
15 Reviews
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Wednesday (2022– )
Binged Twice in 3 Days
30 November 2022
Absolutely beautifully executed in every aspect of the imagination. The score is dark and brooding with strong sound direction and composed with purpose. The cinematography reminds one more of a film than a typical tv series but this is nothing new with the likes of GoT changing the landscape of what can be accomplished behind the camera of a television series. With near perfection in casting, I am sorry, I do agree with most here, Gomez was a mistake and seems to be driven by the choice in the cartoon films. But this is all forgotten with the mesmerizing role that Jenna Ortega performs. You would be forgiven and understood if you were planning on passing off as the latest Netflix dribble, but Wednesday breaks the mold of the last few years of release (of course we have Squid Games and a few other outliers, but for the most part Netflix has a negative net rating on quality of releases) and really delivers a strong story with enjoyable aspects for all different viewer groups. I am a 35 y/o male who typically watches independent films, thrillers or sports and I found this to so enjoyable we watched it twice over the long Thanksgiving Weekend off of work. I would truly recommend this to any and all. While understanding not everyone will love "Wednesday", I believe we have a new hit on our hand and can only hope future seasons take us on a deep dive into all things that this season created for us to love.
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After 21 years away, they brought me back in!
24 August 2022
Let me preface this with I initially watched wrestling from 6 years old (1993) - 14 years old (2001) before sports, ladies and hanging with friends became the most important part of life.

So when I was on Peacock, I saw Stone Cold and said what is this?! I open the series and first episode is The Undertaker. Well 30 episodes later now, weekly tune ins go raw/smack down/ppv events I can say I've never been more interested in wrestling. Now nothing is gonna touch the late 90's early 2000's Monday night war era but I can't lie, I don't hate todays product.

But it is because of this show. Getting to hear old school stories, the insight of stone cold with the new generation, watching matches get broke down by Austin and the guest wrestler just takes the game to a new level.

My fiancé who has never been into wrestling and thinks the gimmicks and promos of today are not entertaining at all even loves the show because of the raw and real convos, the no BS stories and perspectives of each individual. This is it folks, won't get any better than The Broken Skull Session,
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There maybe more than one truth
21 April 2022
First and foremost, a powerful and engaging episode that portrayed the many truths that those who abused at a young age live with the hardship long after. A strong performance with raw emotion from the cast all around. But let's talk about the elephant in the room. We have two sets of groups. Those who are so sensitive to the idea of an intellectual grade school child who could understand and convey his "truths". Those who vehemently defend the opposite. Well the truth is these sets of people live in a different worlds and are exposed to two completely different ideologies. They are surrounded and get information from people with the same ideologies as themselves. This are largest issue as humans in 2022, we have the choice to live in the bubble we create and we so hateful to those outside our bubble that we will never embrace or even research the ideas of their "truth's"
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Yellowjackets: Bear Down (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
Starting to drag
7 December 2021
This shows first two episodes left me extremely satisfied and begging for more. These last two episodes have me feeling the exact opposite. While the flashback crash site scenes are still holding steady and interesting enough, the current time scenes are completely burning out. There are extreme pace issues and the plot has already thinned out quite a bit.
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Masterclass of how to FILM a movie, keyword film.
2 November 2021
Last Night in SoHo had some of the best visual and sound editing I have ever witnessed. I was blown away with each cut of film, every sound and word. They are all so blended so elegantly. The camera work and cinematography are nothing short of impeccable and each actor gave strong performances. I just felt the story and script fell short of such a visually pleasing and intriguing movie. Did I go in expecting too much out of the script? Maybe, as Edgar Wright is one of my favorite directors. But again, with the film work itself being so incredible I really was in awe every minute of the movie. One thing is for sure, Edgar Wright has one of the finest ears for sound and music in the history of the Silver Screen.
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So maybe I was a little too excited for this ...
1 October 2021
Edit: As a viewer I'd recommend going in blind, with an open mind to any possible "Sopranos" plot concept. There were a few choppy parts. The plot could have been fleshed out a little more and there may have been some pacing issues but overall it was fantastic.

The acting was spot on and some actors seemed to deserve some more screen time and justice too their characters, we saw emotionally driven performances by all that were casted. What stood out to me more than anything was the actual film work. The Cinematography and editing were superb. They explored different camera angles and lighting and put together a score that transported me out of 2021. The costume and make up team and set designers will definitely be nominated for an Oscar.

All the little intangibles that really go into making the movie were executed flawlessly. 8.7/10

Original: Ignore the poor ratings and reviews. This film is absolutely amazing. The camera work, the score, sound & video editing and all behind the scenes work is breathtaking. The acting of the cast is superb and every actor became their role. I was taken out of 2021 and placed back in the 60's and 70's, a film that makes you forget about the real world. Michael Gandolfini brought honor to his father and the greatest character in all of TV history. 9.6/10.
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Backtrack (I) (2015)
Did we watch different movies?
27 September 2021
As the title states, I may have watched a different movie than everyone else. This film was all over the place and never really had a solid pace. Story was sloppy and the acting was mediocre at best.
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Sweet Girl (2021)
People Forget Why Movies are Made
11 September 2021
This is plain and simple a fantastic movie. If you base it off of action, acting, plot and cinematography than this is an amazing film. People think they have these incredible high standards but they forget why movies are made in the first place. To get lost in a story and forget about the real world for a little while. This movie reminds me of action movies of the late 80's and early 90's. Fast paced action with an excellent twist 3/4 of the way through. Forget what these fake "couch critics" are saying and give it a chance.
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Jungle Cruise (2021)
Fun and Entertaining
2 August 2021
Just a fun film that has great action, perfect casting and enjoyable moments.
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American Horror Stories: The Naughty List (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
How the mighty have fallen
2 August 2021
We once lived in a world where American Horror Story brought hope back to horror fantastic everywhere. Now it brings up feelings of cringe worthy stories and incompetent acting. What trash this show is.
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16 July 2021
Space Jam was the epitome of the 90's child life. It was corny, Michael Jordan couldn't act, but it had its charm. This movie was absolutely atrocious. LeBron is so wooden it's just obnoxious. I can honestly say this was one of the worst movies ever made out side of the way they pieced together the other Warner brothers properties. Still would never watch again.
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Best superhero movie to date
27 March 2021
There have been two superhero movies that have been far and above any others before of after them. Those two movies were "The Dark Knight" and "Captain America: The Winter Soldier". That was before we got the Zach Snyder Directors Cur of Justice League. This second chance movie gave us a movie that lived up to its hype. Every moment is beautifully scripted to show us the greatest team of heroes ever grouped together. The black and white version brings even more class to this beautiful film. It will live in infamy for years to come.
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Don't mess with a good thing
17 December 2020
I'm glad Netflix didn't put the clamps on Andrew Schultz and make him follow some script. This man is comedic gs and spits truth after truth while destroying both sides of the aisle. Much needed in the year of 2020.
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The Village: Pilot (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
Great Pilot
28 March 2019
I shed a tear more than once during this episode. It truly is inspirational and powerful in it's message. A dynamic cast and interesting premise for a show. I'm very excited to see where this show goes. It left me craving more for the first time in a while for a network drama.
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The Interview (II) (2014)
Do you ever feel like a plastic bag?
22 January 2015
"If thats a girl tiger, you're going to have to c*nt punt that b*tch" Seriously this movie is outrageously funny. That is if you like toilet humor and out of control jokes. Seth Rogan continues to push the envelope and James Franco continues to say no to any request that Rogan asks of him. Franco is at his best when he can just be himself, he embraces the stupidity and makes it his own in such a unique way. A lot of people don't like comedy that is non intelligible but I love what these two continue to put out. The Kim Jong Un scenes don't disappoint and anytime the song "Firework" is being featured is one of the funniest scenes I've witnessed in a while.
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