2 Reviews
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The Island (2005)
Surprisingly amazing sci-fi flick
27 April 2009
This was a well thought-out, original and interesting story. Imagine my surprise when, after seeing the movie, I found out that Michael Bay directed it. He is a terrific action director, you can be sure that in every single one of his films you will get huge explosions, tons of death, and an absurd plot. But this one actually had a terrific plot. I don't want to spoil anything, so I won't say anything other than that things are not as they seem in Paradise. It borrows heavily from other science fiction films and novels, yet manages to separate itself from others. I have read many a good book, and this would have made an even better novel. They would have been able to flesh out the characters a little more, give them a reason WHY, but even without complete character development, this was an amazing film.

Oh, and for those of you who want huge explosions, don't worry there are some epic scenes in here.
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gouge my eyes and ears out!
22 March 2009
Dear god, this is a disgrace. I'm baffled as to why anyone would like to see this. They are untalented, fugly boys who STILL haven't hit puberty, even though I'm pretty sure they are at least 15. If you want to see a movie that has talented actors, a good script, as well as excellent musical performances, why not see "U2 3D", or the best ever, "A Hard Day's Night", by the Beatles. They showcase excellence bands that can actually play music. I am convinced that the Jonas Brothers are sent here from Hell by Satan himself. I miss the days where musicians played music, not manufactured Disney crap that is meant only to sell sell sell.

btw- love that the movie is exactly where it belongs, it is officially the WORST movie of all time.
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