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Bluey: The Sign (2024)
Season 3, Episode 49
A Wonderful Special For A Wonderful Show
20 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
When I first heard of Bluey, I was expecting it to be similar to the likes of Peppa or Cocomelon. Brightly colored animation aimed purely at young kids with little to no enjoyment for adults. Yet, after a few friends recommended Bluey to me, I decided to watch.

For the past few months, I've been watching all 3 seasons. This show is wholesome, adorable, and fun! While the animation style is simple, it's also very well done. There are times when the animators play around with styles, which as an artist, I appreciate! The very same charm and creativity was present in The Sign.

I love how the series dives into topics that aren't discussed much in children's media, yet are presented in a way for both kids and adults to digest. The Sign is no different, as it tackles adjusting to changes in life and seeing what the future may hold. I was caught off guard by how mature this special felt. The creators could've done the bare minimum, but they went all out. The emotional scenes hit HARD, making me tear up and eventually cry by the end. Bandit's big moment with the sign broke me. I truly love that the show acknowledges that life is already a struggle, but happy endings can still happen. The special was gearing up for a potentially sad ending, but instead we got a joyful, bitter sweet ending.

I can understand those who don't agree with the ending. You can't win them all. Yet, life already throws so much sadness at us. I wanna see these characters be happy. I love that The Heelers got their own happy ending. I'm glad they get to keep their iconic house that they all clearly love to live in. I'm happy that Brandy gets to experience motherhood. I'm happy that Rad and Frisky worked out their differences and had their wedding. I'm happy that GRANDPA BOB ISN'T DEAD.

Overall, this was a lovely special. The animation, story, characters, music (Lazarus Drug is simply BEAUTIFUL), and message were all handled almost flawlessly. I can't recommend this series enough, whether or not you have kids. It's accessible to ANYONE, and this special is just the cherry on top. I can't wait to see what else will be done with this series, because I love it to pieces!
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A Touching Tribute to Disney
16 October 2023
This short exceeded my expectations! It was truly a love letter to Disney's animated films! Seeing so many characters interact, both old and new, was a treat! Hearing some of these characters' original voice actors/actresses reprise their roles was also very enjoyable! Two moments in particular made this short way more emotional than I thought it would be, but I won't give it away. I will say that by the end of the short, I was left in tears. This short also proves that Disney can still pull off 2D animation, and I really wish they'd start making 2D animated movies again.

For any Disney lover, this is a must watch!
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Coco (I) (2017)
A Love Letter To Mexican Culture
29 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen quite a few movies/shows set in Mexico that throw all the typical stereotypes at you. From sombreros to tacos to pinatas, it's really annoying how Hollywood thinks those are the only things that define Mexico.

I knew little about Mexican culture before meeting my fiancé, who is Mexican. But after learning more about his culture, I've come to appreciate it a lot more. The foods I've tried, like mole enchiladas, chorizo, tamales, conchas, etc. have been so delicious. Their traditions, such as quinceañeras and Three Kings Day are fun. But, what I really love is how much family matters. My family was never very close, but being around my fiance's family, well, I can tell that they all love and care for each other very much. Their close knit bond is how I wish my family was. But, soon his family will become mine too, and I'm more than eager to marry into such a wonderful family.

That's what I love so much about Coco. This movie is a beautiful representation of Mexican culture. Not just with the food and traditions, but with how family is important and should be appreciated. The music was enjoyable, and provides a unique soundtrack compared to the bland pop songs we get nowadays. I liked pretty much all of the characters, and couldn't find myself hating any of them. Even the antagonist. I thought his backstory was too interesting for me to hate him. Miguel is a great child protagonist, since he actually ACTS like a child. He's relatable. The kid also has a great set of pipes on him, and I imagine his voice actor has a bright future ahead of him. The animation is simply stunning, especially in the Land of the Dead. I especially love how characters ACTUALLY play the guitar instead of just strumming random strings like in most animated movies.

Whether you're Mexican or not, this movie can appeal to everyone. For Mexicans, it's a great representation of their culture. For everyone else, there's a strong message about family, and the adventure the movie focuses around is both fun and exciting. I agree with most critics on how this is definitely one of Pixar's best movies yet. If you haven't seen it, GO SEE IT.
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Sausage Party (2016)
What Foodfight Should Have Been
15 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, to any parents looking at this page, DO NOT TAKE YOUR KIDS TO THIS. It may look like your typical kids' movie, but trust me, it's NOT. If you know this is rated R, and think your kids are mature enough to handle what Sausage Party has in store, oh boy, you are WRONG. I was barely even able to handle it, and I'm 21!

Anyway, when I saw the trailers for this film, I was beyond excited. I was thrilled to know that an animated adults film would be in theaters. The animation looked great, the story had promise, and the humor especially got my attention with how funny it seemed. So, what did I think of Sausage Party? Well, it was great! The animation was almost up there with Pixar. Almost. Some of the characters looked a bit generic, but I wasn't expecting Pixar quality. I was just expecting a good film, and indeed I got one. Not only is the animation good, but the typical story of things coming to life when humans aren't around was taken to a whole new level. I liked how the food really was alive in front of humans, but they couldn't see the food alive unless they were on drugs. Bath salts, to be more specific. The's definitely not for everyone. If you're easily offended by racial jokes or sexual jokes, this is NOT your movie. They throw almost every racial stereotype at you, and there is A LOT of sexual content. A lot of the jokes the movie had to offer had me and my boyfriend laughing hysterically. We've already seen a few of Seth Rogan's movies, so we're all too familiar with his comedic style. Most of the characters were enjoyable to watch. My personal favorite was Barry the deformed hot dog. While I'm not too big of a fan of Michael Cera, I noticed that he wasn't his typical, awkward self in this role. He wasn't as soft spoken, and delivered some pretty hilarious scenes. Teresa Taco is a close second. She brings some funny lines into the film, and we see that she's not that soft of a taco. XD I was surprised to find out that Alan freaking Menken did the music for this film. ALAN MENKEN! The man who wrote the songs for The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, and Tangled! Disney MOVIES! The very first scene in this movie is a musical, and boy, does it give off a Disney feel. Only, a more adult Disney feel. The song is hilarious, and does a great job of giving off the tone of the movie. The violence in this movie is done HILARIOUSLY. The way the food is torn apart, and the battle with the humans toward the end nearly had me rolling on the floor with laughter. I also admire how smartly written this film was. Yeah, this isn't just a raunchy movie. This movie tackles some serious topics, mainly religion and beliefs in general. Some of it can be subtle, and some of it is obvious and in your face. But overall, the message is strong, and needs to be heard within today's society.

I don't have too many issues with Sausage Party. The cursing becomes stale after a while. It was funny hearing a talking piece of food say "fuck" after a couple times, but then it started to get a bit annoying. Almost every sentence in this script has "fuck" in it. I get that this is an adult movie, but not all adult movies rely on curse words to be funny. I found the main characters of Frank and Brenda to be a tad bit generic and boring. They weren't terrible characters, but I've seen them done to death in other movies. I personally liked the side characters more than them. The humans had odd designs, and I didn't feel they were creative enough. But then again, we're supposed to focus more on the food than on the people, so I can forgive that. The ending, however..........was cringe-worthy. I know people often say it's the funniest/unforgettable part of the film, but for me, I felt it was unnecessary and was only there for shock value. I was definitely shocked, and I found it difficult to watch. I guess since I'm not as into sexual humor, and it came out of nowhere for me. I wasn't expecting a taco to lick a bun's p***y and have three guys around them jacking off. I kid you not, that's what happens, and there's more that I will not mention. I will say that I cannot look at a bagel the same way again.

So, while there are a few nitpicks I have with Sausage Party, I found it to be a very enjoyable movie. It was fun, and very well written. There haven't been many good animated films out this year. But ones that were good, like Zootopia and Finding Dory, didn't provide as much humor. It was very nice to see an animated film this year that was not only good, but very funny as well.

By the way, if you're not sure what the title of this review is referring to, Foodfight is a CGI animated movie that also takes place in a supermarket, but instead of talking food, it's talking food mascots. It's considered to be one of the worst animated films to ever be made. Foodfight and Sausage Party have a bit in common, particularly the ending scenes with the characters from the market battling the villains. Only, Sausage Party did it a WHOLE LOT BETTER. If you're curious about Foodfight, I'm sure you can find it on YouTube. But be warned. It may be a lot more tamer than Sausage Party, but it is seriously a bad movie. A REALLY bad movie. It's a fact. I have yet to hear ANYONE say that it's good, well, without being sarcastic.
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Suicide Squad (2016)
A Good Villains Movie With Too Much Hate
15 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw the trailers for this movie, I was REALLY excited. Joker, Harley Quinn, and a bunch of other DC baddies banding together? How freaking awesome is that?! Plus, Queen music! The final result, to me anyway, was a flawed, but good movie. First, I'll point out the good bits.

I think Margot Robbie was EXCELLENT as Harley Quinn. She nailed the accent, as well as her psychotic nature. I could also tell that her love for Joker was genuine, and didn't feel like forced acting. If they really are making a movie on Harley Quinn, I would definitely love to see Robbie reprise her role. And speaking of Joker, I actually really liked Jared Leto's performance. I can acknowledge that his performance wasn't nearly as legendary as Heath Ledger's or Mark Hamill's, but he puts his own twist onto the Joker that makes him stand out in his own unique way. Will Smith was also very good as Deadshot. I was rooting for him, and felt sympathetic for him. He also had a few funny moments. I also really liked Katana. Her backstory on her and her sword were very interesting, and I wanted to learn more about her. As for the humor, there were some funny bits here and there. Most of the humor, for me, came from Croc, Harley Quinn, and Deadshot.

As for the bad, well, I guess I'll start with the editing. It was very obvious that scenes were cut out. A lot of the scenes shown in the trailers weren't even in the movie. I was left confused as to why they were cut out, and disappointed. What I was also disappointed about was the lack of Joker. I know he wasn't in the Suicide Squad, but the trailer had me believing that he would play a big role in the film. All he did was drool over Harley, "die" off screen, then show up at the end. Very disappointing. I also wasn't too fond of how Leto spoke as Joker. Most of his dialogue was grunts, or he spoke through his teeth and I wouldn't be able to understand what he said most of the time. Most of the villains aside from Deadshot and Harley Quinn are shoved in the background. They're either there for comedic relief, or just because the comics said they had to be there. I was especially disappointed by Katana not having much use. As I said, she seemed very interesting, but she didn't play a big role. The plot itself seemed predictable, and I was instantly reminded of other movies that had similar plots. The villain wasn't that interesting to me, and I was honestly bored whenever she was on screen.

So, while this film had its flaws, I still enjoyed it. I didn't feel like I wasted money on it. Would I watch it again? Probably. Do I think this movie deserves the hate it's been getting? Hell no. I think people hate it, mainly DC fans, because they all were excited by the trailers, and were left disappointed. I know how you all feel, but as I said, this doesn't deserve so much hatred. Besides, the director's cut is sure to have what was cut out from the film, and I bet that'll be worth watching more than the theatrical release.
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Cute Movie, But A Bit Over-hyped
12 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
After hearing people praise this movie, and seeing how much it was advertised, I was curious to see this. Now, I've never loved Illumination's movies, but I've never hated them either. I don't mind any of their films, but I feel like they're not as innovative as certain other animation companies. Hearing how much people loved Secret Life of Pets gave me a bit of hope that perhaps this movie would be Illumination's breakthrough. The one that would have the best animation, story, characters, emotions, etc.

Unfortunately, Secret Life of Pets just ended up being another okay movie for me. Right when I saw the trailers, I was reminded of Toy Story with the plot. I feared that the plot would be predictable, and it definitely was. A few different things were thrown in, but as a whole, the story was pretty predictable. One of the different things that was thrown in had potential to be a really emotional scene. This is a spoiler, by the way. Anyway, Duke finds out that his original owner had died, which could've led into an emotional scene, like in Finding Dory when Dory was made to believe her parents were dead. But the whole scene failed. Firstly, it was told, not shown. A random cat just gives the news to Duke. Second, Duke barely reacts to this, despite the movie going out of its way to show us a montage of him with his owner. He just gets mad at the family that moved into the owner's home before getting caught by animal control. After that, it's never mentioned again. Duke is just fine with his owner being dead, and living with a new owner and Max. This really bothers me, since as I said, this scene had potential to be emotionally provoking. But it didn't take the chance.

Our main characters didn't interest me. Max is just another typical good guy that just wants a good life. Duke was just another lovable big guy who may be a bit slow. However, the only characters that made me laugh/I enjoyed were Gidget, Snowball, Tiberius, and Pops. Gidget and Snowball were the ones that really shined, though. Gidget was just plain adorable, and hilarious. As for Snowball, I'm not a big fan of Kevin Hart, but he really did a great job for his first animated film. I personally prefer him doing voice work than him in live action films. He managed to make me laugh multiple times as Snowball. That bunny may be cute, but he's totally psychotic. As for the rest of the characters, they didn't really interest me. I don't hate any of them, but they were pretty generic.

I also am sick of the Minions. They got old when their own movie was made. I won't mind seeing them in Despicable Me 3, since we'll only get small doses of them, but having them constantly shoved in our faces is getting annoying. The short that came on before Secret Life of Pets was just stupid. No experimentation with the animation or characters. Just plain stupidity. They also had one of the dogs in Secret Life wear a Minions costume, and I just rolled my eyes. Minions may make Illumination money, but not many people care about them anymore. I certainly don't.

I do have some positive things to say about this film. The animation was impressive. I was particularly impressed with how they animated water, and the mannerisms of the pets. Which leads into the next thing I liked about this. I admire how much the creators of the film did their research on not just dogs, but most pets people keep. They were spot on with how dogs, cats, birds, etc. act. As a dog and cat owner, I appreciate the humor/realism that went into the pets, and they reminded me of my own pets.

As a whole, this a cute, but flawed film. I wasn't impressed with most of the characters. The story was predictable. Nothing about this film was thought or emotionally provoking. However, I appreciated some of the film's humor, animation, and the research that went into the mannerisms of the pets. It's a shame that this wasn't Illumination's breakthrough. Sure, it's making a lot of money, but it's still just an alright movie. Hopefully one day, Illumination will make a film just as great as the likes of Zootopia or Inside Out. The Secret Life of Pets just isn't that film.
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The Best Disney Remake So Far
1 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Many of us are getting sick and tired of these constant remakes. Mostly, because the movies that are being remade don't necessarily need to be remade. Most of the movies that are being remade were beloved classics, and are only being remade for more money. The Jungle Book, on the other hand, is one of the exceptions. While I do love the animated film, I can see the flaws it has. I also see it as a movie that COULD use a remake. And it got one. So, my thoughts? As the title suggests, this is, in my opinion, the best Disney live action remake to date. This movie does so well with remake the story, and then some. The additions to the story, such as Mowgli leaving the pack to protect them or more focus being put on the "red flower" really added more depth to the story. The constant action in the film perfectly represents the harshness of life in the jungle. I also like how the animals in the jungle sort of live in their own society. They have laws, and animals they respect/obey, such as the wolves and elephants.

I love how fleshed out the characters were in this film. Bagheera, for example, doesn't come off as a nag as he does in the animated film. He shows that he simply wants Mowgli to be safe, and knows very well that the boy isn't safe anymore in the jungle. I also love how they show more of a bond between him and Mowgli, since after all, Bagheera is the one who found him. Mowgli's conflict with Shere Khan is also more developed, and we're given more of a reason for Mowgli to confront the tiger. Speaking of Shere Khan, I LOVE him in this film. Idris Elba gives more power to Shere Khan with his voice, and sent shivers down my spine. I also like how Shere Khan had a blind eye and a scar on his face. It's a sort of nod to the book, which has Shere Khan as a lame tiger with a crippled leg. So, Shere Khan is sort of lame in the film. I also love that we get to see Mowgli more with the wolves, and even with a wolf mother, who is one of the best characters in the film. I was pleasantly surprised by Christopher Walken's role as Louie. He really made Louie intimidating, as well as enjoyable to watch. Oh, by the way, Christopher Walken fans should look out for a subtle cowbell reference. ;D One nit pick I have with the characters is Baloo. I LOVE Baloo in both this film and the animated film. However, I didn't feel like he and Mowgli had a genuine connection in this film. In the animated film, Baloo saw that Mowgli was alone and wanted to befriend him. In this, he basically made Mowgli his slave by getting food for him. I know it was meant to be "payment", but because they had Baloo con him from the start, I didn't feel like he really cared about him that much. Maybe we'll see more of a bond in the sequel.

Another nit pick I have with the film is I Wanna Be Like You. When we see King Louie in the animated film, we know from the start he's not meant to be intimidating. He comes off as a laid back orangutan. In this, though, Louie is an intimidating ape who wants power. Seeing him suddenly burst into song just didn't fit. It would've been best if they stuck with him just singing in the credits instead of making him sing in the film.

I was a little put off by the end, since we all know Mowgli returns to the man village in the original. However, I'm sure I'm not the only one who's wondered what would happen if Mowgli didn't go back. So, I didn't hate the ending. Plus, we have a sequel coming up, so I'm sure they'll have him return to the man village in that.

The Jungle Book surprised me. I was expecting this to be boring like Cinderella, or a jumbled mess like Maleficent. But this exceeded my expectations. This was a beautifully made remake that respected the original, and added in new material that blended well with the original story. This movie has given me hope that the upcoming Disney remakes will actually be good, and has given me a reason to want to see The Jungle Book 2.
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Zootopia (2016)
Disney Made This?
4 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
When I first saw trailers for Zootopia, I didn't think the movie would be super amazing. I thought it would at least be decent. Most of Disney's animal movies fall under being good, but nothing too substantial. However, after watching Zootopia, I was proved wrong. Very wrong. So wrong, in fact, that I didn't even feel like I was watching a Disney movie.

This is where the spoilers start to appear, so you've been warned.

Zootopia has a lot themes. Nothing too inappropriate, like sex or murder, but there are a surprising amount of rather serious issues such as racism, bullying, a little bit of violence (I believe they show a bit of blood a couple times), very subtle drug trading references, and they say "Oh my God" instead of "Oh my gosh". These things are why I felt like I wasn't watching a Disney film. It was pretty ballsy of them to include such things into their story. But y'know what? It all works. Racism plays a huge part in this film. It not only affected Judy Hopps' dream of wanting to be a cop, but Nick Wilde as well. His back story was rather tragic, and I actually was on the verge of crying when watching. I won't give away what happens to him in his past, but it's pretty dark, and pretty upsetting. I think it's up there with Bambi's mom getting shot.

These themes, while smartly written, I think confused the younger audience. I heard one little boy complain about not wanting to watch the movie anymore, and that he wanted to go home. The other kids, though, asked occasional questions, and laughed when they were supposed to. So, I don't think your kids will be terribly confused, but many of the references they bring up, and some scenes of the movie may confuse them a bit. I would like to say that they won't be bored, but they may end up being bored with a few scenes mainly because they won't understand. Oh, and there are a few jump scares. They should be prepared for those as well.

The characters are really fun to watch. I don't think I disliked anyone. Judy Hopps is a wonderful female protagonist who, while she is small, has a large heart. She's a dreamer who will go the distance to get what she wants. She's truly a likable character, and I love her. She's also the most adorable rabbit ever. Nick Wilde is a sly, cunning fox. He may start off as sarcastic and a bit rude, but trust me when I say that you'll grow to like him, especially because of his back story. There's more to him than you think. The side characters each have their charm, like Clawhauser, who's an adorable geek with a huge crush on a singer. Flash's name is very deceiving, since he is not fast at all. He's hilarious to watch, though. Bogo appears to be a tough, unsympathetic jerk in the beginning, but toward the end, we see him slowly change into a more likable character. The list goes on.

I definitely would not say this is just a kids' film. I'm not even sure if young kids can appreciate it. I definitely would recommend this to maybe preteens and older. Adults will certainly get a kick out of most of the jokes, and appreciate the story more. Younger kids may appreciate the cute animals and few funny scenes, but the story may leave them puzzled or bore them. If you have young kids, and want to take them to see Zootopia, go ahead. It's a great family film, but just keep in mind that your kids may end up being a bit confused. As for adults, I definitely recommend it for any who are Disney/animation fans, or who like crime solving films. I promise you it won't disappoint. :)
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Inside Out (I) (2015)
What's With The Hate Lately?
31 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The recent reviews I've been seeing for this film are completely and utterly ridiculous. I understand that people are entitled to their opinions, but the reasons people are coming up with to dislike Inside Out are just silly.

One person, if I remember correctly, stated that Disney should "stop putting adult themes into their movies". Also, another said that this movie is too "depressing". Are you serious? What do you expect Disney to do? Just make every character bounce around and sing goofy songs? Disney has ALWAYS had adult themes, and Disney ALWAYS has included sad moments. Remember Bambi? That movie was made in the 40's, yet they still had an adult theme, which was the death of Bambi's mother. Yes, it's tragic, but it teaches children about death. Something they WILL have to learn about eventually, so why not start them off young? You people are making it sound like Disney is showing blood and guts on screen. Not all adult themes fall under that. It's good to have adult themes in children's movies. Such themes get children thinking. They ask questions, and want to learn more. They're good to help them learn more about the world. As for the "depressing" part, that helps children learn too. Inside Out did a marvelous job of teaching how it's alright to get upset over something, because sadness is a human emotion we all feel. It also brilliantly displayed how without sadness, we can't have joy. I know some people don't like to see sad moments in children's movies, but they are necessary to help teach the young about the different emotions we feel.

Another reviewer said the film was boring. Well, you can't expect all Disney films to be happy go lucky. This was a more serious film, which as I said before, is good for children to see if done right. If a movie is too serious, then a child will most likely become bored. Inside Out has a good mix of being serious, and having fun. The serious aspects are done beautifully. Particularly the ending. As for the happy moments, they're pleasant to watch. When showing a sad or happy moment, Inside Out shows the emotion with 100% accuracy. I also love how this movie didn't screw with us. When Bing Bong disappeared, I was expecting him to come back at the end, but he didn't. He stayed gone. This is another important lesson to kids. Losing some parts of your childhood is a part of growing up that everyone has to deal with.

As for how I feel about Inside Out, well, you can see that I gave it a perfect score, and in my mind, it deserves a 10/10. It deserves any award it can get. Why?

First of all, the animation is stunning. I love the way the emotions look with their little sparkles surrounding them. Second, the themes the movie shows. Inside Out wasn't afraid to take a more serious approach, and I applaud the people who were involved with this film. They knew they would have a younger audience watching, but included themes that would not only benefit them, but adults as well. Third, the characters were very enjoyable. I was disappointed that we didn't get to see much action from Anger, Disgust, and Fear, but at the same time, I don't see what else they could've offered to the plot. I was fine with traveling with Joy and Sadness throughout the movie, because their contrasting personalities kept me interested. Bing Bong is a perfect symbol for not just imaginary friends, but childhood in general. He represents how bright and innocent children are, but at the same time, also represents the painful fact that our childhoods don't last forever. Forth, and finally, this film did what many don't. Inside Out didn't have a villain. None. That just makes this movie more original, not just plot-wise, but as whole.

I am just so baffled over the sudden wave of negative reviews on this movie recently. Either one person hates this movie with a passion and has created multiple accounts to make multiple reviews, or lots of people are seriously ignorant towards what Disney was trying to do with this film. They obviously can't see past what's on screen, and that's a shame. If only more people these days can see the bigger picture.
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Unnecessary Christmas Movie
19 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
In my eyes, this movie is nothing but a way to scam parents out of their money. I saw little effort put into this film. Now, before I get into the negatives, let me point out the few positives.

I wasn't too fond of most of the cast choices, except for two. One was John Goodman as Santa Claus. His voice suited the role perfectly. It sounded so friendly, yet had that powerful, booming tone. The other is Kathleen Barr as Rudolph. Her sort of nasally voice suits Rudolph.

I like the idea of the sprites. It adds a little originality to the story. Unfortunately, not much was really done with them, and they came off as annoying.

Now to the negatives. First, the animation. The colors and designs were nice, but the animation itself was very awkward. Everything moved in such a weird, clunky way. I was uncomfortable watching it.

The songs were dreadful. Some were obviously just filler so the movie would last longer. What was funny was that some of the singing voices didn't even sound close to the speaking voices of some characters. The songs also just came up out of nowhere.

The characters were very mean spirited. I mean, I understand that Rudolph is supposed to be made fun of, but the way the others mock him for his nose just doesn't seem natural, and they're a little too cruel. Not only are some of them very mean, but some are also very stupid. And by some, I mean Zoey. First of all, why is she dating Arrow? They made it clear that she liked Rudolph more, so what did she see in Arrow? Second, Stormella made it clear that she would cause a huge storm if anyone crossed her bridge. Who crossed? Zoey. Also, some characters are just plain useless, like the sprites, Slyly, and Leonard.

If people shut off their brains during this movie, I think they'd enjoy it. But as a student majoring in animation, I try to pay attention to the details. I don't really like this movie, and feel like it's pretty pointless. This was just a way to grab cash from parents, and that's it. I saw little effort put into this, and I wouldn't recommend this to anyone.
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One Disappointed Lion King Fan
5 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I'm reviewing this film as someone who grew up watching The Lion King.. I truly appreciate the film for its beautiful animation, powerful story, well written script, likable characters, and catchy music. TLK is simply one of the best animated films to ever be made.

And The Lion Guard tainted all that it stood for.

I understand this is meant to be a kids' film, but as I said, I'm reviewing this based upon how well it continues the story of TLK.

The story TLG tries to tell doesn't continue the movie series well. Firstly, most of the characters are not who they once were. Nala is severely downplayed, and is only there to be a caring, advice giving mate/mother. She barely does anything. Kiara brags about becoming queen when in TLK2, she didn't even want to be queen! She hated the thought of it! She didn't take her position seriously until growing into an adult! Simba has become overprotective, and kinda racist. Rafiki is only around to shout, "It is time!" Timon and Pumbaa are treated as if they're only side characters. If it weren't for them, Simba wouldn't even be alive. They played a BIG role in the first film, but there's no appreciation for them in TLG.

As for the new characters, they add NOTHING to the story. Kion is a ripoff of Simba. He looks EXACTLY like him, and even has his personality. His "powers" are just unrealistic, and are an obvious excuse to give him a big role in the show. He's an unnecessary character, and I refuse to accept him as Simba and Nala's cub. God. He is the most annoying little twerp. He takes up WAY too much screen time. I can't stand him, yet they're making it seem as if he were the main character. The other 3 characters mostly just comment on what's happening. They're not very useful. Zuri is a whiny little snot, and Tifu, while much better than Zuri, barely does anything. She does fetch Simba for Kiara, but that was it. The Hyenas are pathetic villains, and got annoying pretty quick. They also try to make the same mistake that was made in the first film. If they knew of Scar, then they knew that he was why the Pridelands fell apart, since his hyenas hunted down nearly every animal. They should know that they would be screwing themselves over.

The whole Lion Guard thing is utterly ridiculous. You don't need just 5 lions to protect the Pridelands. You need a whole freaking pride! The other lions, including the king and queen, are pretty much useless according to this Lion Guard legend. The story behind Scar as the Lion Guard was pointless, so I won't get into that.

A couple other things that bothered me were the constant African phrases popping up, the "magic", and the...farts. I feel like other random African phrases were thrown in so the show could come up with possible phrases that would become as popular as Hakuna Matata. It seems like they're trying too hard to establish that the show takes place in Africa. I understand if they're maybe trying to teach kids different phrases, but it becomes cringe-worthy when the same phrases pop up every 5 minutes. As for the "magic", why? Why is there even magic? Why/How did the paintings on the cave wall magically move? Why/How did a tattoo appear on Kion and his friends? People may say that there's magic because Mufasa is a magic lion in the sky. He's meant to be a spiritual presence, not a magic freaking genie! The Lion King is not meant to have magic. It's one of Disney's more realistic films. There's no Bibbidi- Bobbidi-Boo. The only reason why Mufasa was able to appear to Simba was because he was meant to be a spiritual guide to his son. There's a huge difference between that and just throwing in magical elements. As for the....farts......why do shows feel that they need fart jokes these days? They're not funny. They're crude. The only thing fart jokes do for a show is show that the writers are not that good at what they do. When Bunga saved Kiara with a FART, I flipped out. I understand that kids may find this stuff funny, but it does nothing for them. It just encourages them to act disgusting, and may possibly dumb them down. Fart jokes, especially in a show based on one of the most critically acclaimed animated movies of all time, should NOT be relied on to bring humor.

The acting was decent. James Earl Jones and Ernie Sabella did well with their original roles. I believed that it was really Mufasa and Pumbaa in their scenes. Rob Lowe did a decent job as Simba. He's a great actor, but his voice was an odd mix between being low and growly, and soothing. It didn't sound at all like Simba. The others I can say, well, for the original characters, were decent as well.

I am very disappointed with The Lion Guard. True, I shouldn't have expected much from it, but I still did regardless because of my love for TLK. Instead of watching a nice continuation of the franchise, I instead witnessed a poorly written, cheaply animated show that barely understands its source material and brings nothing good with its new material. I may watch an episode or two of the new show just to see if maybe they fix their mistakes. But, I will make sure that I won't expect much out of it like I did with this film. If you're a die-hard Lion King fan like me, I suggest you stay away from this. It doesn't do the franchise any justice, and it just messes up the story line laid out for TLK.
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Probably The Best Family Film Of This Year
7 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
If this film could be summed up with one word, it would be "charming". Unlike most animated films nowadays, this film doesn't rely on crude, modern humor to be funny. It manages to stay innocent throughout, and still bring laughs to both older and younger audiences.

The concept of the story is simple. Charlie Brown wants the new girl to like him, and not see him as a loser as everyone else does. Sounds a bit cliché, but the way the film executes it makes it a sweet, original story. Charlie Brown learns throughout the film who he truly is, which is a boy with a large heart. I like how he learns these lessons, and the ending is definitely satisfying to watch. I must admit that I actually teared up a bit.

The animation is stunning. I have yet to see anything like it. It looks like stop motion mixed with CGI. The background and characters look like they were taken straight out of Mr. Schulz's comics, or the classic animated movies. The animation of the characters isn't too bouncy or exaggerated like most CGI films tend to be, but they still move like a cartoon. The best example of this is with Snoopy's animation. He moves like a cartoon, but it's not too exaggerated. I like that the animators even threw in sound words, like "Crack!", "Smash!", etc. to give the film the feel as if it were a comic. The hair/fur on characters looked realistic, but the characters still looked like themselves.

The characters stay true to their comic and classic cartoon selves. Charlie Brown is still the same unfortunate boy who only wants to fit in. Linus is still the same thumb sucking friend of Charlie Brown who's ready to give his friend advice when needed. Lucy is still the same bossy girl, who seems to have a slight soft spot for our bald main character. The children in the film are the same as before, and it's refreshing to see that none of them were altered to cater to our generation. Even the new girl seems to fit in well. The people who made this film clearly took into account that old generations of Charlie Brown fans would be watching, and stayed true to Schulz's comics and the cartoons.

The Peanuts Movie is a refreshing film. It was nice to sit back and see something that is both innocent and fun. I didn't feel disturbed by anything, nor did I feel like the film was trying to make the new generation enjoy it by adding in modern songs, products, etc. Its humor is very much like the comics/cartoons, and it is in no way crude. It doesn't rely on fart jokes or anything of that sort. The film stayed true to the nature of The Peanuts. From what I gathered in the theater, both adults and children were enjoying what they were seeing. I certainly enjoyed the film, and not only do I recommend it for anyone who likes The Peanuts, but I recommend for, well, anyone. I think anyone can enjoy this film. It's a must see.
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A Beautiful Portrayal Of Unicorns
4 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I first discovered this film a couple years ago. I had seen so many people posting images and talking about it that I decided that I should watch the movie myself. It wasn't just curiosity that led me to it, though. My mom, being a fantasy lover, had me hooked on fantasy since I was a baby. Unicorns are by far my favorite mythical creatures. They're graceful, and they are the true symbol of innocence and purity. An animated movie about unicorns seemed promising to me.

At first, I thought this film was weird, but in a nice way. I began watching it more and more, and I became more hooked on it. Anyone who knows Rankin Bass movies knows their animation isn't perfect, but at times, it really is nice in this film. The songs are corny, and I often skip them, save one. I usually let the duet with Lir and Amalthea play, since it's a cute song, despite it being incredibly corny. I don't let the songs ruin the movie for me, though. I also like the maturity with this film. The word "damn" is said a few times, and there's a bit of nudity when Amalthea turns human. It looks like a kid's movie, but feels like an adult movie that takes its audience seriously, unlike most of the garbage that's thrown at us today.

As far as the story staying true to the book, I discovered the movie first, so I had no idea how the book would be. I did read it, along with the graphic novel, and I must say that this movie came pretty close to the book. I believe it's because the book's author actually helped out with the movie. They did leave out quite a lot, but from what I remember, some things in the book wouldn't have worked in the movie and would've just taken up more time.

This movie is by no means perfect, but it certainly is an underrated classic. It's also one of my personal favorite movies. I recommend this movie to any fantasy lover out there, or anyone who enjoys Rankin Bass movies. In case anyone wants to see another unicorn based film, Legend perfectly captures the beauty of unicorns. It's an old 80's film just like this one, and it is actually Tom Cruise's first film. It also has Tim Curry as a freaky looking devil. Definitely check Legend and The Last Unicorn out. They're true classics.
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Another Care Bear Series?
1 August 2015
I grew up watching the Care Bears. The 80's cartoon really had charm to it. Sure, the animation wasn't the best, but the characters were generally sweet and the plots to each episode were fun. The villains themselves were pretty fun at times too, such as Shrieky, Beastly, etc. The themes to each episode were simple, and certainly taught me different ways about caring for someone or how to stay positive and confident about myself.

I know different Care Bear shows/movies have been made throughout the years. The first two Care Bear movies were cheesy, but just like the show, they had charm to them. As for the others, like the Wonderland movie or the Nutcracker one, obvious laziness in plot, design, and personalities were shown. The CGI movies weren't terrible, but didn't have the charm the old movies/show had. Adventures in Care-a-Lot was a nice twist to the franchise. The design of the bears made them look even more innocent. Their new designs brought out their personalities more, like the girl bears having little ponytails on their heads or Funshine wearing a ball cap. Their voices suited them well, and the situations they went through during each episode were fun to watch. But how do I feel about this series?

Well, the CGI isn't too bad. I like that they show the fur on the bears. The bears themselves stick to their innocent designs, and look like walking/talking versions of the Play Along Care Bear plushies. That's about all I liked, really. I feel like a lot of the voices don't suit the characters. The females voices were fine to me, but I had issues with the males. I guess it's because I'm used to the male bears having higher pitched voices. The plots to the episodes seem a bit bland to me. The kids introduced in each episode aren't that enjoyable either, and some of them can be huge pricks until they learn the hard way of their mistakes. Hell, even the bears are pricks at times. I get that no one's perfect, but the Care Bears shouldn't be shown sassing each other. They're supposed to be, well, caring! The only one doing the sassing should be Grumpy. I also HATE Beastly's design. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be the same Beastly from the old cartoon, but I'm gonna assume it is, and his design is nowhere close to his old one. Plus, he looks like a slightly less terrifying Furby. I do like Wonderheart. It's nice to see another young Care Bear aside from Hugs and Tugs. Speaking of those two, I also liked that they were older in this series and even had the ability to use their belly badges.

I know I have too much to say about the Care Bears, but like I said, I grew up with them. They made up most of my childhood. I really feel like this series is nice, but completely unnecessary. I would just show kids the Adventures in Care-a-Lot series over this. I don't feel like kids can learn a lot from this series, and the charm the old cartoons had just isn't there. So, I'll rate this series a 5, since I managed to find some positive things about this show. It's not terrible, but I don't see much charm in it.
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