhile, there is plenty of stuff to wrack your brain on. Human psychology, belief, art, what kind of life are we living, would I participate in such a thing? Is modern society missing something like this? Should we ask for more? What kinds of "stone soup" have we created in the past, and is that a bad thing to do or a good thing...

Too many chefs... at least bring ingredients !
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Lockout (2012)
Liked it, but I don't love it
19 July 2012
Remember THE movie, Army of Darkness, where Bruce Campbell has all those wonderful macho lines ? Well, here we go. This was little over the top, as it should be in that category, and it seemed to work well for this protagonist. Meanwhile, there are some really excellent Irish prison inmates who provide I think noteworthy performances. Many elements of this were the right stuff, and many were a bit off. Relax and have fun with it. What can I say ultimately... it is way better and more fun than most things that come up on the Sci Fi Channel. If you loved Army of Darkness, you might like this, but you probably will not love it.
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Yes !
11 July 2012
It has never been this good, ever.

I feel like taking up a collection and going and putting money in the hands of all the actors and stunt men who may not have gotten paid what this is worth. Judging from the long list of medical doctors listed in the credits, very real blood and guts must have been happening just to produce what came out on the screen.

For that I am humbled by this work and these outstanding people who put their all in to this.

What great vision, what a tremendous effort. They love us, guys. The Indonesians love us. They did this for us, and we need to go watch this and rent it and buy boxed sets, whatever we can do. At the time of this writing, it appears they made the move for about $1M, which is IMPOSSIBLE ! and they have grossed only $4M which is an indictment of all testosterone everywhere ! What ? Is everybody listening to this last decade of wimpy guy band music or what ? Bring back the Rock !

Write your congressman or congresswoman, bring this back again to ALL theaters with great fanfare ! Or what Mandrake... is there too much fluoride in your water ruining all your precious bodily fluids ?

Send the ladies shopping or something, this is not for them.
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Dragon Eyes (2012)
More interesting for what it did wrong
11 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
If you set out to make a movie along these lines, learn from the mistakes made in this one.

What it did wrong primarily appeared to be equivalent to some omissions in editing, some guy comes out of left field in a fight scene to help the protagonist, for one, and another problem was a story-line issue, the too well done realism in some scenes vs. the unreality of drug dealers not shooting someone and instead resorting to fists. That pretty much nails it for the most part besides some cheese factor in the flash-backs to learning from the master.

What it did right was that over all it was sort of a good idea for this genre and the unarmed combat was good and tried to be realistic, and it was not over done, that is, not every scene was a fight scene and I thought the blend of all that meshing together was good. Real fights with real bad a@@es don't tend to last very long. Kudos on this.

Most importantly I watched it to the end, so they did something right, I dunno, maybe the lighting guy or the camera man or caterer or something.
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9 April 2009
What an amazing surprise and a joy to watch.

This is what happened to me, it started off like a B movie, and I enjoy B movies and watching talent develop, actors, directors, writers, etc., and at first the acting seemed cheesy, but it just kept getting better and better.

It got to the point where I was like "Wow, these guys are really going for an A in film school". AND THEN, then moments of sheer genius started popping up all over the place. The director and cinematographer seemed to really kick it in to high art gear.

By the time it was all over I was soul searching trying to figure out in my mind why this sort of classifies as a B movie in my mind but at the same time a desperate longing for my mind to classify it as a totally A list type of thing.

If Terantino's name were on it, it would have equaled the Grind Houses.

The main character is the most amazing bad a$$ to come along in a long time.

His silhouette coming at you from the perspective of the bad guys is as good an image as there has ever been.

Enjoy it on many many levels.
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